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9283374 No.9283374 [Reply] [Original]

>be ranked #1 in school
>school doesn't recognize valedictorian because of hurt feelings
>barely half of my education being covered by scholarships, mostly national merit
>hear about cousin who's like #4 in her school
>she apparently has over $1 million in scholarships
Can someone explain what the fuck I did wrong? Was I really supposed to spend my entire senior year writing shitty scholarship essays? I don't have time for that shit I had actual classes I had to work towards. Or was the problem not having poor parents?

>> No.9283493

Are you white? Is she a spic?

>> No.9283517

If you have good ACT or SAT scores with a good GPA that alone should be a 50% scholarship min for every college you get accepted to.

>> No.9283825

Yeah I'm white, at least visually so. She's probably white as well.
I got a 35 on the ACT, >1500 on the SAT, my GPA is at 4.0. Is Texas a&m just overpriced?

>> No.9284048

Don't go to college that can put you in debt. Not only is going to college itself an opportunity loss it can leave you in the negative. According to /biz/ that must be a bad investment. :^)

>> No.9284177

college is a scam, university even a bigger scam.
training on the job and certifications paid by company or deductable from tax is the way to go

>> No.9284183

Are you male?

>> No.9284202


>> No.9284228

And I want to work in aerospace engineering, that's not something you can really learn on the job.

>> No.9284284

Yeah there's a few exceptions. Also you are white and male. The most institutionally discriminated against group in North America. Why are you surprised? What you did wrong was being born. You might have better luck if you identify as trans even if you're not. How're they gonna disprove it? Just call anyone who questions you a bigoted cis shit lord.

>> No.9284311

asians have it worse for college admissions
look at the average med school scores

>> No.9284391

Maybe for academics Asians have it worse but I was speaking in general. Also there are so many gd Asians making it harder is probably necessary due to scale of applications. Otherwise schools would be all Asian.
The identify as trans trick would probably help Asians too.

>> No.9284423

If we stopped discriminating during admissions and universities became 100% asian based purely on merit, then we should let it happen because it clearly means that Asians are the superior race.

>> No.9284445

No, there's just more of them. You can't compare a few billion against a few hundred million or less.

>> No.9284488
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you didnt do anything wrong other than having a penis and be satisfied with that

your choices are now either to suck it up and work harder than your female counterparts, or take some hormone pills and claim you are a girl in a man's body and get free shit thrown at you

nigger faggot

>> No.9284528

jews manage just fine. if whites are so great they can do it too

>> No.9284660

>doesn't realize that jews produce mentally and physically handicapped offspring on the same scale as muslim
Jews are for the most part inbred retards who only make it because of positive discrimination because they financed WW 2 and enslaved the US. As soon as the US goes full protectionist during Trumps second term, Jews will cease to exist

>> No.9284697

Chinks also cheat on tests like crazy. Fuck them.

>> No.9284718
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The things I read on here

>> No.9284867

I didn't really mean for this to become a thread bemoaning the plight of white males in education. Is it possible for me to apply for more scholarships following my freshman year or is the amount I have now pretty much what I get?

>> No.9285130

>The US was enslaved by inbred retards
really makes you think

>> No.9285184

Inbred retards in the money laon business since 3000 B.c. You don't have to be smart to borrow to a state during times of war and have the one sane cousin make the contract water prove. But on an average the amount of handicapped Jews is higher than that of whites

>> No.9285204


>> No.9285254


You can thank the jews who have hijacked our society.

>> No.9285280

I was in a similar boat as you and got a full-ride to a mid-level university after I applied.

I fucked up my freshman year and lost it all though; once you screw up they won't give you back merit-related shit. There wasn't much aid available other than the FAFSA.

>> No.9285350

Sure they'd accept me if I had applied, they wouldn't pay for shit though.

>> No.9285381

i just looked at texas a&m scholarship and they are absolutely shit. You are paying to go to an overpopulated D1 school at the end of the day that can offer no scholarships and people would still pay to go

>> No.9285424

Damn I wish I had made a thread earlier, I'm locked in now. Maybe if it's really that bad I can try transferring down the line...

>> No.9285703

>be me
>be brainlet
>3.0 GPA, 1150 SAT
>be athletic
>pay $5K instead of $20K to go to a state school

feels good broski

>> No.9285726

Also a white male so no snowflake scholarships either

>> No.9285780

How'd you fuck up? Do you mean academically, or otherwise?

>> No.9285976
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>be athletic

>> No.9286055

This is biz.
Not highschool regrets.
Im sorry that only half your schooling is free. Hope you didn't come here for a shoulder to cry on bud

>> No.9286079

Welcome to the real world
Its not about how smart and good you are
The aim of the game is to form connections and bonds and being decent
Also yes if you wanted scholarships to pay for school you have to do the effort for them to get them.

>> No.9286118
File: 40 KB, 400x386, 164f57d3-a056-47a1-9b17-46fac42e34f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>school doesn't recognize valedictorian because of hurt feelings
You said nazi things didn't you

>> No.9286146

No they just don't formally recognize any valedictorian. Instead you have to submit a speech that some (((board))) votes on. I lost to the "student of the year" even though she's ranked like #8.

>> No.9286151

Go to school unless you are rich... Don't listen to biz on this.

>> No.9286152

If we had the freedom of asociation then white males could have our own scouts, schools and colleges. We had those things at some point and they were taken away, one by one, under the guise of progress.