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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9276496 No.9276496 [Reply] [Original]

22years old male
6 ft tall
Living off $1k for food for the year, ama
Proof? Instagram- cheap_foods

>> No.9276521

absolutamente asqueroso

>> No.9276538


>> No.9276540

why do you torture yourself with cheap food?

>> No.9276546

just why op?
that's not cool

>> No.9276561

No one cares how tall you are you fucking manlet.

>> No.9276568

Damn I was excited at first but it looks like you're eating a lot of unhealthy greasy food.

>> No.9276591

I read a book on Elon musk and he challenged himself to something similar for a month

>> No.9276593

4ft 9 tall
spent $4k on junk food this year alone
proof? fat as fuck

>> No.9276640

>for a month
you are eating poor garbage for a YEAR
are you stupid?

>> No.9276668

Kek, absolutely disgusting and it's not even healthy (burgers, greasy shit and beans?).

>> No.9276694


>> No.9276704

I've been evolving out of unhealthy foods, the problem is I bought a bunch of frozen shit before I realized I can make it healthier, cheaper and better. Also I didn't really eat vegetables and fruit before but I've gotten better with that. Once my frozen shit tier food is gone I think I'll be eating relatively healthy

>> No.9276825

rice & beans will give you 1 solid meal per 36-48 hour.
get some chicken or protein at least once a week.
and something with vitamin c, like fruits or a juice.

pay attention to what your body tells you, and re-up in the category it needs as you go.

if you think you're gonna die, or you start auschwitzing yourself, look for food pantries, small business throwing out food, and foodstamp

beans every 48 hours will keep you alive.

living on flour sucks.
avoid flour products.

>> No.9276852

1k a year is psychotic. The best balance for me is 10k a year, with the goal of 130g of protein per day. I don't cook (not a faggot), but I can grab cheap and big meals from Publix (6.50 for 10 steroid wings bitch).

>> No.9276858

You talking about chili? Also keep in mind I'm eating once a day when I'm not fasting, so I'm eating a calorie dense meal. Also note I'm very physically active.

>> No.9276894

>Doesn't cook
>Thinks he's gonna make it

>> No.9276895

It doesn't matter if you're active or eating enough if you're putting garbage in your body every day.

>> No.9276904

>Thinks he'll make it

>> No.9276937

Nothing but carbs and fat and synthetic mystery meat

>> No.9276945

the one place to spend extra money is on food you fuck.

literally the best thing you can do for yourself is eat healthy, exercise, and challenge your mind. the rest will come.

have fun being a pussy OP i'll be eating my 225/350/60 split of pure muscle

>> No.9276971

water + 2 mcchickens a day = $800 a yr

top that

>> No.9276974
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wtf, that actually looks delicious.

>> No.9277303
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$1k/yr is totally doable. That's $83.33/mo.

I checked Mint and on average I spend about $140/mo on food, so $1.68k, and I eat a fucklot because I lift.

Only protips you need:
>rice, in bulk
>dried beans, in bulk
>cheapest chicken available
>seasonal vegetables
>big ass bottle of olive oil
and then spices/seasonings
>bottle of sriracha
>italian herbs, lemon juice

That's about it, make in bulk, freeze, eat nothing but that. Never gets old as long as you balance the flavors

>> No.9277310


Hmmm for 1 mean a day 1k is pretty impressive. I'd say if you double it at 2k/year for 2 meals a day sounds pretty decent. I mean atleast for college students maybe? 11/10

>> No.9277745
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1524807794125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think /biz/ has the largest amount of people who live without their parents. Other than hearing about people on /fit/ eating their semen most autistic faggots on this site eat whatever mommy makes them

>> No.9277941

just buy some weed and vape every time you feel hungry to suppress the hunger. the munchies thing is just a myth, stoners shovel food into their mouth because they don't know what to do with themselves after they smoke up.

>> No.9277959

o ya is that why cancer patients are actually able to feel hungry eat food after smoking weed instead of just vomiting? they just don't know what to do with themselves?

>> No.9278217

is it really that bad to live with parents? People keep saying you're not an adult until you live on your own but I want to save money

>> No.9278239

stay at home until your parents make it clear they want you to leave and add five years on top of that

>> No.9278344

assuming we're not talking about beans covered in syrups and other sugars, then beans are perfectly healthy

can't say the same for the burgers and other greasy stuff—though, fats aren't necessarily bad either

either way, OP—don't torture yourself with garbage food, you absolute madman

>> No.9278378

>22years old male
>6 ft tall
>Living off $1k for food for the year
Yeah unless you live in a third world shithole, and I'm guessing you don't, that's not going to be healthy.

Even just eating mostly bread/potatoes/rice for calories and beans for protein you'll still need some extra shit just so you don't get any nutrient deficiencies.

Since you're tall and young you're going to need more protein than most so you'll need 50 grams of some kind of actual meat every 24-48 hours and that alone will set you back $2 for those periods even if you go with cheap cuts of chicken/canned fish.

Going back to the nutrient deficiencies, you're going to need some more expensive plant/fruit as well every 48-ish hours and that will also similarly set you back $2.

So you're looking at $60/mo just to live without any deficiencies.

I don't think you'll be able to get by with spending only $23 on cheap calories per month to get enough food that don't severely under-eat.

Sorry, op, this challenge sounds too retarded for you.

>> No.9278424

How much do you weigh? I'm vegan and get most of my calories from rice and bread and even I spend over $100 on food and I only weigh 190 lbs on a bulk.

Also, that pic is missing many nutrients mainly vitamins since there's no leafy geens nor whole fruits.

>> No.9278462

GMO galore

>> No.9278553

This. As an actual stoner, weed suppresses my appetite

>> No.9278575

180 pounds or so.

>> No.9278698

You’re smoking high thcv weed

>> No.9279325

Interesting. The problem is still the fact that op is young and 6 ft. So he shouldn't weigh any less than 170 lbs unless he wants some serious hormonal issues.

>> No.9279341


enjoy your colon cancer

>> No.9279363

Fuck m8, I live off of 200$ (for food) a month. I do shop only for quality stuff, and my gf eats some of the food as well, so the real would be around 150$ but still, that seems a bit unhealthy. How much do you lift? Bench, OHP, deadlift? What's your 1RM?

Because it's easy to survive on little, but it's hard to thrive on it.

>> No.9279368

He's right though. Grow up and learn how to use a pan

>> No.9279382

Just do no fap anon

>> No.9279401

Make sure your vital nutrients are in check and this is chill. Vit b, d, omegas, a, etc...

>> No.9279465

You get D from the sun. There's no way he's getting his omega-3s. Most people outside maritime cities are low on those anyway. Not a huge issue. Yes B's will be a problem as will most other vitamins. Try not to get scurvy or anemia, op.

>> No.9279479
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>$1k a year
thats not even close to being an achievement
try living off of $30-40 a month in a first world country

>> No.9279624


>> No.9279887


>> No.9280138

Oatmeal (3300kcal/£)
Peanut Butter (3250kcal/£)
Spinach, frozen (180kcal/£)
Tomatoes, chopped, boxed (270kcal/£)
Pollock, frozen (220kcal/£)
Coconut milk (720kcal/£)
Bananas (675kcal/£)
Frozen chicken (230kcal/£)
Mushy peas (1440kcal/£)
Kidney beans (720kcal/£)
Sweet potatoes (1160kcal/£)
Potatoes (1310kcal/£)
Onion (500kcal/£)
Rice (3650kcal/£)

I can live very well off this.

Breakfast: 330kcal oats, 650kcal peanut butter, 100kcal banana - 1080kcal for 45p
Lunch: 80kcal chopped tomatoes, 250kcal kidney beans, 365kcal rice - 695 kcal for 70p
Dinner: 450kcal mushy peas, 115kcal chicken - 565kcal for 95p

2340kcal, varied, nutritious, £766 per year ($1030)
Add $20 a year for spices, bulk curry pastes, etc.

I live in the middle of a large city and have no cheap supermarkets near me, either.

>> No.9280238

lmao what a moron. That's not how you get colon cancer

>> No.9280547



spend $20 on food every two weeks.

i buy canned food, beans, lentils, tomatoes, and turn that into a pasta sauce.

for protein i have eggs, tuna, beans (obv), protein shake

prices are as follows (AUD)

canned lentils, chickpea,beans4kind, .75
canned tuna $4
eggs $4 dozen
shake $1.50-3.50 a scoop (depending which brand i use) scoop is 60grams

bag of spinach $5 (last me 4 days)

sometimes i get roast chicken for $8 that lasts me 4 days too

if you add up all the items its more than 20$ per 2 weeks, thats because i steal the more expensive shit.

nearly one year like this. Everything has been going into crypto since july 2017. have not cashed out a cent yet. im nearly 25 this is my only chance left at making it in this life

>> No.9280623

>being a useless faggot who fails to be able to assemble some basic ingredients.
>wastes money on sub-par food

I pity you

>> No.9280651
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having your own place is expensive AF, especially if its an apartment, so leech off your parents as much as possible

im 22 and i still live at home, some guy at work is 25 and still lives with his dad
i could easily buy a big comfy house, but why would i, im only myself and i might aswell just get richer this way

>> No.9280804

>I don't cook (not a faggot)
What sort of hillbilly you have to be to think like this? I've never heard anything as stupid as this before and I grew up on a farm

>> No.9280861

>lazy fuck who spends all his EBT money on weed
fuck outta here

>> No.9280885
File: 123 KB, 657x720, Caviar For Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I eat, minus the chicken and olive oil. Oh and I eat potatoes en masse.