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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9308527 No.9308527 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9308549

not sure if i can feel the implications of this.
my first thought was

>> No.9308557

I feel really bad for anyone who didn't buy ChainLink because /biz/ turned it into a meme.

>> No.9308566


>> No.9308570
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>> No.9308582

It’s never too late, kiddo

>> No.9308620
File: 557 KB, 434x248, sc2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my poorfolio has no room for new coins

>> No.9308754

wtf is this? do you need to pay to check if an email is valid? nobody will use that

>> No.9308774

What's the point of this shit? Sounds dumb.

>> No.9308782

This automatically sets link above 90% of the shitcoins in the top 100. $10 EOY.

>> No.9308948

It's an example dapp that uses testnet LINK. It serves no purpose other than showing that LINK works.

>> No.9309006

Companies like amazon and expedia pay whitepages to see if an email is valid or not and the exact creation date of said email when they investigating fraud

>> No.9309029

the more you know.

>> No.9309031

remember when REQ had a working product and how it took off

>> No.9309638

learned today

>> No.9309755
File: 172 KB, 1786x780, ;____;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for LinkPool after ppl pledged over 1000ETH and nobody ended up giving them that much ;_______;

>> No.9310134

This, but also for phone numbers. People have no idea how expensive it can be for a small business to keep track of identities in their database over time. Services to keep names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses up do date can charge up to a couple of dollars per identity checked. This can quickly balloon to hundreds of thousands per year.

>> No.9310977

I gave more than I pledged. Hope they somehow reach their goal when Link pumps in price compared to ETH.

>> No.9311077

Req is shit compared to link, tardo