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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9319833 No.9319833 [Reply] [Original]

From Talal on Telegram...

Talal Tabbaa:
I know it’s Tuesday, but the past 2 days I’ve met with Jack Ma, Queen Rania of Jordan, Head of the UNHCR and walked the governor of a central bank through Jibrel’s cryptofiat solution.

>> No.9319876

How the fuck did he meet Queen Rania ?

>> No.9319906

Pic or it never happened. I cannot believe you anymore and your lies

>> No.9319961

>Jack Ma was invited by Queen Rania of Jordan to the King Hussein Business Park to speak to Jordanian entrepreneurs about opportunities in the region..

He was mingling at this particular event

>> No.9319972
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>> No.9320057

Kys pajeet, nobody wants Jabril’s nigger token

>> No.9320119

what the fuck? is this suddenly a cuck coin?

>> No.9320291

Kucoin just added a million JNTs to its exchnage:

>> No.9320314


>> No.9320332

bullish or bearish?

>> No.9320380

that means they need the coins for whatever reason, your guess is as good as mine
i never used kucoin but i hear its a BS exchange so that could be bearish unless you guys like it

>> No.9320421

could be DAO implementation testing for arbitrage

>> No.9320442

This is real. Check the telegram, i cant upload screenshot from my phone.

>> No.9320469

not sure if it means anything but very bullish on what Talal said on TG. Good things are coming :)

>> No.9320486

Talal really is a hardcore mingler.

>> No.9320553

He actually is, he's been shilling this all over the globe for months now, and he actually seems to have had some success. What a guy.

>> No.9320565


>At risk of sounding overly ambitious, Jibrel wishes to tokenise “everything”. However, there are several concerns regarding its published model for tokenising assets. Jibrel has a perplexing definition of an “asset-backed” token. The generally accepted view is that asset-backed tokens are backed by a security’s cash flows or by fiat currency. Instead, in Jibrel’s view, an asset-backed token can be backed by another token which is not asset-backed. In essence, Jibrel’s “asset-backed” token will be backed by a cryptocurrency relying on goodwill. It is therefore unclear how they plan to create stable on-chain assets.

>Their asset-backed tokens are called Crypto Depository Receipts (CryDRs). Jibrel Network Token (JNT) used to purchase and redeem CryDRs is akin to a currency. Fees and commissions are paid with JNT. It is not clear how ICO contributors are to be rewarded for holding JNT.

So they have a ton of competition and their business model doesn’t make sense to anyone with a speck of financial knowledge. Bull run incoming.

>> No.9320610

That guys isn't as clever as you think he is. Genuinely don't know how anyone that is being genuine (or isn't stupid) could think polymath is better than Jibrel. Also, shitting on a public GitHub when there's no k knowing what they're doing in the private one. Last but not least, lists "No partners" despite SEED and loopring.

>> No.9320617

>So they have a ton of competition


>> No.9320619

I wouldn’t be suprised if he just stood in the corner by himself. He looks like a fucking serial killer during the AMA, and totally perplexed when he was on TV.

>> No.9320638

Top competitors
Digix Global
Tier 2 competitors
Jibrel Network

>> No.9320645

>Anyone with financial knowledge knows it doesn't make sense
>Tons of competition
And yet they are
>Piloting with 2 central banks
>In talks with 18
>Piloting with one of the largest commodity exchanges on the planet
>2 Top tier VCs are using CryDRs in their fundraising rounds

So all of those people and institutions working with Jibrel know nothing of Finance compared to some anon on 4Chan? Or maybe that anon is just retarded.

>> No.9320674

>Polymath above Jibrel

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9320684

They say a lot of things and have a lot of deadlines. Has anything actually been probably done?

>> No.9320687

loooooooooooool anyone that takes Polymath as a top competitor should unironically KTS quick

>> No.9320696

How can you even put Polyscam in that list?

>> No.9320697

jfc that guy just eviscerated this project.

>> No.9320698

Wtf. Basically every project you have listed is trying to achieve something else.
Poly is coming close, but is focusing in securities which is retarded and wont have any chance to surpass the regulator.

Once again. What competition?

>> No.9320731

who is this author? i can count a few errors in statements and judgements about some of the projects.

doesnt seem very well informed.

>> No.9320737

Poly hahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.9320746

They are a licensed financial intermediary now and secured SEED funding. You can't even FUD anything I said you faggot.

Central banks are piloting with them. Anything you say doesn't matter.

>> No.9320753

I can’t do your research for you but here’s a few:

TrueUSD (stablecoin)
Havven (stablecoin)
Sweetbridge (stablecoin + tokenization)
Digix (tokenized gold, other assets soon)

>> No.9320778


Where’s that banking license? And how’s that SEED pilot going since they have the money? Lowered expectations much?

>> No.9320783

None of these are competing with Jibrel though. Do you know what Jibrel is about?

>> No.9320807

They don't need a banking licence right now, listen to the AMA. They can hold funds for 90 days right now which is enough for their purposes.

>> No.9320863

Why are central banks piloting with them if it makes no sense? Why are they working with a top commodity exchange?

You made the statements faggot. Answer the question.

>> No.9320877

Apparently not tokenized cash and other assets?

>> No.9320907

If you listen to the AMA Jibrel is putting up the money for the pilots. So if it fails it’s own them. Nothing to lose for the banks.

What commodity exchange by the way?

>> No.9320951

that section was embarrassing to read, extremely low effort post.

>> No.9320970

>muh buzzwords
None of the projects that you listed are doing things similar to what Jibrel is doing.
You're in every single trade aren't you? Dont worry, your 300 JNT that took you months to accumulate will still make you a bit of money, no need to constantly make up bullshit fud about it everyday.

>> No.9321000

and I met with queen of England

>> No.9321004

trips confirm
did she try to hit on you?

>> No.9321010

That isn't an explanation. They would not do it if they weren't interested.

I'll tell you what commodity exchange if you tell me your real name and your bank account information.

>> No.9321019

100% a bottom seller, nobody puts this much attention to fudding unless they desperately look to validate their bottom sell.

>> No.9321021

Why? Because they aren’t backing their tokenized assets with a shitcoin?

>> No.9321067

It is an explanation. It takes no effort for someone to say “sure” if it costs them nothing.

So it’s your personal commodity exchange then? Kek

>> No.9321126

How do you expect him to know the name of the commodity exchange? All we know is that there is one. Unless you want to go one step further and say that talal is just making shit up now, but what he said is all we have to go on.

>> No.9321140

>It takes no effort for the bank to divert personnel and resources to learn the technology and processes involved and to take part in the pilot

The point being made was some things are held back for a reason. There are NDAs and you know this. It's why you asked a question that could not be answered yet means nothing.

You are quite pathetic. I can be honest and reasonable about the strengths and weaknesses of the project. You are just some deranged autistic being as disengenious and deceptive as he can be.

>> No.9321170

stop replying to these idiots
they're fudding it on purpose and accumulating
no one with a decent IQ is not in this at these prices. Dont worry anon, they're messing with you

>> No.9321203

"utilise the transaction advantages of the blockchain to reduce inefficiencies of traditional markets"

Dumbass, stop trying.

>> No.9321241
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Can we get down to the important bit of this new announcement?

>> No.9321285

Yeah, the Queen is one spicy lady...

>> No.9321363

I think Talal is implying that a political marriage between him and Queen Rania is in the works, big if true

>> No.9321415
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>married to a guy with JUST'd hair
just market sold 100K

>> No.9321425

Holding jnt was probably my biggest mistake in crypto.

>> No.9321480


>> No.9321548

Thanks for confirming my point.

>Jibrel is another stable coin - there are hundred other stablecoins around

Once again who is the competition? Have you even found the download button for jibrel or do you prefer reading medium articles by authors with zero credentials.

Now i know why i keep buying JNT on a daily base, because /biz/ business and finance board is top dumb to comprehend the financial potential of this, srly gem.

>> No.9322022

So what are jBonds for my guy?

>> No.9322111

To give the transactions properties of crypto to traditional assets, mainly cash in the case of jBonds, and also create a gateway between crypto ecosystems and regular financial ecosystems.

>> No.9322146

and trips too? damn that was a knockout punch, RIP>>9322022

>> No.9322159

But jBonds are backed by JNT, and are on-chain only. So there are no actual traditional assets involved.

>> No.9322193

I'm on my phone so I don't have any brainlet wojak on hand but you deserve one for this post, and I do not post them lightly.

>> No.9322260

So they changed it again? jBonds aren’t an on-chain only solution anymore?

>> No.9322281

You're a fucking idiot.
Explain to me how jBonds work based on your understanding, because right now I'm fairly convinced that you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.9322317

checkmate retard.

>> No.9322320
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>> No.9322399

kek, pretty weak troll attempt right there.
Do you know how jBonds are created? Do you understand why SEED is providing $187 500 000 as liquidity for jBonds?

>> No.9322436


>jBonds will be a purely crypto-hedging solution, entirely on-chain, backed by Jibrel Network Tokens stored in smart contracts.

Now give me your explanation in retard.

>> No.9322463

Traditional assets in terms of real estate or stocks?

This wont happen any time soon because of regulators. The most efficient way is to establish your reputation via a successful launch of a product like jCash and jBonds aka tokenizing financial assets, mostly cash. This will be the most efficient and convient way to bind future partner and consumers to you.

Lower their risk in the pilots because you pay their loss in the worse case with Jibrel Network or SEED money.

They are doing everything in the right way, but the use case is too hard to comprehend if you have no idea how banks, VCs or even finance works. Once the ended their first pilots successfully, start marketing then this is a no brainer. So much money is sitting on the side, willing to tokenize their financial assets, it is disgusting.

>> No.9322465


this guy went to perdue lol

shit tier school

>> No.9322477

Nobody is disputing that jBonds are on chain only, it's that you said traditional assets aren't involved. What do you think the jBonds are bought with? Hopes and dreams?

>> No.9322590
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If I tokenize my hopes and dreams, how much could I get for them?

>> No.9322610


>> No.9322612

wtf it's true. not sure how i feel about that.

>> No.9322629

Talal went to Purdue?
thats one of the top universities in the US, wtf you talking about

>> No.9322639

We all know Yazan is the brains

>> No.9322676

What the fuck? It’s worse than I thought

So what is any crypto bought with if it isn’t mined or bought with other crypto dumbass?

>> No.9322714

>So what is any crypto bought with if it isn’t mined or bought with other crypto dumbass?

Can you try to speak english pls? Otherwise nobody can communicate with you.

>> No.9322720

>top 60th worldwide
>shit tier
the absolute state

>> No.9322730

If I have dubs 1 million linkies, if singles 10 TRX

>> No.9322737
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>> No.9322761

I got a few jibbies cause it sounds like the potential is there but does seem like a long shot at the current time

>> No.9322802

you faggots really think governments or banks will use some shady startup that run an ico to issue/use stable cryptos?

I have bad news for you, but it doesn't take a technical nor networking genius to issue off chain backed tokens.
Tether has been doing it for ages without bragging about "walking" some fucking governor and making such a big deal out of this

>> No.9322879

We don't have to speculate, we already know. Might as well be state sponsored already with the SEED backing.

>> No.9322882

jBonds are doing it in a trustless manner. Same with LINK, many projects have their oracles but they are all centralized.

>> No.9322936

So jBonds use the same traditional asset of literally any other crypto? Uh, ok. Nice pitch.

>> No.9323024


I give up. This guy is completly mental. The worst part is that he isn't even trolling. Fucking subhuman race.

Good luck letting bank of america tokenize their financial assets with USDT for example. Will work for sure, because the tokenizing process of tether is so amazing, the AML compliance is so awesome, the transparent "off" chain backings are so trustworthy.

>Comparing JNT with another stablecoin.

How can biz be so retarded, stop commenting in JNT If oyu haven't even found the download button for the wp

>> No.9323029

If you believe a sheik is going to pump the price of a shitcoin to buy an asset backed by said shitcoin, I have a bridge to sell you

>> No.9323052

God just look at that faggot who wrote the article. Typical neckbeard with a fucking cat in his photo. Thinks Jibrel "has no partners" and makes no mention of the leaps and bounds they have made in the past weeks. Disgusting fucking article.

>> No.9323211

>Good luck letting bank of america tokenize their financial assets with USDT for example. Will work for sure, because the tokenizing process of tether is so amazing, the AML compliance is so awesome, the transparent "off" chain backings are so trustworthy.

LOL I'm not saying governments or Banks will use tether, they will simply issue their own stable shitcoins, how hard is that to do? you think they need some shady start up who bamboozled people out of $30m to do that?

>muh seed
by the time they work out something the token will probably not even be a gas token, let alone getting pumped by tokenization

trustless meaning backed by a shitcoins which is not backed by anything? Link has nothing to do with it, completely different thing

then explain how are jbonds supposed to be backed by a coin that isn't backed by anything. It's like me releasing Xcash or whatever and telling people that it will be backed by pepecoin

>> No.9323291


Xcash could be backed by pepecoin if people wanted to buy pepecoin. Please kys

>> No.9323300
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>> No.9323309

Yeah just launch your own stable coin and tokenize your own financial assets and benefit from on / off chain arbitrage.

In what fucking world so you even live? Utopia? Please DYOR again, since you clearly don't know the different between stable coins / tokenizing and the JNT goal

>> No.9323319

guys let it go. to the faggot that keeps fudding we get it, just dont invest and to the person that keeps defending this, i promise you 99% of fudders are holders, just fucking ignore them

>> No.9323327


>> No.9323372

I know, I just use him as a free thread bump kek

>> No.9323384

i went to a better school than talal and i'm a brainlet

>> No.9323395

Do you retards realize that if you stop replying to obvious bait posts, these threads will be less shit?

>> No.9323407

fuck you nigger

>> No.9323432

Your mom is a nigger.

>> No.9323576

>if people wanted to buy pepecoin
until they wouldn't lmao, that's what's gonna happen to your jbonds backing eventually

>> No.9323581

Exactly. Why wouldn’t a major institution just invest $30 million into their own blockchain infrastructure instead of enriching 4chan faggots?

>> No.9323954

Why doesnt McDonalds build its own airplanes, trains and trucks to transport their food? It is far cheaper to use someone else's services than building yours from the ground up. Specialization you fucking retard.

How much of a goddamned brainlet are you that you would of even ask that question?

>> No.9323957
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>into their own blockchain
you clearly dont fucking understand the basics of blockchain tech you underage cretin mouthbreather

>> No.9324012

You realise these institutions won't be giving Jibrel money and getting nothing in return right? jBonds etc are a service.

>> No.9324123


That is stupid as shit. Yes they have a ton of competition and I sold this coin because the team is a bunch of non-calculating assholes, but the model makes sense. JNT has USD value and it is bought/sold by the DAO to maintain the amount of equivalent fiat needed for tokenized assets.

Its basically the same shit as MAKER, but instead of using ETH as collateral. Once I realized that its just simply stupid for them to use JNT rather than ETH I sold, but the model makes sense in terms of holding collateral and issuing a stable coin backed by that collateral.

>> No.9324188


It has no potential anymore. Their method of assuring on chain solvency has failed. Whats most embarrassing is that these pieces of shit took money in ICO without back testing the algorithm for their DAO to ensure it could withstand market corrections of 80-90% as happens with crypto.

Now they are literally begging people to stop speculating on JNT and not trade it because their entire model fails if the token is too volatile.

They will not succeed in establishing anything close to what Maker has already done with DAI. Financial institutions will not choose high risk on-chain solvency compared to privately audited off-chain solvency that gives them all the benefits of tokenization with 0 crypto volatility risk.

JNT is dreaming if they think all this added shit utility they are trying to add will make react any differently than any other alt if BTC shits the bed.

>> No.9324226


>> No.9324277

maybe he worded his thoughts wrongly but you fuckers know he is right and are acting like faggots ho caught a spelling error dismissing conviniently everything else that was said.

first of all Jibrel doesn't have its own blockchain, they are pretending to improve eth tools to make you think your money went actually into something besides the team's retirement. They won't do shit because their lead dev is incompetent to say the least. Second of all banks/governments could use existing blockchain like ethereum or use permissioned ones.

The arguments and analogies with McDonald's building planes etc makes sense when we are talking about forking a project that is supposed to be truly decentralized (people running nodes all over the world to make the network unhackable). Jibrel "project" has nothing to do with tech. It's just a bunch of arab internst who capitalized on the ico mania.

Issuing tokens takes fucking seconds you can even do it yourself and there are tutorioals lol and you all pretend like those arabs are developing anything.

There is 1% tech in this whole project, the rest is just having all the proper licenses etc, legal/regulatory stuff. And no, banks/governments don't need any help with that stuff

all those solutions are not reliable in case of a black swan, but I would sure as hell be less scared during a bear market if my stable coin was backed by eth or btc than some fucking JNT shitcoin which only a few fanatics on telegram know about

hitler dubs confirm, /thread

>> No.9324396
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>There is 1% tech in this whole project
based fudder retard, without you autistic obsession we'd have no jnt threads

>> No.9324476

how hard you think it is to issue erc20 tokens?
you think banks/governments need help of scammers who bamboozled retards out of $30MM in order to do so?
Because I sure hope you don't believe that real banks and istitutions can't handle the legal/regulatory stuff by themselves?
fucking tether has been issuing tokens successfully for ages but real banks wouldn't be able to?

>> No.9324885

>But but but the banks can do it themselves!!
Yet here we are, 5 months out of ICO and piloted by 2 (central!) banks. I'm done going round in circles with the likes of you, everytime I point out the facts you'll move the goalposts. You're well aware of the facts by now, make your own decisions and stop wasting everybody's time. As an aside, (just in case someone is GENUINELY confused about this point) using ETH as collateral isn't an option as at that point the system isn't closed. The issues with makr have been well addressed before, DYOR. Anyways, good night.

>> No.9324978

>using ETH as collateral isn't an option as at that point the system isn't closed.
that's the cheapest buzzword excuse teams use to justify selling a shitcoin for 30m usd during an ico.

>muh closed system
if it was so closed and good then it would work but a small cap useless shitcoin is 100x less reliable for onchain solvency than a big etablished coin that won't pump or dump whenever the dao tries to buy/sell. And although pumping price could be considered good because then they don't have to buy up that much, dumps during big sells would kill this ponzi quicker than if eth or btc was used

>> No.9325460

so what are the moon chances for jibreloo shrimps

>> No.9325529

That article clearly looked at their code to understand the project and said the code is shit. You're just shilling your bags

>> No.9325540

Dyor faggot

>> No.9325648


That isn't actual what jBonds are.

jBonds are a smart contract that uses JNT to margin back other JNT which creates a temporary stable asset.

The purpose of which is to hedge against downturns in the general crypto market i.e. BTC/ETH.

jBonds are purely a hedging instrument.

>> No.9325738


I'm starting to think posts like these are made by the team themselves. They go on and on about partnerships and how much money is waiting to be tokenized. However they never explain how exactly these systems work and the utility they provide to the users.

For example in this post right here; jBonds really have nothing to do with tokenizing financial assets. jBonds are a crypto hedging instruments that are purchased with other crypto.

"Lower their risk in the pilots because you pay their loss in the worse case with Jibrel Network or SEED money" - This sentence got its own paragraph. Can you elaborate? Lower whose risk. What does this even mean. What pilot are you referring to?

You say they are doing everything the right way but you need deep finance understanding to get it. OK. Can you explain in your own words then what it is exactly that they are doing "the right way" and describe some of the various use cases you envision JNT being used for?

>> No.9325828


yea i said this from the beginning. the project would be much better off using a larger cap crypto as collateral versus trying to use their own token. Their explanation in the wp for using JNT instead of ETH was pretty dumb and wrong (I suspect dishonest - but they needed to give JNT a purpose). They said they thought using a token contained within the jibrel economy would reduce variance but it in fact increases by many orders of magnitude and turns the whole on-chain collateral system into a house of cards - which we witnessed collapse in the initial pilot.

>> No.9325841



The Digix model is superior. I personally love DGX and bought a lot right once it hit Kyber.

There may be a market for jBonds though we will see.

>> No.9325877


That closed system thing was complete bullshit brainlet; I hope you realize that.

>> No.9325949


LOL I asked Talal on telegram on reddit about my concerns on these exact issues a month before their failed pilot even started. He promised to answer several times and ask Yazan and have him respond as well but they just ghosted me repeatedly. They were well aware of the intrinsic flaws in their on-chain collateral system. They knew using ETH would be better but then they just have a Maker clone (Maker was a well though out project by the way and there is a reason they chose ETH as their collateral and not a token they created on their own). They knew using JNT would allow them to push the tokenized assets = market cap meme (which isn't even true. If I spend 5 billion dollars on BTC it doesn't increase the cap 5 billion dollars) which would lead to a successful ICO.

Has anyone seen any proof of the bank partnerships etc. or are we all just taking Talal's word on everything?

>> No.9325969

>wants a closed system
>does an ICO for the system token

So who’s retarded? Talal, Yazan, or both of them?

>> No.9325994


Talal for sure is a brainlet.

I think Yazan is more deceitful than dumb.

>> No.9326166

>or are we all just taking Talal's word on everything?
Generally a lot of NDA's and secrecy revolve around these projects working with banks, and Talal claimed in the AMA that they're mostly doing preliminary pilots and such with banks which is completely believable to me. Ultimately if you don't trust the team you shouldn't invest and it's absolutely fine if you don't trust them but I have faith this team will deliver.

>> No.9326226

But they have missed every single self-imposed deadline. I don’t see why anyone still trusts them.

Where is that jWallet? It’s going on 2-3 weeks now

Where is that announcement WITH the sheikh? Wasn’t the team just in Dubai? Yet still no sheikh.

jCash was supposed to be out right after ICO right?

What have they verifiably produced besides roadmaps and medium posts?

>> No.9326282

I think Talal is saving all the big news for one day. He's got all the big and spicy news behind a big dam and on the day of reckoning, it's all gonna drop at once and JNT will head straight to 10 USD. Exchange listing, jNode, jWallet, sheikh announcement, jCash all released at once. Either that or this is just a shit tier project that I fell for and will be HEAVILY bagholding until an artificial pump which allows me to dump my bags on a new sucker.

>> No.9326391

You know it, bitch.

>> No.9326671


could be

>> No.9327475

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Talal wears the King of Jordan's watch.

>> No.9327535

I noticed that too

>> No.9327555

He does

>> No.9327608

Trips confirms it

>> No.9327901

RVN will adopted for tokenized assets before JNT. Unlike erc20 tokens, RVN is not editable. Who would want an asset on an editable token? Polymath will convert from erc20. Patrick Byrne will lead the charge for them. His TZero platform has RVN written all over it. Wake up retards.