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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9316238 No.9316238 [Reply] [Original]

Your friendly daily reminder that the President of this coin said their scaling strategy is to steal the best available option.

$4 EOM

>> No.9316259

>He didn't buy the ICO.
Post what you're holding so I can laugh at you.

>> No.9316271

Looks like it will be an FSN copycat. Lmao

When will wanlets fomo into fsn?

>> No.9316284
File: 11 KB, 302x249, CA142C4A-773C-4592-ADE0-3C768967F701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iCO was in october.

Literally missed the entire bull run waiting for a measley 8x sat value.

>> No.9316308


Wanlets act like they had some immense ICO gain. They have an 8x in sat value while their $ sat on the sidelines for the most epic run in crypto history.

Stay poor Wanlets.

>> No.9316311


>> No.9316317

>sat value

kek, autists

>> No.9316320

Post your holdings, poorfag.

>> No.9316333


LOL it's always the same brainlet who measures his gains in USD hahahahah

>> No.9316336

dont bother, these guys wont answer. they're just fusion shills

>> No.9316357

im such a retard for measuring my gains in the world reserve currency

>> No.9316364


I make no attempts to disguise the fact i own FSN. Sorry i dont buy other peoples bags. I didnt partake in WAN ico because the airdrop was way too long and imo it was the right choice. Made way more in bull run.

I have about 10k fsn, but no WAN.

>> No.9316375
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>Sorry i dont buy other peoples bags.
>Buy fusion.

literally why the fuck do you keep making these threads if your making so much money

>> No.9316413

I own zero FSN and have never once mentioned it. Just informing fellow anons of this obvious scam.

>> No.9316415

What thread? I didn’t make this

>> No.9316427

>33333 project

Did you guys see this recent announcement? KEK. Stuff like this just stinks of desperation.

>Muh 33 unicorns

>> No.9316447

If you want a REALLY good laugh, check out the Q & A Dustin and Jack did for plebbit prior to exchange listing. Was one of the all-time worst and most embarrassing displays I've seen in crypto. Even WAN shills were whining about how atrocious it was.

>> No.9316477

> Banks will partner with a 100% chink team with no product, absolutely terrible English speaking skills, and no credentials.

Wanchain is founded and developed by Jack Lu. The man who started wanglu tech, factom, and wanlabs. He said in no uncertain terms that wanchain is working with the government. (No hype because the real world doesn't work that way).

The official wanchain headquarters is in Austin Texas. Dustin is ex Goldman Sachs and clearly fucks. Wan 2.0 is ahead of schedule and already being tested.

I believe we will have first mover advantage and dominate finance well before fusion gets any traction. And it is highly likely FSN holders will dump for WAN.

>> No.9316481
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Let's recap what Wanchain has accomplished so far:

>33333 project

Muh 33 unicorns in 3 years

>Announce some absolute shit tier ICOs

Muh travel coins hahahaha

>Release mainnet which is nothing more than 99% copied ETH code

Muh ring signatures

>Dustin publically admits they arent worried about a scaling solution and will just steal the best one.

Solid progress guys!

>> No.9316541


So let me get this straight. This is your argument for WAN:

>Founder of Factom is involved

This coin is literal trash, why are you saying this like it's a positive.

>Dustin worked at Golden as a junior analyst

This means absolutely nothing. "He clearly fucks". Very strong reasoning as to why he will succeed.

>Headquarters is in Austin

Lolol this is one of your main shilling points? hahahahahaha

>muh government partnership

Jack did not say this. He hinted that they are hoping to work with governments, but he absolutely never said otherwise. No shit they hope to work with governments.

Just watch the plebbit Q & A, that will tell you more about the project than you need to know.

>> No.9316678

Stay poor and silent Wanlets