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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9320125 No.9320125 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how successful everyone is on this board:
>Highest level of education
>Net worth
>Any tips for others

>> No.9320151

Hmmm. It's close, but I'm going with 1>2>3

>> No.9320163

A levels/college
Cnc operator at a stone masons

>> No.9320177

>30 yo b00mer
>highschool dropout
>shrimp farming
>buy bitcoin

>> No.9320192

>Not of your business
>Not of your business
>Not of your business
>Not of your business
>Get out

>> No.9320202

>Still stuying
>Do you really want to study?

>> No.9320212

>Went to art school, ran out of money before grad
>Just got hired as a web dev
>lol college debt
>don't go to art school

>> No.9320213


>Highest level of education
High School

Work for my father

>Net worth
125k BRL

>Any tips for others
Work for your father if he is rich

>> No.9320260
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These women would not be reliable in a monogamous relationship

>> No.9320266

>two years Jr college
>120k a year contractor
>500K but when parents kick the bucket 13 million (yes i know i am luck and im not an asshole about it)
>i just got lucky idk sorry anons

>> No.9320271
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>PhD in Underwater Basket Weaving
>Head Chef at Arby's
>Buy Link

>> No.9320295

>1st year in uni learning cs
>1.5k euro coins
>idk i'm a living failure

>> No.9320308


>> No.9320310

24, but same advice from me

>> No.9320336

>part way through a masters, not using degree anyways
>grocery store director
>roughly 600k
>diversify and don't be afraid to lose out some and have a family, lambo land isnt everything it is cut out to be

>> No.9320351

highschool dropout
5.4 million
buy chainlink

>> No.9320362
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>>Highest level of education
High school. Taking night classes for a skilled trade.
Forklift operator. 14/hour (will be making double this by next year once i'm done with night classes)
>>Net worth
9k cash 8.5 Ethereum
>>Any tips for others
If you're a fish, swim. If you're a bird, fly. If you're a cheetah, run.

>> No.9320365

>retired contractor (now full time golfer)
>120k in debt
>Just B urself and learn how to work a room :^)

>> No.9320383

29 year old boomer
Master of science
Working on PhD
About 400k euros
Try some ICOs this year:
NEX is atleast a 10x
Hedera Hashgraph is atleast a 4-7x

Set profit goals, for example I broke my rule today and didn't set my sell order at 19 for ZRX, which is what I intended to do beforehand. Delusional optimism took a hold of me, and I didn't get to increase my stack by buying at support which was my original plan.

>> No.9320386
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>University Degree
>own a Wedding filmmaker business
>depends, but on average i'd say £25-30k. started about two years ago.

tips: Set aside a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/whatever allowance for crypto. As soon as you're ready to spend it, just put it into coins that are starting to be shilled. hold for a minimum of a year. Then review if it worked for you or not, but you'll most def get some gains out of it so long as you're not buying the ATHs.

>> No.9320391

You sound like the filthy pleb tier art student

>> No.9320409

> top university (BA)
> film and commercial / tv director
> about 600k right now
> I'm one of the few who followed their passion and took the career path that was impossible or super hard to break into. I believed in myself to the point of having no back up plan. My advice is to dream big, and if you work at your goal in a way that's fearless, you have a good chance at getting there.

>> No.9320417

ah shit just realised you said Net worth, not income.

Fuck all, I just bought a load of gear for the business this morning, so now I think I have about £200 fiat and 10k crypto.

>> No.9320432

>med school
>5k in crypto, and a high salary girlfriend
>get rich or die trying, never give up trying.

>> No.9320455
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>Doing computer science at uni
>Never had one
>Just be yourself!

>> No.9320459

marry fuck kill

>> No.9320478

lol @ hoverhand

>> No.9320539

Labour Consultant
Roughly 230k ZAR (erf in golf estate, RA and TFSA)
Save towards goals and not spend more than what you actually need, whether it is a new camera, trip or deposit for a car.

>> No.9320542

>Chemical Engineer, master's degree in nanoscale engineering
>microelectronics process r&d engineer
>check if there's employement prospects for your degree before enrolling

>> No.9320556

Girl in the Mike is 100% white/European. The other two are 80%+ white.

>> No.9320569

>neet boomer
>all in universa

>> No.9320575

Will have a degree in 2 months
Around $120k

>> No.9320606
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>still in HS
>go to the gym and buy LINK

>> No.9320609

Moar Latinas plz

>> No.9320640

>bachelor of fine arts
>designer 25k a month
> 29 btc 12 eth 9k xlm 2k zil
> buy high sell low you larpers , you make me rich

>> No.9320672

Middle, not mike.

>> No.9320679

venezuela is by far the hottest here

>> No.9320680

>CIA analyst

>> No.9320690

Some college
Retail manager (hopefully not for long!!)
About 10k in savings

Don't spend money on stupid shit. Eat healthy. Go to the gym. Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Be good to the people around you. And by "good" I don't mean giving them what they ask you for, I mean doing what's best for them.

>> No.9320708

>enjoy life and kill yourself while you are young

>> No.9320714


>> No.9320716

kek, really? spooks don't get paid well?

>> No.9320734


>> No.9320745

Cuz she's white.

>> No.9320747

Respect, sir!

>> No.9320757

>Writer (hack)
>Go to any lengths to find a way to work from home!

>> No.9320775

Software Engineer
Don't be lazy

>> No.9320986

1. 24
2. Master of science
3. Junior C programmer
4. ~$500
5. Do not be born in Russia

>> No.9321023

>Investment Associate Venture Capital
>Network, Network, Network - It's who you know not what you know

>> No.9321042


>> No.9321062

>Bachelor in IT
>Cloud consultant (Azure, AWS, some Oracle)
Buy Payfair

>> No.9321063

>Criminal Defense/Family Law Attorney
>Meh, not much right now but I'm starting to stack my paper at this point.
>Don't be a fucking pleb. Also be good looking. It helps.

>> No.9321090

>25-30k owning a business
The average mcdonalds employee makes that much here. Why are bongs so poor?

>> No.9321091

>Don't procastinate

>> No.9321159

Hey now what kind of contract work are you doing?

>> No.9321161

>MS of computer science
>software engineer
>10k€, 50k crypto
> setup your environment to force you to succeed
(dont stay at home and definitely dont stay at home alone or with your gf. its when you are the most comfortable and the laziest. go to gym, go to coworking spaces, go to library, go in the nature, surround yourself with smart successful ambitious people. you are the average of your 5 closest friends)

>> No.9321219

>Graduated HS
>work for dads construction company
>net worth $80k ($40k cash, $40k in multiple vehicles)
>don't become a construction worker, it's not worth it even though I'm making $85k a year, shit sucks

>> No.9321230

jesus you make me want to kill myself.

>BA PoliSci
>20k a year, 2k in Crypto.
>Pick a STEM major and get a government or office job and stick with it.

>> No.9321247

can't believe that /biz/ is stupid enough to fall for data mining threads

>> No.9321291

Finished highschool only fk college
80000 us
Buy resistance sell support

>> No.9321314

data mining "success" larps from neets on a himalayan alpaca sheering message board?

for what purpose would that data be useful?

>> No.9321631

>check if there's employement prospects for your degree before enrolling
Are you saying there aren't for chem engineering? Or was it because of the prospects that you got into it?

>> No.9321693

There are, but girl I know enrolled in PolSci, go a masters and now sell her ass on the streets.

>> No.9321743

BS in CS
code monkeying, 92k and bonus puts me over 100k last year
180ish crypto, 60 vested 401k, 15ish non vested 401k, 30-35 in savings
Enjoy your youth, I am slowly balding and don't want to take fin. I am having serious quarter life crisis

>> No.9321744 [DELETED] 

She is an idiot for not going to a professional grad school or getting a job with the fed

>> No.9321823

Assotiates Degree
Hospitality (min wagecuck)
Go to trade school, dont waste time / money on college meme

>> No.9321901

Some college
Personal trainer
Take your chance when given opportunities

>> No.9321946


> 27
> Masters (AI/machine learning)
> developer
> 50k in crypto

I don't really want a job so I just do a little freelance each month to pay rent and bills. Spend most of my time fucking around with crypto and playing video games

>> No.9321948

can't say as it would easy to find me =(

>> No.9321979

>At uni econ
>student, crypto/previous stock trader, part time labourer in scaffolding, building etc
>$210k + $250k in property

>> No.9321995

shrimps are were its at though desu

>> No.9322032

We give you $10. Zero commission Stock Brokerage. Rise through the ranks and compete against users around the world. Sign up here: www.riddler.tech

>> No.9322093

>Highest level of education
Bachelors degree in chemistry
Starting my masters, possibly also a PhD
>Net worth
~60k USD in crypto
>Any tips for others
Margin trade if you're not stupid

>> No.9322095

>Some college
>Small company in ecig industry, landlording, trade crypto with trading account.
>Don't stop working hard when you start to feel secure

>> No.9322117

They're Hispanic so yes they would actually.

>> No.9322140 [DELETED] 
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>bachelor title
>you can't buy time.

>> No.9322150

>college flunkie
>carpenter, going into electricians union this year
>do acid, trust in the collective autism of 4chan.

>> No.9322154

Fuck you OP. It just struck me that I will never get a qt Latina wife because I'm Euro.

>> No.9322168
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>>neet boomer

>32 year old WWII veteran
>Professional qualification
>There's a 90% chance of an enormous credit deflation on the horizon, make sure you have some cash on standby

>> No.9322206

>middle school
>car mechanic kek
>buy icos

>> No.9322221


>Highest level of education


>Net worth
Still studying Will see when I get a real job am going to get a masters

>Any tips for others

Get fit and try to become as attractive as possible looks do matter faggot

>> No.9322270


>> No.9322373

Masters in baiting
Whitepaper writer
10 million sats
Don't tip

>> No.9322460

bachelor of computer science
300k, next year close to 1mil

Try looking for market opportunities. The are a lot of companies out there that have been in the business for long time and are surviving just because of good contacts to suppliers/customers. Find a niche and outperform them. The old fags are usually lazy and not ready for a real competitor.

>> No.9322550

tfw when most of /biz/tards really are dumb edgy kids in their early twenties

>> No.9322611

>1 year into PhD (but leaving now)
>None Yet
>Buy Link

>> No.9322679
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>dumb edgy kids


>> No.9322712
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>31 year old boomer
>B.Sc. Chemistry
>Analytics Consultant
>7.25" length, 5" girth
/fit/ + /his/ + /biz/ + /pol/ = SUCCESS

>> No.9322842

>Currently studying BS in chemical engineering
>not sure. I have 12k dollaroos in the bank
>If I had good advice I might not be depressed

>> No.9322864 [DELETED] 

>white lambo (thanks daddy!) and $20
>buy LINK

>> No.9322906

>It's who you know not what you know
Should've put a comma in there my nigga

>> No.9322947

The one in the middle is literally 100% white.

>> No.9323122

And she's the most beautiful one. But correlation =/= caucation(HAH) r-right guys

>> No.9323187

Because idiots act like “latinas” are so amazing when what they mean is that the highest castes of Latin America is what is attractive.

>> No.9323217


>> No.9323255

((she)) looks rich and hangs out with brown girls

>> No.9323257

rofl at
>Still stuying

i'm 29 and i'm still writing my masters

>> No.9323286

IT director
learn Excel

>> No.9323288
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>21 years old
>finished MSc in chemistry, top 3 of class
>no fucking idea what to do next

any bros with tips? I dont want to do anything chemistry/research related but unfortunately this degree is not quantitative enough for finance or similar shit

>> No.9323358

Brown latinas are hot af. You're just a tiny dicked beta cuck who can't handle a big ass.

>> No.9323370

> 30
> Ivy League, wont disclose further
> shrimp farm filter seller
> 300k
> Snails are the real shrimps

>> No.9323374

>white white and white

Actual women from these countries look like hobgoblins

>become a boomer

>> No.9323387

Who cares? "Latino" is not a race. There's Latinos of every race including Asian and Indian.

>> No.9323405

>1 year into PhD (but leaving now)
Congrats seriously, you won't regret anon
I wish id never done stupid PhD, so many missed gains and time doing bullshit research down the drain

>> No.9323412

Some college
Don't get married.

>> No.9323457

1 year of college
Solution architect
Don't get married

>> No.9323461

>Nothing beyond high-school.
>66k USD
>Fuck tips, if I tell you how to do it you'll steal my job.

>> No.9323628

if this is real is web dev actually worth getting into without school?

>> No.9323703

t. Jamal

>> No.9323738


Business Degree
Working for Dad at SaaS company
delayed gratification is the key to success

>> No.9323763

B.A in biochemistry
320k in crypto
smoke weed every day

>> No.9323779

i'm 30 i quit my job and now i'm a cryptomillionaire neet.
advice: don't bother with anything. the brown hordes are already here, civilization is going to collapse so get a good seat to enjoy the show

>> No.9323857

Bronze swimming certificate
Street musician
$10-$100 per day
Buy Po.et

>> No.9323887


>> No.9324033

Whatever helps with you cope with the fact that you don’t have a woman this attractive

>> No.9324066

250k CAD
Network harder than I did lol

>> No.9324074

>>Highest level of education
High school (in Uni now)
Affiliate marketing, YouTube god, trader (essentially, I work for myself)
>>Net worth
$150-200k cash as well as some properties I don't really count
>>Any tips for others
Get good socially, focus on all aspects of your life instead of just money

>> No.9324085

Kek how did this guy slip in here

>> No.9324109

>delayed gratification is the key to success
this guy knows whats up

>> No.9324124

High school
15m, invested in Bitcoin with trust fund @ 16
Stop being poor

>> No.9324136

You'll regret things you haven't done when you're older. Not the once that failed

>> No.9324315

Min Wage Bitch
Working as a Locksmith in the shop, not experienced enough for the road
15k, 0 in crypto looking to go balls deep and die a quick crypto death
My only advice is that timidity does nothing for anyone. Look people in the eye, speak with clarity, do what you fucking want. Let no one sway your mind and make you question yourself, you are your own master.

Wrap it up.

>> No.9324364
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>Dropped out of Harvard

>> No.9324414

>B. Sc. in Actuarial Science
>CTO at a Fintech
>1 bitcoin, 6.5k altfolio + random house stuff
>“If you accomplish something good with hard work, the labor passes quickly, but the good endures; if you do something shameful in pursuit of pleasure, the pleasure passes quickly, but the shame endures.” — Gaius Musonius Rufus, Fragment 51 also https://www.reddit.com/r/DecidingToBeBetter/top/?t=all
>legit advice to TA and FA practicioners, don't: do be a big picture person, but do your quants (machine learning, stochastic control, sentiment analysis) properly

>> No.9324574

Your last tip should have been buy Monero but you fucked up

>> No.9324642

Nice try IRS

>> No.9324676

>be me
>Chemfag from >>9322712
get into tech desu, bench lab jobs are horrible and PhDs don't make much in Chem industry work. I'm making 170k/year wagecucking

>> No.9324729

Bachelors degree in Computer Science, minor in BA
6 million net worth, majority of it tied up in my company, 300k in BCH, 100k cash

My tip is to take risks, start your own company, when people laugh at you and tell you how it will fail use that as motivation to work even harder to prove everyone wrong.

>> No.9324881

3rd year medical student
net worth: none but I have no student debt what so ever and no living expenses. I will be making straight profit in a couple of years.

>> No.9325003
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TAFE College
Not working but worked in electronnics
Live at parents home so you can save and invest as much as possible before moving out

>> No.9325014


>> No.9325087

>about to finish MSc in electronics, got invited to do a PhD
>electronics engineer/embedded programming
>invest in your education, it opens a world of opportunities

>> No.9325116
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>you are the average of your 5 closest friends

Ha jokes on you I don't even have 5 friends...

>> No.9325275
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J.D. from Harvahd
Investment Banker
Tips: Eat baby brains to stay looking as young as me
>wipes baby brain crumbs from mouth corners
also, stay out of crypto, it's worthless. Save your dollars in a savings account.

>> No.9325292 [DELETED] 

>Highest level of education
International Baccalaureate, specialized in sciences, Physics and Chemistry
(now studying International Relations in university)
un-ironically musician
>Net worth
- 4k in crypto
- some savings that I invest in other stuff when I can
- like 6 / 7k in musical gear

>Any tips for others
and "youth is when you can afford to make mistakes, so take risks"
my father told me that one when I bugged him for days talking about my research on a token you probably all know, bought under 0.15$

>> No.9325355

masters degree in engineering
2k in crypto
~600k in other assets (mostly an apartment, thanks mom and dad!)

>> No.9325412 [DELETED] 

>Dropped out of kindergarten because of recess, too many games
>sell weed
>$125k net work

When I was 14 I was broke as fuck

>> No.9325488


>Highest level of education


>Net worth
200k (mostly from buying A2M before the glorious 6x in 2017 + Nov/Dec crypto gains)

>Any tips for others
Be interesting. Read books. Have a social life. Work out. This will all contribute positively to your career.

>> No.9325514
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Mods, ban please - underage.

>> No.9325542

thanks, bought 100k

>> No.9325549

Be anon on an anon board, and sell BTC.

>> No.9325552

> 23
> Bachelor in BM/econ
> Still studying (master) and running a small business.
> $700k that I didn't make from crypto or inherit
> If you're smart then starting a business and making a lot of money is a lot easier than most people think.

>> No.9325571

Literally just depends on the mood I'd be in.

>> No.9325576

Also, don't let making money overshadow enjoying life.

>> No.9325610

>associates, senior going for bachelors
>student/dabbler in shitcoins
>around 100k in assets/cash/investments

no tips, just a lad whos well-off parents have given him every opportunity he's ever had lol

>> No.9325613
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this is a data mining thread you fucking idiots
don't reply to this bullshit

>> No.9325614

the right way to do most software dev is by not going into school. Most employers just look for experience, you do a bunch of projects in your field and show understanding and you get a job

>> No.9325657

Just got to 0
Student loan debt should be avoided at all costs

>> No.9325660
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Two bachelors degrees, Microbio and Botany.
Unemployed, had two interviews this week though.
Worth about $720,000, no debts

Tips, I just got lucky with buying bitcoin in 2012, nothing fancy. All I can really say is be as cheap as you possibly can without socially ostracizing yourself, for instance, don't buy toilet paper, just wash your ass everyttime you shit, like take a full shower, toilet paper is expensive. Buy generic, drink water instead of other things.

>> No.9325673

>Pharma logistics, BD for AI company, Crypto trader, startup founder. (self employed, work various things)
>DO NOT show loyalty to employers, they will show none to you when they need to cut staff. Also, this guy gets it... >>9325552

>> No.9325677


Fuck off FBI

>> No.9325684

>get demographic information of people on this board
>collect data of crypto holdings
>correlate data to ip information
>build profiles
>send info to appropriate law enforcement, most likely irs

>> No.9325704

>over 4.5m
>Don't become an anesthesiologist, the money isn't worth it.

>> No.9325711

>only Bachelor in Sciences but can afford decent living here
>30k in cryptos
>somewhat incompetent in certain social situations but always trying to improve myself is liked by others nonetheless

even though not rich or wealthy, girls are attracted to me because I'm very fit, healthy lifestyle and confidence that comes from lifting as well as basic hygiene, shaved, always getting a proper haircut and not dressing like a teenager. (get a nice poloshirt and don't wear baggie pants). that's literally all you need to do to get laid and have female affection on a regular basis in a society filled with manlets, cucks and disgusting neets. also work life when having to deal with female co-workers or even older females as bosses it is literally astounding how easy it can be just because of the looks if you throw in a compliment here and there. I guess it comes close to how attractive females have advantages in life around men.

>> No.9325775

Data analyst
None of your business
Advice: you're better off getting an econ or science degree with shitty grades than a social science/lib arts degree with a 4.0

>> No.9325937

Take ru5448, I've tried it, it works for balding

>> No.9325953

also eating enough minerals and having a healthy diet is crucial as some studies found out.

>> No.9325980
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>eating enough minerals

>> No.9326003

>bachelors degree
>construction project engineer
>develop a burning desire

>> No.9326044

> approx 100k
> don't give a f what other people think develop a deep passion for money and never stop stacking

>> No.9326077

ur awesome. thanks fro the contribution

>> No.9326103

>Highest level of education
Ortho surgeon
>Net worth
US$ 300k aprox., family's multimillionaire though
>Any tips for others
Don't practice cross fit

>> No.9326122

>Columbia Business School
>87.5 billion
>get away from this rat poison

>> No.9326177

>Correction Officer
>worthless till LINK moons
>don't be degenerate. Accumulate LINK

>> No.9326194

High school
You can never be as good as me so don't even try.

>> No.9326363
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>> No.9326462

>Mechatronic Engineering Degree
>no one gives a shit about you and everyone is stupid

>> No.9326584

inb4 b&

>> No.9326708

Suace on left please

>> No.9326749

>approx 30K
>You can never be as good as us, don't even try

>> No.9326786

i prolly just hero myself soon

>> No.9326838

3>1>2 is the only correct answer

>> No.9326849

>>no one gives a shit about you and everyone is stupid

unironically good advice. waterloo mechatronics?

>> No.9326888

High School
ISP founder
350k AUD
Don't stay in school

>> No.9326892

Master of Statistics
Data Analyst / Equity Research
500K excluding PPOR
Don’t marry. Don’t do porn either. Help others. Value freedom highest. Buy OMG

>> No.9326899

Unemployed garbage human
Dicklets kys

>> No.9326967
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>BA Applied Mathematics
>Software Engineer (non-blockchain, for now)
>$30k, 1/3 in crypto
>Follow communities, insiders, influencers, and regulators to stay ahead of the game. Use FA for long-term hodls, TA for entry/exit points.

Fuck the mexican
Marry the venezuelan
Kill the dominican

>> No.9326994

2>3>1 imo
Graduating MIS undergrad on thurs
Systems development job starting next month
10k student debt, 4k crypto 6k cash
All neets should join the army reserves. Best thing I did. Gave me some focus, a reason not to smoke weed, and money for college. Plus I can do all nighters without whining about it.

>> No.9327035

attended HS, attended college - never graduated from either
software developer + entrepreneur

>> No.9327064

Software Engineer
Electronics Engineering
Academics or Industry - political skills are a must if you want to progress. If you are introvert/autistic/sensitive types, pick a suitable career with minimum interactions. Invest. Be healthy. Read a lot. Make a positive change for society. Do a traditional business than a swanky startup. Startups usually burn you out without much wealth creation

>> No.9327089

> 22
> GDipCom (Finance), BCom (Management / Entrepreneurship)
> Run a small crypto fund + co founder of a GFRP 3D printing startup
> $80k liquid + my holding in the startup
> think long term and kys over wagecuck: Been creating startups since I was 17 and pretty much all have been failures. Now I can just sustain myself from my businesses. In a few years I will be making multiples of wagecucks while having more of an impact on the world.

>> No.9327309

Fucking this
3 is the best by far

>> No.9327544

>Studying/NEET (may drop out)
Chronic worry will destroy your life whether you're rich or poor, successful or failing, full of friends or alone.

>> No.9327570

>some college
>if you are going to spend the money to go to college dont pick a career with a flooded job market

>> No.9327584

>no degree
>male escort for rich CEO's / politicians / g4p
>about 300k
Also AMA i guess

>> No.9327616

drop some names

>> No.9327701

If you drop your client list I am pretty sure we could stir up some fun in your name.

>> No.9327719

What would i get from that ? Maybe when i retire, but for now, i'm not going to denounce my cash cows

>> No.9327727
File: 301 KB, 1680x1050, 1232412251021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bachelor's, working on Master's
>Accounting, specifically cost accounting for manufacturers
>500k give or take 50k

>> No.9327904

>Advanced Diploma
>Graphic Designer
>Invest in learning/reading about things that will benefit you in the future.

>> No.9327969

>High School with a few years into a degree I dropped out of
>Literally a NEET atm
>18k, 30k vehicle, no debt what so ever (Hence why i can NEET)
>Dont procrastinate, surround yourself with positive people who arent out for what you have.

>> No.9327993

anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong

>> No.9328027

3 has the best ass
1 has the best tits
2 has the best face

>> No.9328159
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, 1525810360391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a brainlet, but I had no idea 4chan had a history board til this post.

>Been here 8+ years

>> No.9328190


>Bachelors Degree - Economics
>Buy a house in your 20s

>> No.9328221

I thought it was ez money

>> No.9328247

Prove it in any way pls