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File: 23 KB, 277x156, 77C36BB2-FA5C-4D91-B416-032A637EEF5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9327880 No.9327880 [Reply] [Original]

*booms your path*

>> No.9328063

>That 938 year old boomer who thinks Bitcoin is a scam

>> No.9328133

Slam should be banned from headline use, and that's a good thing.

>> No.9328605

Came here to post something similar. I'm so tired of seeing this word used in headlines where the "slammer" in question is just someone who the author of the article agrees with. Suddenly, some 80 year old's ramblings about rat poison and baby brains becomes a "slam"

>> No.9328687

What does he know about investing.....

>> No.9328720

Doesn't know shit about tech companies

>> No.9328791

I unironcially live in Nebraska should I poo in a brown paper bag and put it on his front porch lit

>> No.9328811

This guy just went all in on Apple kek

>> No.9328817
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>> No.9328832
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>> No.9328850
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>> No.9328851

How’s that Wells Fargo doing...bitch

>> No.9328859

what is it with old rich white dudes eating garbage fast food? fear of poison?

>> No.9328867
File: 908 KB, 712x834, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 10.26.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9328876

fast food is literally engineered to be the most addictive and satisfying food

>> No.9328880

chainlink partnership confirmed

>> No.9328886
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>> No.9328899
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>> No.9328914
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>> No.9328922
File: 23 KB, 300x300, delete-this-feel-men-s-t-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leader of the boomers talk shit about crypto
>now all the boomers are dumping

>> No.9328923

kek that picture is about ~1400 calories

>> No.9328925
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>> No.9328933
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>> No.9328941

Clearly he has such advanced medical care and life extension therapies available to him that he gives no fucks. He eats whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.9328950
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>> No.9328962

that guy's asshole must spew the most noxious paste every am, honestly
was hoping maybe it was more interesting than that

>> No.9328981

What's the point of being a billionaire if you can't become a warlord and create your own country?

>> No.9328998
File: 51 KB, 640x469, berkshire-hathaway-chairman-warren-buffett-holds-a-dairy-queen-ice-gffa8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Warren "buffet" fast food thread.

>> No.9329002

probably eats those fucking baby brains munger's pissing himself over

>> No.9329010

Really makes you think, both him and Trump eat nothing but fast food.

>> No.9329020
File: 822 KB, 960x720, 57ab768fce38f234008b5ea0-960-720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Chad Warren Buffet
>worth almost 100 billion dollars
>doesnt give a fuck
>eats fast food all day every day
>outlived millions of diet and health fags
>The Basedboy Millenial
>lives in fear everyday over his shitcoins gettting dumped on
>wastes his money on flavor of the month gadgets and (((high quality food)))
>is never going to make it
>will commit suicide in their adulthood due to being consumed with nihilism and despair


>> No.9329038
File: 93 KB, 1190x595, warren-buffett-i-dont-see-smiles-on-the-faces-of-people-at-whole-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9329050


>> No.9329082

i guess he looked into nutrition as much as bitcoin

>> No.9329083

He's pretty good at that. Maybe he should work at DQ.

>> No.9329141

I-is he right? I think he's right

>> No.9329162

Holy shit Americans are disgusting. Is this really what most of you eat everyday?

>> No.9329176

The fact that you children on this board are coping with 'boomer this' and 'boomer that' is hilarious. The thing is, him, bill gates, and munger, are all correct - deep down you know they are - deep down you all know these imaginary internet coins are completely worthless, its just hilarious to see you all try to make light of this, brush it off as 'them accumulating' or trying to 'fud to buy cheap'. Absolutely hilarious, cope harder little children. This is the level of naïvete coming from the gen Z's and millennials of this board. These men are worth billions and billions which you can not even conceive. Microsoft stock alone has a higher market cap than all the entirety of crypto in existence. Nothing you can do and 'paradigm shift' are scaring or worrying them. Btc can become the world reserve currency over night and the tangible assets these men own will not be affected. Idk why I'm even saying this, no one itt has the intellectual capacity to understand, just keep touting 'theyre dumb' 'old boomers have no idea about modern day technology' and the future is truly in your coins, because u own some and want to be rich, lmfao. Come talk to me when you grow up.

>> No.9329206

Buffet slams crypto while his Overstock.com CEO praises it. Nice move sir.

>> No.9329207

doesn't even have a computer on his desk what a noob

>> No.9329210

Owns 10 percent of apple.
You own ponzi coins.

Who does not know shit about technology......

>> No.9329225

Quite well. He takes in dividends that your millennial mind will never understand and uses it to fuel the Berkshire empire...

How's your moms basement?

>> No.9329233
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>> No.9329245

He is like 80....I think he's doing ok

>> No.9329256

>He's only recently bought into Apple and is shilling it.
>He says himself he missed Amazon and Google.
>He would not be my number one choice on advice for investing into new tech.

>> No.9329312

> t. nocoiner

>> No.9329424

boomer have no taste, duh

>> No.9329428

>fear of poison
Commonly. True in trump's case idk about buffet.

>> No.9329481

>He would not be my number one choice on advice for investing into new tech.
No one cares who your number one is.
He invests in what he knows, you buy ponzi coins believing that the next guy will buy for more. Sad. Once a big sell off begins, you will lose your shit. It could happen in the middle of the night when your asleep.