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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9317461 No.9317461 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, does anyone else here actually run their own business or have a side hustle aside from coins?

I do digital media and freelance programming but I know I can be doing more. What else is out there?

>> No.9317475

I have a job

>> No.9317491

I'm on welfare

>> No.9317506

I have a professional license and run my own practice. No employees, low overhead and I bill at $150/hr. Work about 20 hours a week.

>> No.9317510

Currently im a dev at a fintech company in Sweden. Making my own mobilegames as a hobby, hopefully I'll be to do it full time soon!

>> No.9317517
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Real job + IT side business + crypto + stocks + flipping garbage like shoes and golf clubs on Craigslist occasionally.

>> No.9317527

Have you considered raising shrimp?

>> No.9317531

You're welcome for my taxes.

>> No.9317557

Thank you for paying my welfare OP.

>> No.9317636
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Im a forklift operator

>any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.9317898

That's pretty much where I'm at. I'm 19 and have been coding since I was 12 but the cash cow has been web development, Social Media Marketing, and SEO. Businesses pay way more than they should for that stuff and I'm capitalizing on it.

>> No.9317912

I've paid 45% taxes for more years than I can count. I deserve this time to build my portfolio before I move overseas and take it all with me

>> No.9317940

how did you get your first customers?

>> No.9318107

My dad is a local radio host and I coldcalled all of his advertisers.
I also went door to door in my local shopping centre and went into every place that didn't have a website.

>> No.9318145

I sell drugs in addition to my wage cuck job

>> No.9318231

what annoys me is people without websites just have facebook page and say they don´t need more and i don´t know how to convince them, because they really don´t need more

>> No.9318328

Of course they don't. Sell them with some shit like "you need a place for your business to 'live' online," which of course a facebook page just suffices but you need to show them how much more professional a website can be.

>> No.9319215

how do you avoid getting caught?
I hate drugs but wouldnt mind selling them

>> No.9319237

Just sell to a close circle. The best people are the ones with jobs. You dont want to sell to peoole that risk getting caught

>> No.9319354

Dont sell maryjane.
You decide who's your customer.
Find people who like LSD. (goa parties)

>> No.9319427

FBI here, elaborate please

>> No.9319451


I'm a sales manager for an industrial technology company and I have a consulting business that focuses on bringing foreign companies into US markets (or at least that's what I told this French water company that's payed me $110k to "try" last year).

It's been fun - I make about $250k a year.

>> No.9319787

Im in prison for sellings drugs on the darkweb. Currently do some freelance website building. Depends on the customer but I earn anything between €500 and €2000 per project. Recycling CD's and LP's as prison labor for €4,56 a day.

>> No.9320579


>> No.9320634

I doxx girls that post nudes on reddit.

>> No.9320636

They give you internet access in prison?

>> No.9320654

that's profitable?

>> No.9320702

Normally you don't. But I am in what you call Beperkt Beveiligde Inrichting, Limited Security Penintiary. Because of good behaviour and I am almost done with my sentence I get to stay here for the last few months with my own mobile phone. On top of that I am able to leave every 4 weeks for a weekend.

>> No.9320721

Ben je toevallig een (halve) neger?

>> No.9320741

Haha nee gewoon wit, maar tering wat lopen er veel rond hier.

>> No.9320957

How did you get caught?

>> No.9321279

I cant go into great detail because appeal is still in proces. Sorry...

>> No.9321294
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This woman would not be reliable in a monogamous relationship.

>> No.9321301

Yea, but I need a tip like - was it becaue of LE played you ordering from you and setting you up?

Was it because of bad opsec.

Was it random chaos - getting caught irl with stuff on you?

>> No.9321554

My companion, which of course isn't my companion anymore, did some stuff behind my back and that led to us being caught. Random chaos I would say.

Overall I don't know if you ask this question because of general interest or if you are contemplating starting a vendor account. But I would recommend not doing it. It's far more fulfilling to earn your money in an honest way. On top of that LE are getting better and better at disrupting dark web trade and it's more of a gamble nowadays.

>> No.9321604

Don't you think honest people that cannot procure it otherwise deserve to get LSD, Shrooms and clean amphetamine? How is that not a honest work.