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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9321324 No.9321324 [Reply] [Original]

If you're looking for a crypto-friendly place to live, let me suggest Slovenia.

Our crypto laws are zero to none, no capital gains tax, no taxes for trading. Only time crypto is taxed is if you're buying sth with it, like in a store.

Something like 85% of Slovenia is covered in forests, so the air here is amazing, even better than Switzerland. Everything is much cheaper than say Germany or even Portugal, because we're a former communist country, and we're also quite conservative.

Something like 80% of Slovenians are fluent in english and most of us in german too. In Ljubljana that number is probably close to 95%

The picture attached is our capital, Ljubljana, it is truly something that resembles Prague with very few tourists. Ljubljana is also one of the greenest capitals of the world, and looks a lot like Swiss capital Bern (google it), with 1/10 the prices. All across Ljubljana you can find groceries at insanely low prices such as Hofer or Lidl.

1000€ a month covers all expenses of living in Ljubljana, including food, electricity etc. Crime is absent, a shooting happened last year with one death and it was written about for months.

Nightlife is fantastic as well. It's a slavic country and girls are very beautiful.

Becoming a citizen of Slovenia is also easy, but I won't get into too much detail.

Slovenia is also the home of BitStamp, one of the biggest crypto exchanges and cryptos are talked about daily here. We also have a bitcoin thingy dedicated in Kranj (google: Bitcoin roundabout Kranj)

We're in the meditiranian, so the weather is fantastic, we get rain probs 3x a month and the rest is sunny, with mild winters.

>> No.9321381


thanks just bought 100k

>> No.9321394

are slovenians ok with transexuals

>> No.9321402

How much is land? Say a 100 acre farm

>> No.9321408

Are shrimp gains taxed?

>> No.9321416


>> No.9321444

Slovenian views on LINK?

>> No.9321452

No thanks, I'll rather live in Portugal, no regrets.

>> No.9321453

Actually in Ljubljana. This is /biz city alright.

>> No.9321462

We're a land of farmers outside of our capital. Buying a farm would probably be really easy and you would probably be welcomed with an open heart. I live in a village and there is somebody from africa working in the kitchen who speaks 0% slovenian, we're very kind and farming is very easy to do here, Vineyards are quite popular here, in the Steiermark region, and this bussiness pays like crazy.

>> No.9321468

Smo pa tak zajebani pa zakomplicirani da ni večjih butlov ....

>> No.9321482

In Ljubljana I think you would be okay, but the rest of Slovenia not so much. We recently held a referendum if same sex marriage should be allowed, and we voted no.

>> No.9321509

tako je

>> No.9321513

Ma to si mislimo sami o seb, ce gledamo glede malo na druge drzave naprimer francijo ko si vsi mislijo da so boljsi od vseh pa se preseravjo alpa nemcijo ko je red pa disciplina v nulo, delas k fukjen lahko pa cene so nore, jaz mislim da smo cisto kul in zlo spostljivi do tujcev ce pride kdo k nam zivet (razen muslimanov seveda haha)

>> No.9321571

yes man, I visited Slovenia last year, went to Ljubljana and Bled, immediatly fell in love with this country. Everybody i superchill, great partypeople, everthing is cgeap and quality, green everywhere and like you said, beautifull women averywhere and they're pretty easy too talk to. Thinking about moving here since i'm bored as fuck in Belgium. any links to becoming a Slovenian citizen?

>> No.9321573
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Sv. Gera je Hrvatska!

>> No.9321610
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lol kys bitch ass faggot

>> No.9321644 [DELETED] 

Thanks OP. I’ll keep this in mind.

>> No.9321969

nice thread nigger. havent actually meant that in a long time. seems like a comfy place.

>> No.9321992

Tudi res, samo moram rečti za Nemčijo da ni slabo če živiš v baden Württemberg al pa bayern. Živim že dolga leta tu... V Sloveniji sem si pred enim mesecem letnik 65 tomosa kupo pa sem ga hotel prijavit, samo morajo prvo določiti če je moped al motor ... Zajebani smo vseeno

>> No.9322013

I'm going with Portugal too. With that said, I heard great things about Slovenia from someone (non-Slovenian) who lived there.

>> No.9322042
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So just for the sake of theory. How would I acquire a Slovenian citizenship and then cash out? Could I still live in my home country?

>> No.9322078

You need to live there for >6 months to be tax free in every other country within a year ...

>> No.9322253

Working for Hofer in Austria, business trip to slovenia in a few days. Beautiful country and close to croatia

>> No.9322685

But is it actually possible to get citizenship as an American?

>> No.9322782

>You need to live there for >6 months to be tax free in every other country within a year ...
I don't think this applies to people with American citizenship—the American government will tax you no matter what

>> No.9322828

Tell me how to "tax" my money in Slovenia and get it back to Germany?

>> No.9322881
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It sounds like a good place and I was looking into it and Estonia. But do I need to learn your stupid gay language that probably sounds like farts?

>> No.9322889


>> No.9322923
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This. Ignore the Amerifats. This is a German thead now.

>> No.9322971

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.9323399

No, that's the beauty of it. 95% of people in Ljubljana speak english fluently and you'll have no problem using nothing but english in your day to day life, even at places like the city hall or national institutions

>> No.9323422

Not if you give up your american citizenship,uncle Sam won't be able to tax you then. Not to mention a EU passport is more powerful than the US one, I think. Free movement troughout the EU.

>> No.9323454

I'm not a tax expert, but there is def a way. Find a trustful Slovenian (like me for example), get to know him, and then send him bitcoins. He can withdraw the money to fiat and make some bullshit story about finding the flash drive in the trash to FURS (our version of IRS), or just send you crypto as a gift, probs can't tax gifts.

>> No.9323496

Aber natürlich!

>> No.9323647

>there is somebody from africa working in the kitchen who speaks 0% slovenian

So basically you're a country willing to be cucked? Fuck dude.

>> No.9323994

In ein Steuerjahr mind. 6 Monate dort leben, dann müssen die Gewinne IN diesem Jahr nicht in Deutschland versteuert werden

>> No.9324024

cut your ties to germany and move to Slovenia, no other way

>> No.9324025


Got myself a stack

>> No.9324041

do you live there already or not?

>> No.9324144

Klingt aufwendig. Muss mich mehr informieren wie ich Steuern ordentlich vermeiden kann. Gibt bestimmt Wege ein niedrigeren Steuersatz hier in Deutschland zu zahlen.

>> No.9324149

“Beautiful girls” -does not apply to austria and slovenia,god damn those bitches are ugly. Everything else ok.

>> No.9324192
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>I live in a village and there is somebody from africa working in the kitchen who speaks 0% slovenian, we're very kind

>> No.9324208

how many people speak good english there on average?
how is your healtcare?
how std free are you?
what is the general disposition towards italians?

t. italian who is considring moving to slovenia

>> No.9324216

how are gun laws?

>> No.9324266


Is there a story to that pic? Looks like tranny really pissed off dude.

>> No.9324293

OP is a liar, Slovenia is full of depleted uranium and the people are very short, stubby, and xenophobic. They hate u even if you're a slovenian from a town that's not theirs. DO NOT VISIT

>> No.9324335

I thought you have good crypto taxes in Italy?

>> No.9324424

>We're in the meditiranian, so the weather is fantastic, we get rain probs 3x a month and the rest is sunny, with mild winters.

I`m from Norway, my garden pond was frozen for 5 months... I hate u now for reminding how much I want to move to warmer parts.

>> No.9324477

it's a mess desu. nobody knows exactly how crypto taxes are going to work. how crypto is gonna be classified, how to calculate the taxable amount... there is no specific law so right now is a big grey zone, but it's not gonna stay like this forever, that's for sure.

also I like the idea of living in a super cheap country

>> No.9324479

Yeah I don't get how any of this is a positive.

A nation should have pride, it shouldn't whore itself out to foreign investors. Why is OP treating his country like a real estate offer? From what OP has said it sounds like the only thing keeping Slovenia from being West Europe tier cucked is its poverty.

>> No.9324533

if the place is so great then why do you have to shill it so hard. usually we wont to keep people out of good countries not get even more foreigners in. sounds like a downlow shithole to me no thx 0/10 would not expatriate

>> No.9324558

>there is somebody from africa working in the kitchen

you got niggers?

>> No.9324600

i've never seen any instance of "90% of the natives speak english fluently" that didn't turn out to be "maybe 1 in 4 will be able to maybe use a few basic words"
people in their early twenties have ridiculously opaque filter bubbles

>> No.9324627

OP do you guys consider germans as aryan ubermenschen? do you really speak german? if germans are worshipped there i might consider the move. the nigger thing is distressing though...

>> No.9324637

knowing eastern europe OP might be trying to set a hook for suckers to rob
he's already shilled himself as trustworthy, there's a good chance if anyone showed interest he'd post a throwaway email

>> No.9324663
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>Our crypto laws are zero to none, no capital gains tax, no taxes for trading. Only time crypto is taxed is if you're buying sth with it, like in a store.
im 13 years old and i like posting false claims in anonymous call of duty fan forums

>> No.9324684


>> No.9324702

No one is

>> No.9324748

lmao op btfo

>> No.9324752

no thanks just another east european shithole

>> No.9324794

>someone from Africa
Lol fuck that

>> No.9324972

Yes, moved here after the December bullrun.

>> No.9325360

0% Steuern als Deutscher easyyy

>> No.9325376 [DELETED] 

'he' was saying yeah i got a pussy and shit like that, basically just looking for trouble, until he starts on white shirt guy and stomps him out

>> No.9325382

Und Slowenien lohnt sich nicht, denn:
"Slowenien taucht sehr selten auf, wenn es um das Thema Steuern geht. Das mag daran liegen, dass Slowenien den höchsten Spitzensteuersatz auf Einkommen in Europa erhebt. Unternehmenstechnisch sieht es mit 19% etwas besser aus, die Umsatzsteuer liegt bei 22%. Sozialabgaben betragen 17,10% für den Arbeitgeber und 22,1% für den Angestellten. Alles in allem ist das uninteressant. Es gibt aber auch hier eine Ausnahme: Investment-Fonds sind steuerfrei, wenn sie 90% ihrer jährlichen Profite ausschütten. Das einzuzahlende Stammkapital für eine d.o.o. (Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo) beträgt 7500€."

>> No.9325396

>Mentions Slovenia
>Doesn't mention Slovenian coin SNC (Sun Contract)

I'm all in btw.

>> No.9325422

tranny cunt

>> No.9325893

>moving to an EU vassal state


>> No.9326431

>But do I need to learn your stupid gay language that probably sounds like farts?

>> No.9326498

FUCK slovenia its shithole to live
maybe visit only .
Go live in switzerland maybe you will pay more than in your post communist country but they will treat you like in heaven.

>> No.9326530

What is the age of consent in Slovenia? I don't see the point of crypto gains if I can't bury my face in teenage pussy at the end of the day.

>> No.9326570

tons of gypsy girls but you will propably catch some disease

>> No.9326574
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Oh 15? Very nice.

>> No.9327102

nice, do you have NHR status? did you buy property or are you renting?

>> No.9327149

Any eurozone country has an almost guarantee of regulators taking a shit all over cryptos. Stay the fuck out of the EU.

>> No.9327208

Do you guys have gluten free options? Celiacfag

>> No.9327523

You had me until you disclosed the presence of a nigger

>> No.9328058
File: 29 KB, 306x442, 23935E36-B75F-450B-B959-A8600A8261D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safe, clean cities
>no war criminals
>no turbofolk
>no mafia
>no brewing ethnic tensions that could erupt at any time
>probably some EU mandated cucked gun laws
Why would I move to the most boring ex Yugoslavian country anon?

>> No.9328127

I live in a 40% nog county so it would be a major improvement for me

>> No.9328154

No thanks. I just am not going to live among the niggers of Europe.

Slavs suck, dude. Sorry, just the truth.

>> No.9328189

Wtf where? Brazil?

>> No.9328216
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>> No.9328994

well you can come live with me in Germany and live with actual niggers

>> No.9329340

Typical mental illness stuff, yelling at people you shouldn't be yelling at.

>> No.9329418

North or South? Do you speak the language?