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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 730x480, Zilliqa-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9321228 No.9321228 [Reply] [Original]

> Best current scaling approach
> Professional and academic team
> New partnerships will be announced on the 23rd of May
This thing is going to be in the top 5 EOY, so at least a 20x with rising overall market cap.

>> No.9321810

>buying at ATH
yea good idea buddy

>> No.9322174

Ethereum Casper is coming
Quark and Fantom projects are coming
Radix is coming

Zilliqa will get buttfucked before it gets a chance to establish any DApps.

>> No.9322190

I'm going to watch this one for a week and see if I'm still interested. Thank you for your shill post.

>> No.9322191

And if you hold Zil and don't know about it's competition, you're a blind fan boy. Do your fucking research.

>> No.9322217

>Ethereum Casper is coming
Lmao maybe in two years, if that. AIDS skelly is busy collecting STDs and child pornography.

All the remaining projects are so far away that they won't get completed any time soon.

>> No.9322256

ether can never be good as zilliqa unless they build it from the ground up. quark and fantom are a joke, radix is good tho

>> No.9322876

Ethereum is better in is Smart contracts because its turning complete while Zilliqa is not.

>> No.9323458

For the vast majority of DApps this makes no difference at all

>> No.9323521

Same for Zilliqa TPS, no need for that high TPS when Ethereum TPS limit is not even reached.

>> No.9323696

>pajeet and chink coin
no thanks

>> No.9323888

>thinking its going to go down
Sorry anon, I have some bad news for you

>> No.9324408

Rare /biz wisdom here

>> No.9324444

Ethereum TPS limit absolutely has been reached, there were pretty substantial delays caused by CryptoKitties, if there were actual DApps gaining adoption the network would slow to a halt.

>> No.9324580
File: 41 KB, 672x468, 12312222222222222222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok?

>> No.9324640
File: 54 KB, 701x700, dan norris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS will gobble up the entire market

>muh eth
>muh zil
>muh holo

I don't think you get it, EOS has been chosen by the market as the #1 replacement to ETH, it's already set it stone. Competitors stand no chance against Dan The Man and his billions of dollars and superior technology

>muh centralization
>muh erc20

stay poor noeosers

>> No.9325243

You warned them anon. Apparently those that don't heed the writing on the wall, are destined to stay poor.

>> No.9325975

Buy high sell low