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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 165 KB, 1678x924, Pumpin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
928840 No.928840 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/
What do you guys reckon is going on here?
Is this a whale pumping before dumping the auctioned SR coins?

>> No.928842
File: 121 KB, 2117x1267, Dumpin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what is worrying me

>> No.928844

Time to buy or have I missed the train?

>> No.928846

I'm expecting the price to tank big time within the coming few days.
I guess now would be a good time to sign up with an exchange and get ready to buy.

>> No.929076

Anyone serious about securing wealth for the future should have at least 10btc.

The tech is solid and resilient which will become more prevalent in everyday life. Similar to the internet. When the internet started it sounded like shit but look at it now; a staple in the modern era.

>> No.929080

Kek. As if this will last more than another 2 years

>> No.929087

>still ignoring the TCP/IP of money

I pity you.

>> No.929153
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>> No.929166
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bitcoin will eat any bank in the next 6 years

>> No.929170


I can see banks integrating Bitcoin in to their customers accounts in 5 - 10 years. As in they will give you a Fiat and BTC accounts, which you can exchange between.. With them charging a small % fee.

That's what I think will happen anyway, who the fuck knows.

>> No.929197

Bitcoin will not supplant any fiat currency or banks. The first and most important consideration is the fact that Bitcoin is irreversible once a transaction occurs. Now you guys may see it as a benefit, but ultimately this means every normie using it has to practice proper security hygiene, and (spoiler alert) they don't. Normies need trusted third parties to manage bitcoin for them and either they are regulated with the same fees, capital controls, and oversight that regular financial institutions have or you rely on the shitty incompetent or fraudulent ecosystem today.

Second is the inability of the network to scale to any efficient capacity. 7 transactions per second is insufficient for even the smallest of third world shitholes. Sure you can increase the block size but that require the whole ecosystem to go along with that. What is the likelihood that the Chinese mining pools will agree to something that requires far greater resources in terms of storage and bandwidth to handle? It is low. Considering they control 70% of the hash rate, they dictate the system.

So have distributed payment ecosystems built on top of Bitcoin, you might say. Bitcoin then serves as the reserve currency such that the people don't transact in bitcoin but the institutions do. The problem then lies in trusting these payment vendors. You subject yourself to the same problems you encounter when dealing with normies. Besides any consortium of financial payment systems could form a private blockchain to account for fiat transfers. This doesn't form a unique solution.

>> No.929250


>transacting in cash is irreversible therefore normies can't into it.

>TCP/IP can't scale!! omg...

>For reasons people won't use btc but institutions will. We will have to trust them.

Crock of shit m8.

>> No.929333
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>> No.929352


See the thing about my real wallet is a guy sitting in a basement in russian can't make all the cash instantly vanish.

>> No.929465

yeah and I can see myself getting laid by really hot famous people but that doesn't mean there is even a remote chance of it happening

OP nothing is happening its just volatility. volatility goes both ways. bitcoin is dead just check out litecoin. cryptos are stupid as shit and are only good for buying drugs on the internet and seeing as buying drugs on the internet isn't nearly as easy as it was during silkroad 1.0 days they really don't have much of a purpose now do they?

>> No.929632


>yeah and I can see myself getting laid by really hot famous people but that doesn't mean there is even a remote chance of it happening

You're ugly, that's why you wont be getting laid. What that has to do with banks adopting bitcoin I'm not sure. If you follow coindesk.com you'll see that banks are investing money in to research and development.


>bitcoin is dead

Hahaha, you must be fucking retarded if you think that's anywhere near true.

>only good for buying drugs on the internet

No, I use bitcoin to buy things of Amazon and many other places.

>seeing as buying drugs on the internet isn't nearly as easy as it was during silkroad 1.0 days

You fucking what mate? I remember having to send bank transfer to fucking Japan (mtgox) back in 2012 and wait 5~ days to get my coins. Now I can get them instant at nearly market rate.. Plus the darknet markets have improved a shit load since silkroad, which looking back is laughable how shit it was.

Enjoy missing the revolution you no coin faggot.

>> No.929668

No Ethereum thread so posting here. I made a great profit thanks to selling some of my 10k presale coins at $1.70 but made the stupid decision to hold half of them and now the price is down to 50 cents. Is it dying because lack of interest? Should I dump the rest of what I have (still making a small profit) or hold them for the switch to POS? There's no real risk since I already made my money back, but more would be nice, and I can't tell if this shit is over or undervalued at the moment.

>> No.929674


ETH was ridiculously overpriced when it was first listed on Kraken, it was always going to drop like a stone.

I'm waiting for $0.30 - $0.20 to buy in, if I was you I'd sell now and buy back in a few months when the price is lower.

It's a great project, but it's going to be years before it gets any real traction.

>> No.929701

insider information said it's going to drop below or around 100$s after it reaches around 350$.

>> No.929702


That;s because the fucking banks and CIA own bitcoin, what do you think CICADA 3301 was?

This shit was made to sip hen out cash from other countries when all other countries fall before the US dollar.

>> No.929711


>banks and CIA own bitcoin

Take off your tinfoil hat and go suck a dick fam.

>> No.929755

Conspiracy forums before 2008 predicted the stock market crash in 2008 and a new currency coming out.

Look at all the bank conferences all over the world that are bitcoin block chain related.

>> No.930509


> nocoiners actually believe this.

>> No.930596



Milton predicted it in 1999. Your conspiracy forums mean nothing fam.

>> No.931286



Another goodie.

>> No.931357

Think about this: Chinese mainland billionaires and millionaires are dealing with an imploding economy and weakening yuan, this hasn't happened to them before. As the bubble burst and china began devaluing it's currency, there have been outflows to places like macau and hong kong. The most you can legally move from china is $50k but rich people are smart fuckers and figured out how to exceed the limits with ease. Now beijing is trying to prevent further capital flight and china "wants their millionaires back" from places like the US and canada.

In the US, investing 500k gets you a visa and canada/AU have similar schemes. To get the money out, people were using macau casinos, hong kong banks and online services like...BITCOIN. Bitcoin is one of the last and most difficult hurdles for china to stop. It's arguable that once other avenues close, the millionaires will siphon money into america through bitcoin exclusively because of it's anonymous and elusive nature.

>> No.932561

nocoiners on suicide watch

>> No.932565

You're seriously deluded if you don't think the government and banks don't own btc.

>> No.932881

It's dying because it's a niche joke, millions of $ in funding and look at how shit it is, clearly it needs a few more years of work. I was really enthusiast about it but now it looks more like they only wanted to grab the money and hope people wouldn't say anything.
I was really excited about it a few month back but now..meh

>> No.933571


Look up coindesk 2015 Q3 report it's pretty insightful on the state of bitcoin, it's not bad as you think

>> No.933583

So... Wait a few days for it to tank a bit, buy, then repeat?

>> No.933656

Anything below 1K per Bitcoin is extremely cheap. Of course you assblasted clueless nocoiners will only see it years from now. Point in case:
Idiots like this *can't* be saved, which is why statistically Bitcoin will be very valuable. Only a few non retards will be heavily invested.

>> No.933660

You are literally grandpa trying to discredit the internet while not having a fucking idea of what it is.

>why would anyone use this? it's not needed/wanted, we already have radio, why radio on the internet? XD

>this dosent work too slow only nerds use it

>this is only a meme thing for comediants to joke about it will never take off

>TCP/IP is shit it will never scale to global levels

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lskpNmUl8yQ [Embed]

>inb4 b-but radio is still around.

Radio is still around, so fucking what. So are fax, vinyl and conventional mail. That doesn't mean those got severly disrupted by new tech.

Bitcoin will not take as long as the internet took to become mainstream. We don't need to build the infraestructure, it's already there. For the internet we needed to put actual physical cable, develop better modems etc. With this, all we need is keep perfecting the protocol and the software. Give it 5 years, see where we are at, then give it another 5. That's fucking nothing considering you'll be able to retire with 21 BTC.
Services such as Xapo will provide for the idiots that choose to not deal with real money and need someone else to save it for them.
Everything is being considered and everything that we have now will be outdated in a post-Bitcoin environment, objectively speaking.

I love being surrounded by short sighted morons.

>> No.933665

Are you guys fucking kidding me. You know what open source is? Jesus, fucking /biz/.

>> No.933671

There is some people out there claiming that sidechains may engulf ETH to the point it's not needed, or ETH network will change to BTC because it's ultimately pointless to not benefit from the biggest network on the planet (Which is the Bitcoin blockchain).

Until it stops correcting and the uptrend doesn't go down. Then you commit suicide.

>> No.933679

What are you using to get that chart?

>> No.933687

Then it won't have any value at all fuckface. If not a lot of people are using it, it's not going to have much worth is it?

>> No.933808


>Only a few non retards will be heavily invested.

I meant there will be an elite of holders, visionaries that will get rewarded by history with wealth, real wealth throught risk/reward, not magic fiat money.
This doesn't mean no one is using it dumbo, it just means it's not evenly distributed.

Only a few people are heavily invested in fiat (in the context of only a few people own most of the money supply) yet every fucking one uses it.

Uneven distribution doesn't mean few people use it, specially Bitcoin which can be divided as much as it's needed to function.

>> No.933840

I understand what your saying. Bitcoin might not be the crypto that becomes the standard too though, an alt coin could arise that for whatever reason attracts more people. That said I do believe cryptos are the future of money.

>> No.934027



You're welcome

>> No.934604


Still have plenty of time to catch it. Its just that the market cap still is small so able to be manipulated. Very possible to be back at $250 a coin tomorrow or even shortly drop to $240. Expect a sell off at $280 or $290 because people will want to sell just before it hits a solid $300

>> No.934627
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>alt coins
Alt coins are a joke, it has been tested time and time again. It's about being good enough, not perfect. Bitcoin is good enough.

Btw, we already won:


Enjoy being poor no-coin faggots.

>> No.934632


>> No.934653

wasn't there some bullshit about the blockchain being too small, and being unusable due to bandwidth if it got increased? some anon on here was talking about it, basically said buttcoins can't scale.

>> No.934658

Yeah I think sidechains like the lightning network are meant to fix that. Pretty much everything is being built around bitcoin and it looks like bitcoin will be here to stay. Personally I think Monero or ZeroCash would be better suited to being money and I believe that there could be at least a niche role for them. All other alts are shit scam coins and will die.

>> No.934686

VAT free not untaxable for income.

>> No.934705


Implying bitcoiners pay taxes heh

>> No.934940

Where's the clown with the "5 reasons not to buy into bitcoin hype" who had bitcoin just in case it was the future.

Muhammad can you explain to me why muslims hate bitcoin?

>> No.934983
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>> No.935257

His ass.

>> No.935262

nah dude people will still mine even when no more new coins are made

by then the price will either have crashed or gone to the moon

transaction fees will cover it

>> No.935458

the bitcoin CEO told him

>> No.935460

Ur a fuckin bitcoin shill dawg stfu anything over 30 bucks a coin is overvalued af

>> No.935644
File: 86 KB, 1916x806, MoS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dust attacks
>malleability attacks
>no protections for end users
>terrible energy efficiency
>absurdly long confirmation times
>zero practical utility for 95% of people

you guys are just pumping for the next greater fool right?


>> No.935645


Sure, but you have to be a fool to not hold 1 btc, just in case.

>> No.935647

i have a bridge to sell you. better buy one just in case

>> No.935648

I have 10 BTC. Am I going to make it?

>> No.935785

In 10 years, yes, granted, but to lock and load it, get yourself a 21 BTC stack. Then it's just wait and enjoy the ride. At the end of the ride, we'll share screencaps of nocoiners and we'll count their suicides.

>> No.935796

Nice buzzwords that are out of context/not true/already being addressed.
Will scale up to global levels once Lightning Network is deployed.
>dust attacks
Same, being addressed
>malleability attacks
Same, being addressed.
You clearly haven't studied all the up and coming BIPs. You are also mentally retarded to judge software at 0.11 beta version (which has already shaken the world, let alone when sidechains get deployed, then find the nearest rope if you aren't in) instead of seeing what's in the works and having tunnel vision.

>terrible energy efficiency
Wrong as fuck. How much energy do Visa, Mastercard, Banks etc, waste to keep their services running? Do the math.

>absurdly long confirmation times
Not a fucking problem. I don't see people complaining that credit card transactions take 180 days to confirm.
A Bitcoin transaction never disappears. You never lose the money. If you want a faster transaction, send a higher fee and it will be a matter of minutes (the fee will be a ton of times cheaper than the average Western Union scam)
>zero practical utility for 95% of people
You don't understand the technology. To begin with, the actual coins don't even need to reach that much of an usage within the average idiot, it's the disruption in the infraestructures that will make the average joe use Bitcoin when they aren't even realizing they are using it (just like no one knows they are using TCP/IP unless you are a computer geek). Nonetheless, there will be a big market of people that don't want to leave their money inside banks anymore (or a part of it).
There will be an insane amount of new ideas throught sidechains.

You will go down in history as idiots of this caliber:

>I think there is a world market for maybe five computers'

>Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943.

Of course you will not tho. You will just be another assblasted anonymous boat misser.

Nicely coped tho.

>> No.935842

>Will scale up to global levels once Lightning Network is deployed.
so the key to using bitcoin is to not use bitcoin.

You are also mentally retarded to judge software at 0.11 beta version (which has already shaken the world, let alone when sidechains get deployed
L.O.L. "trust me, it will get better". why should i believe that? why should i believe that consensus will EVER be achieved to fix the meaningful issues in the protocol?

>How much energy do Visa, Mastercard, Banks etc, waste to keep their services running? Do the math.
those institutions do several orders of magnitude of transacting per unit of energy than bitcoin. each.

>I don't see people complaining that credit card transactions take 180 days to confirm.
because credit card companies vouch for you. bitcoin is supposed to be trustless, remember? CC's can transact within seconds with sufficiently reliable assurances that the exchange will be made. with bitcoin, settlement IS the only trustworthy assurance.

> If you want a faster transaction, send a higher fee and it will be a matter of minutes (the fee will be a ton of times cheaper than the average Western Union scam)
just what i want, to stand in the drive thru waiting for them to hand my food over for and extra ten minutes. oh, and by the way, bitcoin isn't cheaper than WU for remittances http://www.coinfox.info/news/3466-bitcoin-does-not-make-remittances-any-cheaper-say-industry-leaders

>it's the disruption in the infraestructures that will make the average joe use Bitcoin when they aren't even realizing they are using it
list of infrastructures disrupted by bitcoin:

>You will go down in history as idiots of this caliber:

right on schedule with this line of bullshit. guess what? not every technology is destined to explode like computers or like the internet. this is more typical pumper bullshit, trying to convince people that right now is analogous to the internet in 1994. give it a fucking rest, dude.

>> No.935859

The OBV (On Balance Volume) at OKCoin and Huobi is spiking a la September 2013 at BTCChina.

>> No.935971



You couldn't have missed the point of bitcoin any harder m8.

Bitcoin is used for online transactions. It doesn't make sense to use in a fukin drivethrough. Who the fuck uses drive throughs anyway?

>so the key to using bitcoin is to not use bitcoin.
It's a side chain

>L.O.L. "trust me, it will get better". why should i believe that?
It has been improving and changing over the last 5 years and will probably continue to do so.

>those institutions do several orders of magnitude of transacting per unit of energy than bitcoin. each.
They hire sky scrapers full of people and still have billions of dollars in fraud every year.

>credit card companies vouch for you.
This makes them susceptible to fraud.

>list of infrastructures disrupted by bitcoin:
Transacting financially online.

>> No.935985

There's no reason you can't use bitcoin in a drive through. The network only takes a few seconds to recognize a new transaction.

A confirmation takes 10 minutes but that only deals with the double spend problem. On a $5 burger purchase, the money saved on CC fees would outweigh the losses faced by double spending.

>> No.935989

>Bitcoin becomes tax free in the EU
>price goes up a bit

Must be fucking magic.

All your arguments how good or bad Bitcoin is dont mean shit either way, the question is what the average plebian thinks.

>> No.936077
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>Bitcoin is used for online transactions. It doesn't make sense to use in a fukin drivethrough. Who the fuck uses drive throughs anyway?
why would any person convert to a completely new currency just to shop online? i mean apart from buying kiddie porn or meth. seriously, the first sentence of your post should tell you exactly why it is fucking doomed.

>It's a side chain
a side chain is... not bitcoin

>It has been improving and changing over the last 5 years and will probably continue to do so.
you ignored the coordination and consensus problem i pointed out, but i didn't forget it. ffs they cant even reach a resolution on the block size. whats going to happen when even more significant issues come up?

>They hire sky scrapers full of people and still have billions of dollars in fraud every year.
and yet, the cost per transaction is still orders of magnitude less than that for bitcoin, and the only certainty of bitcoin is that it will get worse in this regard with time.

>This makes them susceptible to fraud.
they also have fraud prevention, detection, and investigation capabilities to mitigate the effect to the end user.

>Transacting financially online.
oh yeah, for all 12 websites that still accept it as a currency. real big disruption.

the worst part is, literally none of your defenses explain why Bitcoin is destined to be the winner and not another crypto currency. and please dont try to hand wave with some weak network effect argument.

>> No.936162

>why would any person convert to a completely new currency just to shop online?

>a side chain is... not bitcoin
u wot m8?

>you ignored the coordination and consensus problem i pointed out
Open source. Another crypto may become facebook to bitcoins myspace. Where's the issue?

> fraud prevention, detection, and investigation capabilities to mitigate the effect to the end user
Implying this isn't a major source of fraud to begin with.

>for all 12 websites that still accept it as a currency
Peer2Peer brah.

>Bitcoin is destined to be the winner and not another crypto currency
You're right cryptos are here to stay.

>> No.936196

>>They hire sky scrapers full of people and still have billions of dollars in fraud every year.
>and yet, the cost per transaction is still orders of magnitude less than that for bitcoin, and the only certainty of bitcoin is that it will get worse in this regard with time.

That's not true.

In electricity? Sure. But the overall cost of a CC transaction is still much larger, mostly due to:

>they also have fraud prevention, detection, and investigation capabilities to mitigate the effect to the end user.

CC companies could not sustain themselves on 0.05/transaction like the bitcoin network.

>> No.936216

adopting a new currency for one type of commerce when the one you use for everything else works for that kind of commerce already is not convenient.

>Open source. Another crypto may become facebook to bitcoins myspace. Where's the issue?
open source doesn't solve the coordination problem of getting people to a consensus. an the issue would be that investing in bitcoin would then be fucking retarded.

>Peer2Peer brah.
so, what good is a currency that is only traded among people like baseball cards if it can't be used in exchange for goods and services because the people with the goods and services don't transact in it?

>You're right cryptos are here to stay.
not a good reason to invest in bitcoin

>> No.936227

>adopting a new currency for one type of commerce when the one you use for everything else works for that kind of commerce already is not convenient.
Right, everyone on the planet uses the same currency.

>open source doesn't solve the coordination problem of getting people to a consensus. an the issue would be that investing in bitcoin would then be fucking retarded.

Do you know what open source means? This issue is circumvented when thousands of altcoins fill specific niches.

>so, what good is a currency that is only traded among people like baseball cards if it can't be used in exchange for goods and services because the people with the goods and services don't transact in it?
Word salad much? Anything traded amongst people is useful and it is primarily for goods and services you sperglord.

>not a good reason to invest in bitcoin
It's called hedging your bets m8o.

>> No.936234

>Right, everyone on the planet uses the same currency.
every major currency has infrastructure such that it can transact online without the use of cryptocurrency.

>Do you know what open source means? This issue is circumvented when thousands of altcoins fill specific niches.
so whenever there is a protocol issue with one coin, i need to move my wealth to 12 other coins? oh boy that sure sounds convenient. mass adoption must be weeks away.

>Word salad much? Anything traded amongst people is useful and it is primarily for goods and services you sperglord.
virtually no business accepts it, and the ones that do are set to immediately dump it for real money.

>It's called hedging your bets m8o.
diversification in shit assets is still a shit idea buddy.

>> No.936253


>every major currency has infrastructure such that it can transact online without the use of cryptocurrency.
So? it's not convenient.

>so whenever there is a protocol issue with one coin
No, it means the one which is good enough will prevail.

>virtually no business accepts it
peer2peer, gambling, digital goods, ingame items and there are literally hundreds of examples where crypto is superior to fiat.

>diversification in shit assets is still a shit idea buddy.
Lol, suicide watch much?

>> No.936276

hey guyz, what do you think about ripple?

>> No.936288

how is cryoto more convenient? we can buy shit on amazon with 1 click, how can you get more convenient than that?

all bitcoin adds is the need to exchange between fiat and bitcoin, oh and if the price tanks while you've got your coins, bad luck. it's far less convenient.

>> No.936289

>altcoins of any kind


>> No.936296

insightful comment m8

ripple seems like the only real contender to buttcoin. tens of millions in funding, works closely with major banks and has a pretty strong team that's getting paid whereas buttcoin is all open source contribution

>> No.936315
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>shaky no-coiners on suicide watch

>> No.936328


>buy things one click with fiat
No you can't you lying sack of shit.

You need a bank account which means government issue ID and fucking around all day, you then need a credit card which is literally 1960's tech. After which you must create a payjew account and link all that shit to your amazon. All your purchases are on record and subject to terms and conditions which can cause your accounts to be frozen. Governments can access your bank account and apply restrictions; cypress anyone?

Bitcoin is far more convenient and superior.

>> No.936332

how am i going to get bitcoins without a bank account? am i supposed to suck cock for 1 btc?

also my amazon doesn't go through paypal. but whatever. everyone already has a bank account. how will your employer pay you if you don't have one? getting a CC is literally 15 mins work with online banking.

it's not more convenient. more private, maybe, but even than isn't for certain.

>> No.936334


>gobment cant get muh bitcoins

Man you are a idiot, thay can track that shit as easy as a credit card.

>> No.936336

No but seriously these speculations made people a lot of money.

I was of no concern to conspiracy theories but if you trace it well enough you notice the patterns when you follow the money.

People get a kick out of conspiracy just for the sake of conspiracy but the secret is to make profit out of it.

>> No.936338


>> No.936344

Local bitcoins

Meet in person buy with cash. Done.

>Man you are a(n) idiot, (they) can track that shit as easy as a credit card
Sure buddy.
What are coin mixers?
What are creating addresses for each transaction?

>> No.936347

>Local bitcoins
>Meet in person buy with cash. Done

what, like find some dodgy guy on craigslist? real convenient. what if you live in a small town?

all the shit you said about bank accounts/CCs i can do from home. MAYBE one visit to a local branch to verify id, who knows, i haven't opened one up in years. how the fuck is trying to find some turd that wants to sell btc (in person, no less) more convenient? what a load of shit.

and whats to stop him ripping me off? say i give him the money but he walks away and doesn't send the btc? or he sends me less than agreed? what's my recourse?

bitcoin may become useful in the future, but there sure as fuck isn't anything convenient about it the way you're describing it.

>> No.936365


If you have online banking this is the most convenient since you purchase bitcoin with interac online.

Bitcoin is best for peer2 peer transactions. Gambling, digital goods and services. This is the future.

You can literally play video games and sell shit for bitcoin. Buying them isn't the only way to acquire a decent stack.

>> No.936374


>With Interac Online service you can pay for goods & services over the Internet. It's immediate & secure, allowing you to use funds directly from your bank account.

so were back to needing a bank account, which was the crux of your 'convenience' argument against amazons 1 click?

fucking kek

>Bitcoin is best for peer2 peer transactions. Gambling, digital goods and services. This is the future.

it has potential. the future? ehhh that remains to be seen.

>> No.936381

You are definitely a couple weeks late. When bitcoin is going sideways, the big guys are accumulating coin. It starts to get real demand and trend. We are at the top of the trend. People like you will buy in and then get raped by HFT algorithms and other buyers that just want out. However, the volume we are seeing now hasn't peaked out yet, so there is still time. We have no clue how high this will go! The price is very cheap historically.

>> No.936406

>literally play video games and sell shit for bitcoin

I've heard this many times but don't know what it means.
Are you supposed to spend all day "farming" on a MMORPG then sell a day's work to someone for two cents? I don't see a way to profit.

>> No.936428

What do you believe 20 btc will transfer into in 10 years

>> No.936534
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>bitcoin is more convenient, just look at this 15 step process to shop online with only a 20% chance you'll get mugged at knifepoint

>> No.936554
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>> No.936590

One way I know of is to use bots on runescape and sell high demand items for gold and then sell that/

>> No.936602

I bought in last Wednesday. The price still keeps going up, should I sell soon and take the smallish profit?

>> No.936637

I've made over 10 BTC this year working as a freelance coder on my spare time. Right now, that's around 3000 USD that the goverment will never know about unless I want to, because they have never been attached to my real name, I haven't obtained them by buying them delivering my credentials and so on. They simply don't exist for the goverment. This is the first time in history ever where you can be your own bank outside the system. I could directly buy anything I wanted with it, no one would ever fucking know. It will only get better once confidential transactions, Joinmarket etc are all working and dumbed down so even average Joes can benefit from it.
This alone is an insane game changer and it can be done now. In 10 years I can't imagine where we'll be at. *This IS a revolution*.

If you have no skills but have fiat, you can buy Bitcoins locally at Localbitcoins, meet with someone IRL and buy Bitcoins from them.
The best way to get Bitcoins is still the same you get fiat, fucking working for it.

>> No.936641
File: 46 KB, 813x603, bitcoin inflation rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to know. Take into account that the (unpayable) debt of the US is approaching 20 trillion. We only need a tiny % of that money to flow into the Bitcoin ecosystem to drive the price to 100K-250K per Bitcoin. Consider the decrease in inflation as well as more halvings happen. By 2025 we should start seeing some serious suicide watch shit on no-coiners part.

>> No.936643

Yes you should sell now and buy some beers. Save some to call suicide line once all of your day trading efforts get rendered useless once you get caught out once a real bubble beggins.

>> No.936659

Well it was more sell now before the inevitable sell off comes dropping the price and then buy more. But thanks for the advice bro!

>> No.936800

So now your argument against bitcoin is that you're too stupid to think for yourself ?

>> No.936880

>This is the first time in history ever where you can be your own bank outside the system.

no, it isn't.

>> No.936972



>> No.936997

thanks man
now can you tell me the lottery numbers for this tuesday's EuroMillions?

>> No.936999


>> No.937052


Earn them without bank account.

>> No.937112


>> No.937124
File: 850 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_4369 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the big mining guys it costs like 170 dollars to mine 1 coin plus time and also the investment of hardware, housing and staff.

>> No.937673

Except yes.

>> No.938733

Should be "when that day comes...you won't have to".

>> No.938997

in what ways does holding bitcoin make the end user their own bank?

>> No.939031


>Implying that just holding bitcoin is what makes it revolutionary.

>> No.939112

the image is closer to the original quote, plus "when you're ready" points out the fact that freedom requires action

>> No.939120

>way of the future
>a coin that has no value
>not tangable
>value changes month buy month
>main purpose is to buy drugs

Thinking Normie's will ever use this to pay for their grocieres etc is ridiculous

>> No.939130

You don't really see normies in the gold and silver market either though, honestly. Even without mass adoption, I think it will be around another few years or so without too much off a loss in value.

>> No.939146

>a coin that has no value

Yeah but those funny green paper notes with dead presidents on them do :^)

How is /biz/ this stupid?

>> No.939149

It's because during the times he was posting bitcoin dropped to 150$ to 200$s so he was a fudder.

When you see people circle jerking like this thread it means it's time to sell.

Normally how stocks works is you do the opposite of what information or mindset comes out.

>> No.939152

No doubt tho people will commit suicide

>> No.939153

all the faggots use phones all the time.

Look at it this way, you can put a changetip to instantly donate BTC to programs for those apps on the phones to siphon out more money.

>> No.939235

15 coins here.

Here comes my "fuck you" money.

I'm gonna be on my yacht bangin' a couple of dimes before the end of next year.

>> No.939264
File: 915 KB, 500x200, gatsby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 figure BTC masterrace chekin in.
We need to get on the 21 BTC million people club before it's mission impossible.

>> No.939277
File: 53 KB, 556x333, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening!

>> No.939285

$303 and ticking up steadily.

Get in now fellas.

>> No.939292
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>> No.939593

Looks like a double top tbh

>> No.940241

Look at the volume.

>> No.940302


>We don't need to build the infraestructure, it's already there

It's there now. But in 50 years when internet censorship starts being a big thing services like bitcoin will suffer greatly. Things like data caps or straight up throttling overseas traffic would fuck with bitcoin's ability to even exist.

>I love being surrounded by short sighted morons.

It took about 20 years for the Internet to grow to where it is now. Bitcoin was created in 2009, and still isn't mainstream. It's got 15 years left to beat the standard you've created and all indicators point to bitcoin remaining a mostly niche thing that potheads use to buy drugs.

>> No.940395

>being this fucking out of the loop
Literally grandpa tier. In 50 years stuff like Maidsafe + Meshnets + private space nodes will deliver internet and access to Bitcoin + anonymous internet worldwide. This Is Unstopable. Stop the cope and go study.

>> No.940503

There will be more than one internet. You won't be able to stop the exchange of information through the air unless you build a huge disruption infrastructure all the way around your nation.

>> No.940753

are you serious about that? I've seen lots of whales with over 100.

I only have close to 2.5 BTC tho

>> No.940797


>a viable strategy

ISPs will still own the trunk lines. That's going to be a problem


>You won't be able to stop the exchange of information through the air unless you build a huge disruption infrastructure all the way around your nation.

that's exactly what's going to happen, China already does it and Russia is looking to do it. The former only tolerates bitcoin now because it doesn't cause a problem, it's not "disruptive". The moment it is, is when they shut it down.

The era of the free and wild Internet is coming to a close. Satellite internet requires a radio connection, which means playing grabass with the FCC.

>> No.941031
File: 92 KB, 1660x687, spotthepanicsellingidiots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon nocoiner cope it hard.

>> No.941035
File: 185 KB, 1801x500, bitcoindoesntgiveafuckaboutputin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh guvermints stopping unstoppable technology

Meanwhile in russia.
>pic related

Cucks, when will they learn?

>> No.941474

I remember back in 2011-2013,

Anyone know what happened to proudhon?

Was he just a bull in troll disguise?

>> No.941480

314 boys

no coiners on suicide watch

>> No.941487

How many coins are lost forever? I don't mean confiscated by the government, but mined by /b/tards and forgotten about/thrown away.

>> No.941502



>> No.941509
File: 195 KB, 395x450, this_doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billions of Dogecoin.
I estimate like 30% of all Dogecoin are lost forever.

>> No.941516

I have 150K doge in a wallet that refuses to sync on my old computer but that's not even $20. I doubt I'll be able to even get them out of there either but I don't really think it matters.

>> No.941523
File: 126 KB, 1915x951, E2ph4jN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else catch that ltc wick?

>> No.941649

If I live in Canada, can I still use any wallet?

Do you guys state your Bitcoin gains in your taxes? Canada I think is mandatory after $10,000 but I'm curious if anyone really does it?

>> No.941655

holy shit what
did some noob just do a massive market buy without checking the volume?

>> No.941659

nah man Canada is legit and has no regulations on bitcoin unless you operate an exchange.

>> No.941661

nah, china have declared war on fiat

>> No.941667

Well if it's not, I think it will be, read some CRA shit back in April/July.

Anyway, I've never bought before, looking at the chart it looks like it could go up further but I feel jumping on the hype train is risky.

I feel like getting just one because I'm a nervous Nelly.

>> No.942289
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he was just bitter he sold early like most early adopters

>> No.942292


I sold around 500 bitcoins sub $10, it honestly makes me still lose sleep at night.

If bitcoin ever does power over $1k again I'm going to be a ruin

>> No.942301

I had around 200$ in BTC when it was something like $0.15/BTC. I spent them on coke lol. Most expensive blow of my life.

But either way it doesn't keep me up at night, just like not buying last week's winning lottery ticket doesn't keep me up

>> No.942308

Yeah, you're right.

It just hurts to know I will never have those 500 bitcoins again.. Now I'm sitting on less than 1/10th of that

>> No.942310

bro I spent over a thousand BTC back then. At some point not even that much later it would have been worth over a million dollars.

But I don't really care about it. It's just a story now.

>> No.942729
File: 123 KB, 575x757, mainstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally millions of coins lost forever.
>Only 21 million coins to ever exist.
>Controlled supply.
>93.750% mined by 2024
>No problem of lack of liquidity since its highly divisible (entire economy could run under 1 BTC alone)
>Sidechains incoming
>Programable open source money that will just keep getting improved constantly
>Mainstream plebs slowly catching up
>7.3 billion people on the planet
>20 trillion of fiat debt on americuck dollar alone
Do the fucking math.

>> No.942732

>If bitcoin ever does power over $1k again I'm going to be a ruin
>Still considering a posibility that it will go over 1k instead of a fact
>Still not seeing how BTC's natural price at mainstream adoption is around 6 figures per coin
Suicide watch VIP.

>> No.942745

I bought 1 Bitcoin at $296. It's more for fun then anything else (I have over $260k in real investments, not shitcoin).

Let us see where it goes.

>> No.942750

>shillcoiners actually believe this.

>> No.942787

Next level nocoiner cope.

>> No.942791

>muh stocks r serious n cryptos r 4 babbies

Typical grandpa tier mentality. You have no fucking clue whatsoever. Consider suicide.

>> No.942811

who has the most buttcoins on this board?

I only have 25 :3

>> No.942853

lol you're taking it slightly too far with 6 figures

I do believe it's going up though and have been holding on a couple of BTC since the start of the year.

>> No.942862

I have just shy of 5

>> No.942865
File: 115 KB, 878x680, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My technical analysis shows strong correlation between douchebaggery and the cost of bitcoins

>> No.942883


Have fun being a cuck.

>> No.942893

So where do u actually get btc jobs? How do you build a track record of good work delivered?
Genuinely interested, I've been thinking of putting a few % of my freelance income in btc but this sounds like much more fun.

>> No.943151
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>> No.943174
File: 56 KB, 2029x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought at $235
>Made thousands in less than a week
>No sign of this train stopping
>Sippin' tea while reading butthurt nocoiners comments

Life's good.

>> No.943700

I'm looking to buy some BTC to invest in sites like btcbusiness.biz , is it profitable or is it just a scam and I'll never get my money back?

>> No.943714

Last november (11) it reached 390 I think, and started dropping.

>> No.943749

ur foked m8, sell everything now before single digits

>> No.943792
File: 497 KB, 245x200, losing it again.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single digits

>> No.944092

309 now, grab yer butt! Cash out or weep.

>> No.944127

the pump is over, do not buy in at this point, you'll be losing heavy capital

>> No.944135
File: 108 KB, 1680x692, buyordeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bru

>> No.944159

305? Cheap coinz.

>> No.944397
File: 130 KB, 1680x878, stopthepanicsellingidiots2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide watch general.

>> No.944427

Anyone have any good ideas on what us going on. Is it to do with the Chinese government cracking down on chink CEOs tying to get their capital out the cuntry

>> No.944434

Heard from russians that shits going down tomorrow.

>> No.944456

How would they crack on them? Bitcoins are untouchable.

>> No.944483

All of Google today would represent less than 1% of all of mining (Bitcoin operations worldwide). The sheer degree of what is happening in (Bitcoin) mining is not being appreciated by the press. f we assume there are 10 million Google servers, and each of these servers is running, you can multiply that through and get one petahash. If they turned off all of their data centers and pointed them at Bitcoin (mining network), they would be less than 1% of the network.

>> No.944801

Did you know they call it a "bullseye" because thousands of years ago darts wasn't played as we know it. Instead people would throw swords at a bull aiming for their eye. The more you know.

>> No.944808

Anyone not owning 1 BTC by 2016 needs to seriously kill himself.
321 and climbing again.

>> No.945471
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>> No.945615

holy shit.

This is genuinely huge

>> No.945630


But yeah, I'm pumped as well.

>> No.945637

Out of curiosity at what point are you going to sell?

>> No.945668

Question! Why is it impossible to return your bit coins if they get stolen? I thought the block chain is a ledger of every transaction so far, it should be trivial to track where individual coins went?

>> No.945673

How do you intend to spend the other accounts bitcoins without the private key?

Sure you can track them, it doesn't mean you can spend them

>> No.945682

What about the law enforcement agencies, can't they track down the bad guy then and force him to return the money? If the coins are in a wallet they must know who accesses it?

>> No.945696

Err, not really.

It depends on how they got stolen from your wallet, if the person is smart he can get away with it and there's pretty much nothing you can do unless he wants to return them.

>> No.945700

and remember, this is the same as him stealing your bitcoin. If you secure your private key there is no feasible way to steal your bitcoins

>> No.945704

how would they "force him to return the money"?
He could claim he forgot they key or whatever

Not to mention that some law enforcement agencies won't care much about "magic internet pretend money"

>> No.945706

That feel when I ignored /biz/ during 2015 and loaded up on bitcoin when it was in the low 200s.

>> No.945709
File: 31 KB, 991x125, litecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going full margin long on litecoin

Fucking plebs

>> No.945720

Fuck it senpai I'm investing ,I'm late to the party but on the grand scale of things I could still be early

>> No.945727

Nice, remember to FOMO at the top and buy the peak

>> No.945767

Remember to kill yourself on 2025 when 1K looks like a small bump on the all time graph.

>> No.945801

not before a good decade.

>> No.945890
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>> No.946116

China has already invested a good chunk in ethereum why havent u anon?

>> No.946142

>been shorting ETH since it launched on Poloniex

>no regrets

>> No.946160

>btc literally shitting all over the dumpers and continuing upwards with 0 fucks given

this rally has fucking legs, every time I think it's fizzled out thousands of coins worth of buying pressure spring out of nowhere. Either someone is intentionally inflating the market to ensure the SR auction is carried out at a premium, or it's simply a genuine reversal of the bearish trend over the last 1-2 years or so. Combine that with all the shorts getting utterly BTFO and you've got some crazy fireworks

>> No.946235

Everyone who is on the BTC rally see


>> No.946285

So what are you trying to say? Do you not see that this is exactly the reason bitcoin has will succeed, because it allows people to bypass such unreasonable laws?

Even if China loosens the capital controls, it doesn't mean that bitcoin will lose its utility and crash. What is happening now proves that is can happen and thus likely will happen again in the future, and when that happens, people will again put their money in bitcoin. Its utility never vanishes because there are rotten governments all over the world and they will never stop doing shit like capital control. And every time it happens, like this time, word about bitcoin spreads so that the next time even more people will know what to do to liberate their money. Because as said, there is always a next time.

And the smart investor takes this into consideration and buys bitcoin when there is no big financial problems in the world, to anticipate the rise from when there is. There are a lot of people just waiting for the price to fall so that they can buy back in. And this balances the supply/demand and prevents bitcoin from ever crashing horribly even when the people in for example china temporarily see no utility in it. For bitcoin to ever lose its value completely, the whole world will have to become a utopia where everyone is able to use their fiat money as freely and conveniently as bitcoin, forever. How likely is that to ever happen?

>> No.946317

I read people are stocking up on the silkroad coins or some confiscated coins for auction.

>> No.946327


The sr coins being sold are the first 'authentic' bitcoins ever, e.g. they're fully legit and endorsed by the state, which means quite a bit

>> No.946337

It is more likely we will see 1 million per coin in the next 20 years than 0 per coin. Let copers cope.

Google Rootstock. Bitcoin to 10k+ by 2017 confirmed.

>> No.946340
File: 209 KB, 662x394, Traits-of-Money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ethereum holders, time to RE hardest than you've ever RE'd.

>> No.946422

I'm trying to say that BTC is currently filling a niche that will eventually cease to exist. If there is enough demand for a cryptocurrency to be a blackmarket alternative to fiat currency, governments will simply outlaw the sale and ownership of BTC which could be possible if internet regulation becomes a thing (which is high in probability if past attempted legislature like SOPA is anything to go by, let alone a place like China where such policy is already in existence.)

>> No.946426

Is there a wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies that isnt web based.

>> No.946437
File: 113 KB, 1404x936, fukbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gubbermints will outlaw bitcoins
>this kills the bitcoin

nocoiners actually believe this.

>> No.946443

It isn't out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.946451

If governments outlaw anything it becomes more scarce.

And what happens to the value of things when they become more scarce?

>> No.946472

Right well BTC doesn't have an inelastic demand like other illegal things.

>> No.946475

except in this case if Bitcoin is outlaw, it'll render it useless for majority of the population. It has value now because of speculation what bitcoin can do. Outlawing bitcoin would destroy the speculation therefore plummeting its value not increasing it. For example, when there was the whole debacle of us government taxing bitcoin transaction, value fell hard.

>> No.946479

yup you're right.

better sell everything now before the boogieman state makes it illegal and we plummet to single digits

>implying you even own any


>> No.946482

Huh? I'm not advising selling it at all. You implied government outlawing bitcoin would increase its price. I counter that it would be the opposite.

Your average drug dealer don't have millions to dump into bitcoin to keep its value whereas there's billions of average people combine together can keep bitcoin value high with just 1 dollar each.

>> No.946485

So there is no contingency plan for BTC if it becomes illegal, if only much more difficult, to exchange.

>> No.946486

I don't trust it. Most people in the world don't know about it or don't trust it. There are also a lot of legal issues popping up to deal with the mining & trading associated with bitcoins. Institutions have been shut down, theft is rampant, and there's scrutiny over possible money laundering through an unregulated currency.

Bitcoins or some other virtual currency could end up with widespread use some time in the future. But as of now, it's way too risky for most of us. Good on you if it works out.

>> No.946487

you're speculating.

I'm saying that anecdotally, every time the state outlaws anything the price goes up.

It doesn't matter if its drugs, prostitution or internet meme money, if its harder to get the value will go up.

I honestly can't think of a single case where banning something has decreased its price.

>> No.946488

>So there is no contingency plan

by who?

Didn't you hear about the plan to pump the price by the Bitcoin CEO in case it got banned

>> No.946490

except it's not hard to get bitcoin.

>I honestly can't think of a single case where banning something has decreased its price.
Did you miss all the times when China ban bitcoin the value drop?

>> No.946493

>except it's not hard to get bitcoin

and so if it does become hard, the price will go lower?

>Did you miss all the times when China ban bitcoin the value drop?

No, funnily enough, I didn't


can you point it out for me?

>> No.946494

Yeah and that guy would promptly be arrested or expedited to the US to be arrested and then be forced by the government to do whatever they want.

>> No.946499
File: 27 KB, 592x448, 1446494624310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck expediting the Bitcoin CEO, I heard he's behind 7 proxies

>> No.946503

>and so if it does become hard, the price will go lower?
Your average joe aren't going to jump through hoops to get Bitcoin if it's hard to get.

Are you saying the price from ~1000 to ~200 doesn't factor in all those China ban/unban bitcoin news?

>> No.946504

These days it's impossible to hide, let alone if they already know who to look for. Read up on how they got to Dread Pirate Roberts.

>> No.946509

dude, I've heard of countries "banning" bitcoin since 2011, Russia just "banned" it and the volume has gone up 20x on localbitcoins.

I've heard of a good 5 or so different separate times of china "banning" bitcoin since 2011, and the volume is currently at its highest it has ever been there.

You do you know he used his actual email address.. on tor.. I think the real bitcoin CEO is more scrupulous

>> No.946514

just seen a post already covered what the russian "ban" casued,

prohibition -never- works

>> No.946516
File: 110 KB, 571x572, rsz_screenshot_from_2015-11-02_201844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except there is nothing inherently valuable about BTC other than it is currently an easier alternative to gold. The recent surge has been confirmed by the guy who heads OKCoin international as a Chinese rush. Once the value of BTC as a way to launder money decreases, this bubble will burst.

>> No.946521
File: 110 KB, 634x482, 1446479672823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, not even.


Meh, enjoy your no coins

>> No.946529
File: 88 KB, 1526x1082, BITCOIN SURGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is coming from someone who bought coins right before the Chinese rushed in. Bought close to 10 for 2350 and am going to sell very soon. You can't long cryptocurrency.

>> No.946540

>implying you can "ban" bitcoin.

Worked for torrents right?

>> No.946551

banning bitcoin is as retarded ad banning multiplication.
we discovered it, it's here to stay. unless of course somebody deletes all evidence of it, rounds up anybody who's heard of it and shoots them all.

>> No.946563

You couldn't outright ban them, but you could make it very difficult to exchange them which would effectively do the same thing and it's already happened in the past with gold. This time it would have lengthy prison sentences for anyone running a BTC exchange and using the NSA to shadow anyone who is suspected of using TOR until they find something to pin them on.

>> No.946572

>so therefore the price will go down if my scenario happens

That's where I lose you jeff, if it is that difficult to buy, surely sellers could throw on a premium

>> No.946593

imo both scenarios seem very unlikely, it's come too far to throw out a completet ban, too many people already are ballsdeep with their money into bitcoin, a GLOBAL ban is not executable, though a US-wide ban would rather have a negative impact on btc/$

>> No.946601

Don't sell

>> No.946605

sure, you can speculate that all you want.

My point is when has prohibition ever worked?

drugs, prostitution, cigarettes, alcohol, cigars, literally you name it.

Not only does it not work, but it also drives the price up due to a decrease in supply, I honestly can't think of a single case where banning something has reduced its price, anywhere anytime.

If you can think of something shout because I'd like to know

>> No.946608
File: 169 KB, 1795x501, RUB-volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fucking pointless. Bitcoin is above kekerments.

>> No.946614

>I don't trust it. Most people in the world don't know about it or don't trust it.
How the fuck do you pretend to get rich, by investing in promising things once everyone knows about it?

Fucking 101.

>> No.946619

It's all about holding for 10 years. No one cares about babbygains.

>> No.946620

God dammit when will this end? I want in but don't wanna be the guy to buy at the peak :S

>> No.946627

dude, im not kidding

if this is really a rally its only begun, if its anything like previous were at the start of where things get moving, this could continue for several months

or, this is just a blip, and its the first wave, in which we pull back for a month or two, build up more pressure and make the proper climb in a few months.

either way, charts are very pretty right now, and things are looking very strong for bitcoin and crypto in general in the next few months to years

>> No.946634

Thats when you buy in, fella.
Eventually it's gonna keep going up and you'll go "fuck it time to buy I guess I was wrong to be cautious it keeps going" and THAT is when it peaks, because all of you have finally gone in.
The people who got their head start are the ones who made a pretty penny.

(Don't put more than 10% of your investable money into Bitcoin. Don't be a retard. Yes 10% is a pretty arbitrary number that I picked to get the point across that you shouldn't put much)

>> No.946642

So I've been interest in buying for probably 6 months but only since this September have I really began looking into.
Main reason I never bought is because I was out of a computer and wanted my own to buy them with. I was mentally prepared to buy in the beginning of October but only just received an ordered laptop in the past few days.

I'll buy if it goes down a bit but I still have questions about it.
I would really like to buy it anonymously, can I do that at all without paying in person with cash? I don't see how a credit card purchase can be anonymous.

Or maybe I'm too dumb and should just stay away.

>> No.946646
File: 146 KB, 1668x877, whodoesntmakemoneyonthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful nocoiner FOMO as we speak boys.

>> No.946658

There aren't many alternatives to buy it completely anonymously beyond

1) Working and getting paid for it. Then no fucking way goverment can't know anything.

2) Meet person IRL throught Localbitcoins

I can't think of any other ways. As soon as the old banking infraestructure is there then it's not "anonymous".

But honestly why do you care? I wouldn't care that much unless I was a whale that wanted to avoid the IRS or something.


This seems sweet but havent researched it yet. Seems like closest to a p2p exchange. Soo much cool, new stuff to keep track off.

>> No.946669

Learn how to tumble bitcoins, that way you can buy them using conventional credit cards/paypal/whatever, and make them much more difficult to trace.

Again, it's one of those things where right now, I doubt there are many law enforcement officers who effective know how to track bitcoins, and even fewer who can trace through even the simplest forms of anonymization

>> No.946684

The main reason those options bother me is the fact that where I am they have high minimums for cash and it seems to be dominated by 3 main sellers.

I could afford their minimums but I like what >>946634 says about 10%.

>But honestly why do you care? I wouldn't care that much unless I was a whale that wanted to avoid the IRS or something.

I like the idea of hidden money without a shovel. It's an incredible opportunity to live in a time where that's accessible.

Also for whatever reason I get super tense spending money over a computer. I don't know if it's an irrational fear yet.

So I'm really feeling that not many people have made anonymous BTC purchases? At least from what I've read that seemed to be one of the highlights.

>> No.946690

>So I'm really feeling that not many people have made anonymous BTC purchases? At least from what I've read that seemed to be one of the highlights.

you can anonymize transactions quite easily, at a small margin for the miners tumbling your coins

>> No.946695

We'll eventually get confidential transcantions (obfucastion of the amount of BTC transacted) coupled with in-built CoinJoin features on a wallet (basically a decentralized tumbler, meaning your coins get mixed with other people's and there's no fucking way to prove who is sending what and where to).

Thought fucking luck for govs in the future desu.
But the real shit come when you get paid directly on Bitcoin, that's how you close the circle. Now you are on a totally alternative universe money wise. It's your shit and no one's else business. Just keep your wallets safe and you are your own bank.

>> No.946696

Just a guess but is tumbling just throwing it around in the blockchain to make it harder to follow?

>> No.946708

sort of


>> No.946721

This is why the price is rising fast... From some chinese friends I have in the BTC community.

>Chinese economy is taking a shit currently
>Chinese millionaires want out
>Chinese Govt does not want to loose them
>They limit how much money they can send out of the country to bottleneck them in hopes that the economy will eventually recover
>Millionaires figure out they can use Bitcoin to funnel their money out of the country instead
>Boom BTC price explosion

>> No.946855

It's just that time again. The new blood is having an epiphany. This time though, instead of 4chan - it's the facebook brigade (the young ones, not the old ones). Hold your hats.

>> No.946890
File: 139 KB, 1792x936, btcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well the winds they be-a-changin...

inb4 the dump begins

>> No.946903

Will this increase continue for a little while then? $500 incoming?

>> No.946912

In a week or less.

>> No.946917 [DELETED] 

so, serious question guys.

Assuming this stuff goes back down to ~200. What is stopping someone from buying a shitload of miners, solar panels, renting a place, and turning a profit?

>> No.946925

..And it's fucking nothing

>> No.946934

>being a normie

why are you even on the internet?

>> No.946935

Rootstock appears to be a bag of shit devised by some Mexicans.

Misses the point entirely about why Ethereum is nescessary which is ease of programmability, scalability, and Turing completeness which is impossible for Bitcoin to have no matter how much you wrangle it.

>> No.946937


>> No.947015
File: 212 KB, 1921x1013, watwatwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good Android app to monitor the price on the major exchanges?
I'm looking for something nice like bitcoinwisdom or cryptowat.ch, and if possible without a set of retarded permissions

>> No.947030

Fool me three times...

>> No.947038

what do you mean by that?

>> No.947042

He means shame on you for still falling for this crap

>> No.947047

I mean that the market psychology will invert, and do almost exactly the opposite of what it did last time they sold a block of coins at auction.

>> No.947173


BTC comming soon to every keyboard out there.

>> No.947174

Bitcoin was designed to not be Turing complete because Turing complete delivers an endless amounts of problems.

Sidechains will crush ETH, stop RE'ing and sell your ETH for BTC while they are still cheap. No one cares about another blockchain that isn't Bitcoin's and the BTC token to fuel it.

>> No.947178

When this happens globally price will go 5 figures.

>> No.947203



>> No.947209

Holy fuck, glad LTC is doing well too. I personally wouldn't gamble with it tho.

>> No.947240

Bitcoin ticker widget. Pretty much bitcoinwisdom complete with alerts

>> No.947260

>Bitcoin ticker widget
Pretty neat, thank you!

>> No.947281
File: 34 KB, 294x375, 1427024419133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem

>> No.947310

Any way to get rid of the ads without buying the thing?

>> No.947445
File: 1015 KB, 500x278, advanced logic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't even noticed the ads. All I see is a bit of blue text on the bottom

>> No.947643

the ads aren't that intrusive at all.
thanks again for the app, I like it.

>> No.947647
File: 1.24 MB, 172x149, 1313752622139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.948027


I have 150$ (lmao) sitting on leaked since late 2013, never did anything of it. I'm not sure if i should buy still.

>> No.948071

>originally drug money coins
>can only be purchased in cash at the auction (see money laundering)
>first bitcoins fully legit and endorsed by the state

Hahaha fucking governments man. This is why we need Monero or ZeroCash or something to gain traction. Proper fungibility.

>> No.948099

When people get paid on Bitcoin + confidential transactions + CoinJoin goverments are fucked. No need for alts.

>> No.948276

Sup, I was going to buy something with my .5 bitcoin but it won't let me because multibit has the balance at .5 but spendable is 0?

I transferred the bitcoins over 2 years ago and the status thing is a white circle.

what do?

>> No.948701

You hold for 10 years and retire with 500K.

>> No.948898
File: 276 KB, 1532x894, 151104_btcusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekles mckek

>> No.948987


What is the website?

>> No.948991

looks like trading view


>> No.949191

I disagree. Many altcoins serve the same function without the problems of btc

Why not ethercoin?

All btc has is first player advantage and as we saw with myspace that may not mean anything

>> No.949199

you're right, but sidechains could serve the role of altcoins

I always think no matter what happens btc will still have value of being the first though, but yeah you're right some alts do a heck of a better job at some things

>> No.949248
File: 35 KB, 420x579, theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a kike magazine cover.

>> No.949268

It will cease to exist in China, but China is not the only country with capital controls. Look at cyprus and the 2012 bubble. Behind the scenes, the infrastructure is growing, and the utility of bitcoin is growing. Soon it wont need to fill this niche to survive.

Will the current bubble pop? Hell yes, and anyone who buys after the bubble begins is fucking delusional. But a speculative bubble popping isnt the death of bitcoin, as we have seen time and time again. It also stands that even at its lowest point this year, the value of bitcoin has increased by a percentage in the thousands since its inception several years ago. The general trend is up.

>> No.949271

Every government on earth would have to outlaw bitcoin for that to happen.

>> No.949275

opinion discarded

>> No.949287
File: 82 KB, 1024x576, 122313241155123123121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Say I want to acquire one bitcoin right now?

How do?

I'm tired of kicking myself every time this happens.

>> No.949292
File: 427 KB, 570x2249, NWOBitCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes one should never listen to kikes.
Very wise.

>> No.949301

Depends where you live.

localbitcoins is probably the best for everywhere, its p2p

>> No.949307

Hope we get back to 500...

>> No.949308

Is it too late to jump on the train? Or am I better off waiting to get some post-dump?

>> No.949310

I want to buy a Bitcoin. Where do I buy Bitcoins? I am totally incapable of spending 10 seconds on a google search. I am totally not shilling and making it seem more people are interested in buying Bitcoins than there really are. I am not just bumping this thread for shilling purposes. I will not respond to my post with a different ID telling myself where to get bitcoins.

>> No.949313
File: 31 KB, 573x609, lolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus all these people have literally no clue how markets work, what is going on with bitcoin or how they should trade or invest even in general. majority must be always wrong.

>> No.949317

Now is too late, wait till the bubble bursts and buy then, and hold for months for the next bubble, and dump. Repeat.

>> No.949318

Thanks man, appreciate the advice.

>> No.949324

If you want my advice, this is nowhere near over.

We could take a break for a day or two, but the trend has us at over new ATH by december

>> No.949326

willy bot 2.0? :DD

>> No.949337

Probably take until December to clear the chain backlog...

>> No.949342

What people need to realize is that, when cryptocurrency becomes preferable/more popular than paper currency, governments will just start their own cryptocurrency programs
We might have cryptoeuros, cryptodollars and even cryptodicks, but buttcoins will never become *the* cryptocurrency, so treating them as a long-term plan is stupid.

Why buttcoins can't make it:

1-) Governments will want to have some control, even if temporary, of their nation currency.

2-) Nationalists retards will back their "local" cryptocurrency because of "muh patriotism".

3-) Technology is evolving, and will evolve further, so new cryptocurrency gradually makes buttcoins obsolete.

4-) Because I said so.

>> No.949345

So hold? It looks like a bunch of people sold at 500 no? Who would buy now if the trend is to continue?

>> No.949369

First two are precisely what bitcoin is not, and should not be. 3rd one is false, btc gets updated every once in a while.

>> No.949370

People who have cashed out to early will buy back in.

>> No.949402
File: 173 KB, 1795x499, RUB-volumee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you need to realize is no fucking one is going to use a closed source, unknown supply, centralized alternative to Bitcoin because there are 0 reasons to do so unless you have an agenda (gov kek). Look at what happened when Putin tried to ban BTC faggot.
It. Cannot. Be. Stopped.

>> No.949565

>First two are precisely what bitcoin is not
You are right, it is not real currency, and it probably never will be.
>3rd one is false, btc gets updated every once in a while.
You can not do a complete overhaul with BTC, which is why it will become obsolete.

I never said that it would be closed source.
And you are wrong. If a government decided to use cryptocurrency as their official money, everyone in that country would use it - even if it was closed source, with an unknown supply and centralized.
And even under those conditions, it would crush BTC, if a powerful country did it.
You are free to gamble your money, but by refusing to see the flaws in butt coins you will get butt raped - you can only make real money on gambling by understanding the odds and the game.

>> No.949631

You are a fucking idiot. It doesn't take "everyone" to send BTC to the moon. Just takes a couple of whales. Just a small % of the fiat leaking into Bitcoin could make it go to 6 figures. And make no mistake, there will be enough people not wanting to be guvermints c.u.c.k. Do the math maggot.

>> No.949648

dream on buddy


>> No.949654

Ok, sensei, keep using your allowance to buy the special treasure :^). Just don't ask your mommy and daddy to spend your college funds on that, mmmkay?
You don't want to spend your life flipping burgers for those government keks after all!

>> No.949656


Bitcoin stops the hidden major tax of money printing. A government pretending to be something other than totalitarian will not be able to raise taxes above a certain limit. With money printing the limits are not so clear. Almost every major war has been funded by printing more money. Do you think the average patriot will still root for war if he actually needs to pay something like 50 000$ to support it? We might find many people turning into peace lovers all of a sudden.

Keep coping tho. People will sure use closed source money, kek. (lol at thinking guv issued crypto wouldn't be closed source, shows how clueless you are).

>> No.949659
File: 39 KB, 642x480, 1443323140458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to buy drugs /biz/

why did this pump and dump shit have to start now

>> No.949671


i thought sr shut down

>> No.949686

lmao yeah and then 30 other DNMs sprouted up a week later

never been easier to buy drugs online friend

>> No.949687

>mfw coke dealer
>mfw my 15 BTC doubles in value all of a sudden
>Check /biz/ because they talk about that shit
>Not sure if I should buy coke or sell my BTC or just keep BTC

help me, i am confused and frankly pretty dumb

>> No.949694

can you get twice the amount of coke or is the coke traded in BTC?

>> No.949697
File: 112 KB, 400x400, 1415618607730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sell half of them?

if it goes up, you can sell some, if it crashes, you made a good deal and can buy coke

>> No.949707

It's traded for BTC. Vendors must adjust BTC prices manually, it doesn't auto adjust by the market value of BTC to USD. Usually it takes a while for vendors to adjust the prices if the market is this volatile, a lot are asking to finalize orders early right now as opposed to holding the money in escrow

>> No.949709

Hold for 10 years then retire.

>> No.949755
File: 2.24 MB, 4096x2304, P_20151104_200535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real problems bitcoin is facing and will be facing, The Economist always get their shot straight

>> No.949805

my neck ain't a fuckin hinge

>> No.949808

Nah, all mainstream medias never fully get how Bitcoin works.

>> No.949903
File: 7 KB, 205x145, 11156017420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were going to the moon?

>> No.949911

it's a bumpy ride, but it hasn't shuttle-colombia'd yet

>> No.949912
File: 68 KB, 621x507, 2ebd02af2f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually nerd im speaking to why it is rising in the SHORT term. do you understand short and long term? Short term is because the chinese are scamming other chinese. With a Russian fraudster helping. How is that hard to understand and is stand alone from if or not bitcoin will be successful in the longterm.

It could go higher and it could also pull back. if it does pull back then you will be eating crow. if it goes higher good for you but my point is im talking about this current run up.

i bet you also cheer on the economist rothschild and their illuminati all seeing eye stamp they put on BTC. you kek

>> No.949924

Sub 400 soon.

>> No.949977

Nah, once it popped $400 the herd mentality doesn't want to see it drop back down below that, especially with all these headlines about it now heading to 500. I think it will move sideways (more or less) and then continue on the same gentle trendline you get starting from Oct. The only way is up! But not as quickly as the last few days...

Maybe I'm just saying this because I bought another $4k worth @ $400 this morning.

>> No.950052

And you did not sell them at $470 for 17,5% profit in one day?
Why are you such a pig, senpai?

>> No.950067

Well three reasons; I think there's a reasonable chance of a similar bubble peak in the next week; I also tend to believe the hype of the potential of bitcoin in the longterm. Longing these might end up being a retirement plan. And thirdly, I have no idea what I'm doing, but eh, why not risk 6% of my net worth and see what happens. Worst case scenario they halve in value, no big deal.

>> No.950075
File: 103 KB, 940x348, whowhatwhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will not move majorly until the next halving. and more probably the halving after this. so like the year 2020 man. until then it will continue to be these bullshit pump and dump while the ILLUMINATI JEWS keep accumulating it. just like they have been since day 1
you should have seen these accounts bashing on a popular forum way back when after the first mt.gox hax. the major one and had a price decline to 2$ from 25$ or so. on MAJOR volume. these accounts were bashing all the way down UNTIL the very day that BTC made a short term bottom of that range, they disapeared with no more postings. to which btc slowly drifted up to become the mega fuck over that is has become. I mean really we should be moon and mars bases already but we are still fighting over forms of cash and burning major energy while doing it. so basically it is just a mind fuck and leaves everyone in that speculation game that the jews want us in, rather than unity. SO there is a group that has had an agenda since day one. Its not coincidence either that they were pumping it on all the major news networks when it was at its peaks. They also stopped talking about it when it was 200$ range. They are calculated all around and cold, evil. They have been, they are and always will be accumulating. It is just inflation vs deflation. We still lose both ways. We suffer needless.

ANyways goodluck bud.

>> No.950185


Yeah my bad, it doesn't upload the image straight


Did you even read what it says?