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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 751x712, Sergey-Nazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9324979 No.9324979 [Reply] [Original]

We're fucking smart; why can't we put together a think tank and do some serious digging into Chainlink's connections with other businesses?

>> No.9324985

Do you think that would benefit you in any way?

>> No.9324990

Why does everyone here think he is exceptionally smart?

>> No.9324999

Link is dead. Ambrosus is the new biz coin

>> No.9325001

We already uncovered everything. Tesla, SWiFT, DocuSign etc. You just missed the memos. Keep spreading FUD

>> No.9325009

>We're fucking smart

>> No.9325021

Were def smarter than the majority of the population

>> No.9325058
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>> No.9325060

I don’t agree with that sentiment. I think people here are intellectually average at best and socially hindered. I do, however, think there is some good comedy generated here.

>> No.9325070

idk man, im starved for information

/biz/'s average IQ is pretty high

Absolutely not, those trips are kek joking

>> No.9325077
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no amount of intelligence can make you find something if it doesn't exist

>> No.9325123

Just saying “biz’s IQ is pretty high” shoes your intellectual banality and predilection toward making unsubstantiated statements...like average people do. Is there some kind of scientific literature regarding biz’s average IQ? To me this board seems like a bunch of underachievers.

But the comedy is gold.

>> No.9325124

my god i want her to sit on my face

>> No.9325151

Vanilla Starfish Aesthetics.

>> No.9325158

Delphi shill threads are getting stale, I see.

>> No.9325185

Sorry, dude. I dropped the average by 60% since I joined. Finding any info regarding link will be impossible thanks to me

>> No.9325191

Oh my sweet monsoon season pajeet, your bedbugs are showing. Only the most feeble of street shitting minds require "evidence" of what's in front of their own eyeballs.

>> No.9325196
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Oh hey, remember when Facebook's head of engineering joined LINK's advisory board in September? Wonder why he would do tha...


>> No.9325236

nah. surely a coincidence

>> No.9325247

The problem with biz is that it is an echo chamber of misinformation. People can’t step back and see that 90% of the information regarding link that is spread is complete BS based off of sources like Assblaster. People really mean it when they say things like “Link is blockchain agnostic,” which in itself is just stupid words.

>> No.9325277

This is precisely what I mean. Everyone here thinks Link is WAY bigger than it is. People think any mentioning of smart contracts automatically means Link. It’s getting to the point that if “blockchain data” is mentioned, people think it is a surreptitious reference to ChainLink.

>> No.9325281

>claims a functional component of a blockchain is just "stupid words"
>proceeds to use the biggest and more grandiose words he knows to make himself seem smart

>> No.9325287

There's nothing to talk about. We already found out everything we could. Just filter LINK threads until something happens unless you actually like scrolling through FUD.

>> No.9325298

Fuck off Delphi

>> No.9325300


The only evidence this place provides is to support he case that socially awkward average joes with too much time on their hands are borderline mentally retarded as a group when they have no fear of consequence. /biz/ has a high IQ is a meme.

>> No.9325304

the amount of people who still don't understand how eos works blows op's "we smartz" out of the water.

>> No.9325315


>> No.9325320
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>just cuz it mentions blockchain

>> No.9325322
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>> No.9325337 [DELETED] 
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I told you just hire a PI to stalk Sergey, then we'd know exactly what partners he's talking to.

>> No.9325367

“Blockchain agnostic” means nothing. Link is an Ethereum based project and is designed to have data fed into Ethereum smart contracts.

People here somehow think it is compatible with every blockchain platform. MAYBE it can receive data from them...but for use with ETH smart contracts. Even hyperledger is speculative but people just believe everything if it is repeated ad infinitum.

>> No.9325391
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>ywn experience the same feeling of discovering the vast conspiracy of partnerships surrounding Sergey for the first time while getting rich with a bunch of autists and a guy named assblaster on the internet
If the "Singularity" was just the memes we shared along the way, then perhaps this thing really has mooned already.

>> No.9325397

confirmed for not reading the whitepaper

read it, make new FUD, come back.

>> No.9325406 [DELETED] 

The team explicitly said in multiple occasions that they will make LINK compatible with other blockchains.
Not to mention ETH IS the best and all the "ETH killers" are memes.

>> No.9325414

So no one gives a shit about this "coincidence", huh?

>> No.9325427


Its a separate network who's token is on ethereum. Its built using external adapters to support chains and is starting with the ethereum adapter, but anyone can write their own for any chain so developers can hack together support faster than the core team would be able to on their own for any newer chains. given that they talk about both HyperLedger and Bitcoin on their site I can only assume official adapters for both will follow the launch of mainnet with the official Ethereum adapter.

old FUD is weak FUD. keep it fresh.

>> No.9325431


>> No.9325443

It's not a coincidence.

>> No.9325456

Please stop, you're making too much sense.

You're supposed to post a smug pepe and type "$1000 EOY we're going make it" to add to the collective delusion .

Blockchain agnostic means that Chainlink indeed can interact with other chains via core and external adapters.

>> No.9325467

You’re making assumptions. My point is that Link is a lot of assumptions based on information constantly repeated and therefore many people take them for fact.

A bunch of banks are also shown on the website. Is Link working with Wells Fargo and Citigroup? Not that we know...

>> No.9325481

>My point is that Link is a lot of assumptions based on information constantly repeated and therefore many people take them for fact.
You are absolutely %100 correct, but that is /biz/ being shitty. Not Chainlink

>> No.9325501

you do realize there are research groups outside of biz that know much more about the project than what is shilled here, right?
do you think that large multinational companies with in house lawyers allow commercial entities to use their logo in promotional materials without their permission?

>> No.9325509

Which, if you’ll go back up, was my initial point. That biz isn’t all that smart.

>> No.9325525

hairy ass nize lasagnaa

>> No.9325528
File: 453 KB, 1385x967, accounting niggas are in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so where we start digging?

>> No.9325562


I made 2 assumptions, the rest is fact. that SmartContract will release adapters for hyperledger and bitcoin. even if that's not true, guaranteed they'll be two of the first community created adapters and it won't matter. you underestimate how rabid developers are to get their hands on this tech. it's like knowing you're about to get an internet connection for the first time. I know because I am one and because they have 19000 developers (myself included) signed up waiting for updates and are a kernel level function of zeppelin_os.

if you understand the whitepaper, you know what FUD is valid and what's just FUD.

>> No.9325578
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No speculation at all on ETH, BTC and Hyperledger unless you share the exit scam view, the how on the implementation is speculative, as in will Schnorr signatures be added to Bitcoin?

Have to DYOR your ass for it tho.

>> No.9325587

What's some valid fud on this?

>> No.9325609

It’s pretty easy to get permission to use trademarks without having affiliation.

>> No.9325664

Smart people have already done that. Why would they share it for free with lazy brainlets on 4chan?

>> No.9325676

I don't have information related to Chainlink per se, but I do have information about (very positive) tests that central banks have done to see if DLT can handle the tps required for all manner of liquidity needs. All the ledger data was generated and stored on chain for the tests, which is not useful; in the real world, they will need something like Chainlink.
I'll share the .pdf, but I wanna see if anyone can find it first.

>> No.9325697

we talk stuff here when it's fresh off the oven and then we move on

>> No.9325698 [DELETED] 

The only real fud is time, anon.
We'll never know what will really happen in the future. Maybe businesses do prefer centralized oracles. Maybe a competitor gain a bigger market share.
But those honestly don't seem very likely.

>> No.9325707

Biz is ducking retarded how can this even be a topic for discussion. The fact we are discussing it further validates this as well. Good grief.

>> No.9325715

that you'll get too rich :(

>> No.9325727

if you're referring to using trademarked logos as part of promotional materials for business interests you could not be more wrong

>> No.9325741

lol no. its alex jones tier connecting the dots and hoping for it to be real

>> No.9325768

this fucking shit here makes me not buy link. If you have faggots making these things it means its a shil campain

>> No.9325769
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1509902564652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>companys describe something like chainlink
>brainlet: "uh oh its a conspiracy!!!"


>> No.9325777


We don't know yet how fast adoption will come past mainnet. The large partners everyone mentions who will actually make LINK $1000 some day are still a while out from their implementations, so we'll be relying on the smaller players to bring value to the network. Chainlink's network will only be as value as the number of queries occurring on it and the value of those queries to the smart contracts that interact with them, so the value for the next 6-12 months will be volatile and dependent entirely on how far ahead people decide they want to start pricing in.

The other risk is that another decentralized oracle solution emerges that goes on to be used by more projects, but I'm ultimately not all that worried about that given first mover advantage + network effect and the laundry list of potential partnerships that have been floated around making it seem feasible that chainlink goes on to become the standard oracle network.

Given that the rewrite in Go isn't finished yet though, I guess technically the biggest risk is that there's some major set back with development that pushes out the mainnet launch by a drastic amount. timelines in this game are slow and often fall behind. vapourware can always happen, but you can check the pivotal tracker, they're making solid progress.

idunno mang. there almost isn't solid FUD for LINK as long as you're willing to be patient with it IMO. if you want immediate gratification, ya you don't want this shit at all. otherwise just hold on for a few years to get your $1000 LINK for real.

>> No.9325805

either you live a very sheltered life or this is a poor attempt at misplaced condescension

>> No.9325835

>The problem with biz is that it is an echo chamber of misinformation
All of 4chan is 99% shit information, 1% gold. Reason is that there is honesty due to anonimity, the "not being affraid to call someone a nigger kike faggot" effect. That is why plebbit fails.

>> No.9325894

>missing my point

uh oh found the idoit

>> No.9325917

>All of 4chan is 99% shit information, 1% gold. Reason is that there is honesty due to anonimity, the "not being affraid to call someone a nigger kike faggot" effect. That is why plebbit fails.
4chan is still, unironically, the best source of investing information on earth

>> No.9325955

>too stupid to read between the lines and connect the dots
stay poor my friend

>> No.9326027

>so stupid he buys snake oil from people he has never met

stay low iq burger

>> No.9326040
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>. there almost isn't solid FUD for LINK as long as you're willing to be patient with it IMO. if you want immediate gratification, ya you don't want this shit at all. otherwise just hold on for a few years to get your $1000 LINK for real.

checked boyos

>> No.9326148
File: 3.48 MB, 3509x7638, 1515975585950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.9326190
File: 89 KB, 777x490, first-part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one

>> No.9326221

Good good, you'll need those when you miss the Singularity.

>> No.9326225

ill be good. Ill still have my money

>> No.9326247

It's not enough that you miss the Singularity, I want you dead too.

>> No.9326250

you do know there are more than one directors of engineering at facebook right? God normies are indeed delusional

>> No.9326324

You will be dead before me. When you're standing on that chair with the rope around your neck. It will hit you. i wasted my hard earned cash and out it into digital money because some retards online said it was a good idea. your last chance to have something in life. Wasted

>> No.9326348

Words fall from mouth like shit from ass.

>> No.9326378

Why so much talk about a token that's $0.55? It was the same price in like December

>> No.9326399

>we’re fucking smart;

Well thank you anon.
I schilled too many moon missions for my fellow anon
Ven in November
ONT march 20th to 25th

Ive got 4 left for you fellow anon to
50x combined....at least

Matrix AI

And ive been schilling LINK to everyone since September

>> No.9326418

you're still reading it fucko

>> No.9326440

Your mother reads.

>> No.9326458

and still replying to me. i can do this all night

>> No.9326460


kek this.

>> No.9326934

since you seem to know what you are talking about...do you see link reaching ten dollars by say eoy or early 2019?

>> No.9327689


Chainlink is unironically a solid project tho. I respect that they dont try to shill their way to top 10 like other projects and instead focus on trying to release their shit.

>> No.9327722

stop talking about shit, pajeet.

>> No.9328022


Please stop fighting, you're scaring the children.

>> No.9328073


Even if that is all you have to do...

Do you have zero knowledge about how Sergey and team conducts business?

The most anti-hype team imaginable. Litearlly zero hype.

And you think they just went around to large companies and asked permission to use their logo so it would look good?1?!!??!?!?

LMAO... No linkers are pitiful...

>> No.9328586

Absolutel delusion that link will be $1000 eoy. It will be $5-10. That said I would buy a little anyway as the potential of links growth long term is unlimited.

>> No.9328628

Link will be 1k EOY, start accumulating fags

>> No.9328700
File: 542 KB, 896x373, 1525496027865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A logo or trademark is any photograph, word, or symbol used to identify a brand, service, or product. You need permission to use a logo unless it is for editorial or information purposes, such as when a logo is used in a written article or being used as part of a comparative product statement. Sergey only used those company logos for illistrational purposes. Its entirely possible link doesn't and never had these connections.

>> No.9328814


Read through that, but give thought to how he spins a limited education and passion for policy into his work history.

Now read: https://medium.com/chainlink/chainlink-an-overview-and-our-focus-14f03335b803

Pay attention to how long sentences read as almost forced. The man's brain is filled with too many contingencies and is too used to coding to put together thoughts. He's clearly so obsessed with his project that he has trouble pulling himself out of it long enough to empathize with the reader and colour his language.

I could go further, but I suggest you try your hand at profiling him if you're having doubts.

>> No.9328837

It will probably be in the $40-$60 range EOY a few hundred end of 2019 and $1000 2020

>> No.9328856

LINK is a meme and only a meme

>> No.9328930
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2448, 20180508_192936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurking, watching, waiting.

>> No.9328945


>> No.9329104

I guess that’s true in generalization, but the turn over rate in posts your definitely gonna come in contact with more high IQ autist cross-boarders that have more nuggets of truth then Normies ever come in contact to in there lives . Panning through shit to find gold

>> No.9329174

Lurk moar newfag.
There is literally an infographic containing the average IQ of each 4chan board

>> No.9329213

Just be careful if you use cold storage, because you’ll lock in today’s price of 51 cents and miss out on gains

>> No.9329335

Is brapposting already dead?

>> No.9329399

The real danger, fellow/biz/bro.