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931666 No.931666 [Reply] [Original]

So Canada just elected a guy who's promised to legalise and regulate pot.

How can I cash in and make money off of a new legal weed industry?

>> No.931669

If you're in BC, you've already made your money off basically decriminalized marijuana. If you're not, the people who have already made money in weed in your area will bring down the price to where you can't compete with them when it is legalized.

>> No.931670

light up a joing tbh, fam lmao

>> No.931671

He wont legalize shit fam.

It's just an easy way to get young kids to vote for him.

>> No.931811

do you have any money? And willing to invest in startups? Breaking into the weed game is hard atm, without any money.

>> No.931816

Trudeau won't legalize anything in this term, he'll just DECRIMINALIZE it first, then say it will take 6-8 years to actually legalize it and regulate it, and make sure it's 'safe' for citizens to consume.

By then, he'll be kicked out for not legalizing weed, by the same people who elected him, so he won't be doing fuck all.

That's why so many investors are angry with Canada ATM, for changing the government, to the Liberals of all people.

Everything right now is uncertain, and probably won't be certain for a few more months / 1-2 years. The Canadian dollar fell, when usually during a new Prime Minister elect, it goes up.

Canadian oil stocks fell further as well!

Trudeau is going to fuck up this country.

>> No.931825

The tricky part of weed is, for the most part, the people who can build businesses on it started when it was illegal, or had some kind of quasi legal status. Which is fine, but the risks are huge.

And not just legal risks. Also regulation risk.

>> No.931829


What people fail to notice when the talk about the price of oil or the Canadian dollar, is the fact that global economic uncertainty has been pushing the USD up.

Also, a low Canadian dollar is a good thing in the long run.. it will fuel a whole new generation of Canadian entrepreneurs.

Too many people treat the currency as a stock ticker for the nation.

The truth is that the value of the currency going down or going up is neither "good" or "bad" for Canadians. It is merely a reflection of the need for either internal growth within the country or external consumption outside of it.

>> No.931830
File: 1.13 MB, 1471x2120, 1445295917209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao dude phukkin blaze that $hit

>> No.931835


>> No.931951
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>> No.931966

Could you please expand on the positives of having a lower value dollar and fueling entrepreneurial growth?

>> No.931975


#1) it makes exporting easier

>> No.932004


Fuck you. Faggot.

>> No.932012
File: 107 KB, 900x597, image1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pussy witeboi detected

>> No.932094
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>> No.932191

Anyone have any FX plays in response to the elections?

I'm betting on the CDN dollar going down with the announcements from weed man.

>> No.932281

Buy canopy from tsx venture

>> No.932299
File: 95 KB, 495x664, 1442707855218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

politicians have PR teams around them at all times to feed them information about public opinion.. it's basically about creating the most successful marketing campaign.

on the actual note of legalization, if he is not 100% loopy he should know by now that he can't change much by himself. politicians know they can't keep promises, and worse yet, they know that with the help of their PR teams, they can keep the public favour while not fulfilling their promises. this is like all that hope and change bullshit from Obama's '08 campaign. don't believe the hype

>> No.933094
File: 2.71 MB, 3000x2400, DUDE WEED LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing my city's population youth (my self) after legalization people will be abuseing the product like every other legal drug out there i was wondering who i can grow my own in a legal a safe way. only for personal use not for resell. is there going to be classes for growing? a training? fire hazards which need to be looked.. btw this is the official dude weed lmao pic
KEK!!! xD

>> No.933098

There are more than enough guides for doing it less than legally. If it is legalized you simply don't have to worry about going to jail.

Look up space buckets.

>> No.933114

are you suggesting theirs non legal permit for growing?........

>> No.933283

>this is like all that hope and change bullshit from Obama's '08 campaign. don't believe the hype

IIRC he actually brought in Obama's old campaign staff to run it for him didn't he?