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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9308679 No.9308679 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to make money without having to deal with people at all?

>> No.9308691


Trading crypto, da

>> No.9308697

Crypto trading

>> No.9308699

Software dev

>> No.9308700

I need an answer for this too, my doc tells me i cannot into stress and dealing with people for me is stressful.

>> No.9308706

Glory hole slut

>> No.9308708

Trading Cryptocurrencies

>> No.9308721


Besides that.

>> No.9308732

da Crypting Trado

>> No.9308764

If you traffic in human cargo you'll deal IN people way more than you'll deal WITH people.

>> No.9308776

trade shrimp futures

>> No.9308779

Drop shipping and glory hole

>> No.9308809

mine crypto

>> No.9308833

Raid dumpsters in the night for things in decent condition and sell them on amazon or ebay. You don't have to speak to a single soul, just loot and ship.

>> No.9308842

Learn online marketing. Sell other peoples products (affiliate) through your method.

>> No.9308854

Isn't this just MLM?

>> No.9308952

Bite the bullet like me and just become a wagecuck already.

It's hard, nobody likes me at work. But who gives a fuck I pull in 65k and have two years of work experience that I can leverage to find another job if I get fired.

At some point I realized the reason I wanted to avoid people was because I didn't want them to become uncomfortable by my presence. Well guess what, the reason I am so fucked up in the first place was precisely because I avoided people.

When I first started I thought I wasn't going to last a month. Somehow I've lasted for two years, and even got an award. I have 30k in savings and crypto and my parents are actually proud of me. I would be nowhere right now if I clammed up and tried to make money doing online surveys. So grow some balls and go out already.

Life is about pushing against a cruel world until something gives, don't be afraid just because some people give you nasty looks.

>> No.9308992

Classic, simply classic.

>> No.9308994

No brainlet, multi level marketing is you recruiting suckers so they work under you and you get money from whatever they sell and people THEY recruit, basically a pyramid scheme where ur on top

>> No.9309004

No, MLM is when you get your referrals to sell for you

This is just called "owning a business"

>> No.9309036

you described the crypto market perfectly

>> No.9309069

What's your line of work anon?

>> No.9309094

>Go to work
>Say hi to some people
>Don't give a fuck about what others think
Sounds to me you're way too much of a prancing homo lala man

>> No.9309118
File: 164 KB, 1197x591, chaturbate affiliate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I guess think of it similar to drop shipping. Except all you do is show the product to people and have a checkout, after that you're done.

If you look at the bottom of a lot of websites they'll have an affiliates link or webmasters link. Then you'll sign up. You need to usually provide your website and how you're going to drive traffic to them. There's their ToS you'll have to read and follow, this is important part.

You can be an amazon affiliate, and you know the youtube videos where they have the links to buy from Amazon? They're an affiliate and when you use their link they'll get a % of anything you buy within 24 hours. Others usually have a 2 week cookie for the single item they click on.

You can be an affiliate of software, cam websites. Like look at chaturbate, you get a nice percentage of what people spend on the models. You can do all this without talking to anyone.

>> No.9309176

software dev
I think anyone that has to work to eat is a wagecuck

I am cordial, but I have severe social anxiety and am extremely awkward to talk to. But going to work and being constantly surrounded by people for two years has helped greatly with that. Something that wouldn't have happened if I didn't bite the bullet

>> No.9309221

Does software developer require a degree

>> No.9309432

>muh social anxiety
newsflash faggot, everyone's too busy caring about their own issues to even care about you so there is no fucking reason for you to go full soi about trivial interactions

>> No.9309788

So you basically setup a website/Shopify to drive revenue to the company?
Do you make decent margins doing this.

>> No.9309816
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I wish.