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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9302674 No.9302674 [Reply] [Original]

What is his problem, /biz/?

>> No.9302698

He looks like a fucking soiboy male feminist

>> No.9302716

paul vagina

>> No.9302747

Paul seems “deeply troubled” by the state of the world.

>> No.9302783

>what's his problem?

Unshaved vagina

>> No.9302807

“, like,” what a fag. I bet he bought the (vegan gluten free) dip.

>> No.9302827


>> No.9302830

Another balding numale journalist passive aggressive faggot that can’t give straight answers and needs to be beaten within an inch of his life because he’s such a fucking faggot

>> No.9302840

lol WSJ triggering le weakhanded anons today.

>> No.9302860

>muh social justice
>muh bald+bearded betamale
>muh sourcez
absolute state of the wsj

>> No.9302861

if you're looking for the source of the FUD surrounding ETH / security - look no further than this piece of steaming shit, who is either corrupt, or greedy fuck thirsty for clickbait articles based on a rumor from 'someone who should know these things' - fuck this piece of shit, as a cherry on top hes giving sarcastic and condescending responses to people on twitter who question him

>> No.9302862

“Oh you mean you didn’t hear that there’s going to be an SEC meeting group talking about crypto? Maybe you should try, like, talking to people!”

>> No.9302879

fucking SJW paper

>> No.9302901

>learn about private meeting
>better tell the world!

>> No.9302913

>Maybe you should try, like, talking to people!”
Heh, no thanks faggot

>> No.9302944

he looks like a onions jack

>> No.9302962

Is anybody still on twitter? I’m sure most of us are /pol/acks that got banned back during the election for bullying guys exactly like this. God if I still had an account I’d love to bully this faggot. Unfortunately that site is now designed to protect faggots like this from facing righteous bullying.

>> No.9302981

Article: https://medium.com/@Murkymerkleroot/xsn-army-blog-post-3-may-6-2018-99e79d07da79

>> No.9302985

nah, i got the ban hammer a long time ago, place is a left wing echo chamber

>> No.9303012

Paul Vagina

>> No.9303037
File: 21 KB, 200x220, 71C1608E-57B3-44BD-87F6-750ECC52AADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.9303066

Most disgusting labia I’ve ever seen.

>> No.9303125

>What is his problem?
looks identical to every other so᠌yboy.
wtf is this timeline?

>> No.9303407

his problem will be losing his credibility and probably his job among accusations of market manipulation
bizbros still on twitter should:
>Contact the sec and the cftc, ask if there was a "working group" meeting today that he alluded to. Record every convo, get a written answer if possible.
>If there was not, confront WSJ and the authors of the article, Mr. Vigna and Mr. Michaels with the evidence.
>Ask them how if they are fine with a prestigious 128-year-old leading business newspaper make up fake news affecting a rapidly expanding $450 000 000 000 market and losing the trust of a new generation of investors. Ask them what are they planning to do to prevent the intentional spreading of fake news in the future and what professional consequences will the actions of their two authors have.
>Be calm and professional yet persistent. Refrain from ad hominem attacks. Don't let them play the alt-right card.

>> No.9303473
File: 112 KB, 640x1136, 429BCB7F-3159-401D-BD67-4099C04DF0E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly off-topic but you all should know that there still is potential trouble brewing. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/22/technology/gensler-mit-blockchain.html

>> No.9303680

Thanks anon, interesting read. A guy named anonymint (oldfags may remember him from bitcointalk threads back then, a bit on fringe territory and overly dramatic, but a man worthy of respect and a very capable analyst who'd sadly been affected by serious health issues) wrote extensively on the topic before anyone else did according to my knowledge: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@anonymint/future-ico-woes-and-alternatives-to-icos-for-fundraising

>> No.9303763

on topic as fuck
they go on to say...
>Ether’s backers say it serves a purpose beyond trading. The virtual currency is paid to people who run the Ethereum program on their computer—a necessary function for a decentralized project.

>Supporters of ether, including Andreessen Horowitz, also note that ether is mined—or created—by that broad community of users, not any single person or entity.

>Ether “has become so decentralized it should not be deemed a security,” a group of venture capitalists including Andreessen and Union Square Ventures wrote in a proposal seeking a broad regulatory exemption, which was submitted to the SEC in late March.

XRP looks fucked though. any one shorting?

>> No.9303825

The topic was “Paul Vigna sucks”, hence the disclaimer.

>> No.9303931

to me the topic was WSJ wrote an article that got blown the fuck up due to 2 lines alluding to a SEC meeting today that got Chinese whispered into a fucking congressional hearing on whether or not ETH is a security, thereby causing masses of fud and selloffs.

but then, i'm a bit of a romantic

>> No.9303982
File: 34 KB, 450x450, 700-00363304en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9304018

I wanna troll this faggot on twitter but cant find the thred link plz

>> No.9304160

Broad vs narrow interpretation. Let’s not split hairs.

>> No.9304234
File: 32 KB, 409x400, thisguygetsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Vigna sucks a fucking huge one
I think we agree

>> No.9304695


>> No.9304707
