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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 854x476, tai-lopez-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
928681 No.928681 [Reply] [Original]

Is this man the most based individual of the century?

>> No.928682
File: 487 KB, 1344x3956, bo$$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.928904

on the outside he seems like a scammy faggot but if you actually watch through his videos and listen to some of his talks you will find he actually knows what the fuck he's talking about. I downloaded his 67 steps thing, and even though I probably wouldn't pay for it (if it was a bit cheaper I would) it's still some great quality stuff.

All in all, I like the guy. He's gives awesome advice for free. How can you complain?

>> No.928911


Everything he says can be found elsewhere or is just really obvious. But people have the sweet mentality of that if it costs money it will be legit.

>> No.928914

Doesn't he just read the blurb of a book?

>> No.928943

can u summarize what he says

>> No.928945


>> No.928953
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1444785435733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.928958

Yeah I'm not gonna sit here and summarize over 70+ hours worth of content for you. Get off your lazy fucking ass and download it yourself.

>> No.928972

What do you mean by "most based individual"?

>> No.928977

get outta here grandpa

>> No.928985

hours of rants and empty platitudes with bits of information you could find on investopedia thrown in in no particular order

>> No.928987

tai in the building

>> No.929162


The thing is that 67 steps thing is completely ripped off by some other guy's 60 step thing. He sets it up to be a month trial period thing so some people forget the payments like with Amazon prime, and it seems a lot like a scam.

>> No.929887


It's a stupid meme the kids are using nowadays on here to describe someone or something they find amazing or the best.

>> No.929900

Why the fuck would someone share what made them successful and then charge for it. Taking you for a ride, this is how he makes his money not through his bullshit. Rented cars,rented houses and buying a fuckload of advertising

>> No.929920

His reading advice is just skim for the important stuff. His life advice is buzzwords and namedropping. 2/10 youtube life guru

>> No.930693

lel what is this about?

>> No.931151

Listen, most of society is poor. Most of society makes bad decisions, you know, they eat junk food, they watch junk tv. You gotta invest in yourself. It's just like Tai says, you can read books and get knowledge or download my 67 steps, or you can sit in front of the tv all day. You know most americans watch an average of 23 hours of tv per day? Who do you wanna be? I have a lamborghini warren buffet knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. et knowledge. It's like I always say warren buffet.

>> No.931163

>n the outside he seems like a scammy faggot but if you actually watch through his videos and listen to some of his talks you will find he actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.

thing is, some people don't have three hours to spend listening to some guy drone on and on in exchange for one little pearl of common knowledge anyone with half a brain would have already figured out by the age of 18

>> No.931175

You have to admit the guy is a genius for pulling this off. There is good advice in his videos, even if literally everything he puts out is taken or plagiarized from elsewhere.

>> No.931176


>> No.931182

Dam sun I thinks you be right. This nigga knows how to runs a good buisness. I hope he be doing a stock market video so, I can be a Bo$$ investor like wolf of wallstreet. Then I can make it.

>> No.931185


>> No.931186

>You have to admit the guy is a genius for pulling this off.

No, he's not. He doesn't have any new insight to contribute, or even good form. He's the textbook definition of a hack

>> No.931194

>work hard and make short term and long term goals to focus on
>dream big, live big!

Oh yeah, he's a real genius alright. It takes a real business master mind to spit back the same lines MLM retards have been reading off scripts for years.

All in all, you're an idiot. He is deluding other idiots like you into thinking they are going to become billionaires with lambos by dropping out of college, watching his TED talks and buying his self help books.

>> No.931199

>has a lambo and farrari
>and still has a small ass garage

Yeah. This motherfucker is too BASED to be responsible with his temporary wealth.

>> No.931200

>it really is true the more you earn the more you learn
>take me I read a book a day and I'll teach you how to also!
>go online and read a summary of the book! other people have already read it, let them do the heavy lifting!

>>928904 some more awesome advice of his

>> No.931201

He rented the cars and garage. For instance, if you see >>928945
he rented the house he recently claimed to be his for a video.

>> No.931207


lol what makes you think this guy is doing well for himself at all? Cause he has some pictures of himself with nice cars? Are you that much of a sucker?

>> No.931246



>> No.931250

He's a faggot
You can have several Lambo's or several Farrari's
Not both

>> No.931321

No he lives in the hollywood hills its not small its a pretty big place I use to be a graphic design intern with him and that was over the summer

>> No.931329

What's his deal

>> No.931349
File: 15 KB, 260x200, lesko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, matthew lesko is GOAT

>> No.931493

Go to bed Tai.

>> No.931519

I started making a collage of all the shills who come here

>> No.931521

not sure whether to love or to hate, he is a scam artist but a very good one which in a way is admirable

>> No.931536

who the fuck keeps their books in the garage, anyway?

>not using an ereader

>> No.931655

lel you didn't make that, that photo has been posted on /biz/ for over a year