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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9276535 No.9276535 [Reply] [Original]

When HOLO eclipses the sun. And all before it rots into oblivion.

>> No.9276562

probably sleeping to be honest

>> No.9276578
File: 1.86 MB, 2855x795, InfinityCoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dread it, Run from it, Destiny arrives all the same.

>> No.9276588
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>> No.9276608

Can you holofags leave. If you're so sure if this making you millionaires why do you need to post a billion times about it? Just fuck off and die or become rich, nobody cares.

>> No.9276701

We're excited you dumbfuck. Why don't you have any HOT?

>> No.9276706

We’re trying to help you

>> No.9276717

Yeah plus we can bring more people up with us. Enjoy the free money

>> No.9276720

What's it worth now

>> No.9276726

The rapture comes without retort. We are here to save you.

>> No.9276816

pls help. I'm finna neck myself. I want to drive lambos on the moon. When is it too late to buy this coin? I can't buy yet. When will I know I've been scammed, if I buy?

>> No.9276832

0.0000021901 ETH as of a few seconds ago.

>> No.9276846

Use google and decide for yourself if it is a scam

>> No.9276849

Wasn't it higher last night

>> No.9276879

People will say anything when there's money to be made. How can I trust what I read about it?

>> No.9276892

It's been jumping around 218-220 for a good while. Also the exchange with 90% of the holders is currently frozen due to scalability issues. When they resume, a lot more activity and trading will resume.

>> No.9276922

idex incoming guys

>> No.9276955

where else can you buy this shit. Idex wont do shit for the last 2 days. I'm trying to fatten my sacks

>> No.9276968


>> No.9277017

They are retarded and don't see the imminent dump that WILL come

A coin doesn't just rise, and by now this has been shilled all over biz. It is much too late, if you are retarded you will buy in now.

So basically i have come to the conclusion, they are trying to con new anons into pumping their bags more because they know this will come to a halt soon.

>> No.9277030

You have no clue what is coming. This shit hasn't even hit the normies yet.

>> No.9277032

Blah blah blah same old shit

This didn't have a greedy ICO so it is going to 10x before we hit the brakes.

>> No.9277041


If HOT is shilled daily on biz it will do just fine.

>> No.9277061

What does "It must be a 100 multiplier" mean when I try to place a buy order?

>> No.9277068

I've heard that shit about 30 different coins on biz, maybe 1 survived and did well.

Most of the ICO / new coins that were shilled like this on biz are fucked.
I'm not trying to fake FUD, i wish i got in during the first biz shill. But this is not a hodl coin, i'd be ready to trade any any given time. And i wouldn't get in now, unless i was prepared to buy a massive dip and watch the charts carefully but i refuse IDEX garbage. Binance or nothing

>> No.9277101

You don't like this project? I googled it a lot and it looks and feels way different than most of the shit biz shills. This could go somewhere.

>> No.9277103

What will it do? Go up, go down?

>> No.9277174

up of course

>> No.9277180

If you're that hesitant, this market isn't for you

>> No.9277262

No one has a 100% success rate. No one has all the right answers. If you're this indecisive about it you should watch it and a couple of other coins you're interested in until next saturday and see what kind of progress/volume they've had since then.

>> No.9277282

>logo made on paint by 10 year kid

>> No.9277296

Yeah I haven't bought anything. How does anyone even decide what crypto to buy? Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.9277297

0,0006 here

>> No.9277845
File: 106 KB, 767x767, 1524224372392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already at 350mm marketcap good try

>> No.9278431

Wtf, this shit has a 320 millions markercap !? Fuck off /biz/

>> No.9278438

Perhaps you aren't built for crypto then.

>> No.9278803
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1522532690135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf thats what i was going to say

>> No.9278838

when can i buy this shit RIGHT NOW im FiNNa drop an ETH on it

>> No.9278860

this shit is almost half zilliqa marketcap lol

>> No.9279263


Comfy as fuck with my stack anon. Bring on mainnet and Holonodes.

>> No.9279274


Kek, you miss the boat brainlet? You see Ethereum? This shit is going to reach that mcap. Stay poor.

>> No.9279292


Dyor of course. This shit has a ton of info available. Including source code BTW. The lead dev posts plenty. Read up on it, decide if you think it's got value.

>> No.9279356

Not buying your bag boyo and everyone doing it here is a massive retard. This is literally a white paper project.

>> No.9279413

Holo is something new, something different. Biz is expecting a pump and dump because that's what always happens on here, but what if the next Bitcoin was being shilled on here and you were too stupid to notice? Exactly, you'd call it a pnd. Anybody buying Holochain now isn't gonna sell because we're all smart enough to know the implications of this. We've seen it before with BTC , with ETH, with early antshares. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. We won't make the same stupid decision to sell early again.

>> No.9279524

Is it too late? When is too late?

>> No.9280087

It has already dumped 50 percent on hotbt..

>> No.9280123

except it hasn't... it's at 220 atm