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9284835 No.9284835 [Reply] [Original]

What's happening tomorrow?
I'm scared.

>> No.9284855

Daddy Trump gonna rape you and take away your internet bucks.

>> No.9284857

big pump

>> No.9284862

The start of either the Golden Bull or the Mega Bear

>> No.9284880

this. I'm scared too OP. Hold me.

>> No.9284890

SEC hearing. We're either gonna moon like a motherfucker or drop like a rock.

>> No.9284897

America will be faced with the realization they were never in control of the crypto market as the SEC fucks all you burger faggots and we enter the next bullrun without you.

>> No.9284902

BTC - $11,000
ETH - $900

IDEX comes back online, HOT dumps 80%. ELEC pumps 80%.

>> No.9284915
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>> No.9284949

Professor X is that you?

>> No.9285034

You realise that if burgers gets fucked we all get fucked

>> No.9285456

SEC juristiction actually applies way outside the US m8...
they are fucking global and can enforce in Hong Kong etc.


>> No.9285460


>> No.9285473

It's already priced in dude. When will everyone learn this..

>> No.9285496


lol. nope. exchange simply blacklist Americans rather than take their entire business under. small dump while the world buys your bags. americans sell in idex like good goys

>> No.9285501

Why burguers have to ruin all they touch?

>> No.9285514

Just so everyone understands, there will be no official announcement from SEC or CFTC tomorrow.

Much like the congressional hearings this is just a working group to do .ore talking.

Nothing official will come until July or August so stop being faggots.

>> No.9285528


now you understand why eth being as ecurity makes no sense.

unless you mean overseas burgers still will be fucked? in which case i remind you most the world isnt American and you have little effect on the market.

>> No.9285530

We need burguers money to start the next bullrun

>> No.9285555

Not at all

>> No.9285638


nah, we dont at all lol.

>> No.9285660

burgers are all poorfags and have no money anyway, and those that do are jews and scared of blockchain

>> No.9285692


read it and weep

>> No.9285709

read the title of the paper, it's from bloomberg

>outside the us

>> No.9285723

so basically people will be fine unless they do insider trading or fraud

>> No.9285747
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at worst eth foundation gets a fucking fine. Jesus christ you desperate burgers

Is this what it looks like when yo grow up inside a bubble of privilege spoon fed a world where you are the sole driver of everything and are for the first time met with a reality where something flourishes while leaving you behind?

>> No.9285759

this, it's just talking, no action will be taken

>> No.9285818

Honestly, if ETH is declared as security, then rare limited items in fucking MMORGs need to be classified as such too. lots were purchasable with cash for time.

ETH ICO was predeceased with BTC. its swapping one meme money for another. unless SEC want to declare BTC as an official currency then they cant fucking call eth a security. not only that, but BTC was even less used and relevant back then.

>> No.9285830
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Nothing on the agenda. This is all FUD.

>> No.9285900

companies are more at risk, not the "little guy". Companies which facilitate crypto trading are their main nuke targets.
But if you bought shitloads of ICOs from the US after checking the "i am not a US citizen" box, they could very well anally penetrate you for life

>> No.9285913

not even a burger heh
>tfw norwegian masterrace

>> No.9285962

yeah, no educated people considers this a big hurdle, but FUDders use this situation to it's fullest

>> No.9286259

BTC dumps to 9k and BCH pumps to 2k.

>> No.9286297

the boomers are going to use the govt to prevent other generations from making money

>> No.9286360


yes but fake news will shake everyone up to either panic buy or panic sell. I'm risk it and hold.

>> No.9286395

Start of plunge to 1k

>> No.9286466

cheaper coins 4 me ;^)

>> No.9286623

This may be the reason the Anon named ,,"J" was repeatedly posting don't buy anything until after May 6 then, followed by "thank me later". Hope the hell he was wrong.

>> No.9286783


>> No.9286798
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>> No.9286826
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Verge doing some sick shit

>> No.9286834

Biz says it's going to crash for sure, so what do you think is going to happen? Put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.9286839

Its a different committee

>> No.9286840

u do realize hotbit has more volume than IDEX at the moment? and that withdrawals are not available ? ppl would have dumped it already if it was the case

>> No.9286866

*i meant even when IDEX was up and good still didnt have so much volume