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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9308398 No.9308398 [Reply] [Original]

of most talked about cryptos today. This little bad boy stands amongst giants such a BTC, DASH, ETH and LTC allready. wtf.

Also, another day another announcement: apparantly they've been listed on the NextExchange.

Make use of this market dip /biz/. It will pull another ripple before the end of next summer.

>> No.9308569
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>got a stack at 25 sats today
>pic related

>> No.9308575


>> No.9308654
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You're gonna make it lad.


You're not gonna make it lad.

>> No.9308993

This is one of those coins that will actually make the fabled jump from Cryptopia to Binance like Neblio did late last year. 5M here.

>> No.9309059

same my guy, lets see where this goes

>> No.9309309


Considering the team behind this, i don't even find that statement to be outlandish.

Would you guys be willing to donate some colx for such a cause?

I'm actually considering downloading the android wallet specifically for such purposes and put 1/10 of every colx buy in it. Really want this one to succeed.

>> No.9309924

What's special about this coin that separates it from any other shitcoin claiming to revolutionize privacy in transactions? Why is anyone sure it will make it to binance or gain significant value?

>> No.9310083
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It's not just a decent privacy coin (being a fork from PivX), it's also developing the "Grid". It's basically an anonymous cloud storage system and a supercomputer that lets you rent out computing power anonymously. See it as some sort of combination of Verge, Golem and Siacoin. These services can be bought or sold on the marketplace they are also developing.

Out of all the coins on the market, i consider Colx to be one of the best investments one can make at the moment. Bro, i'm not even shilling here. Just facts.

Watch this:


and this:


and look at pic related. At these prices, you are getting them at minimal risk vs. maximum reward. It also has one of the most professional and active teams behind it in the entire cryptosphere.

>> No.9310086

Are a certain portion of the COLX staked in the Android wallet sent for dev donations?

Its privacy features are nothing revolutionary right now (Coinjoin with future plans for Zerocoin) but the team's ambition is to use the PoS network for grid computing and storage (Gridcoin/Storj) while also pursuing payment gateway utility (future debit card partnerships, partnerships with other cryptos like PolisPay) so that the actual coins have utility without needing to hit up the exchanges first to covert to another crypto. Sounds basic as fuck but nobody has actually taken a two-pronged approach where the network has value because it can be rented out for grid computing and the coins received as a reward have value because they can be easily used or exchanged.

>> No.9310158


No they're not mate. I'm just considering doing it myself. For every 100 colx i accumulate, i'll set 10 apart for donation purposes.

>> No.9310192


Don't forget their partnership with Emporium tho. Houses, cars, bikes, electronics, etc, can be bought there directly with Colx soon. It's allready a legit commodity.

The international crypto show was a huge deal for them.

>> No.9310471

That's true, I forgot about that completely which is pretty nice. Everything about this project just feels right and it has been a long time since I felt that way about a currency coin.

>> No.9310508

Also just want to point out that obvious accumulation is going on right now. The price hasn't fluctuated much yet but the available BTC on the orderbook has doubled from 15 to just under 30 right now on Cryptopia. Textbook accumulation by larger buyers setting up sellwalls and hoping small fries sell into their lower buy orders.

>> No.9310688

I want to like this coin, and looking into it, their plan looks solid, but I can't find any real tangible progress on the platform. I found alot of work on a wallet and exchange listings, but not much on the platform itself. All I saw recently was , "merging newer codebases from btc/dash to strengthen our code". Shill me this, I'm primed to buy if someone can point me in the direction of some real proof of future competitiveness.

>> No.9310779

colx dev team doesnt fuck around. Comfy fucking hold. Huge gains to come. will hit 200 sats easy by end of summer

>> No.9310898

Exactly, it seems like an interesting project and for what its been shilled as its incredibly undervalued, but it seems like all of their work is towards ways to access the coin rather than the coin itself.

>> No.9310921


Rome wasn't build in one day mate. The grid is in development, but it seems the devs are aiming to firmly establish its status as a currency first. It's the architecture it will run on, so i'm considering that a wise choice.

Nobody wants half-assed products and we''ve come to know this team as a bunch of folks who don't hype shit into orbit.

>> No.9310944

wow Im so stoked with this winner coin. Im not bothered its got as many multi million low cost bag holders as turtlecoin looking to dump on the unsuspecting this is going to the moon baby the moon i tell you

>> No.9310981

For sure. Do they have anything available to look through on the development of the grid? This is what really has me interested.

>> No.9310983
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Fud more.

>> No.9311084

The roadmap indicates late 2018 or 2019 for actual implementation of grid computing. It's going to take a while for that aspect to get off the ground, but distributed computing is nothing really that new and actually predates crypto. Gridcoin has been around for a few years and has a similar utility but the coin itself is really missing that other aspect of direct utility to drive the coin's value. I'd imagine that when the time is right they will bring on a dev from that project or something similar to help implement distributed computing.

>> No.9311098


Well, for starters there is the whitepaper, that goes into full detail at page 30. It states that the Grid is allready in development. So there's that for a confirmation. See link:


According to the roadmap, they're also creating a github account soon, so thats another thing to look out for when it comes to confirmation.

The video production regarding the Grid is another good indicator that it's being worked on.

Again, you're buying these before they're hot right now. But if you're uncomfortable making the purchase, just wait a while bro.

>> No.9311789

4 days ago an anon made a thread saying that colx was about to be shilled hardcore.

For once someone wasn't talking shit. I'm sorry I doubted you anon.

Ps if you buy colx you deserve to get dumped on

>> No.9311921
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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that, when a coins enters a major accumulation.

It's actually a very strong buy signal you retard. Nothing but weak fud, designed to induce doubt and fear.

>> No.9311981
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*accumulation phase*

Fuck i need some sleep. nn bro's.