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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9296589 No.9296589 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9296614

regulation fud, best fud

>> No.9296622

I know that feel.

>> No.9296623

Have been heavy ETH since 2017 and greatly appreciate (((their))) efforts today

>> No.9296627

This shit really is finished. If this is declared a security it will halve in value instantly.

>> No.9296640

It won't. It wouldn't make any actual sense.

>> No.9296655

It's dropped $150 in under a day and no decision has been made. There's just the mere possibility of it. Of course it will completely collapse if they rule in a way holders deem unfavorable.

>> No.9296669

It's dropping because of BTS is dropping, you brainlet. The FUD doesn't make any significant impact.

>> No.9296694

Get out of ETH now before you lose everything.

>> No.9296703

It started dumping before BTC did and has dumped far harder than BTC has. BTC has actually gone up in price by about $130 while at the same time ETH fell an additional $25 on incredibly high volume. There are absolutely massive market sales happening here in a way that is a bit beyond the standard "uh oh, BTC sneezed" schema.

BTC has not been the market leader this pump/dump cycle; alts have dragged it up slowly over time (in particular BCH, EOS and ETH), and are now dragging it down.

>> No.9296720

Most alts dump harder than BTC, especially when they had been growing in sats recently.

>> No.9296752

when is this fucking hearing?
also are there any livestream?

>> No.9296775

Whales baiting brainlets with an obvious bear trap
It would recover tomorrow morning

>> No.9296788

Checked. Markets like certainty, and years of legal battles with uncertain outcome is hardly a buy signal

>> No.9296801

there is no hearing, it's a meme

>> No.9296810

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST not sure if fudsters or you guys are actually retarded. The market sells is manipulation to catch dumbniggers like you. ETH won't be deemed as security, period.

Think of coinbase and circle. Circle had SEC approval before buying poloniex so if ETH was to be a security, theyd know, it would make no sense at all to announce the buy before the announcement.

>> No.9296825

this shit is dropping insanely fast

>> No.9296826

looks like the news leaked
eth is donezo

>> No.9296831

It's gonna approach 800 later today.

>> No.9296854

Kek. Honestly, as an ETH holder, I hope you're right. But we're sub $700 and still falling so fast I can hardly believe my eyes. This really does feel different than previous retracements.

>> No.9296889

>But we're sub $700
We're not.

>> No.9296912

We were. GDAX was $695 at the time of posting. A big buy wall at $700 was instantly destroyed. We're $705 now.

Would be nice for the SEC/CFTC to hurry up and have their meeting. If they rule it a commodity we should see some recovery; if they rule it a security then at least we'll pull the bandaid off a bit faster...

>> No.9296941

707 was the bottom on binance. Nobody who understands the meaning of it isn't anticipating the security ruling.

>> No.9296978

>Nobody who understands the meaning of it isn't anticipating the security ruling.
Sorry, not sure I understand this; bit of a double-negative. "Nobody isn't" anticipating a security ruling - meaning, "everybody is" anticipating a security ruling?

By the way, sub $700 again on GDAX.

>> No.9296986

Why do you Burgers think the world cares for your stupid security decision?

Stupid amerifats always crashing the market. And now please do us a favor and sell the bottom

>> No.9296993

Buy the dip!

>> No.9297007

yes we are. On gemini anyway. 695

>> No.9297054

I hope it drops even more because i have invested in Cardstack ICO and the price is pegged to ETH value.

tl:dr: I will receive more tokens if ETH price is lower

>> No.9297065

Are you all over the border retarded?

It just surged from 680 to over 800.

Even without the sexual harrassment eth would move down after that erection

>> No.9297099
File: 13 KB, 459x157, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a x50 lev short