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9317064 No.9317064 [Reply] [Original]

I've set up my metamask account on chrome and transferred my ERC20s to it, and have a backup of my seed phrase. Should I also export my private key and save a paper copy of that or is that unnecessary? Would my seed phrase be enough to recover my ERC20s if metamask one day was not working or something, or would I need my private key for that?

>> No.9317111

its called newfag faggot

>> No.9317123

Seed is fine

>> No.9317135

Oh if metamask stops working then u need private key, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't rely on any servers or anything to function soo

>> No.9317147

get a hardware wallet ffs
don't be that guy

>> No.9317162

the dank fox follows your cursor

>> No.9317165

buy colx

>> No.9317176

Newfriend detected. What a waste

>> No.9317210

Dont ever look at your private key. As soon as you look at it, its been compromised.

If you really have to, buy new cheap laptop, format c:, clean win or linux installation, look at it once, write on paper, then reformat c:

>> No.9317214

i decorated all the characters of my keystore.json

>> No.9317221

Also, dont connect thru wifi. Connect thru 4g thru your phone.

>> No.9317225

I see thanks friend

>> No.9317272

Why would you remove the only facet of crypto which makes it good (decentralization) by putting it in a centralised wallet?

>> No.9317324

DUDE, don't get a computer to do it seriously, you will have to keep it air gaped or boot to live Linux every time, just look into hardware wallets, your making you life difficult
FFS /biz/

>> No.9317470


>> No.9318329

hardware wallets are just as susceptible, mind you the chances of being compromised is low. >>9288461
But if you want to be 100% safe get a raspberry pi which costs $30 and is not connected to the internet, use offline wallets to access your account.

>> No.9318346

Don't listen to this fag.