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9274065 No.9274065 [Reply] [Original]

TBS has a report about cryptocurrencies and Puerto Rico (Something about avoiding taxes by moving there etc).
Shill me on moving to this shithole to save me when I cash out 90+ethers /biz/

>> No.9274083

90 eth would not even be close to enough to make moving to PR worth it you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.9274091

electricity will be back on by 2036
move to puerto rico if you want to live in a giant cloud of shit smell forever

>> No.9274099

this, OP is a stupid ass nigger that has probably been poor his whole life.

>> No.9274108


If youur not ready to die to avoid the tax kike then you truly aren't free man.

After I make it I'm never giving the tax kike a single cent

>> No.9274133

Was reading about Larimer and Brock and many others moving there to set up a utopia. Was wondering about the tax evasion aspect though

>> No.9274143

Lol i'm not selling anytime soon

>> No.9274158
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Shill me on faking my own death/resurrection.

>> No.9274178
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>moving to this shithole

You can never leave. You can only check out any time you like but you can never leave.


>> No.9274225
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Confirmed moving to based eastern european nation instead

>> No.9274552

>Was wondering about the tax evasion aspect though

Nobody is paying crypto taxes regardless of where they live right now. Not unless its blatently obvious like cashing out to fiat.

But if you are paid in crypto and you can trade that crypto directly for goods and services without the need to cash out then the entire idea of taxation is completely impossible.

>> No.9274582

>But if you are paid in crypto and you can trade that crypto directly for goods and services without the need to cash out then the entire idea of taxation is completely impossible.
>if you're paid in cash and only spend cash
Israel will never find out you haven't paid them tribute
You kids are in for quite the surprize when you figure out that the jew tracks more than just your tax returns. It's OK... all the goyim have to learn eventually.

>> No.9274634

>But if you are paid in crypto and you can trade that crypto directly for goods and services without the need to cash out then the entire idea of taxation is completely impossible.

Sorry bro, I know you want to hang on to old ideas. Its very sad for you.

>> No.9274648

Sorry bro, I know you want to hang on to old ideas. Its very sad for you.

>> No.9274733
File: 26 KB, 400x400, C706UD-h_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move to Mexico.

Residency is cheap as fuck, you don't even need a passport to cross, Mexico has amnesties every year for any one living in the country illegally.

>> No.9274740

Women are hot. Though they deteriorate quickly.
With that said the entire place is a fucking ghetto.
Beaches are gorgeous. But you'll probably get shot there gringo.

>> No.9274750

Have you ever met or done business with anybody from that part of the world?
Albanians are some sketchy motherfuckers.
You couldn't pay me to move there.

>> No.9274761
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>tfw Mexico is probably better then were I live.

The god damn government can't even keep a charity hospital open here anymore.

>> No.9274793

If you go to the right area Mexico can be pretty alright.
Monterrey is fucking awesome.

>> No.9274821

isnt there an alert out on the entire island to shoot rich gringos on the spot?

boricuans are aware of coinfags trying to set up shop on their turf

>> No.9274848

Exactly i had over 100 eth at one time and lots of other cryptos, but i didnt even go to puerto rico. I live california and get taxed by state and feds, so i had more reason to than op did.

>> No.9274853



also don't forget the fact that their power grid is garbage and the US couldn't give a shit about it

>> No.9274876

there's been atleast 20 gringos murdered in the past week around my area.

>> No.9274884



>> No.9274896

The women there are gorgeous, the food is good, and they have some great nature, rainforests, beaches. That being said it's a dangerous shithole on most parts of the island, and it would mean renouncing your US citizenship to get out of taxes. Not worth it imo

>> No.9274937

Claro que es muy peligroso, pero mi mama vienes de Colombia, and i tan real good.
>probs would still get gringoed eh?

>> No.9274956


*Gets invaded*

>> No.9274972

I'm Canadian, but i have French and Colombian passports, I only boruhgt it up cuz i'm waiting for my flight and tv is on

>> No.9275149

You don't have to give up your U.S. citizenship to get the tax advantages.

>> No.9275246

Source? Sounds false. US citizens would still have to pay tax on them unless there was a credit against doing so due to foreign tax

>> No.9275257

Nvm, found some forbes article interesting. Forgot Puerto Ricans were technically US citizens anyway

>> No.9275342

>Forgot Puerto Ricans were technically US citizens anyway
The absolute state

>> No.9275497

Considering the fact that most people aren't paying crypto taxes anyway why does any of this shit matter. Find a part time job that isn't life draining and pay taxes on that while you have crypto on the side to be your big spending. Be comfy and under the radar infinitely.

>> No.9275533

There is a reason why puerto rico has tax cuts. Remember, nothing is free.

>> No.9275546


>> No.9275563

I'm moving there and have consulted with two top attorney and consulting groups there. There is no taxation without representation, so since PR citizens cannot vote, they are not subject to federal tax laws but still can keep U.S. citizenship. After the hurricane they passed ACT 20 and ACT 22 to incentivize businesses and individuals to move down there by giving them 4% business tax and 0% of passive income like dividends, short or long term capital gains, interest, etc. Tons of crypto people and traditional finance people are moving down there. It's the only place in the world where U.S. citizens can move and keep their U.S. citizenship while still bypassing federal tax laws.

>> No.9275566

Your neighbors will be Peter Schiff, Mike Maloney and Brock Pierce.

There’s another way to lower your capital gains: HODL. One year and they drop a fuckload.

>> No.9275624
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>in the Atlanta airport
That doesn't impress me. If you wanna prove you're a badass, take a nap on a full Greyhound bus.