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9258693 No.9258693 [Reply] [Original]

He literally bought high.

Now we wait for him to sell low as the apple far fades away.

He also sold out of IBM completely.

Is it because they are 'fiddlin' with that newage gamblin' block chain stuff's?

>> No.9258711


>> No.9259091

As a longtime Apple user/advocate, I've been watching Apple lose its fucking grip ever since Jobs died. It's been a slow bubble being created as a sinkhole silently forms underneath the company.

Look at how hard Watch failed. Look at how the only fucking features for the iPhone that they've developed are fucking facial expressions and a notch in the screen. Look at how they're soldering ram and ssds to their computing products and neglecting products like the Mac Pro since 2013 because they can't upgrade the platform without running in to heat issues.

I hope we get to see pink Buffet wojaks soon.

>> No.9259397

But that cash pile anon... they can buy the world. Agreed on Jobs though

>> No.9259586

>as apple fades
I have bad news for you bro
dying company

>> No.9259625

Apple is the future, retards think its dead after jobs died. Reality is they are set for the future with some of the best programmers while Microsoft is run by pajeets. No one even knows the old Windows code anymore because the people that made it left. Apple will continue to grow. Apple is undervalued precisely because of "muh jerbs is dead" talk.

>> No.9259640

Apple is growing their cloud and OS, as well as Apple Music, even as their phone market stagnates

I’m not 100% on them but there’s more to it right now, I think the prevailing perception is that Apple has “peaked” with Jobs dead and no radical new physical products and that may be making an attractive entry price point

>> No.9259732

I seriously cannot wait till buffet does, tired of this idiot coming in and saying some stupid shit and millions of people jumping all over it like a bitch in heat

>> No.9259756

Amazon will beat them all.

>> No.9259875

Maybe. That's a different market anyway.

I'm not invested but Apple is going to be making their own CPU chips, maybe graphics chips. If they do that they can sell computers made almost fully in house, instead of the Intel chips they currently have. Unlike MS which only owns the OS part, Apple will own the entire computer. Now imagine with MS dying they take over the Desktop and Laptop scene in the next 15 years. Do you know how much money they'd make with Microsofts marketshare and the entire product being made by themselves?

Microsoft pajeets are already scrambing, they haven't made a good product since Windows 10. They can't program, Google, Apple etc sniped their best employees. They are going to make Windows a service now to trap people in an "ecosystem", they know their competitiors are better.

>> No.9259925
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buffet is literally the dumbest boomer of all time. seriously, what's his track record? he bought muh coca cola back in the day because 'legendary brand' (obvious move) and he bought a fuckin railroad after 08 happened (another obvi move). he missed the internet, and he missed btc. Hes a dumb ass who vails under a humble persona of 'humility' when in reality, he takes all the credit of Charlie munger, the kike who's true the brains behind Berkshire Hathaway

>> No.9259967

this, unironically.

>> No.9259982

>Apple will own the entire computer.
They still won't be making memory among other things. It is a step in that direction though.