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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9313643 No.9313643 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that if you don't make it AND have had lots of sex by the time you are 30 it's game over for you.
No properly attractive girl will want to have sex with you after 30 no matter how much money you have (unless it's in the billions but that's not going to be anyone from /biz/).
So how much time do you have left?

>> No.9313651

>Friendly reminder that if you don't make it AND have had lots of sex by the time you are 30 it's game over for you.
If you're a female.


>> No.9313671
File: 42 KB, 800x499, vietjet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with money it never stops anon

>> No.9313760
File: 26 KB, 572x496, 1522287086896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 minute long cope

>> No.9313774

skip to 3:06. The graph is really the main thing.

>> No.9313785

Honestly not true. Attitude and hygiene can let you "pick up" young girls until you're about 50. After that you're going to have to go for girls who are more average looking, or are in their late 20's. To be honest girl's seem to peak in looks around 23/24, so don't worry about not being able to fuck 18 year old's daily, even though you likely still can. Connections can also get you a supply of pussy. Mostly if they're in entertainment or modeling.

The good thing about women is that they aren't super picky about looks once you're already in a relationship with them. If you just introduce yourself as a friend or something then it's pretty easy to get them to "like" you; although, you're not going to be like a 6'3" muscular private equity partner Chad, who's only 24. But realistically that kind of life is very short lived, and only happens because of god-tier parents.

t. divorced middle-aged millionaire

>> No.9313797

that graph is distilled cope
if you really think you're gonna date hot 21 year olds at 45 you're in for a cold shower

>> No.9313831


>> No.9313851


Lol are you dumb? girls love older guys. You think they want you to take them to McDonalds on your tricycle? hahahhahaha

>millennial cope

>> No.9313868

So you're telling me to stay a basement rat and date the occasional Chinky?

>> No.9313876

>it's not true r-right mommy?
>once i leave my basement at 40 all the girls will want me!

>> No.9313878

t. anon who hasnt got wrinkles or baldpatches or ED yet.

>> No.9313905


lmao go swipe tinder some more maybe youll find a fat chick to go on a date with your broke ass

>> No.9313934

dumb faggot alert. I'm 32, only semi-rich (good career + 6 figure liquid) and i'm dating 3-4 women at any given time mostly mid twenties. if you're ugly/autistic or live in a small town then ya you're fucked but that's probably the case even when you're 25.

>> No.9313944
File: 43 KB, 390x470, 1521219052920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me try a weak deflect to cover up how much i can relate to what he's saying

>> No.9313961

not even related to /biz/

take this shit to r9k

>> No.9314946

how much is it to get a air bladder put in my dick to make it work?

>> No.9314965

36 and regularly fucking girls in their 20s. Its easier after 30

>> No.9314994

And who are you? Probably some 19 year old autist living at home with mommy and daddy who’s never fucked in his life.If you’re a Chad (over 6 feet, good looking and charismatic) the ride only ends when you want it to. Women love older men. And in fact since I’ve past 30 just recently I’m getting more and better pussy than I ever have. For men, it’s just about keeping your life together and staying in shape. Our ability to procreate doesn’t dry up like women at 35. Really wish these teenage boomers would not be so fucking retarded. Stop eating onions faggots.

>> No.9315075
File: 26 KB, 440x550, 1524516052282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've exposed yourself as a clueless virgin