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9287007 No.9287007 [Reply] [Original]

> normies lost interest
> crypto is not mainstream anymore
> no new buyers

who else here /worried/? sure the recent rally has been nice, but in the end of the day there needs to be new dumb people who buy these shitcoins.

> convince me to not sell my stinky linkies

>> No.9287073
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this is the only convincing you will get
>Previous years comparison
Brainlets actually believe that 2017 was the same as previous years
>katy Perry nails
enough said, 2017 was a year of its own
Sure we may get some institutional investors now, but we want dumb money. we need dumb money

They pump and fomo bags at ATH, like an ant colony looking for food. They swarm coins at all time high, with out that
Real gains are gone -

>> No.9287091

well i give you hint check the price on the dates when the interest was high

>> No.9287099

>only buying high

youll never make it, this is the google trends btc buy zone for me

>> No.9287104
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That was the first sell off anon

>> No.9287115


Goldman Sachs opening a bitcoin trading desk... other institutions will follow until ultimately they are allowed to actively buy and hold cryptos for investors, not just create financial instruments based off of it.

Billions are being invested and major players like PwC are getting into the space in a serious way. Shit even OTC's are raising their minimums to 500k per order when the standard minimum used to be 100k.

People who laugh at someone with a million dollars in crypto are actively buying constantly, we just dont see it reflected on the order books. When they are done accumulating, the party will start again.

But again, OTC's raising their minimums is the biggest sign of the health of crypto. If they were bleeding money they wouldnt be actively pricing people out.

>> No.9287116
File: 28 KB, 1188x664, cryptotrends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value is about the same as right before the bullrun. Normies wont care as much now but they aren't the primary sources of growth anyway. I'm sure they'll poke their heads in again when actual adoption happens.

>> No.9287118

Crypto has gone in a cycle for years
>things start rising
>normies buy in
>normies get burned
>normies leave

>> No.9287127


>> No.9287137

>normies lost interest
>muh no new buyers

We don't need normies buying it, we just need institutional money and venture capital buying it up which will cause immense FOMO for normies.

>> No.9287152

you realize (((they))) control mainstream interest right?

>> No.9287160

My few friends all still think its a scam and akin to gambling.

>> No.9287164


what is an OTC

>> No.9287167

people unironically think normies are the ones that pump coins past ath

i'm dying

>> No.9287170

I'm so fucked. I have 30k in ChainLink. Wtf do I do. I'm seriously fucking scared.

>> No.9287234

This again....
Everyone who already googled now knows what bitcoin and crypto are. They don't need to google it again to spend their money on exchanges. So there's a much higher floor. Any googling of it at all at this point are potential new buyers.

However the larger point is that normie buyers who need to google do not matter compared to the big money that's waiting to get in.

>> No.9287250

Institutional buyers are not touching this at all. You’d have to be delusional to think so. The only “big money” playing in this pond right now is wildcat hedge funds, independently wealthy private investors, and the big exchanges themselves. There is no retirement fund, no public pension, nothing remotely “institutional” invested in this space at present.
Institutions are going to lag normie money for a while. Normie money is the only rocket fuel this thing has access to until there is regulatory clarity for institutions. Institutions do not make risky moves with their money. Until the altocaust kills most of the shitcoins, institutional money will NOT be “just around the corner.”
Enjoy your bulltrap fags, see you at $3k BTC later this year.

>> No.9287289

NORMIES only get in after the pump. Pumps are orchestrated by other parties.
Who do you think is more valuable... one institutional investor with 100 million that is educated, patient, and has a plan... or 1 million impatient normies with 100 dollars that will dump whenever they panic?

>> No.9287304

Over the counter. It's the way people with real money buy bitcoin

>> No.9287313

>Over the counter. It's the way people with real money buy bitcoin
right right thanks

>> No.9287316


>> No.9287357

The fact that several institutions and investors have shown interest and recently outright publicly admitted to buying and trading shows that they've already testing the waters for some time.

>> No.9287379


you are correct

which makes it funny watching HOLO holders thinking they will hit an EOS value, people need to understand that what happened in January was UNIQUE and will likely never happen again in our lifetime

do people honestly believe that all the normies who got burnt in January and going to come back around for round 2 and get burnt again KEK

also regarding institutional money, there very well may be big buy ins, but that will be for BTC and ETH only, and that's if it actually happens, they aren't going to buy buying illiquid shitcoins

so yes in short if you are in profit I would exit and turn to jumping in and out of low market cap, i.e. HOLO ico etc, get out after a 5x or whatever and move on, the worst thing to do is to hold cryptos like stocks for the long term

>> No.9287390

Well made dapps are the only chance we have left. And if those fail then crypto will take a long time to be used for anything.

>> No.9287398

so youre saying to hold? i honesty dont know what to do.

>> No.9287401


this, and I don't see any normie giving a fuck about using a decentralised twitter or something

so unless you think the next facebook is going to be a dapp you are shit out of luck

>> No.9287422

>people need to understand that what happened in January was UNIQUE and will likely never happen again in our lifetime

Its basically a ponzi where there is nobody at the top to pinch. In other words its like having sex with no orgasm it just goes on and on. The honeymoon never ends with crypto.

I don't believe at all that what happened in January is unique, I think its the nature of the situation. If the ponzi is completely decentralized then it just never ends.

>> No.9287423

Here's what happened last time
>Institutional investors and big money pumped btc and eth
>People saw the pump, a few bought btc at 19k but even more people wanted to find "the next bitcoin"
>These same people bought alts thinking there would be crazy returns
>Many of them are still in the green

>> No.9287433

Yes, the crash scared out normies and now boomers wont invest their savings

The gook minister who started the crash and the mt gox nip should unironically be lynched for what they did

>> No.9287445


but it will end because people wise up

if you got burnt badly in January, you're not coming back any time soon, which we see with all Google trend interest dying etc

sooner or later people will have that realisation that 99% of the market are worthless tokens with no actual use or value, and then it all falls apart

>> No.9287480

a good point

>> No.9287489

Yes this is why casinos never make any money, once people lose one time they never try again

>> No.9287490

> so unless you think the next facebook is going to be a dapp you are shit out of luck

The dapp space has a lot of superior options for selling goods for example. One thing I want to do is release games where the game is designed to check the blockchain if you have purchased it. Then I also keep save game info on there too. It can be very effective for this kind of thing.

Steemit is a dapp and its really good, I can see room for it to improve as well. It can easily spawn a facebook but I think we need to prototype new ideas.

And thats the thing with EOS. EOS is a mass prototyping paradigm. Nothing can compete with that kind of structure. Good ideas WILL rise to the top.

>> No.9287528

The casino analogy is extremely apt.

>> No.9287545

Yeah I'm pretty sure the consensus in gambling psychology is that you're more eager to put more money in after you've lost that if you've never spent in the first place

>> No.9287593

This, also never bank on normies being aware enough to learn from their mistakes and to remember stuff that happened years in the past

>> No.9287624

Accumulation/Distribution learn it

No. You fucking idiots. The more years of sideways we have, the better it is. Stop fucking thinking shortsightedly and learn to trade. You can literally make 10% on your entire stack every day.

>> No.9287630

>Thinks all normies or even a significant fraction got into crypto during q4 2017
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.9287639

You're assuming two things, one that everyone is rational like you (in reality, and without sounding too edgy, normies are PERFECTLY able to get burned more than once), and two, that the normies that bought in during the Q4-2017 bull run were the last people on earth with money to spend on crypto.

>> No.9287657

My friend
I do trade
I've been increasing stack and SATS value
If BTC doesn't pull a massive pump, i can never get a nice return into fiat

I'm not trying to stress my self out for life increasing SATS if it never gets anywhere

>> No.9287711

I meant to agree with them but my phone autocorrect changed "than" to "that"
It's definitely true that normies will buy and get burned again, as they did in 2014 but on a smaller scale. As adoption accelerates more and more people will feel comfortable enough to buy despite knowing of past crashes

>> No.9287746

No, you absolutely can't make 10% every day. With any decent initial investment you would be the richest person in the world in under a year, and you wouldn't spend your time posting to /biz.

>> No.9287784

That's acceleration - it isn't velocity. You don't need to search for the term bitcoin more than once if you find a good result.

>> No.9287835

With an initial investment of $100, earning 10% per day, you would have $128337415497263424.00 after one year.
Please post proof that you are the richest person in the world.

If you want to play with the numbers yourself: http://compoundaily.com/

>> No.9287845
File: 102 KB, 733x464, 1525266336247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell low, what else could you do really ?

>> No.9288222

One of the EOS dapps has similar functionality to chainlink...

>> No.9288329

>You can literally make 10% on your entire stack every day.
Better than bitconnect. Can I sign up for your signal group sir?

>> No.9288464

Due I listen to a NEET with no prior knowledge of markets or Coinbase which is valued at $8 billion who expect the next bullrun to be even bigger in the next few months.

>> No.9288560

I don’t understand the thesis by Novogratz, Lee, etc. that millennials will drive up crypto. Sure, millennials start off naive but they’re not going to stay retarded. Once millennials realize that current state of crypto is just a game of high stakes musical chairs, there won’t be any greater fools left.

>> No.9288622

Even if we had a rerun of 2017 you cancerous faggots with your "sell the news bro" meme would ruin it

>"did you see NBC did a special on bitcoin? Better sell bro it's not going over 11k!

"Haha anon bitcoin dropped $50 and you didnt tether up faggots, bear market is here!"

"Hahaha BTC is for normies, this chink shitcoin is totally different from the 100000 other shitcoins out there, I'm putting my money in that!"

>> No.9288697

It’s only sensible to still stay in this game if you’re a trader, scammer, social outcast, or dumb NEET.

>> No.9288710

The bitcoin bubble happened, but the next bubble is going to be ethereum. Google trends are very low relative to bitcoin, which is great, because it means that the bubble at bitcoin's interest level is going to be insane.

The next bubble begins after eth flips btc, which is going to happen within three months after the Casper hard fork.

>> No.9288722

the greater fools are the ones dismissing crypto or selling now and walking away

>> No.9288770

Great insight you dumbfuck

>> No.9288783

that's because they are adding more coins/tokens soon not necessarily because we are going on an atomic bullrun

>> No.9288792

OracleChain ??? i know...I am really fucking nervous not going to lie. i am banking on the fact they have not made any announcements and possible under hyped over perform rather than over hype under perform situation here.

>> No.9288793
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>> No.9288814
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