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9288461 No.9288461 [Reply] [Original]

Just lost 70k link, 50k req, and 18k amb. I was using a ledger nano s with MEW. Hadn't logged in for three months but decided to check today and it was all gone. I thought I did everything by the book and was as safe as possible. I still have no idea how someone was able to take it. Worst part is that I can still see it sitting in someone else's wallet. I'm basically fucked, right?

>> No.9288476


>> No.9288478

holy shit, how the fk, can u post the wallet?

>> No.9288498
File: 209 KB, 500x357, 1525361027403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9288502

You might have used the compromised MEW. There were two hacks if I remember correctly.

>> No.9288509

probably fill for a phishing scam at some point. check your internet history for fake mew sites.

>> No.9288510

That shit doesn't just happen. You must've fucked up

>> No.9288512

>Just lost 70k link, 50k req, and 18k amb

larper, even if it is true. you are holding shitcoins. think that they still in your ledger, check prices eoy. all three would be zero or exit scam. techinically you didnt lost anything. just pretend that you still have in ledger. be happy.

>> No.9288519

Fuck that liar. Ledger Nano S require manual intervention for every transaction.

>> No.9288520

Tfw always been comfy on exchanges since 2012

>> No.9288537

lmao, new paradigm amrite

>> No.9288539

Probably someone got hold of your seed words. Where did you keep them?

>> No.9288541
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>> No.9288576


Funds were spread between two wallets. My AMB and Req on this one and Link was sent to another wallet. Probably was a victim to compromised MEW. I kept my seed words written down in a notebook that only I was aware of. Do Ledger Nanos require manual intervention in order to transfer? I'm so at a loss right now.

>> No.9288608

I checked my internet history. I didn't find any sketchy MEW sites. That's my only guess as to how this happened.

>> No.9288632

>Do Ledger Nanos require manual intervention in order to transfer?
This question right here makes me wonder if you even know the whole story.
This is fucking odd. Did you even transfer the crypto to the ledger? You have to manually push the button on the ledger for every transaction.

>> No.9288636

>I checked my internet history. I didn't find any sketchy MEW sites. That's my only guess as to how this happened.

check those two other wallets are owned by you.

> fooling biz. you guys are easy

>> No.9288674

You probably fucked up somehow and are looking at the wrong address

>> No.9288677

Owned by me? How are you coming to that conclusion? I never personally transferred any link, req, or amb out of my ledger.

>> No.9288704

Yes it was 100% transferred to the ledger. I know how the ledger works, but I was wondering if there were workarounds that a hacker could use to transfer funds out without manually confirming on the ledger?

>> No.9288750


Tell me you didn’t fall for this anon.

>> No.9288753

Of course not, you larpy fuck. That would eliminate the purpose of the ledger.

>> No.9288778

No, if someone found a ledger vulnerability they'd be going after bigger fish than you. Did you confirm a transaction around that time without checking the token, amount and address? Possibly a compromised MEW changed the transaction to send everything out, and you didn't check before confirming. You wouldn't see it in your history, MEWs DNS servers were compromised a couple of weeks ago, anyone who used it in a three hour window got their keys stolen. A ledger should keep you safe though, and there's been no other reports of altered ledger transactions.

>> No.9288803

reminder that you could just leave your funds on binance and not have this problem

>> No.9288806

What are the exact dates you've accessed MEW? You probably check mew when DNS poisening occurred.

>> No.9288813

>MEWs DNS servers were compromised a couple of weeks ago, anyone who used it in a three hour window got their keys stolen
Only some servers were compromised. Anyway, you should always double check displayed address on the Ledger.

>> No.9288815

Oh, it can't be the MEW dns thing because this happened in february. Your seed words must have been compromised. Have you ever typed your seed words into a computer for any reason? Is there anyone who could have read that notebook?

>> No.9288824

funds are safe

>> No.9288842

Why would you need to "log in" to check your coins?
All you need is your wallet address

>> No.9288844

>buying erc20 shitcoins
You deserve it.

>> No.9288849

Anyway, OP says he didn't transfer anything from his Ledger, so MEW hack is ruled out. The only possibility left is that someone got a hold of his seed or OP is larping, in which case 7/10. Not bad.

>> No.9288851

Post the wallet addresses, otherwise you're a liar.

And if this did happen, where did you buy your Nano from?

>> No.9288872

>Post the wallet addresses, otherwise you're a liar.
How would him posting his wallet addresses prove he's not a liar, you fucking brainlet?

>> No.9288891

I typed them into a word doc on my computer when I was setting up accounts probably 6 months ago. Transferred the word doc to a USB. Then deleted the documents. No one read the notebook as I kept that secure. My USB was secure as well.

>> No.9288901

He says he hasn't logged in for three months. Pretty straightforward you literal retard.

>> No.9288903

Not possible unless someone physically had your ledger.

>> No.9288917
File: 6 KB, 250x250, smugdoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how you spell compromised.

>> No.9288932

Are you unironically retarded? What does it matter what he says about when he logged the last time?

>> No.9288944

I think this is where you fucked up.

Key logger could of easily gotten that.
Why store it on the computer where it's not safe....

>> No.9288958

My link address - https://ethplorer.io/address/0x94d7a351bda4eb2ff89eae89d05e68c326e954da
Bought my Ledger off Amazon from the Ledger vendor.

>> No.9288959

Or the seed phrase. Which is why you write it down and keep it safe, not store it digitally.

>> No.9288960

Next time look into shit like veracrypt if you’re going to do stuff like this

>> No.9289000

Perhaps that was the fatal error but regardless, they would still need access to my ledger in order to steal the funds wouldn't they?

>> No.9289001

There’s your problem

>> No.9289011

Doesn’t matter. When it’s typed into a computer it’s already compromised.

>> No.9289013

Not if they have the seed phrase, obviously.

>> No.9289032

Did you buy it from the producer? If not, see

>> No.9289035

No. Only need the seed that’s why you’re supposed to write it down instead of entering it in a computer which defects its purpose.

>> No.9289038

>Not buying direct from Ledger website

Sorry anon this is where you fucked up

>> No.9289047

Well obviously but it’s better than nothing

>> No.9289064

Not even OP is dumb enough to use a Ledger with already generated seed. Probably.
No, he didn't you brainlet. Ledger's hardware cannot be tampered with. And if someone is retarded enough to use a pre-generated seed then good riddance. Hopefully they won't procreate.
Not really.

>> No.9289085

On a non airgapped computer you are right

>> No.9289086

are you the guy that bought a ledger nano used from ebay?

>> No.9289103

Bought mine second hand, reset it twice and it's all been good. They're tamperproof.

>> No.9289119

Don't worry your coins just got burnt as part REQ's token burn. So what you lost your coin if it was for the good of the network.

>> No.9289155

Well, thanks all for helping me realize how much of a fucking brainlet I am. Fucking wrecked.

>> No.9289173

Was the computer connected to the internet at the time or any time after? When you deleted the document, did you use a secure delete tool or just select delete? Modern operating systems don't actually delete the file, they just delete the pointer to the file. The actual data remains on disk unless deliberately overwritten.
>>Everyone saying don't buy second hand ledgers
Ledgers are cryptographically attested, they can't be tampered with unless you have a budget of tens of millions and an electron microscope.

>> No.9289182

Whats the total USD loss?

>> No.9289198

Wait you didn't seriously get one with a seed and use it did you? Please tell me you didn't do this.

>> No.9289204

This Binance is all you need
Even though op is larping anyone that spends 200 on a stupid usb Stick that actually stops you from making trades is a brainlet

Leave it on Binance, comfy as fuck. Funds are confirmed safe
And on top of that , whenever I see one of my 5 coins pump I sell and put a low buy order in. Within days my buy in is 90 percent of the time hit.

Get on my fucking level ledger plebs, grow some balls. This is a market of risk after all, if the .001 percent chance that my exchange gets hacked. So be it

>> No.9289213

No they are not

>> No.9289229

this is why I only use binance

ledger and mew are too creepy and weird for me

>> No.9289231

No. Bad security that you don't know of is worse than no security when you're aware of it.

Because of risk compensation, when you think you are secure you automatically take more risks (e.g. caring less about the firewall/antivirus etc.).

>> No.9289232

They aren't immune to malicious maid attacks. The pre 1.41 security model was "no one could possibly use so few kilobytes to execute an attack". Restricting wallets to a range of ~ 1000 key/address possibilities was doable. It'd be extremely difficult to detect.

Ledgers should be bought from official sellers.

>> No.9289233


>> No.9289243

>This decentralised trustless tech is great!
>Now, to use it in a centralised and trusted manner!
Try not to be too mad when they exit scam.

>> No.9289253

this is amazing
how are they still being sold with no fix?

>> No.9289254

Sure, but how do you securely send the transaction from the airgapped computer? USB? You'd have to throw it away after every transaction (yes, viruses can in theory survive reformatting). Not to mention the USB can be compromised out of the store. The only safe way I can think of is using a floppy disk and erasing it with a strong magnet after every transaction.

>> No.9289259
File: 44 KB, 960x540, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If I had the IQ of a toaster like many in crypto do, I'd trust my funds are safe to a big headed chink

>> No.9289262

So even an airgapped computer with veracrypt?

>> No.9289270

So, what did you realise you did? Used a pre-genned seed?

>> No.9289275

They fixed it immediately after. Dyor before making conclusions like a typical /biz/tard.

>> No.9289279

I'm pretty sure the patched it out now. Still fucking spooky

>> No.9289297


>> No.9289298

look at that cranial capacity
that's who you want protecting your funds

>> No.9289300

OP tell us what you did you brainlet

>> No.9289313

Yea they really are gonna exit scam
Even tho the CEO puts him self everywhere
Goes to all types of conferences, was on the news etc

Someone planning an exit scam would be wayy off the grid. They know there would be a hit put on them in a second. Especially with the mega whales on Binance. Kys for baiting me

>> No.9289328

That should be fine, if it's set up correctly. Fairly inconvenient though.

>> No.9289332

Nothing is secure dummy
Just cause you paid some fuck money for a bunch of plastic doesn’t mean diddly

>> No.9289335

This is just sad, sorry bro.

>> No.9289371

QR code

>> No.9289372

I agree but I’m a hodl meme 90% lol. The rest is in a ledger. If it’s inconvenient for me who knows how to all the necessary passwords and such, I think it would be a little too much for someone who doesn’t. But if you have any other recommendations I’m all ears

>> No.9289374

>Several billion dollars could not possibly buy a new life, new identity, and escape from all the butthurt /biz/raelis

>> No.9289389

What about my post do you not understand? You have to get the transaction into your online computer somehow. Are you going to manually type it down?

>> No.9289390


Did you buy your LNS straight from manufacturer?

>> No.9289415

Hmm, let's just hope the guy I bought from on eBay wasn't clever enough to do such a thing. Anyway to check?

>> No.9289431

QR codes aren't 100% reliable.

>> No.9289451

did he ever confirm what he did wrong?

>> No.9289463

No, because he's larping. Fun thread nonetheless.

>> No.9289464

How common are key loggers and how would one get installed on your computer?

>> No.9289467

you werent gonna make it anyways with that shitty ass portfolio. you didn't lose anything dude

>> No.9289469

For hodling a paper wallet is best (and easier to secure than a whole PC). You only need all this crap for transactions.

>> No.9289472

Damn that sucks.. Hope you're ok.

>> No.9289475

I mean there’s always a way around every security measure. I just use usb’s But I get them for free and only use the air gapped stuff long holds. Another anon said something about a qs code but have never done that as I’m ok with my set up.

>> No.9289481

Update to the patched firmware
If the update works, the old firmware was verified and you were never affected. Also it patches the bug.
If it doesn't update, that doesn't mean you were compromised! It's probably just being awkward. Reset and try again.
He typed his seed into a computer brainlets, read the thread.
Sometimes they don't scan, but they're not going to give corrupted data. And if they do, just try again, there's nothing sensitive about a signed transaction.
Alarmingly common, he probably got a virus.

>> No.9289488

True but it’s entertaining setting up all these different schemes

>> No.9289493

Your USBs are potentially compromised and should be treated as such.

>> No.9289498

What do you mean? That private key data could somehow leak out through them? Or that they sometimes fail to scan?

Neither is a problem in this scenario, where you control both the display and reader device. Because you can check the data, and the checksum would ensure that it either works right or not at all.

>> No.9289501
File: 37 KB, 400x400, metamask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use MetaMask.


>> No.9289503

I keep all my passwords in an excel file.
How fucked am I?

>> No.9289515

wtf would you use MEW when you have a fucking hardware wallet?

>> No.9289529

Depends on how good you are with keeping your computer clean. But somewhere between medium and very high risk.

>> No.9289530

Thanks fren, will do.

>> No.9289535

And this, boys and girls, is why I leave all my crypto on exchanges.
Sorry for your loss, RIP anon.

>> No.9289546

Try putting the contract address back in mew

>> No.9289548

Agreed. I guess it’s just the risk I’m willing to take

>> No.9289554

On a scale of Elliot Rodger to Tila Tequila, Marcellus Wallace.
Is it at least encrypted?
You can use hardware wallet with MEW, MEW is just for constructing transactions and sending them to the ledger to be signed.

>> No.9289561

Not much experience with QR codes, I was merely under the impression that QR code can load incorrect data. If that isn't the case and the only way they can fail is by failing to scan altogether, then they're good enough.

>> No.9289594

Should I store this file on an encrypted usb instead?

>> No.9289596

I wouldn't recommend leaving everything on an exchange either, but once you've reached profile as a billionaire, you can't just spend your way out of it.

>> No.9289626

Doesn't help. If your computer is compromised, the hacker can read it whenever you decrypt it.

>> No.9289635


>> No.9289649

1. Always buy Ledger NANO S directly from the Ledger website.

2. Never type your seed phrase anywhere, ever.

>> No.9289668

Metamask has no hardware wallet support
Just use a proper password manager like keepass. At least then they're all encrypted.

>> No.9289745

Can I put TRX on my Ledger? my concern is that I have too many 10k+. Does the Ledger fill up? Like does it have a gb max level so 10k is too many coins to put in it? I haven't got any other coins but can't find this info anywhere.

>> No.9289755

Unironically this.

>> No.9289814

youre just pretending

>> No.9289822

I would never put TRX of mine for this reason, definitely vulnerable to buffer overflow exploits. Same for REQ, token burn has caused at least 42 injuries (1 fatal).

>> No.9289843

Encrypt your keys and print them on QR codes. Never touch the keys again. Always use official desktop wallets. I don't get why you people think it's so hard. Proper cold storage can be set up in 5 mins and you don't even need to pay for anything.

>> No.9289866

2FA reduces that chance greatly as well, which binance supports.

>> No.9289922


post another wallet address that you use op

>> No.9289931

could be recovered from printer memory

>> No.9289951

ITT brainlets give security advice

>> No.9290009

this is where OP fucked up. never digitally store your seed faggots

>> No.9290116

That's literally why you encrypt the privkeys before you print. Good luck bruting AES.

>> No.9290123

Shitty larp faggot. KYS.

>> No.9290132

lol you guys are such fucking faggots. Every week we get another thread like this from retards who thought they were being clever with their hardware wallets.

stop being a "muh if you don't own your keys you don't own your funds" cuck and get with the binance program

2FA authorization for login and withdrawal. Email verification for withdrawal. And 2BTC daily withdraw limit, meaning you can never be hacked for more than 20k

binance will not exit scam because CZ is a based public figure. He'd be hunted down and killed anyways

their security is likely a million times better than Mt. Gox, and 90% of their funds are kept in vaulted cold wallets which are pretty much impervious to external hacking

and in the 0.00000001% they were hacked, they can afford to pay every one back

how many faggots have had their MEWs/ledgers/etc compromised? Thousands. How many Binance users have lost funds via a system hack? Zero. Even in the event two months ago where people were hacked by malicious trading bots, Binance detection systems activated within seconds and prevented any money from leaving the exchange

take off your tinfoil hats

>> No.9290216

>take off your tinfoil hats
but mines custom fit

>> No.9290221

I still would rather keep the funds myself because I don't trust others. Plus, just buy a thinkpad t450 off of ebay, rip out the hard drive, put a new one in, install qubes, and then keep it airgapped and use it for managing your funds in a secure manner. Also, flash the EFI before installing, and remove the intel ME.

>> No.9290253

Also, wouldn't just using a VPN basically solve the problem of DNS hijacking? The VPN I use has it's own DNS servers which I trust more than public mutt DNS servers.

>> No.9290286

was just thinking of that. not too sure

>> No.9290296

There's nothing special about cold storage. It could be as simple as storing the information analog. Anyone can do it.

>how many faggots have had their MEWs/ledgers/etc compromised?
This is more an ETH groupthink problem. ETH users are too retarded to use the official Ethereum wallet so they opt for... some web client. You can't cure stupid.

DNS resolving always requires some degree of trust. If you use a VPN you're still using the same DNS servers or the VPN's own DNS service, except it's all routed through a VPN.

What you can do is use DNSCrypt. It prevents MITM attacks between you and the DNS resolver.


>> No.9290298

based cz
funds are safe

>> No.9290299

I could go into this for hours, but basically just do what I said in my first post, and then just get yourself an external SSD and run whonix in a virtual machine from within qubes off of the main HDD. Qubes is very nice though because the compartmentalization is wonderfully implemented. Also, don't keep all your eggs in one basket. you're an idiot if you don't distribute them in various places.

>> No.9290306

you're an IT/CS fag. I'm not. 99% of people are not. You can do what you like. But the rest of us are statistically better off using binance.

>> No.9290307

Damn. How you learn to be so tech savvy

>> No.9290380

Even when you delete from the recycle bin??

>> No.9290394

You guys give way too advanced tips to the average joes. They just want to use Windows and still be as safe as they can be with that.

>> No.9290412

>Pretty much half of all exchanges hacked every year
>Lol 0.00000001% chance it happens to me
Anything other than a dedicated secure delete tool leaves all the data on the disk.

>> No.9290413

i dont think that solves it. i personally use a shredder that comes from mcafee

>> No.9290435

Only exchange fails have been bitgrail and mt. Gox. All the other overwhelming issues have been human failed ledgers and hacked wallets. Exchanges are actually secure. I keep everything on exchanges.

>> No.9290440

You realize they'll probably exit scam at some point?
and by exit scam I mean they got "hacked".
Don't leave your funds on exchanges kids.
Trade and get that shit off.

>> No.9290443
File: 24 KB, 400x300, dbe8d0bf4c13431804b1711c40e553c6--spaghetti-dinner-spaghetti-with-meat-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9290444


But wouldn't that just bloat your HD? What secure delete tool do you suggest, anon? I've got a ledger linked to my MEW (ordered ledger from the manufacturer), but better safe than sorry about other passwords I have, need to delete some 100% and then just move to paper or USB stick.

>> No.9290446

>Implying all shit exchanges are like Binance

You're a fucking retard

>> No.9290454

and none of them are top 10 exchanges

>> No.9290468

Well, if you still want to keep stuff on exchanges I recommend dealing with American companies.

Most USD in US exchanges are insured by the FDIC and Coinbase claims to have private insurance for their crypto.

Leaving stuff on Chinkchanges is just asking for it.

>> No.9290484

using Windows is a very big security problem in itself
when I see my friends' laptops, I am guessing there must be at least one virus or malware on it...
although installing ublock origin and using firefox with other sec-oriented extensions will lessen the inherent windoze sec risks
if you can, use linux

>> No.9290486

t. newfag who doesn’t know about mintpal and cryptsy

>> No.9290514

I have 60k link on a ledger. The seed phrase is in a dmg file with 256bit encryption. The password is only 145bit long tho. Good luck guys.

>> No.9290525

>not knowing how a keylogger works

>> No.9290531 [DELETED] 

brute forcing the encryption is out of the question
but then someone could brute force your ass
that's another story

>> No.9290542

I'll probably post a demonstration of my setup in the future. Will leave a few bucks of Monero in a wallet and then post the QR code of the AES-encrypted seed. That's the only right way to do cold storage for free imo.

>> No.9290553


Use a trezor instead of the ledger. And I really dont know how this happened unless you put your private key on your computer.

>> No.9290566

ok picture this
someone if brute forcing your asshole
you can only make him stop by telling him your pw
would you do it ?

>> No.9290583

It's not illegal to shoot spooks that try to fucc ur boipussi. :^)

>> No.9290587

hell cum and lose interest in like 10min max

>> No.9290610

cz when not burning BNB just sits at his laptop hoping for an attack so he can strike. Comfy

>> No.9290611

get rekt kek

>> No.9290667

Blame the niggers

>> No.9290689
File: 165 KB, 568x552, sergey1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lost your link, how sad

>> No.9290714

It's not taking up space, because the data is available to be overwritten. But until the OS needs the space and writes something new over the top, it sticks around. Which tool to use depends on your circumstances and OS, but they basically all do the same thing, overwriting the file. Some will go crazy with the marketing wank and overwrite 30 times or more as if that's better than just once, but they're no better. Basically anything that says secure delete. There's loads of freeware, you definitely don't need to pay for anything.
And one more thing: for SSDs it's different. They use wear levelling, so an attempt to overwrite will be directed to a different area of the disk, still leaving the original data hiding somewhere. A modern SSD and OS should support TRIM, which is a specific command to the SSD to wipe a block of data, so if you have an SSD secure deletion is either the default or impossible.
>What are MtGox, Bitfinex, Cryptsy, Mintpal
The bigger they are, the harder they fall

>> No.9290742

Hope you've got an airgapped computer, otherwise a keylogger will steal your encryption password, or maybe just pull the decrypted file out of ram when you open it up.

>> No.9290771

Thats where it went wrong

>> No.9290814

I don't know what the discussion is all about, it's pretty clear what was the reason if OP isn't larping. He entered his fucking passphrase into his computer which defeats the entire purpose of a hardware wallet. If nobody has access to your passphrase written down on a piece of paper this shit has been so far unhackable. I think there was some recent news that some pajeet hacked the device having a physical access to it but someone may as well break into your house and steal your pc/private keyes anyway

>> No.9290938


>> No.9290958

what software should be used to manage the funds though?

>> No.9291005

This, also always encrypt your drives in case of theft/etc. Won’t help you if someone gains remote access to a mounted volume on a running OS though.

>> No.9291237

Why not just handwrite all your password and seed phrases?

>> No.9291272

I have an unopened trezor wallet i bought direct from the manufacturer. Is tgere a known vulnerability in the trezor?

>> No.9291288

Can you lock a single address with the ledger nano s and a trezor wallet at the same time?

>> No.9291334

Because leaving that data in plaintext opens up the possibility of physical theft. Anyone else that owns shitcoins knows that a string of words is a seed phrase and they'll gladfully jack you.

If you encrypt the data, QR code them and print them you can keep multiple copies for redundancy. Now it's like you put something in a lockbox but the key only exists in your head. Then you have to pray you don't get hit by a baseball bat and forget the password. If you're really fucking dumb you can leave half the password on a piece of paper at home and half of it in a bank box.

It's all about threat models. There's no such thing as perfect security but you can make it ludicrously hard for anyone trying to jack you.

>> No.9291347

That sucks bro. I'm so sorry some fucking jew did that to you. ;_;

>> No.9291357

Following this.
What about password keepers like lastpass or keepass? Typing them there would be hackable?

>> No.9291358

update to the latest firmware before use.

>> No.9291405

Password managers are a tradeoff. If your computer gets hacked quite literally all your passwords are hacked. Otherwise they work well for normies who normally wouldn't use secure passwords.

Like with most things, these things are most secure when you only use them on airgapped computers.

>> No.9291406

That’s not true, I personally got exit scammed by Cryptsy.

>> No.9291456

The hacker would have to know the passphrase and key file of the manager, no?
Can a virus read from a manager like if it were a doc or text file?

>> No.9291494

Malware can just copy your password database after you decrypt it lol.

>> No.9291546

Can only happen the following ways:

You used a phishing site, for example a fake MEW, and didn't check your ledger to confirm the transaction displayed on the device was for the amount / address you thought it was for and signed it.

You exposed your recovery words which is effectively a paper wallet containing the private key. If you stored the recovery words on your computer that is where they could have been exposed.

You bought a fake or pre-setup ledger from a third party and didn't realize it was tampered with or had already been set up.

>> No.9291560 [DELETED] 

I want to keylog a person I know and steal his shitcoins. Trust me he deserves it. He is drug dealer and killed my friend. Someone point me to a keylogger that I can install remotely or a black hat that can help. My only other option is to steal his phone to get through 2FA or somehow get access to ss7 service.

>> No.9291565

I just want to say I feel for you mate.

This is my nightmare scenario

>> No.9291578

>Most USD in US exchanges are insured by the FDIC
thats a complete lie

>> No.9291604


>If you are a United States resident, your Coinbase USD Wallet is covered by FDIC insurance, up to a maximum of $250,000.

mystery exchanges that actually operate overseas don't count anon

>> No.9291651


FDIC doesn't cover theft, lmao. FDIC is for bank failure. Banks usually have insurance for bank theft. And coinbase claims to, but that is for theft of their bitcoin, not your compromised account. Good luck asking coinbase to reimburse you if your account was hacked lol.

>> No.9291662

I don't endorse leaving shit on exchanges so we're on the same boat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9291790

I thought those compromised in the MEW attack were using DNS. If true, they deserve it.

>> No.9291907

Guys I’m storing my seed words on a “notepad document” on my MacBook Air. I’m scared the same think could happen to my LINK stack. How do I fix this? Help me Marines

>> No.9291957

I keep all mine in the vault on coinbase is that not just as good?

>> No.9291995
File: 122 KB, 1650x1460, 1507276828435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked. All my wallets are fine!

>> No.9292008
File: 21 KB, 480x347, 1509479961304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the vault on coinbase
>is that not just as good?

>> No.9292021

binance for meme tokens.
steam for vidya.
same things.

>> No.9292027

Can that happen on an offline device?

>> No.9292036

Transfer everything to new seed words, and this time don't type them into a computer ever. Physical media only, and keep them physically secure.

>> No.9292098
File: 323 KB, 1920x1730, 1520872791516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suggest a store all my liquid cash under my mattress as well? I don't want any filthy Jews stealing my shekels.

>> No.9292174

Get a hardware wallet and cryptosteel.

>> No.9292245
File: 340 KB, 1891x2048, 1520913274605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was started by a man who lost the shit in his wallet. I guess thats just the risk involved with crypto. I have 25k in this shit, and I'm fine with potentially losing that, but having it stolen would be so fucking shitty. Guess I will look into it. I was silly thinking Coinbase was as good as a crypto bank account

>> No.9292332

How do you send money out of metamask ? I dont like using MEW due to phishing scare lately.

>> No.9292391

Don't use Metamask. Use the official ETH wallet. I don't think it supports seed phrases yet but the wallet files are like 1kb each and still small enough to be put on QR codes.

>> No.9292484

Can you use a ledger with the official ETH wallet?

>> No.9292512


he's not wrong

>> No.9292521

It does but support is very sparse unfortunately.

>> No.9292581

Dam, so best just to use mew with the ledger. Fucking ledger fud has done my head in this last month, invested alot more on keeping my seed safe but still fucking worries me.

>> No.9292606

Ffs are you guys still discussing this

There is nothing to talk about. Read my post earlier

Binance with 2fa code
Funds are fucking safe
They even spend their own money to put bounties on heads of potential hackers

Or you can spend 200 on a usb Stick because you are a pussy with no balls and still mess up your funds

>> No.9292649

This thread made me paranoid. How can I check if an usb stick is compromised?

>> No.9292651

Is Metamask the safest option?

>> No.9292718

Damn this story. I would probably kill myself if this happened to me since I have 100k LINK, 100k REQ and 40 mil HOT on my ledger.

>> No.9292800

If you read the post op states he once typed with 24 word recovery into a word document, I find the missing/change of wallet addresses more worrying

>> No.9292896

Lol this