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9274880 No.9274880 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9274901

That's why y dont tell anyone about your gains in investing tho

>> No.9274925

Sounds fake as fuck though. You know damn well big money bought in and are trying to get peoples attention to buy in.

>> No.9275016

(((They))) are obviously behind this. Why would a millionaire kill himself over losing such a small portion of his stack? Obviously he would have had to deal with much larger losses (percentage wise, at least) while he was investing in such a volatile asset.

>> No.9275051

Like most youtube whores he had to tell his followers he was a millionaire off crypto to keep getting views/attention and getting ppl to follow his advice and use referral links.

>> No.9275052

>kills himself after losing 280k
>"kills himself"

>> No.9275066

ding ding

Hope he enjoys his retirement

>> No.9275067

nope. not fake.
here video from his channel.

>> No.9275126

Dat Fingolian genetic influence

>> No.9275231

and he was not just crypto millionaire, he was in russian popular pyramid scheme MMM and he owed a lot of money after robbery.

>> No.9275251
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Maybe this is equal to a million in rubles? I don't know I am stupid.

>> No.9275253

and he was ruble millionaire. kek. like 22 mil rubles was stolen.

>> No.9275327

So what's the moral of this story?

>> No.9275330
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280,000 is 23 million in Putin bucks but why keep it all at his house or wherever.

y not keep it in bitcornbs

>> No.9275364

he kept some money in bitcoins. robbers took away the computer and private keys.

>> No.9275374

The moral of the story is that those funds could have been safed on Binance.

>> No.9275400


>> No.9275401
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Well, I mean if he was smart enough to make a lot of money with bitcorns. Then he could have put the money on a paper wallet burned it and just memorized the private keys right? I mean I dunno

>> No.9275425
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>> No.9275426

That and cashing out. What a fag.

>> No.9275449

nope. they would torture him until he gave them crypto. the moral of the story - do not tell everyone that you have crypto or money at home.

>> No.9275502
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Well, Yeah but he could have gave them some money just to act like he was being compliant while having all of it in a secure place.

Like here guys these are my private key for these bitcorns then give them like 3 while having most of it in another place.

If I had millions which I don't topkek that is what I would do. Spread paper wallets all over the damn place in trees in the ground some in a dog cage ect.

>> No.9275505

Try reading the article instead of just the headline before you comment retard

>> No.9275513

and here is story from his friend.
and google translate.
i am lazy to translate from russian myself at night.

He did not care about his safety, he invited the first person to go home. They called him, said that they wanted to invest money in trust management, he dictated the address, the client came and transferred money.

All the cash that he had stolen, Pavel wanted to invest in the crypto currency, because the exchange rate fell dramatically and it would be profitable. But things went wrong as he planned, and he fell into such a depression that he was ready to seize any opportunity to return money to investors and save his reputation.

So, one of his "business partners" invited him to go to Sochi and implement a project that turned out to be non-existent - some kind of crypto currency for the Don Cossacks. As a result, Pasha lost even more money, fell into a big depression and moved to St. Petersburg.

He realized that he could not bail out debts in the near future and at some point he had a very strong roof. He lost even more money in trading, because he did not understand what he was doing, although he had shown very good results before that.

Pasha began to navigate badly in space and time. At one point, he said that it was necessary to write a letter [to co-founder of the crypto-cash project Ethereum] to Vitalik Buterin and [the creator of VKontakte and Telegram] Pavel Durov, because they could allegedly give him a million dollars to bargain on them, return money to them and pay off all debts to depositors. We realized that he was already starting some kind of nonsense, the condition worsened, the words began to sound worse and worse, he constantly began to carry some kind of nonsense.

>> No.9275531

Pasha repeatedly said that because of the situation he wants to die, that he is very ill and that something needs to be done, and he does not know what. He did not have any money at all, because he burned all the leftovers on margin trading. He got into the excitement and lost everything.

Shortly before the suicide, Pasha, like us, his acquaintances, received many threats from people, apparently hired by depositors, they were looking for him. One of them was published in a telegram-chat, which Pasha used to communicate with depositors, Pavel's personal file [photographs were published with information about his parents, about buying tickets for airplanes and trains, about convictions in 2013, etc.), which should Keep only with the police.

It seems to me that this was the last blow for Pasha and he had a hard time accepting all this, and he simply could not. On the other hand, he did not leave a suicide note, accused no one, did not say the last words to anyone, so it is not known exactly what caused the incident.

I believe that he was not a swindler, did not want to deceive anyone, it just turned out that he was deceived by absolutely everything. If he did not do what he did, he would not have gotten rid of those people who sat on his tail

>> No.9275554
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Oh, so you are saying their is more to the story. I thought so.

>> No.9275586

>the words began to sound worse and worse
Sounds like onset of mental illness probably from stress or stress plus being hit in the head so many times.

>> No.9275616
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Or just watching pink wojaks having dreams about it.

>> No.9275639

yep. it can be so.
or the guys came to him to whom he owed the money.
it's Russia. anything could happen.

>> No.9275770

it's not like they stole his precious bitcoin and he killed himself because of this.
most of his money(like 90%) was not from crypto, they were from different pyramid scheme.

>> No.9275826

It is always the con artist who flash around cash to try to get in more suckers. Now it makes sense.

>> No.9275870

kek i lost more than this in the recent crash

>> No.9275873
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>> No.9276269

>One of Bitcoin's benefit is the ability is keep your wealth amount private
>Kid sells Bitcoin for fiat and makes it public
>Gets stolen and kills himself


>> No.9276286

>margin trader
let this be a lesson to every retard on this board. DON'T FUCKING MARGIN TRADE. just buy your thing, LINK, ETH, AMB, whatever it is you like and hold that shit.
you'll lose everything if you margin trade.

>> No.9276734

I guess this is why banks exist. bitcoin is so fucking useless.