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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9323104 No.9323104 [Reply] [Original]

God damn I fucking love Rune.

When asked to name the greatest invention in human history, Albert Einstein simply replied “compound interest.”

>hold COSS
>every week get free COSS and ETH
>distribute COSS, buy more COSS with free ETH
>next week get even MORE free COSS and ETH
>repeat ad infinitum

How is nobody else seeing this? Am I living in a timeline where I am the main character and everyone else is an NPC?

>> No.9323143

It has also been said that "the best secret is the one you tell to nobody but yourself"

I would suggest this quote to you...

>> No.9323151

you either hold like 100k coss and are holding a heavy bag or are losing money on the gas costs to transfer dust.

>> No.9323594

You don't have to compound it every week. If you even held 10-50k coss you could distribute/compound monthly

>> No.9323814

>God damn I fucking love Rune.

same desunai

>> No.9324573

Very true, many of us just need to have patience when collecting. Even still, if onto the dust coins moons, it makes it slightly worth it in that timeframe.

>> No.9324679

Just wait until NEO pairs (including FiAT) by end of Q2

COSS gives NEO which gives GAS

this coin is going to 10x+ in June/July

>> No.9324758

Oh crap I forgot they had mentioned NEO on coss..... Damn it...... Is it OK to do gay stuff for more crypto $$$ ?

>> No.9324769
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how much money do i need to make this work. is 2k enough? i'm poor

>> No.9324773

like it 10x when fiat pairs came out?
the kyc killed the exchange

>> No.9324923

Exchange volume (including FIAT) is up since KYC implementation

COSS isn't going anywhere, they (like most other ICOs) are sitting on a huge war chest of ETH (gaining in value) and they are one of the few crypto startups with a real product making real profit right now.

Besides, the exchange was never even the focal point of COSS. The merchant gateway/FIAT onramp/payments solutions will be.

>> No.9324943

Ya, I the week before the fiat and kyc update I think we were only at 500k a day and now we are between 2 and 3 million

>> No.9325000

I agree to some extent the KYC barrier is a bitch. They need to simplify it or ease it out at least make it so you dont have to go through it if you are only trading crypto.

>> No.9325890

You only have to do KYC if you're going to trade fiat pairs, right?

>> No.9325956
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What I find weird is that the exchange just keeps getting better, listing more coins, FIAT, UI, volume is steadily rising and surprisingly at a decent amount. Yet the COSS coin price it self, is dropping lower and lower, but before when the exchange was shit it was worth much more???

I believe in Coss, comfy holding around 11K at the moment. Getting rewarded weekly and stacking several shit coin for the next bullrun.
I just find this weird though.

>> No.9325991

youre dumber than everyone around you

its a shitty exchange and it will never ever get better because everyone involved is an incompetent retard

>> No.9326006

What exactly are the payout rates for holding COSS?

How much Whatever/permonth/perunit

>> No.9326028



>> No.9326050



Pretty sweet actually, even if it just reaches a exchange with a small volume.

>> No.9326062
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COSS is a MLM pyramid scheme disguised as an exchange.

The vast majority of the profits come from other COSS investors pockets. Once other people stop investing in COSS the whole thing collapses.

Nobody actually uses COSS as a legitimate exchange, few delusional COSS hodlers might but it's less than 0.1% of the total market share.

>> No.9326108

the question rly is why people should pay fees on exchanges at all

>> No.9326134
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Basically it's Herbalife 2.0

>> No.9326140

compare this with


and then kys

>> No.9326199

payfair looks even more like absolute shit to be honest

>> No.9326270

wtf is your problem with payfair & coss..
Tell us what to do great critic

>> No.9326273

not invest into steaming piles of shit?

Who the fuck needs these exchanges?

>> No.9326368

Rune? Hasn't he done a pyramid scam before? How do you know he's legit now?

I wish binance had similar divident system :(. I mean the coinburn is nice but still.

>> No.9326403


>> No.9326592

what you own

>> No.9327516

>You only have to do KYC if you're going to trade fiat pairs, right?
Correct, but that's only if you've already had an account registered before they rolled KYC out. Any new accounts created now must do KYC to even do crypto-to-crypto. At least I think that's how it is but I could be wrong here

Doing this is kind of a bitch, but Coss wants to get everyone to submit KYC as soon as possible in order to prepare for the inevitable regulation storm that will sweep every single centralized exchange to exist. It's going to be really painful for exchanges that didn't go to the lengths Coss has in preparing the KYC for all of their users

When this mandatory regulation will happen nobody knows. Could be in a few months, could be in a few years. Coss just wants to prepare for it as soon as possible

>> No.9328360

2k is enough, you'll get close to 10k COSS which is the minimum to make it

>> No.9328456

This is easy, no coin in crypto has a real price right now. It's all speculative, because "someone said so". The price of the COSS token is tied directly to the exchange volume. Currently, with 3 million exchange volume, you get like 7% a year return for holding COSS for the current worth of a COSS token. As exchange volume rises, so will returns, and so will the token price.

you're retarded. SEC will not let payshit stand. Better to do crypto the regulated and safe way.

what you're getting at is that the token is kind of like a share in an actual company, in that you get a return of the companies actual profits? Wow, this might be the most legitimate coin in crypto at the moment


>> No.9328578

this. I bought coss at $.06 so made some nice gains but this shit is done. incompetent team blew their chance. all the major exchanges will have fiat soon and they can actually handle volume without crashing. payfair will win the unregulated market. coss will bleed to zero.