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929578 No.929578 [Reply] [Original]

>Claims to be /biz/
>Not getting an online degree from Harvard in finance for cheap

Kill yourselves none of you are gonna make it

>> No.929581 [DELETED] 


Implying you know the legal and practical requirements to operate a business

Implying business grads are not a dime a dozen

Kiddo, you can start circlejerking when you actually know what you are talking about.

>> No.929583

>he thinks online memes are respected
You might as well lie about your education because that's the same if not better effect than "online memay".

>> No.929584

does this hold any merit? how do i into online degrees from harvard?

>> No.929586

Not as good as full Harvard but better than shitty low-tier state schools and community colleges
and yes its fully accredited

>> No.929587

Doesn't Tyra Banks have a degree from there? Ew.

>> No.929588

how do i into this?

>> No.929590

Use google my child.
Basically its open enrollment up to a certain point (First 2 years) like a community college in which you get an accredited certificate. Then if you want the bachelors you have to pass some tests and go through an admission process (not as hard as full Harvard) and you literally graduate at the physical Harvard itself,full Harvard students will think your a faggot for doing it online, but fuck them


>> No.929591

is it open for foreigners? also, how much are we talking about here

>> No.929592

interesting. is there any chance of going from the extension program to an actual full harvard program? thanks for the info, btw.

>> No.929593

each course is 1250$ i think, it says on the site

>> No.929712


Is this for real?

Holy shit, I'm going to Harvard guys, fuck yeah


>> No.929733

HR at Goldman Sachs will spot your online degree a mile away.

>> No.929744

There are more than GS. Also, these days all you have to do is prove that you can take in money. You can be an HS dropout as long as you can prove that you can come up with effective strategies and have the balls to take the necessary risks. Just because you're not a quant doesn't mean you can't pull in the gains.

>> No.929758

Fellow HES (Harvard Extension School) student here.

Keep in mind you are restricted in some ways and that there is no way to get a full degree without physically going to campus at some point (this is intentional to fight the "online degree" stigma). They also only issue Arts degrees, even if the field is a science.

Personally I'm only taking enough courses to get a post-graduate certificate in software engineering.

You do get access to the Harvard alumni network once you graduate (with a full degree). Also financial aid is limited until you are considered a degree student (e.g. after first year).

Any questions, I'll be around for the next hour or so.

>> No.929764


Hey man, couple questions.

1. Can I go into HES right after high school?

2. If not, do I have to go to university first, before going to the HES?

3. If yes, how many years? If not, how do I even qualify?

4. I'm Canadian, do they still allow us Canucks?

5. Is housing around Harvard Campus affordable? (How much do you think the 9 weeks of on campus costs?)

6. Can I go to Harvard for Graduate School (like on campus) if I do really well in this HES program?

7. Do employers that you've spoken with, or networked with (if you have) recognize this degree?

8. If I can graduate from Harvard, does that mean I can go to their Convocation or w/e Graduation Ceremony on their campus and walk across the stage with other regular Harvard Students? Can I take selfies with people?


>> No.929785


1. Yes. You can enrol for courses at any point, but you have to do well in those courses before you are considered a degree student.
2. No need to go to university first, although since university is relatively cheap in Canada, it might be worthwhile so you can transfer credits to HES.
3. ---
4. Yes. One of the nice points for international students is that tuition is the same for all students.
5. Cambridge is pretty expensive, so I wouldn't call it affordable unless you currently live in downtown Vancouver/Toronto.
6. Yes, but you have to go through the regular admission process.
7. I haven't had to deal with this yet, but I've seen alumni at some pretty selective companies so it doesn't seem to be a problem. There's a good workshop/webinar about how to best position your HES studies, but there is no public VOD. They usually repeat events so keep an eye on http://www.extension.harvard.edu/resources-policies/resources/career-academic-workshops for "Positioning your Harvard Extension studies".
8. Yes. Convocation happens on campus along with all the other cohorts. You can take selfies and get all the likes.

>> No.929787

>ITT kids who can't get into an Ivy play dress-up

>> No.929794


Yeah, I'm debating going to like the best program in a university near me, or like, going to a mid-tier university, and then going somewhere epic for Grad school like Harvard / UC / Stanford / Penn, and I don't want to be competing for a high GPA with a bunch of fucking smart asses, so it makes more sense to go to a mid-tier university instead, if I want to go to a pro-tier Grad school, since they care more about GPA than anything else it seems

Thanks for the international student fee thing, that's interesting to know! Yeah, I live in Toronto right now, and my family isn't super well off, but we're making it (we can actually save a few thousand a month) so meh.

This seems like an interesting route, so I could basically go to university in Canada for 1-2 years, and then transfer to HES, and graduate with a Harvard undergrad in Liberal Arts, OR take the undergrad + grad program, and graduate with a Bachelors and Masters in 4 years then

Seems pretty swell, how are you enjoying the program so far? Is there like discussions between other HES students online, or is it just you and the teacher, and you just submit work every day or something?

>> No.929830


That's a hard decision, just make sure the graduate school you go to is top tier since that school's reputation will be what you're judged by for a long time.

The courses are exactly the same as "regular" Harvard and you can interact with other students as much or as little as you want (both HES and non-HES students). We all use the same forums and online platforms. Professors are surprisingly active in forums which I did not expect. There are also Slack groups, but those don't seem to be that popular.

You also get a TF (Teaching Fellow, like a TA but there are lots of them) that can answer any questions you have via e-mail.

Lectures are recorded and it's interesting seeing the lectures go from full to almost empty as students shift to watching them online instead of attending. There are also sections (think workshops / seminars / more interactive lectures with your TF) and those are also recorded. There are definitely a good number of support systems in place, but you also have to put in the work to do well.

>> No.929837


Tell me about it, I've literally spent 2 years deciding which university to go to lol. (Almost 20 ffs).

So it's basically Harvard Online then, thanks for the help based Anon, helps a lottt! Never even knew things like this existed haha, lots of new possibilities opening up now!

>> No.929905

I'm going to suggest going to BU MET instead. BU MET is just another college in BU, you walk with your class and everything, your degree says you graduated from BU.

If you do the extension school it makes it really clear that it's the extension school.

>> No.930105


>> No.930111

none whatsoever
People have lost their career because they try to pass these off as bona fide Harvard degrees

>> No.931067
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well you're not doing it "cheap". one thing you can do is take some harvard business school online courses. they're pretty much clickable-classes that they sell to companies for training. i've done a couple of those and they're pretty good.

>> No.931073


>claims to be /biz/
>not having your company write off your Harvard MBA

Stay pleb

>> No.931241

links, please?

>> No.931247


How are the certificate programs for software engineering?

Do you plan on going to graduate school for S.E?

>> No.931363

>Claims to be /biz/
>Works for somebody else

Whatever wagecuck kek

>> No.931416

A Harvard MBA is about $28,000 through the program.

>> No.931425



You can actually attend a real Harvard graduation, but everyone will look at you the same way they look at the token NASAs

>> No.931455

what is a nasa?

>> No.931568

Been around since the 1950s, the USA space program is known as NASA, The National Atmospheric and Space Agency.

>> No.931574

if you're doing the same courses and are graded to the same standard then it isn't a bad option

granted you lose some prestige in that you've not had to be competitive to get onto the course but if you get through the online program with decent marks then presumably you can go do a full time masters degree at a good school

in the UK we've got the open university which offers distance learning courses - the tutors for some modules will be academics from other universities, often quite good ones so OU grads do have a good reputation - typically they're a bit older and are holding down a full time job while studying. As a result it is quite feasible to do an OU undergrad degree and then, if you get decent grades, apply for a full time masters course at a top ranked institution.

>> No.932177

What is space?

>> No.932220

sorry, i'm DOD it's in some other network for me. I know they sell HBS courses to businesses so if you work in a big one it might be available

>> No.932324
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>National Atmospheric and Space Agency

>> No.932329

> Already made it.

You are just posturing. Fucking kid. You are just exploring this idea and bring it to /biz/ to vet it. You won't ever win, even with a bunk online Harvard degree.

>> No.932349

Do you even frame?

>> No.932351

No I don't. Educate me fucktard.

>> No.932583

>and have the balls to take the necessary risks
Oh anon, don't fall for that. We want people who have the brains to take the necessary risks. If they have balls, so be it, but balls don't have synapses. Sorry about that. Trading isn't the movie "Top Gun" despite all its homoerotic references to "balls".

>> No.932586

I kek'd. Good job, stupid hoe. :^)

>> No.932613

i did some free courses and also mention hours spent on self-study on my resume. its not worth much and some people would argue not to mention it at all, but from my experience it has always had a positive impact on my job interviews. as for paid courses and online degrees, i wouldnt touch them.

>> No.932857
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>online degree
yeah it could be from Einstein, Musk, and Edisons personal program, it's still an online degree.

>> No.933056
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>granted you lose some prestige in that you've not had to be competitive to get onto the course but if you get through the online program with decent marks then presumably you can go do a full time masters degree at a good school
In the Harvard Extension Finance Master program 1/3 of all classes are physically at Harvard and 2/3 are online.
>Implying you still need another full-time master after this to become competitive.

>> No.933776

A lot of prestigious universities have similar programs. I think Stanford has theirs for free or something. I would recommend looking to see what other ivy leagues offer as well before committing to an online program.

>> No.934441

Columbia University and University of Pennsylvania have some aswell

>> No.934515

MBA =! Master of Liberal Arts in extension studies, field: Management

>> No.934537

I was referring to undergrad degrees, I assumed that was quite obvious - why would you do two masters degrees?

>> No.935082

>I think Stanford has theirs for free or something
Checked their website. https://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/courses/courses-by-department
Their classes cost around $300-600 but I only find them mildly interesting. Also they don't offer degrees.

>> No.935874

For a Master's Degree, which degree plan requires the least amount of on campus time?
Thx brehs

>> No.936101

Master's of Sustainability only requires one class on campus. GL