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9293238 No.9293238 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure chronic brain fog?

>> No.9293248

just b urself

>> No.9293253

1. Quit smoking weed
2. Quit jerking off to anime
3. Clean your room
4. Get a job

>> No.9293260

Exercise until you literally cannot stand up. Do this day after day after day.

>> No.9293264


>> No.9293266

Get more sleep. Exercise more. Get tested for deficiencies. Try a Keto diet for six weeks.

>> No.9293286

vitamin b12, the liquid form or the kind that dissolves under the tongue will help a little. dark green leafy vegetables

>> No.9293293

Stop weed. Limit masturbation to 2 times per week. Cold showers every other morning. Gym no less than 3 times per week. Cardio no less than 2 times per week.

Made these exact lifestyle changes one year ago, you wouldnt believe my success this year relative to before.

>> No.9293309

Oh, and pay attention to sleep hygiene. No less than 7 hours of sleep per night.

I take a men's multivitamin in the morning and red panax ginseng twice per day.

>> No.9293310

Getting enough sleep, eating right (plant-based diet, NO ONIONS), and working out at least 1 hour a day.

>> No.9293315
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>> No.9293333

Stop smoking weed
Get 8 hours of sleep
Spend time outside
Take cold showers
Take nootropics - Alpha brain or focus factor

>> No.9293336

But I love onions

>> No.9293337

Stop drinking or eating anything with aspartame in it. That's extremely important. And of course don't smoke.

>> No.9293348
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don't blame a plant on your shitty eating and sleeping habits also stop jerking off now someone tell me how all those black rappers make so much money without even being known ?

>> No.9293351


I dont smoke weed though, and I workout already, albiet inconsistently

>> No.9293353

fuck, my post deserved 3333...

checking... >>9293333

>> No.9293355

All of this + an Omega - 3. I feel like a completely different person than who I was two years ago.

>> No.9293358
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its a meme eat 50y and onio/\/s in moderation and its fine.

>> No.9293361
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>tell me how all those black rappers make so much money without even being known ?

>> No.9293363

its the porn

>> No.9293368

Oh nice, someone in this thread got the get. And you deserved it.

>> No.9293369

Get a full nighrs sleep, no more caffeine, dont masturbate, have sex instead

>> No.9293370

what is brain fog anons?

>> No.9293380
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>> No.9293384


>> No.9293393
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>> No.9293397
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this desu

>> No.9293406

When it feels like your mind is full of fog and you can't think or concentrate normally and feel kind of shitty and out of it in general.

>> No.9293444

Take Krill Oil supplements
I take about 2000mg every day and my brain fog went away, I feel much more mental clarity

>> No.9293456

SLEEP until you get rested. Take some weeks off and go to sleep any time you get tired, get up whenever. Do this until you wake up with a clear head. You are going to sleep a lot, it’s normal.
And eat a lot.
Start lifting. Start with Stonglifts 5x5. Also, go to /fit/.

>> No.9293461

Don't op. It'll worsen you BF.

I suffer brain fog because of POIS, try exercising and supplement with b-complex and omega 3. Also, don't smoke and stop drinking so much, dunno about weed cause i don't smoke it.

>> No.9293463

i have it

>> No.9293468

Clean food, general rule to follow for an initial fasting style period, if it is unprocessed eat it.

You can still get fat off food like this, but even just the sugar getting ripped out does wonders for your cognition.

I see a bunch of shit here about not jerking off, if anything bump those numbers up. Make it so it is like a fucking chore to touch your dick, you can't do critical thinking of any kind with backed up nut.

Drugs and alchohol should be used like a reward and be infrequent, tie their consumption to an actual accomplishment instead of it simply being Friday.

Lastly and most importantly, stay off of mindless scroll sites like this and contain them to specific times. This includes anything on the internet that is not about pursuing a goal or furthering your career/hobbies.

>> No.9293472

I'll honestly give you the best advice you could possibly receive. I had severe chronic brain fog and it turned out I was severely mercury poisoned. At my worst I was unable to read, could barely speak and could not remember four consecutive #s.

Here is what you need to start doing everyday:

1) This is BY FAR the most important thing. Sauna daily, then when you have worked up a tolerance go twice daily. Sauna/sweating helped me IMMENSELY.

2) Get a hair and blood test for heavy metal toxicity. It's possible that you have mercury poisoning. In the meantime dont eat any fish and avoid cilantro and chlorella AT ALL COSTS. I can't stress this enough. You will redistrubute mercury to your brain and cause far more damage if you eat these things (if mercury is your problem).

3) You need you to do a food exclusion diet. Start with the very basics and keep a journal to see what types of foods you react to. There is a wealth of knowledge of different food intolerances online, dyor.

4l You are probably deficiency in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, you need to supplement with both most likely.

5) You likely need to heal your gut. Do some reading online about gut healing, try to start with things like glutamine and see how you react.

There alot more but those are some basics. I promise that I was worse off than you, so please dont kill yourself or anything. It's a condition that can be greatly improved.

>> No.9293482


>> No.9293496

Don't smoke weed. Ever.
Stop eating unhealthy food.
Eat more fruit
Do exercise.
And get a good sleep schedule. Stop going to bed at like 2am and waking up at 10am. That's lazy ass shit.

>> No.9293501

Near infrared sauna everyday for 30 minutes: https://saunaspace.com

>> No.9293506


>The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of krill oil (KO) on cognition and depression-like behaviour in rats.

>These results indicate that active components (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and astaxanthin) in KO facilitate learning processes and provide antidepressant-like effects. Our findings also suggest that KO might work through different physiological mechanisms than IMIP.

I know it's just rats, but this stuff is good for your brain. And I'm just one case study, but I can vouch for it

>> No.9293507

Also, ice cold showers after every sauna session.

ait goes without saying that you need to exercise stop smoking weed and if you masturbate dont use porn for it.

>> No.9293518

krill shill spotted

>> No.9293532

Doesnt matter if its infrared or normal. Just sweat alot every fking day. Ice cold showers immediately after.

>> No.9293596

Actually yes it does. The frequency of light has different physiological effects on the body. While normal saunas are fine and I have nothing against them, near infrared is far superior as a detoxification entity. Check this book out for why: https://www.amazon.com/Therapy-Detoxification-Healing-Lawrence-Wilson/dp/0962865761

>> No.9293618


>> No.9293625

fellow POISfag. What are the odds. Do you get physical symptoms too or just mental? Seems like I can't even relate to most POISers because their response is mostly physical, like a fever or allergy reaction to their own jizz. I don't get that all.

For me it's all mental, but I wouldn't exactly call it fog, it's more about a sort anehedonic depression I sink into after I O which lasts 8-24 hours. It's like I just suddenly can't connect with anything, everything loses its sparkle and interestingness and I turn into a frustrated inert vegetable til it clears up.

I take multi, fish oil, Bs, they don't really help it. I just try to whack it once a week tops and tough out the depression as best I can.

>> No.9293636

I've been told that you dont sweat evenly in infrared saunas. I'm not sure what is the truth, but the point is that he needs to sweat alot every single day.

>> No.9293649

Shouldn't he get tested for metal toxicity BEFORE he starts dedicating hours a day to fucking saunas, not after?

>> No.9293653

OP, this is an interesting question but FOR FUCKS SAKE TAKE THIS IRRELEVANT SHIT TO /fit/


>> No.9293655

There is a good chance you have mercury poisoning. I had similar symptoms just on a much more aggressive scale (and many more).

>> No.9293664
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>have sex instead


I forgot how easy it was to get

>> No.9293665

No. There is literally no downside in using daily saunas, other than the 30 minutes of opportunity cost spent sitting in one. It has many health benefits even if heavy metal toxicity isnt his problem.

>> No.9293683

I own a near infrared one and have used it everyday for 5 years. I’ve eliminated tons of nickel and lead and calcium and aluminum using hair analysis every few months to monitor my metal/mineral status. All you have to do is rotate every 10-15 minutes and you’ll sweat perfectly evenly. The near infrared spectrum of light is far superior to any other type.

>> No.9293693

Also (obviously) never drink any tap water even if filtered. Glass bottle spring water only.

>> No.9293696


>> No.9293716

Almost no physical symptoms, sometimes the day after, I feel extremely tired, but none of the allergy related symptoms. My POIS is unfortunately mostly from the cognitive side, blurred speech, unhability to find words, fail to remember things, impaired thinking, unable to do logics, etc.

>> No.9293717


It's amazing how beneficial daily sauna is. Quite unironically saved my life.

>> No.9293721

ironically stop having kids, and get more sleep, kek.

>> No.9293723

Listen to everything this guy says
Been there done that

>> No.9293736

Protip: you can get the same benefits doing the wim hoff method but you won't get the hot body.

>> No.9293746

Yep it’s incredible.

>> No.9293818


No, /fit/ is full of morons.

This is /biz/ relevant as /biz/ activities are pure mental

>> No.9293824

I smoke weed. I think it can be good for you. But not all the time. I don't drink. I think having vices is okay, and if you consume in honest moderation you'll be fine.

Squats, Bench, OHP and Deadlift, obviously. Do SS and then HLM once you run out your NLP

I also unironically microdose psilocybin mushrooms. 0.3g/ day 5 days on 2 days off. 4g Lions Mane every day. Creatine, whey.

Your gut is fine. Don't be a pussy. Your not "deficient" in anything, you're probably just physically weak.

Take good care of your sciatic nerves and low back.

Have sex only if you actually want to. And if you do, put effort into it.

Travel when possible.
Don't let yourself get hung up on things you wouldn't get hung up on if you were in bed dying of cancer.

Be happier, think deeper and clearer

>> No.9293858

chronic brain fog = chronic inflammation
find the cause of it and reduce it. I suggest looking for allergies at first. Do you have stuffed nose and red eyes often?
If not an allergy, it gets worse, because there are lots of potential causes

>> No.9293891

He literally can't read or enjoy music during to his brain fog.

But hey "dont be a pussy".

>> No.9293938
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OP here

this thread developed alot more quickly than I thought it would so I can't reply to everything, but I am taking notes. thanks guys, I sincerely mean it

>> No.9293977

Let's hear your perfect advice then pal. Depression is a complicated beast. Besides professional help, the best you can do is work with heuristics. If you wsnt to reword "don't be a pussy" to "be brave" so your precious fee-fees don't get hurt, then do so. Way to enact your own criticism.

>> No.9293995
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Does it really work?
I'm afraid of change, anons, but hell I am tired of being like this all the time. I am 25 years old, I should be at my peak and it feels like I never have enough energy and then it looks like everyone around me has energy to move three marathons nonstop. Feels bad man

>> No.9294004

Meant run, whoops.

>> No.9294076

Dude. Part of your advice to him was to "read and enjoy music. Two things he is literally unable to do with brainfog.

>> No.9294155

These are all pretty uncontroversial wisdoms, anon. Lowfap or no fap may not be for everyone, just try it and see if you see benefits. Same with cold showers, just try them for a week and see if you feel better.

Most biz advice on health is pretty retarded, if you followed everything anyone on biz said you'd be on lugol's iodine, keto diet, vegan diet, juice fasts, probably crystal healing and prayer healing while we're at it. But good diet, good exercise, good sleep are the three pillars of health, and fap frequency and cold showers are pretty simple no-cost no-risk no-commitment things you can play with in addition.

>> No.9294219

Oh yeah? You know that for a fact?

>> No.9294282


>> No.9294624

man... i have had this for the last few months.
Whats really fucking strange is that in the last 2/3 months I have woken up 'perfect' 3 times and its gone.

I really think its connected to my breathing..
How are your sinus's? Does it feel easy to breath in through you nose?

>> No.9294634

keeps coming back though.
Oxygen man... could be something as simple as that. I feel like im starving my brain of oxygen the way I find myself breathing.

>> No.9294667

Nootropics. Try oxiracetam or aniracetam.

Living healthy also has its benefits. Activate those almonds and all that.


>> No.9294679

Drink more water. Way more. Like 2 or 3x the amount you drink now. See how you feel after 2 weeks.

>> No.9294706
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How often do you fap?

Fapping, especially to porn, releases dopamine and seratonin, just like a drug high, and leaves you feeling 'drained' and groggy afterwards.

I can almost guarantee you 100% you're a chronic fapper. Literally STOP fapping and go run outside in the sun for like an hour a day, and wait 4 weeks. You will be a new man.

>> No.9294723

Lions mane mushroom, pramiracetam, kava, kratom, ashwaganda, tumeric, something called True Focus from a brand called NOW, vaping.

>> No.9294754

NAC, fasting, fasoracetam, melatonin.

>> No.9294794

Two tablespoons of coconut oil at least 3 times a week. Trust me.

>> No.9294804

Stop wanking

>> No.9294951

>wanting to get rid of brain fog

>> No.9295073

Don't obsess over it. Focus on what you want to do in the present moment. You are distracted and tired. Rest frequently and don't feel guilty when you do it.

>> No.9295193

Anon, I hear you. No one mention Meditation and Breathing Exercise.

Mind and breathe has connection with body. Apart from daily exercise and good sleep habits, add meditation and breathing exercise to your schedule.

I do Pranayama and Yoga sometimes and it helps me. Just jogging outside in nature helps a lot.

As suggested by few anons, get some medical tests just to make sure you are not lacking any key nutrients or have some toxins like mercury etc.

You will be fine. Just change your lifestyle.

>> No.9295210

B12 epa dha vitamin D magnesium
Also https://www.selfhacked.com/blog/the-cause-of-brain-fog/

>> No.9295240


I barely have the motivation to anymore, maybe once a week tops

>> No.9295329

Fuck /fit/, normie teenager infested braphole of 4chan.

>> No.9295337

check for chronic low grade headaches. ive been having this shit for 6 months

>> No.9295388

it's probably a dopamine deficiency due to a lack of precursors. try supplementing with a multi, b-complex, krill oil, and n-acetyl tyrosine. NALT (n acetyl tyrosine) is the precursor to norepinephrine and dopamine. take that with caffeine and you should notice a huge difference. if not, add 5-htp. I should be charging you for this shit OP, wish I knew this a decade ago...

>> No.9295415

you're chronically dehydrated. water needs electrolytes and minerals in order to be absorbed by the cells. look into adding a tbsp of himalayan salt per gallon and you should drink that everyday. himalayan because it's not polluted by the ocean and it has the highest mineral content out of any other salt in the world.

>> No.9295429

also, don't listen to pajeet. this is just begging for demonic possession. it's the reason all those faggots use their black magic with "jinn."

>> No.9295555

The general consensus seems to be:
>cold showers
>Take a fuckton of vitamin supplements
>No caffeine
>No weed
>Fap sparingly
>Drink alot of water
>Lift and Run multiple times a week

>> No.9295591

good advice and ill try it but in my case it's due to jaw joint fuckery

>> No.9295870

The problem with this advice is that it is only general, no one has asked you
1. When do you feel foggiest?
2. When do you feel you have more mental clarity?
3. When did this start - or has it been a gradual decline?
4. Do you have any projects or mid-term goals that you're looking forward to?
5. Are you NEET, day trader, work from home, have a regular job or student? How structured is your life aside from your lifting and running?

>> No.9295930

1. Most of the day, usually it gets worse as the day goes on
2. I'm not sure I ever do
3. At least 5 years ago, it's been gradually getting worse
4.No, literally nothing to look forward to. I just exist for the most part
5. I'll usually trade in the morning, then wageslave afternoons/evenings. I'll go to the gym after work if I can muster the energy

>> No.9295996

its almost always dehydration. you need at least 2 litres of water a day. i drink 1 litre as soon as i wake up and 1 before i go to bed

>> No.9296009

>usually it gets worse as the day goes on
Is this accompanied by physical tiredness - what I'm asking is are you restless but unable to think clearly? Or is body and mind exhausted together?

>2. I'm not sure I ever do
Over the last 5 years think back to pockets of clarity, of times you were motivated? There probably are some but you're gonna bust your gut trying to remember them because of your brain fog.

>4.No, literally nothing to look forward to. I just exist for the most part
Are you a depresso? That's okay if you are, but I just want to know where/what your problems are before I give you advice

>> No.9296061

What the fuck is Nootropics, It looks like those typical scams, just like the supplements for fitness to boost your natural testosterone even tho you're already at max level of test at a young age.

>> No.9296088
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Eat three packs of these every single day. Cures brain fog.

>> No.9296095

This is going to sound stupid as fuck by try concentrating hard on the image of a flame in your mind. Like you’re burning away the fog. Do this when it feels really bad. Getting autistically angry while doing it honestly helps too. You gotta reprogram your mind.

>> No.9296112


You might have sleep apnea (or however it's spelled in English)

Basically you stop breathing multiple times when you sleep. You know when a snoring person does that and suddenly makes a huge fucking snoresnort sound litterally gasping for air in their sleep
It interrupts the REM sleep and is very bad for your health.
Fat people have it more common, but if you are skinny you can still have it.

>> No.9296119

Don't be depressed

>> No.9296179


I'm physically tired all the time as well. It also takes me days to recover from workouts, I'll have DOMS every time. This never happened when I was younger.

I really don't remember. It feels like my memory has been getting worse over the years to. Caffeine helps, but only if I'm not physically tired.

I suspect that I might be but never been diagnosed by a doctor or anything


I'm willing to give anything a shot at this point

>> No.9296217

I sleep 4hrs on average and this is the most important contributor to the fog.
Inability to work out properly in the zombie state closes the vicious circle.
As soon as I get enough sleep its much better.
Fell for the doctor meme. FML

>> No.9296227


>> No.9296291

>I suspect that I might be but never been diagnosed by a doctor or anything
Do you find yourself sleeping in or just staying in bed until you are forced to get up? Just thinking 'why bother'?
Do you often shoot down ideas as being 'too hard' 'stupid' or the worst offender 'It'll just fail like everything anyway'?
Do things that you use to enjoy no longer have the luster they once had? If you answer yes to all of those it might be depression

The most important one is the last one, because the thing that keeps depression going is the self-defeating attitude - you don't attempt stuff because you assess it as pointless therefore never change routine. However the fact that you're asking these questions and 'willing to try anything' makes me think even if you're having a depressive episode, it's not full blown depression.

Therefore I suspect that your problem may be dietary, another thing is maybe move your exercising to before you wageslave - moving it earlier in the day may change your bodily rhythm. You say fog gets worse as the day goes on, well sometimes exercising can actually wake you up.

What do you eat? How many meals? When is your biggest meal of the day?

>> No.9296303

Try fasting or keto, perked me right up.

>> No.9296306

get your testosterone levels checked

>> No.9296325

Try some DLPA. Boost your dopamine levels harmoniously.

>> No.9296333

Stimulant meds, possibly the most surefire way of improving

>> No.9296363

learn some basic neurochemistry then you'll understand how important diet and supplementation is for optimal brain function. or be like the buzzfeed soibois and enjoy your 80 year old test levels.

>> No.9296384

the worst part about doctors, is that they only take one course on nutrition. everything else is just regurgitated garbage they learned from (((big pharma))) so that they could prescribe you more "medicine." unless you're a surgeon, google basically makes you look like a fucking idiot for basically every condition.

>> No.9296409

Yeah those drugs will fuck you up more in the long run. That should be pretty obvious, unless you're living in a fantasy dream world.

>> No.9296433

see a doctor faggot.

>> No.9296448

>Do you find yourself sleeping in or just staying in bed until you are forced to get up? Just thinking 'why bother'?


>Do you often shoot down ideas as being 'too hard' 'stupid' or the worst offender 'It'll just fail like everything anyway'?

No, but sometimes I'll think that the universe is out to get me, even though I know it's irrational.

>Do things that you use to enjoy no longer have the luster they once had?

Yes, I figured its because of the brain fog

>Therefore I suspect that your problem may be dietary, another thing is maybe move your exercising to before you wageslave

I've tried that and it always goes horribly. My workouts are bad and I feel nausea and lightheaded before I'm done

>What do you eat? How many meals? When is your biggest meal of the day?

I usually eat 4 small meals, the biggest being when I get off work at night, but It's still 2-3 hours before I go to bed. I eat pretty well, calorie wise maybe 1800/day

>> No.9296475

>he's shitpoasting on /biz/ in the middle of the night instead of getting restful deep sleep
>"guys how do i get rid of my brain fog"

>> No.9296492

>thinking a doctor can do anything but shill for his big pharma masters.

Don’t eat me wrong, you want doctors around for major emergencies and the like but for stuff like brain fog and pretty much every other chronic condition they have no idea what they’re doing.

>> No.9296553

But it's 11AM over here in Europe.

>> No.9296633

It is scam, if you look at pharmacy non-prescription kind.

>> No.9296636

its nothing but brainletism anyway

people have a degenerate, unhealthy, inactive lifestyle and complain about "brain fog"

>> No.9296648

Read an hour a day. Doesn't matter what. Could be a random whitepaper.
Brain training at it's finest.
I get unusually sharp when I do it for some time.

>> No.9296982

also get some fucking sun

>> No.9297015

also the consensus is HAVE FUN at doing what you are doing. this is probably one of the healthiest advice you can get. with a shitty mindset and constant depression your body also won't work properly

>> No.9297041

yes definitely, can confirm this

>> No.9297270

Vitamin D is said to work wonders on people's mood. Most people can't or won't get enough sun, supplementation is a surefire way to make sure you're getting a big dose of it.

>> No.9297457

I take 5,000-10,000 IU of D3 a day and feel great but I still think you need sun with it

>> No.9297486

semen retention

>> No.9297507

choice 1: follow all the meme advice ITT
choice 2: have satisfying sex

>> No.9297523

also drink a cup or your morning mid-stream urine for at least a week, indefinitely if you want infinite gains

this is not a joke, look it up urine therapy

>> No.9297525

nice id

>> No.9297570

intermittent fasting, only eat ONCE a day

everything you know about nutrition is a lie. If you eat less calories than you think that you actually need, you will live longer and even reverse aging effects to look 15 years younger. add this to piss drinking and semen retention

this is my routine and I am a living god and every single thing I do is better than things other people do. Follow my advice and live a godly life, or perish in a void. This is not everything, these are the basics. most of the shit ITT is also good advice, however thse three

piss drinking
semen retention
one meal a day

is the absolute fundamental

>> No.9297604

Try meth. I know it sounds fucked up but nothing clears a mind like a good shot of speed.

>> No.9297618

Or you can do a line of coke.
Or adderall, its all the same shit.

>> No.9297630

dont listen to this guy OP, I did all the drugs. You should drink piss and follow my other advice

>> No.9297647

You can fucking do both dude.

>> No.9297670
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>> No.9297887


>> No.9298432

>4. Get a job
Wrong board faggot.

>> No.9298501

Except for month long infertility

>> No.9298780

-Sleep well, in time.
-Stop porn, edging, eyeballing girls. Stop masturbating.
-Start exercising: lifting, running, cycling, mountain biking, muay thai, bjj, wrestling, football...
-Stop watching nonsense anime and nonsense movies, series, youtube...
-Stop day dreaming, idleness
-Stop thinking you WILL be THE shit, because you wont
-Learn a bit each day
-Read a bit per day
-If you're a virgin make sure you understand sex with women is worthless, if you have regular casual sex stop doing it, it's another form of escape and will keep you foggy
-No drugs
-Stop spending time with bad people (bad habits, wrong advices etc)
-Eat healthy, drink water and milk only or self made juice, occassionally junk like coca cola

Lastly don't look at perceptions look at reality, don't dream but do and don't ponder on things out of your control. Look at past learn from it, look at others and their past learn from it.


>> No.9298867

if he did all of this shit, fuck even half of this shit he would freak the fuck out when discovering he basically entered a whole new reality and it hits him hard in the face that he never really lived

this is waking up from a coma. It increases your level of life by 1000000 but its not easy

>> No.9298932

Man we're bombarded with useless info all the time and it has effect on our thoughts. I'm trying to escape all the bullshit but indeed it is hard. Still once you reach a certain level you need to get to the very end or else you'll forever bounce in the center and be idle untill you die.

>> No.9298952

>self made juice

>> No.9299246

The most important things are:

Most people seem to forget how important it is to take care of these three basic things. I've read countless of posts like this and it's always the same...
"I feel like shit, please give me advice what things to take"
- How's your sleep/diet/exercise?
"Not good, but what supplements?"

You can try supplements, routines and other stuff as much as you want but they won't compare to the benefits if you start to take care of the most important things to us humans. Most people seriously do not take care of these things nowadays even if it's so simple.

>> No.9299320

If your sleep is shit, your diet is shit and you don't exercise, then it doesn't matter how many nootropics, vitamins or cold showers you take. Your body will still remind you that you're just a human. I'm not saying taking supplements is bad, but they are just SUPPLEMENTS... Your main focus should be built upon your sleep, diet and exercise and then after that all the other stuff. That's what really matters in the long run. But the problem is that humans are impulsive and want fast rewards, which is why they just wanna chase the magic pill to cure everything.

If you're not sleeping well, eating healthy or exercise almost every day, then congratulations you don't deserve to get well because you're another lazy ass shit just looking for shortcuts in life because you just want that magic pill that will instantly make your life turn around. News flash: your life is not like in the movies. There is not pill like in the movie 'limitless'...

You need to put real effort into getting where you want in life.

Sleep: go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time, sleep in a pitch black room, block out noise, lights etc. stop looking at your computer, TV etc. an hour before you go to bed. Make sure it's a good temperature in the room etc. etc. etc. etc....

Diet: stop eating fast food and shit, drink MORE water... 2 liters a day at least. Eat healthy, fresh etc. stop trying to take short cuts in your diet.

Exercise: Cardio is fucking great and will improve your brain, body and health a lot. Lift weights too. Make sure you stop being a lazy ass. Find your routine and always IMPROVE it...

Just put your main focus on improving these three things for a while. You'll be seriously surprised how much better you will be in just a year after having taken care of these things. There are tons of information about improving this stuff online so you have no excuse not knowing how. Now just fucking do it. Not tomorrow, today.

>> No.9299459

Those things you've been planning to start doing...start them now.

>> No.9299486
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Set a goal. Work towards it.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Stand up for yourself.

Clean up your room. Your room is an externalization of your mind. Make it represent who you want to be.

>> No.9299543

You’re allergic to gluten. I also recommend you stop consuming sugar. No more drinking sugar sodas, juices, etc. It will make you feel like you’re on drugs. Seriously great stuff anon.

>> No.9299785


>> No.9299817

I had mumps this weekend (thought it was oral cancer).

Put garlic oil all over the bottoms of my feet... put on socks.... and all the symptoms including absolutely debilatating jaw pain went away in under an hour

>> No.9299843


LCHF diet

>> No.9299871

How do I get my hands on some modafinil?

>> No.9299876


>> No.9300385

Weed'll do it for ya. Sure it will make you foggy but it's the clear kind of foggy once you get used to it.

"Brain fog" is what people call constant brain inflamation due to an overload of heavy metals in the body, which end up trapped beind the blood-brain barrier after being carried there by macrophages.

Weed is literally the best anti-inflamatory known to man

>> No.9300389

With Modafinil I've had to import it from India, it's a schedule 4 drug in the USA.
You can buy Adrafinil, though. It's completely legal in America.
Adrafinil is converted into Modafinil in your liver.
The only issue is that you can't take too much Adrafinil (like every day for a couple months) without risking liver damage. It's recommend you have periods where you don't take it so you reduce tolerance and let your liver recover.


>> No.9300415
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>I dont smoke weed though

There's your problem right there

>> No.9300439

try stop eating carbs (keto diet). you might have insulin resistance.

>> No.9300533
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go for a walk
clear your mind
refresh your body
refresh your soul

>> No.9300584
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>piss drinking

U wot m8?

>> No.9300682

Fuck off. Dont give advice if you dont know what you dont know about the topic. There is no religious or shamanic or demonic thing about meditation. Dont give any advice if you dont know what you dont know anout the topic. Meditation is being aware of your thought and actions. Helps you being yourself and clear your restless mind. There are tons of information in the internet about positive effects of meditation and pranayama.

Echo this

>> No.9300816

>literally possessed by devils
pajeet, we know your grammar isn't this good, this is otherworldly. this is grammar of a being that doesn't shit in streets.

>> No.9300852


>> No.9301545

Don't listen to this racist prick.

I was typing from my mobile. So the sentences and words got jumbled up.

Listen to this TED talk on mindfulness meditation.


>> No.9301570

Try eugeroics like Adrafinil (legal), Modafinil, Armodafinil. They cause you to feel 100% awake which reduces feelings of fatigue.

>> No.9301581
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>was typing from my mobile.
>TED talk
jinn, are you even trying?

>> No.9301585


How safe is importing from India?

>> No.9301611

Nobody gives a shit about these schedule 4 meds. Don't quote me but I think s4 is legal to import with a prescription reducing even more scrutiny.

>> No.9301883

Lots of good advice in this thread, but this one is the best

>> No.9302084

Alpha GPC - biggest one for me, taking it for years

Getting enough quality sleep, get checked for sleep apnea as if can create big problems with brain fog

Adderall could help
Microdosing lsd could help

>> No.9302221

baby brains
works for bill gates

>> No.9302834

You need attainable goals. If you don't have goals your brain doesn't know what to aim for and becomes fuzzy. Decide to make something happen and then make it happen.