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9301584 No.9301584 [Reply] [Original]

They're trying to cover it up, but Rory basically just confirmed what insiders have been warning me about since the start of this project.
Sergey has serious stage fright and had a panic attack last week. He cancelled 3 presentations that were scheduled with executives at Swift and it's probably over. Apparently Rory was willing to step in for Sergey but the board at Swift wasn't happy with that and cancelled the entire thing. For you guys' sake I hope they can salvage this train wreck, but I'm out. I just finished selling the last of my 200k LINK bags.

>> No.9301638

>Sergey has serious stage fright and had a panic attack last week. He cancelled 3 presentations that were scheduled with executives at Swift and it's probably over. Apparently Rory was willing to step in for Sergey but the board at Swift wasn't happy with that and cancelled the entire thing. For you guys' sake I hope they can salvage this train wreck, but I'm out. I just finished selling the last of my 200k LINK bags.
no shit, have you heard his interviews? The guy is low IQ and doesn't know anything about tech. He would get humiliated in any conversation with someone like Vitalik, Larimer, etc.

>> No.9301642

theres no business like shoah business theres no people like shoah people they smile when they are low

>> No.9301662

Where did you get this information? I heard exactly same thing yesterday

>> No.9301782

bump, linkies on suicide watch

>> No.9301812

Insider here

For once, op is correct
And it's not just the stage fright
Get ready for a huge dump
Go set your stop limits now
Or you will lose all your link
Trust me

>> No.9301895

You can take pills for stage fright, its not an issue.

>> No.9301916
File: 97 KB, 768x403, 4411A5A6-727B-4E58-BF8D-42CDA9A326AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile IOTA

>> No.9301928

>You can take pills for stage fright, its not an issue.
can you take pills for low IQ and non existent tech knowledge?

>> No.9301930

Yeah like the last time he did?
He was foaming from the mouth dude... Thank god steve was there to take over.. Just sold my stack, cause I thought it was a joke...

>> No.9301934
File: 65 KB, 768x576, 89C041C7-A1E4-4466-AFC5-F7E7F67FED9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iota killing it

>> No.9301947


Vitalik = a stuttering weirdo

Larimer = a whiny bitch

Only newfags look up to either of them.

>> No.9301950

someone should compile all of the lengthy "it's over" posts since the ico

>> No.9301952

from someone at Swift.

>> No.9301956

>warning me about

o rajesh, my dear boy...

>> No.9301964

Why dont you include the rest of the message?

>> No.9301966


>Go set your stop limits now
>Or you will lose all your link
>Trust me

... you only lose your LINK if you sell it you LARPing brainlet

>> No.9301968

It's happening tonight, strap in boys

>> No.9301969

LMAO if you think crowds are impressive you should check out bitconnect

>> No.9301985


The only swift thing you've ever come into contact with was a swift kick in the ass when your father used to beat you for being such a disappointment.

>> No.9301994

>Vitalik = a stuttering weirdo
>Larimer = a whiny bitch
>Only newfags look up to either of them.
lol both of them are high IQ, highly witted and can debate blockchain tech eloquently. Any youtube search will prove that.

Now youtube for sergey interviews lol...... he sounds like a non technical simpleton.

>> No.9302002

thank you

>> No.9302028


Just because they have a higher IQ than you doesn't mean they have a high IQ. Real cryptologists, ie the real high IQ heroes despise them both. They're both beta bitches who are only in the space because they're fame whores. Vitalik uses Ethereum as a way to feel macho and important, and Larimer is a whiney bitch who makes garbage and then bails on it to sucker more people into the next garbage project he makes.

>> No.9302035
File: 483 KB, 2448x3264, burgerlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's threads like these why I come to biz

>> No.9302071
File: 6 KB, 231x219, deFUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how he's barely keeping his eyelids open? He has to use his eyebrow muscles. That means he is bored out of his mind. I know because I have the same thing. Those are not the eyelids of someone with speech anxiety.

To my fellow linklets: watch some youtube videos in which he speaks condescendingly to large groups of influential fintech middle managers and developers

>> No.9302098


11:00....yeah, totally stage fright. anyone who believes this shit deserves to lose all their money. sergey kicks fucking ass.

>> No.9302194

exactly what I'm talking about. Even when speaking to a group of college kids here he is clearly nervous, sweaty, poor posture, and starts to sit down before he even finishes speaking.

Now imagine how bad it was speaking to private investors and you'll get a feel for why he cancelled the Swift presentations.

>> No.9302198

my dad works at Nintendo

>> No.9302211

nervous? he did everything he was supposed to you nigger. he didnt cancel anything. are you this new?

>> No.9302236


Nah, just this depressingly lame. nice dubs btw

>> No.9302284

Fud is getting more pathetic

>> No.9302285

M8 he's just fudding it. But seriously though look how nervous Sergey was like wtf? Just sold my 50k bags.

>> No.9302339

fugg, this is worse than vitalik's dancing. gonna dump my 100k Link right now

>> No.9302349

>Fud is getting more pathetic
I was thinking the same thing about the delusion of linkies. How they just rationalize all sergeys fuck ups and incompetence.

>> No.9302354

Fudders prove once again that they have low iq's.

>> No.9302372
File: 24 KB, 225x276, dftt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9302375

>Fudders prove once again that they have low iq's.
no, linkies do.

>> No.9302389

i-s this real? are there that many retards invested in broken tech? holy shit. those of us with money in real projects are going to get so rich

>> No.9302392

Any info for us?

>> No.9302429

makes sense t b h. stage fright is likely what caused his compulsive eating

>> No.9302454


>> No.9302494
File: 93 KB, 500x436, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even sergey has the confidence to stand up for his project

>> No.9302500

Sadly it's true.. I'm a psychologist and i've watched every conference Sergey has spoken at, and from my experience i can tell that he's most likely suffering from severe social anxiety, and or angst.
Take time off sergey, get counceling and make your project great.

>> No.9302584

LINK has been constantly outperformed by tens of other projects, both in ROI and delivery.

Being premined, with centralized distribution, and an army of shills usually do that to a coin.

>> No.9302701


>> No.9302727

Yes, Sergey has performance anxiety. He couldn’t even get it up the last time he was at my house.

>> No.9302733

>Meanwhile IOTA
> says german tech is bad
> invested in russian software
Muhaha, dude, how is the Lada doing? So much better than BMW amirite?

>> No.9302744
