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9283115 No.9283115 [Reply] [Original]

essential books for /biz

>> No.9283152
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>> No.9283173

Think and Grow Rich

>> No.9283209

Actually have it lying around. Is it worth the read?

>> No.9283240

If you are a nigger obsessed with status its good

>> No.9283256
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>> No.9283263

If you're looking for advice then no.

It does have some entertainment value.

>> No.9283283
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its something you wont get in any form of media outside books and most times when it in books they always downplay these laws as something bad or evil its pretty much the laws littlefingers from game of thrones live by

>> No.9283292

You're either unable to read or comprehend its content, it's literally the best book in matter of social dominance
You probably never had the chance to apply nothing inside it since you probably don't leave the house either

For any other anon that reads this, fucking buy it if you care for your future personal development

>> No.9283360
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Just look at Robert Greene and his history and you'll quickly realize this guy has no credentials to write about anything substantial. He was some assistant to a Hollywood movie writer for a few months and now he's trying to sell himself as an expert in business, psychology, war, sex, power, human condition and million other things.

In reality he's just an awkward nerd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_USBCFQzXM

>> No.9283390
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Oh and the only time he actually had a role in actual business it failed spectacularly. He was an advisor to the American Apparel before it crashed to the ground.

>> No.9283442


It was fun to read, but nothing of real substance. The premise of the book relies on the shakey grounds that everyone is out to get you, and you need to get to them first by acting like an emotionally detached asshole in everyday social situations.

Read Influence (7 summits) if you want a book with actual merit.

>> No.9283470
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>> No.9283476
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This book is also complete shit.

>> No.9283508
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First rule: with jews you lose

>> No.9283556

this book is complete normie tier bullshit

the 33 strategies of war is the patricians self help literature.

i highly recommend this blog for people who need more concrete understanding, and feel the 48 laws fell short. >>9283442 has simply not interpreted the book in the way it was meant, and is able to help you. you don't have to become a 'cold asshole' in order to better navigate the social/sexual scene


>> No.9283652

i suppose someone as weak and insecure enough to post anime cat pictures was always destined to conflict with any robert greene reading material. you cite RG has 'no credentials to write about anything substantial'(besides his bachelors in history) yet you yourself expect people to take your comments on this website seriously, do you not see the irony in that?

also the fact that you are able to so quickly cite these obscure criticisms of a relatively non famous man means you must be nagged by the reality of greene's works. kill yourself, unrionally

>> No.9283703

In the book Greene writes that "Afghanistan was rich in natural gas and other minerals and had ports on the Indian Ocean":[ Afghanistan is land-locked. The political tales in the book are said to be "mostly foolish or just plain wrong".

>> No.9283744

The audiobook of this is hilarious

>> No.9283752

Tao of Pooh

>> No.9283789
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>> No.9283808
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>reading books
fucking 30yo boomers

>> No.9283851

saw someone post "How to Win Friends and Influence People" here a few weeks ago
bought it and read it because /biz/ users shilled it in the thread

it's entirely unremarkable
the only applicable purpose i can imagine of it is to teach narcissists and children with literal autism the basics of interacting with other people.

>> No.9283861

why would you buy? you know you can find almost anything ever written for free online now

>> No.9283869

Maybe he's not a nigger.

>> No.9283876

The contents of the book are actually inspired from The pocket oracle, written by Gracian Baltasar
It’s advice that lasted the test of the centuries

>> No.9283892

i like to read books. it makes me feel good about myself to look at my bookcase and see progress in education.

>> No.9283905

>implying niggers would actively seek out reading material

what a fucking autist you are. kill all anime fags

>> No.9283921
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recommended by someone here a few months ago, really put things into perspective.
genuinely hope we can all make it.

>> No.9283924

so do i, but i read online first before i spend. i buy if its a good book

>> No.9283953
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I'm convinced this shit would only work in the west. Try this in Japan and I can't imagine you'll get far.

>> No.9283971

i'm not particularly able to right now articulate why i buy them before reading.
i think it's partially because i very much like the feeling of getting near the end of a book and knowing that i've got a good deal of interesting books right behind me to pick up as soon as i'm done with the current one. it inspires me to finish.
i also find it much easier to concentrate on reading words on paper.

>> No.9283983
File: 87 KB, 220x332, Structure-of-scientific-revolutions-1st-ed-pb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will make you understand

>> No.9283986

there's far too much lying in there for me, anyway, and far too much "everyone is special, you can do it bro, you can totally become that rock star". maybe the author didn't mean such things, but you can only push the ideas so much before people infer that this is what you mean

>> No.9284000

nice, i might pick this one up.
i've seen him referenced a lot by various authors that i've read, but i've always imagined this book to be remarkably dry and overly academic, for some reason.
is this the case?

>> No.9284006

sovereign individual

>> No.9284065

It is a little dry. Especially because the mindset and workings of innovation proposed back then by Thomas (which in a certain way really did change the world), are currently embedded within our world and our mindsets. You will often read things that you thought are really fucking obvious but weren't back in the day. This book is from 1962 btw which makes it really sick, considering from that point on innovation follows this analysis. It's kinda academic but not like hocuspocusspeak.

>> No.9284066
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>> No.9284299
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>> No.9284337

If you want to be a resentful poor loser or a dictator lying through his teeth.

>> No.9284341


>> No.9284369
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This book.
It gave me a hole new perspective on how to view businesses and stocks.

>Karl Marx

>> No.9284401

>not understanding the inherent contradictions of capitalism


>> No.9284464

oh fuck off

>> No.9284495
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>inherent contradictions of capitalism
Kek. Please die in a fire.

>> No.9284500


>tripfagging with a picture

>> No.9284534

Reading this at the moment desu. It does take time to go through with it or is it just me.
Also check 7 habits of highly efficient people... It goes way deeper than principles like don't forget to smile and plan ahead, it goes down your core and questions your values and meaning in life.

>> No.9284544
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>they unironically believe hard work generates wealth
>they unironically believe this system rewards productivity


>> No.9284568

Nobody said that hard work generates wealth.
It doesn't.
Good work does.

>> No.9284581

But Marxists have absolutely no conception of how good work can be calculated, and believe that people should get gold stars for effort and oppression rather than merit and results, so of course you'll default to thinking in terms of hard work rather than smart work.

>> No.9284594


>> No.9284629

The problem is you need some social iq to do the laws. When autists tey they are so transparent and fail miserably. Then just get crushed and ruined reputation

>> No.9284645

Furthermore, nobody here is a fan of 'this' system. We live under nobody's ideal, though we're close to the ideal of banksters (haha that's what capitalism thought is isn't that right BROHOOF upvote)

The degree to which we move away from the market is the degree to which we lose any remote conception of value productivity, because it ceases to be measured.

>> No.9284648
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>But Marxists have absolutely no conception of how good work can be calculated
>what is the labor theory of value

Just because you wasted money on a shit crypto doesn't mean you shouldn't read books.

>> No.9284675

The labour theory of value is absolutely absurd, and even if it wasn't, it wouldn't solve the problems that you wish it solved because socially necessary labour has no standardised unit of measurement.

>> No.9284679


Thank me later.

>> No.9284704

Anybody of any remote repute has since 1900 understood economic value to be a subjective phenomenon. If this were not so, then perfectly knowledgeable individuals would never interact with one another, as one objective value would be greater than the other. It is a dated conception derived from abstract ideas and a static economy.

>> No.9284711


>> No.9284724

>le marx doesn't understand basic economics
>le human nature

You don't need to worship capitalism to make money.

>> No.9284745

I'm at this point highly sure that you aren't even a Marxist, but are simply baiting. If you are a Marxist, find someone of remote argumentative capability to take your place in this discussion.