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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1194x708, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 8.24.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9308777 No.9308777 [Reply] [Original]

Why's this shitcoin dead?

>> No.9308796

it was born with cancer...

>> No.9308824

Humans replaced horses with cars a long time ago. It's old tech

>> No.9308835

its name is fucking ethorse

>> No.9308856

Another dumb worthless shitcoin shilled to death by /biz/ rotting on the last page of CMC? Color me surprised.

>> No.9308878

It's Fan Duel for crypto. Really retarded coin. Making a crypto version of Fan Duel would be better.

>> No.9308893

go tell your mommy how you invested your money into something called "ETH HORSE". she'll be so proud of you.

>> No.9308916

I mean it's just betting on the coins instead of putting crypto into a pool and betting on the players to perform well or not.

Who would bet crypto that another crypto is going up or down in this fucking market? Bots would win.

>> No.9308930



>> No.9308936
File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, FunFair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9308955

cuz you're a stupid fucking idiot that invested in a clear scam.

>> No.9308965

They need a rebrand

>> No.9308973

probably because it requires way too much volume on their platform for token holders to benefit more than what they could achieve by just buying other shitcoins

>> No.9309274

it can be done with a smart contract on ethereum

>> No.9309295

while it can be done with ethereum alone, the idea is that ethorse holders receive dividends, so the only way to make that scheme work with a closed ecosystem is to use their own token

>> No.9309361

So does this shit actually work? Is it like options?

>> No.9309567

for what purpose would paying dividends be practical?

wouldn't that make it a security? Like investing in a casino with the expectation of getting a share of the profits

>> No.9309660

I guess so, but I assume the devs don't care or aren't in the US

>> No.9309717

i heard u like gambling so gamble buying a shitcoin so you can gamble on other shitcoins :DDd

>> No.9309745

Its more similar to binary options
Way it works AFAIK is you buy “contracts” of ETH,LTC,BTC and the holders of the coin contract that gains the most % in the contracts specified time frame will win the spread

>> No.9309896

Do they use oracles to measure the prices of coins?