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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9283663 No.9283663 [Reply] [Original]

>scams through crowdfunding
>scams through cryptocurrency
>nonstop scamming
how anyone is buying this is simply astounding

what more proof do you need

>> No.9283699

It's reddit tier garbage. So sick of seeing it shilled here. Literally $1000 for a Raspberry Pi.

>> No.9283722

> 177 billion tokens


>> No.9283723

Raspis are 3.8ghz quad core now cool, brb replacing my pc with a pi

>> No.9283786

My fav part is if these never actually even get developed then there’s nothing the donators can do to get their money back since the indiegogo ToU favor the fundraiser.
>muh holoports shipping any day now
>0 holoports actually exist
>paying $1000 for something that if it never ever exists they can substitute a “thanks for your donation” email and be legally off the hook.

>> No.9283795
File: 14 KB, 200x202, Unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useless shittoken with no value
>holofuel is the next turtlecoin
>no exchanges in plans to dump your bags
>idex is down 24/7
>boomer hippies and wiccan hags behind HOT sell repackaged hardware at an inflated price
>9 years of DEVELOPMENT (KEK)
>the absolute FUCKING state of holotards

>> No.9283818

>It's another holo fud episode
/biz/ is getting boring lately

>> No.9283824
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>> No.9283833


>> No.9284028

where the fuck does it say raspberry anywhere?

>> No.9284059

>holo fud
Where's the fud? None of this is fud, it's all true. It's 100% the new TRTL coin.

>133,179,289,177 HOT printed

Literally one hundred and thirty three BILLION of these tokens were printed. Think about that. That's 133,000 million tokens. BTC, for example, has a hard cap of 21 million. Think about that.

>> No.9284100

number of tokens is literally meaningless

>> No.9284197


You could throw that money on some random shitcoin and get a better return.

>> No.9284265
File: 138 KB, 960x960, 22894386_499068447135060_5772943621763541138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is economics 101

>> No.9284306 [DELETED] 

Maybe it should be meaningless, but it's not when you take into accept human bias towards large numbers. Without any other information, owning 10,000,000 of something sounds more appealing than owning 100 of something.

>> No.9284319


>> No.9284342

>number of tokens is literally meaningless
so this is the power of HOT holder whooooooaaaaas

>> No.9284343

well, you've convinced me now, OP.
what's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.9284361

He's right, though.
It would be significant if this figure were increasing at a high percentage rate, but that's it.

>> No.9284395

Maybe it should be meaningless, but it's not when you take into accept human bias towards large numbers. Without any other information, owning 10,000,000 of something sounds more appealing than owning 100 of something.

>> No.9284422

>where the fuck does it say raspberry anywhere?
not literally. But basically a fucking mobile soc. A glorified lcd-less tablet.

>> No.9284486

It depends. There isn't just a straight preference for large numbers, but a different perception thereof.
Let's say you've got some new shit pajeetcoin, of which only about 1000 were printed and it has 25 decimal places, and each of these coins is worth 10k
I imagine that that would deter investors from imagining that the coin will go up 100x than if it starts at 0.001 and prints one million times more tokens.