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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 579 KB, 1310x738, detectivebrule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9318168 No.9318168 [Reply] [Original]

/biz, be wary of SwissBro & co. pump and dumping AMB. If you search threads for either Ambrosus, or AMB, you'll notice new threads coming up trying to get it to ChainLink status.

I can tell you personally that this coin is being completely manipulated by a few people who are actively running a biz media campaign albeit terribly.

I was under cover in their telegram room, & pointed out that the coin has little to no interest, and I got banned.

So these tards are trying to dump on you guys, biz. Look at the volume on this coin, and how it moved up, and you'll see it was mainly a pump and dump.

Stay safe and stay stinky (No don't buy Link to pek) ;)

Don't trust SwissBro.

>> No.9318368

I noticed this too, 10 posts on the front page. Staying far away.

>> No.9318383

yeah, i’m lurking on his tg channel as well
his legions are dumb af, posting all these bs shill shitposts

>> No.9318437

I just wonder why they expend so much effort on /biz/. Are there really that many bizlets to buy bags and dump on? AMB is like a crypto master class in what not to do.

>> No.9318495

How is it a master class of what not to do? I have 10k for a mn.

>> No.9318529
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Russian CEO with italiano fullname from Switzerland.. hmm.. wit a pack of pajeets in a team, hmm...

>> No.9318615

I don’t really care about your ponzi nodes, but when I invest in shitcoins I look for a team that actually has reach and knows how to pump. No one knows about AMB, and their forced memes, CEO deification, and /biz/ shilling doesn’t help at all. If we’re looking at supply chain meme coins, VEN has both the reach and marketing on lockdown. That’s a team that knows how to pump the price, and have done it effectively throughout their existence.

>> No.9318652
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Because a lot of the times you can get traction on a coin by getting autists on biz to shill it with hopes it picks up on reddit, and twitter later on.

Here's a thread by SwissBro: >>/biz/thread/S6857733

from January where he states:

"This is not a bear market for fucks sake.

This semi correction around NYE is normal and happens every year. It'll end soon. This year will be even crazier than last year.

What are we investing in is someting I can't sa publicly. I can tell you if something will moon or not."

Total larper, and just PnDing on sheep in that telegram (there's like 300 people in Euclid's - most I think know what he's up to).

Anyways, my point I made is that AMB might be an ok coin long-term, but that there's low social interest short-term, there's little liquidity, that there's extreme manipulation going on, and that it's a pump and dump. Hell, I'm no whale, but I've got enough BTC where I can dump the price 10-20% if I wanted to or more with only a few BTC.

Anyways, when SwissBro banned me from that group, I knew the guy is no good. As many of you know, I run my own group with 2,000 people mainly biz people where we give free paid groups to people & are strongly pro- free speech as is biz. What /biz does not tolerate is censorship which this pajeet is up to, so he unleashed the Legendary Autist Brule™.

When this faggot banned me from the telegram (he didn't know it was me, Brule), I learned immediately he was up to no good. Others have told me (who are both on Euclid's and my Discord), that he actively censors, and actively tries to manipulate biz & discord rooms.


Agreed absolutely. When I mentioned this that the marketing on AMB was non-existent in that SwissBro group that tried excoriating me lol.

>> No.9318662


Brule getting his discord pajeets to reverse shill AMB on 4chan

Just so he can FUD it and give himself legitimacy HAHAHAHAHA

After getting KEKED for calling it on his shitty discord and getting dumped after the token economics event.

Seriously, as soon as you start sperging out all these reverse shillers start popping up using shitty shills that make the coin look bad. Pathetic lmao.

>> No.9318767
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Mmm, no I'm quite inactive on /biz these days. In fact, here's a convo I'm having with the Euclid's Telegram admin right now calling htem out on them supporting SwissBro.

I got out of AMB last week when I didn't see a pump, and the results were pretty disappointing for a masternode event.

My Discord might be "shitty" but I'm happy with having 2k people on it, as well as being able to offer a space that isn't scammy, & giving people paid materials for free. It sounds like you're in it too and benefitting from the materials I pay for, so how does it feel like to have to ride my dick? :D

Oh by no means, am I a revere shiller. I think long term in a bull run AMB can grow - but the shilling that's going on AMB right now is irritating b/c it was spread into our discord.

When I saw the censorship going on in SwissBro's Pump and Dump telegram room, I felt obligated to call it out.

>> No.9318856
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>I got out of AMB last week when I didn't see a pump

You bought in the first place because you're an ADHD autist daytrading nigger who makes obvious calls based on news and catalysts. Any braindead 90 IQ faggot who spends 20 hours a day on the internet could do that. Congrats on creating a community out of it, lol.

> It sounds like you're in it too and benefitting from the materials I pay for, so how does it feel like to have to ride my dick? :D

Pathetic BRULELETS want more people in their crappy discord huh?
>Hey guys xxx is having an event tomorrow buy right now make 10% profit!


>> No.9318903

Post “AMB is shitcoin” on discord or larp

>> No.9318923


"and getting dumped after the token economics event. "

Mate, no one got dumped top kek. There was no pump on the coin.


"You bought in the first place because you're an ADHD autist daytrading nigger who makes obvious calls based on news and catalysts. Any braindead 90 IQ faggot who spends 20 hours a day on the internet could do that. Congrats on creating a community out of it, lol. "

Our community has done quite well in the bear market :D I predicted several times way in advance when BTC would dump as well as went up overall since then. You know - unlike SwissBro (is that you btw?) who called a bull market in January lmfao.

> Pathetic BRULELETS want more people in their crappy discord huh?

Actually, invites have been closed the last week or so :D


Swissbro? People know I'm overall reputable, and overall consistent in my trading. I don't spend everyday on biz trying to push coins for a little more profit top kek. If that's how you want to do things, more power to you :D But I'm gonna call SwissBro out on it.

>> No.9318953

only coins with any value are sol and grin . for the former i don't mean the one currently in circulation called "solcoin"

>> No.9318960

If you think 15 pajeet threads at a time is an attempt to shill I don't know what to tell you man.

And as far as your picture goes, the price is being pushed downwards by bots too.

>> No.9319021

AMB shilling is so artificial and clearly paid for. they just copy paste the same BS over and over all day. at least the stinkies genuinely believe in their project.

>> No.9319027

or "sola". jesus christ

>> No.9319051

thabks just bought 20k swissmemecoins

>> No.9319074
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"If you think 15 pajeet threads at a time is an attempt to shill I don't know what to tell you man"

Uh - search for AMB or Ambrosus on /biz - they're all just pump/pajeet threads literally. The earlier ones the last month were SwissBro, minions, and his reverse shilling account "BearWolf".

SwissBro - people in your group don't even seem to follow you (see picture on the left from your mod). There's been a few "top levels" on your telegram that know you're up to no good lol.They just stick in there to get people in their own groups. Top kek.

Anyways - my point isn't about AMB being a good or bad project long term. In the short to mid-term though, it's clear there's way more manipulation on this coin, & it's coming from SwissBro's telegram group (Prometheus is his user name or some shit on the group).

Frankly, most coins on binance are going to go up in the event of a major BTC bull run should that ever happen. We've got Consensus coming up on 15th, but after that who knows.

I would advise everyone to just stick with tier 1 shit coins i.e. top 10-20 or under top 100 for swinging.



>> No.9319146

The frequency and over the top curry smell makes me think it's an attempt to fud the coin.

>> No.9319160
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>he thinks a bunch of pajeets joining his discord means his calls are worth something


>> No.9319432

Hey Brule. You might actually be talking to MrBearWolf aka Swissbro. He uses the same yellow guy images on his trip code

>> No.9319460

>implying it's not your pajeet army creating thousands of shitty amb thread at the same time...


>> No.9319467

>I think long term in a bull run AMB can grow
you're kidding? long term AMB is a dead duck. when the rubber hits the road with this project there's gonna be a lot of sad faces. what theyre aiming to do is practically impossible - i should know, i work in the sector. sure, daytrade AMB for whatever you can get, but as a hold it's a joke. surprised an "anal-yst" like you doesnt see this...

>> No.9319563


I don't think so because when you scan social media, and various social media trend analytics, there's virtually no mention on AMB anywhere. The order book is also super thin, and the trading volume sucks.

It's mainly being controlled and manipulated by major AMB holders who also appear to be VEN/WTC stakeholders as well from what I understand.

I think long run it can go up, but I think what's going up is VEN/WTC guys are trying to get this coin to become another VEN to reach $1 billion market cap long term, but the lack of marketing, and overt shilling going on it is making it a poor trader short-term, & the overt shilling on /biz is making the project lose credibility.

I think my point summarily is if you do AMB, keep it is as a tiny part of your portfolio. Don't trust the buy the rumor, sell the news shit on this coin b/c this coin doesn't move on any news.

>> No.9319583


Most definitely am talking to that cuck SwissBro.


I think you've misunderstood my point. A) Anyone who calls them an analyst in crypto is a faggot B) The coin might very well be fabricated/shit/whatever - my point is virtually most or all Binance coins will move up if BTC moves up. Not hard to comprehend. Maybe reading comprehension isn't appreciated wherever you're from?

>> No.9319588
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How was buying that turdcoin AMB for you?
He promised you a GIANT GREEN DILDO didn't he?
Daily reminder that BRULE uses a TELEGRAM CHANNEL that posts upcoming events in order to make his CALLS

>> No.9319631

Nothing of any substance gets posted in ECW
just a huge AMB circlejerk

>> No.9319643

Well they did just hire a new cmo. So hopefully we'll see it spread outside of this pajeet shit.

>> No.9319663

AMB's new CMO going to be doing live talk very soon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQjMxMCIZz4

>> No.9319716

total shitshow of cultfags

and the high iq splinter group are complete linklets

the delusion

>> No.9319725


I don't think anyone got burnt on AMB, mate.

> Daily reminder that BRULE uses a TELEGRAM CHANNEL that posts upcoming events in order to make his CALLS

Uh what? I don't really make call to begin with, but when I do it's usually for coins that dump for bounces.

It's clear there's nothing Swiss about 'Swiss'Bro. Anyways, carry on with the Pajeeting, 'Swiss'Bro. I'm sorry that your livelihood is left to posting on biz all day every day day in and day out for a few shekels.

>> No.9319728

I have insider information that AMB will be the official supply chain tracker of the Shrimpers Owners Association and it will be announced before the start of the next full shrimp season. Screen cap this...

>> No.9319738

lets be honest, the only sector you work in is your mothers basement brainlet

>> No.9319782
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>mfw autistic Brule thinks I'm some LARPing swissfag
>mfw he's trying to take attention away from his turd tier calls
>mfw he uses bear market BITCOIN DUMP calls as proof that he makes good trades


>> No.9319785
File: 38 KB, 200x202, 1521251760086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw TGcucks incurred wrath of Mr Creme Brule
>mfw legion GROWS

>> No.9319789
File: 320 KB, 500x500, BDE48695-C8C2-4DA6-A35D-EDB7DACB8E45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namefag drama on my biz, amazing!
Creme Brule and Mountain Jew, you can both suck my dick

>> No.9319834

whole amb show id the gayest story ever happened on /biz

versetti is a larp himself,
NO russki is named angel versetti
thats conman style

>> No.9319836

Damn hell to be a newbie pajeeto & don't understand wut is actually goin on between those namesters.. it must be interesting thing

>> No.9319848

>my point is virtually most or all Binance coins will move up if BTC moves up.
deep insight there.

>Maybe reading comprehension isn't appreciated wherever you're from?
i think i was giving you more credit than you deserved. seems the other commenters were right - you're a moron.

>> No.9319946


"I think long term in a bull run AMB can grow"

You replied: "you're kidding? long term AMB is a dead duck."

A moron is one that doesn't understand what a straw man fallacy is.

"i think i was giving you more credit than you deserved. seems the other commenters were right - you're a moron."

Said the NEET that works in the "sector." You mean fast food management?

>> No.9319947

WTS IS THIS CIRCUS SHOW BETWEEN Crème Brulee, MrBearFag, and Swissbutthole

>> No.9319986
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>my fucking WHEELS

>> No.9320053
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nice pic

pic related: mfw

>> No.9320095

I’m gonna shed some light.
There is a tripfag Swissbro, who has a little cozy tg group. Swissbro made a few threads here on biz where he shared his opinion on our beloved shitcoins. One of them is Ambrosus and Swissbro promotes it heavily with emphasis on how Angel Versetti is turbo Chad. There is also a bunch of other tripfags like Kimchi whale, Pharmafag and some panda fucker who also shill AMB. Mr.Bearwolf is pajeet on payroll who reverse shill it.
Some people suspect that they are all connected and do promotion ( or pnd if you like, those are the same in crypto) of AMB here on biz.
Now there is also a guy named dr. Steve Brule who flips shitcoins and has his own following on discord. AMB was under his scope for a past few weeks.
It appears that Brule has joined Swissbro’s tg under a different nickname and started to troll them. tg admins sperged out and banned him.
Now Brule is butthurt and throws shit at AMB and Swissbro/Versetti/whatever is doing damage control.

>> No.9320111

Oh fuck meant to

>> No.9320200

Can confirm. I am in Mr Creme Brule discord and i was paid to make fake amb shills to give him material to talk about. But he didnt pay me so i exposed him.

Yes brule flips shitcoins. He buys in early then spams his discord to buy as well so he can dump it on them. Hes very good at that

>> No.9320232

Can someone link to the Brule discord please?

>> No.9320287

You loosers need jobs... seriously

Bunch of overgrown baby’s playing kiddie games.

>> No.9320309


I make one nuanced post about AMB and VEN between like 100 posts and nobody ever lets me live it down.

>> No.9320325

Where s alink to ur discord

>> No.9320329

TheGrey on TG. Talk to him there. Hasn't stopped complaining everywhere possible since he got kicked. I don't know who kicked you, but you telling everyone we're shilling AMB and manipulating price is ridiculous. You make it sound like some organized group. It's just 399 random biztards plus Swissbro. I mean it's not even a closed group. I myself have 40,000 AMB and haven't sold once. Most of us don't touch our stacks because we're waiting for AMB to shoot up. Don't want months of accumulation to be wasted. Whoever is making all of these AMB posts everyday (probably you and Bearwolf) are doing it to make AMB seem like a shilled project. Those posts are generally uninformed just like the conversation that got you kicked from TG

>> No.9320339


>> No.9320340

>Now Brule is butthurt and throws shit at AMB and Swissbro/Versetti/whatever is doing damage control.

Nah, not butthurt at all. I've got zero skin in AMB at this point. I will be recommending people to stay away from AMB though with what I know is going on. Far too sketch a coin even if it goes up.

Now - I didn't really have AMB on my scope for weeks - some of the guys on Euclid's Window telegram (the one where SwissBro pump and dumps on sheep) shilled AMB on me, & I think genuinely believed the hype. I actually stated it’s a “mid to high” risk coin, & if people want they could do a small stake for a master node pump. And whoever said a 10-20% pump is shit? LMAO.

SharkCIA also pumped it as well as Bizonacci, and like I said, on a cursory look, I see nothing significantly different between a shitcoin like this with a shitcoin like WTC or VEN.

I get it - when you're a small coin you wanna try to get exposure, & work on branding and marketing to get your name out. So far AMB's done a shit job as it's mainly been on /biz.

Problem is when these shillfags are denying the fundamentals are shit, the social interest is shit, & then censoring people for mentioning this? Then it’s toxic as fuck. Mr. SwissBro - you fucked up banning me on Telegram. I’m on to your bullshit, and shenanigans in general, and you fucked with the wrong autist, top kek.

>> No.9320370
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>mfw cuckingpandas joins the party
>mfw only missing kimchiwhore, pharmpajeet, and manletfiat

>> No.9320435


You are shilling AMB. Everyone know's Euclid Window is shit. Literally several mods on that server have said lmfao.

>Those posts are generally uninformed just like the conversation that got you kicked from TG

Ah so you admit that convo talking about poor interest in AMB got me banned. Good job, dumbass.

>Whoever is making all of these AMB posts everyday (probably you and Bearwolf) are doing it to make AMB seem like a shilled project.

It is absolutely a shilled project. A reminder - Euclid's Window people came to my server shilling it. I've never touched it before the last 2 weeks. Your group's active censorship, & SwissBro's shitty calls in general since January (calling a bull market then as see in the waruso link above), and other alt coins speak for itself.

>> No.9320471

What's the TG handle of Swissbro's group?

>> No.9320475

>I’m not butthurt
>you fucked with the wrong autist
Cmon Brule muh dude, it starts to get embarrassing.
>kiddie games
There are billions of $ in this kiddie game. You might not believe it but shiposting on biz actually affects the market.
I don’t trust anyone on biz. You might as well do a clever psyop by talking about unrelated stuff to gain trust.
Shill something else to divert attention, kek

>> No.9320543

Swissbro is a long term investor.

I believe watchbro likes amb because it has a strong team backed by parity and gavin wood (cofounder of etherum)

Brule flips shitcoin by buying it first and then tell his followers to buy it so he can dump it on them, which was what happened to me.

>> No.9320574


>> No.9320612
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Sorry but only "high IQ autists" are allowed to join.
>my fucking wheels

>> No.9320614

Scroll up tard

>> No.9320658

I've been here for a while but no P&D has been called. What is the PD group Brule is calling?

>> No.9320683

for what? I wasn't trying to hide anything lol. See you're obsessed with trying to "gotchu" people. I don't think you needed to be kicked, but I can reason it was because you were doing nothing but bragging about calling the price drop during edcon.
"I don't think the price will go up during the presentation."
"See I told you all, you should've listened to me I'm a trading master!"
Most of us are just accumulating, not worried about trading AMB. Only two trades with AMB. The buy in at $0.30 and then the sell at $15. Ecw is literal shit. I totally agree =]

>> No.9320691
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That is not swissbro TG. It was a copycat TG made after the real one was put on private. What the fuck are you still doing in there?

>> No.9320693

that's the tg.
Brule is just a butthurt shitcoin flipper dumping on his 2k discord followers

>> No.9320705
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> and you fucked with the wrong autist, top kek.

> Cmon Brule muh dude, it starts to get embarrassing.

Your reading comprehension skills are embarrassing. Clearly, you ignored the ‘top kek’ indicating sarcasm. Euclid Window's/SwissBro shills at full force.

>There are billions of $ in this kiddie game. You might not believe it but shiposting on biz actually affects the market.

Eh, not as much as you think. Has it worked for ChainLink?


Nice larp. I didn't realize top 20-30 coins are shitcoins, top kek. I didn't realize I have the power to pump coins like EOS, ETH, etc, lmao. Most people who know me know I’m skeptical of unknown coins with no liquidity.

Swissbro is a scammer & incompetent. His posts from January (as linked above) show as much. He bans people for speaking negatively about AMB in his telegram. Now you're trying to do damage control top kek.

People who read biz, & my discord know that I'm reputable. Not that I really give a fuck, but my reputation speaks for itself - and if it doesn’t for you or some random biz brainless, that’s fine too. People know that I exposed John McAfee for his coin of the week nonsense, as well as Marius Landman, not to mention giving paid signals from the groups like Palm Beach Confidential for free. I don’t think any other server does that.

Like I said, at this point, I have no vested interest in AMB. Have a problem with me pointing out that AMB is extremely sketch or the shenanigans SwissBro is up to? Try acting decently, and honestly, then you wouldn't have to post 100 AMB posts every hour.

>> No.9320715


>> No.9320743

Thats the original TG group, been in since the first Swissbro thread

>> No.9320795
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kek can't you play along you autist?
Moron is dumb enough to be in the TG then spam ask "what is the TG?".

>> No.9320824

Someone said there was a new TG. Sorry.
I'm pretty new at these forums.
How does one do a profile like yours or Brule's?

>> No.9320878

The special lettering next to my trip is paid VIP feature after proving 1 year minimum 4chan activity .
You can put a name you like in "Name" field when posting. Try MrAwareBear

>> No.9320896

>Seeing shills everywhere
My turn to say top kek.
Nothing brings me more joy to see a tripfag getting rekt on 4chan.
>muh reputation
Oh please, we all know how those fucking tgs/discords work. Buy bags, shill to wankers in the group, wankers shill to reddit/biz, dump bags on wankers/biztards/plebbitors. You, McAfee, Swissfag are literally the same.

>> No.9320964

Where can I see upvotes?