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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9268498 No.9268498 [Reply] [Original]

The Gawd has returned to Youtube to show his support for Proof of Trevon James (PoTJ)

You know his following and his influence so if you do not want to miss this ride to the moon, it's best you get in now!

Video just dropped a few minutes ago! Get it before we take off to the moon!!!


>> No.9268525

so that mugshot of him wasn't real then cause his hair's long here.

>> No.9268540


fuck of pajeet

>> No.9268572
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65ETH and climbing fast.

I got into Proof of Weak Math at ~288 with 2 ETH - got out at ~2600 with ~3.6.

This will easily go >1k, so it's a very lucrative time to invest...just saiyan

>> No.9268573
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all in

>> No.9268576
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intangible coins aka POTJ is mooning! NICE

>> No.9268695
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71 now

>> No.9269001

83 ETH in the contract now... its mooning

>> No.9269073

show some love use my MN https://potj.me/?masternode=0x4bc91a697d43bc87eb2351b5d8bebe979518707c

>> No.9269093

>scam memes

>> No.9269132

It's not a scam, it's a game
You just need to sell before it gets dumped by whales, which will be at >1k ETH easy, so making a profit is super easy if you're not an idiot and don't get too greedy

>> No.9269162
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>It's not a scam

>> No.9269235
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Explain how it is...I've lost about 1 ETH betting on shit pyramids in the last week, but I made ~14 on POOH

This is relatively early to get in, if you get out at a good time you can make bank

TJ has ~130,000 subscribers on YouTube

>> No.9269311

Why do so many black people invest in crypto?

>> No.9269344

>why do so many black people do x

This is literally on every board
>why do so many black people watch anime
>why do so many niggers browse this board
>why do so many black people like cartoons
>why do so many black people watch hentai
>nobody asks questions here

you get the idea

>> No.9269379

...and? Its a little bit offputting

>> No.9269407

It's almost like black people represent a significant amount of the overall population?

Most people doing whatever the fuck are going to be white, but 1 in 5 of those people, based purely on statistics is going to be black.

>> No.9269487
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Niggers like to latch onto anything that removes them from their undesirable bretheren. The will always look for niches/groups/cities and countries to stink up so they dont have to deal with their own stupid race. All the while justifying their relative incompetence through "Muh oppression".

>> No.9269665

Except when it comes to getting jobs and being productive right?

>> No.9269689

Idk, I'm black myself and the older I get the more I realize it's less a race thing and more a mindset thing.

>> No.9269712
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132 ETH now

Last chance to get in ground floor /biz/

>> No.9270006

143 ETH in potj.me

Trevon is king of the shill

>> No.9270049


>> No.9270062
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Sell price up by 25% in 35 minutes

>> No.9270098

This guy punches like a robot. Are these actual people?

>> No.9270105

look at the comments on that vid, retards are buying bags. ez money

>> No.9270355

He's liii-iive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiiRjpp9uQE

>> No.9270420
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