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File: 403 KB, 1600x1311, Al Capone's soup kitchen during the Great Depression, Chicago, 1931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9258305 No.9258305 [Reply] [Original]

We collectively learned nothing from 2007 and the next crash is going to be as bad or worse than the great depression. Debt levels are skyrocketing, on both a personal and national level. Everything is in a bubble. Save as much money as you can today so you can eat tomorrow.

>> No.9258318


>> No.9258320

how do i make money from this? please i want to be oil tycoon rich

>> No.9258361

if the market recovers afterwards (IF) then you'll want to have had bought up property for cheap at the bottom, also some gold/silver is good for preserving value since those are actual money (not worthless currency like USD), stock in any company you know will come out on top with the recovery

on the other hand there could be no recovery
in that case you'll want to have hedged with guns, ammunition, canned food, sustenance farming skills, a bunker, a network of people also doing this, etc.

>> No.9258385

dump your money into crypto (bitcoin was created for this exact purpose) and keep a minimum float in your bank( enough to live) when the great recession comes no doubt the banks will take all your money in your account (banks go bust/ bail in laws etc.) Then money will flow into crypto like you never seen before (digital store of value).

Then when families and normies are suiciding left right and centre because they cant pay their mortgages buy 20 houses and your set for life.

>> No.9258396

nigga they are going to hyperinflate the debt away and money will be worthless

Buy stocks, gold, silver, crypto

>> No.9258941

or just move to SE asia

>> No.9259085

There isn't going to be another depression, there's enough pent up hostility among regular people that it'll be far more akin to civil war if oreos become difficult to acquire.

>> No.9259167

The Dow is being held up by government money right now, it's very obvious. Whenever a big test of the market is coming up there's a huge influx at just the right time, or if any trends are about to be broken there is always a ton of market buys precisely when needed. The dividends being given out right now are literally government gibs to encourage people to buy more and take more dollars out of circulation to keep inflation down. Trump was the businessmen voting themselves the bank, but we were screwed either way since Clinton was the people voting themselves the bank.
Someone please post that quote.

>> No.9259181

imo, crypto will be a safehaven because it has international value and it's not fucking gold

>> No.9259217

Op is equivalent to that homeless man shouting about the apocalypse

Tell me op, why did we crash in 2007?

>> No.9259287

>imo, crypto will be a safehaven because it has international value and it's not fucking gold
I don't understand. Gold has international value, and well, it's fucking gold.

>> No.9259315

What the fuck is gold even good for?

>> No.9259465

Money and electronics.

>> No.9259838

>money will be worthless
>buy stocks

>> No.9259937

nigga read up on the german hyperinflation following WW1, anybody with cash got BTFO people who owned stocks and property made it out okay

>> No.9259981
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Itt boomas who predict apocalypse.
>Da market gonna cresh !
They actually refer to -10-15%
Fuck off boomas, you waste more electricity on Facebook than all crypto.
Fucking boomas, I swear !

>> No.9260018

I ate strawberries with literal gold on them yesterday. It's good for making my food shiny and making me feel like a rich boy.

>> No.9260021
File: 8 KB, 337x150, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great xrypto depression 2018
>screencap this

>> No.9260051

>anybody with any significant wealth
>owning cash

>> No.9260078

No shit, they all own stocks

>> No.9260095

Getting La-A to knife Jarome in the back.

>> No.9260155


Eradicate capitalism all together.

>> No.9260663

All those manlets lmao

>> No.9260694

Probably by putting a decent amount of your cash into assets like land. Maybe some in gold. But gold might just be a meme.

>> No.9260714

If it crashes badly enough we'll get some form of communism eventually.

>> No.9260734

I'd like to make jews go away too.

>> No.9260801

Why are the black guys not at the back of the line?

>> No.9260899

banks pulling the credit supply

>> No.9260957


C'mon lad this is biz 101

The crash occurred because bad mortgages were getting bundled with good mortgages and sold. The rating agencies in charge of curating these bundles were getting paid off to rate them better than they should have been. Once the bad loans started defaulting everyone began realizing the bundles they bought weren't what they thought they were and the dumpening began

>> No.9260966

yeah and im sure taliban did 911

>> No.9261116



>> No.9261151

no u
2007/8 was a bubble created by banks and deflated by banks

>> No.9261319

It's the greatest superconductor on this side of the dome.

It's the only resource that can be used for super technology. If you've seen tech in a movie, it exists.

>> No.9261365

He’s not wrong my dad stole millions through his mortgage/banking company and almost got away without. If Madoff was never caught I would still have a seven figure inheritance most likely, sucks really.

>> No.9261388

>could be no recovery

Never happened and wont happen ever, its just the magniture of recovery that is the question

>> No.9261398


>eradicate freedom


>> No.9261416
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We bailed out the kikes. They are up to the same old kikery. We had a chance and we let them off the hook.

>> No.9261466

I'm 98% in cash, 2% in crypto. Used ETFs for a while but got out a year ago because I felt the bull run's got to reverse soon. Did I do the right thing?

>> No.9261485

Go feel the bern in Venezuela, commie.

>> No.9261518
File: 88 KB, 334x334, 1525311006802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2019 great depression
>be waiting in breadline so I can eat
>a white person tries to go into the black people line since they have more privilege
>slink down behind a group of whiteies and yell
>one of the black guys turns, sucks his teeth and says "you aight white boy"
>"he cute"

>> No.9261555

I honestly believe that cryptocurrency will be mass-adopted if we ever crash again. Then the jews will be btfo'd for good.

>> No.9261574

This will only work if the earliest whales/adopters don't sellout.

>> No.9261628


Every day for nearly 10 years I've been reading articles about how this next recession is going to be worse than the last, but nothing ever fucking happens.

When the fuck is something actually going to happen

>> No.9261641

crashes dont happen when everyone is calling it

>> No.9261646
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It's a symbol of wealth for thousands of years

Currencies come and go but man's faith in gold persists

>> No.9261654


So if we just keep calling it we'll be safe

>> No.9262172
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180505-091934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not listen to the following. They're just stupid plebbit millennials who have no financial experience beyond getting lucky with muh bitcoin:


Gold/Silver do not retain value. If you look at a chart over the 2007-2009 great recession, you'll see them actually fall with everything else. It's the greatest fallacy in finance. Land is only a worthwhile investment if the cause of the recession is a housing bubble, which is highly unlikely to be the case this time.

If you seriously want to make a shit load of money, buy VIX. Buy a chunk when it's <$10 then sell when it inevitably hits $100 at the worst point in the recession. Or if you can find a geared 3x VIX ETF that's even better. Pic related is the chart of VIX over the last recession.

>> No.9262187


>> No.9262195

oh wow you don't say?

Holy shit!

All i have to do to survive a financial crash is buy your shitcoin?
Just boubht 5000k thanks so mich sir

>> No.9262220


VIX ETFs inevitably lose value over time. So you take high risk for "just" 300-400% of gains IF you bought at the right time. Crypto would be a better deal under these conditions.

>> No.9262245

are you fucking stupid? VIX isn't a coin you idiot.

Here I will help you with a definition from wikipedia

"The CBOE Volatility Index, known by its ticker symbol VIX, is a popular measure of the stock market's expectation of volatility implied by S&P 500 index options, calculated and published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Wikipedia"

>> No.9262263
File: 77 KB, 627x349, contango_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leveraged decay is a fallacy because it depends how the futures are being rolled and that depends on the term structure of the futures. However, VIX is a financial asset and likely doesn't have a cost of carry so you would roll into contango.

>> No.9262266

the western governments literally cant afford to see another major crash, make no mistake - there was absolutely no recovery from 2008, we are still in a deep recession and the degradation is accelerating beyond control. we are becoming third world countries. this is not an exaggeration, you can see it all around you. housing has become exponentially more expensive, living expenses continue to rise and after inflation and new taxes, wages are actually dropping. not only that but the actual amount of quality jobs continues to decline across the west as manufacturing moves offshore. the quality of life across the west has slowly been bleeding for decades now.

this article talks specifically about australia, but you can see the same trends across all western countries.


Another major crash could be the nail in the coffin for the great '''western''' scam. im talking weimar republic aftermath. I dont think we will see a crash per say for many more years. the governments will do whatever it takes to postpone it for as long as possible

>> No.9262300

You obviously haven’t learned anything. The fed has been and will be the cause of all the major busts. The fed is currently driving rates up so you can be sure a recession will be in store in a year or two. The only way to fend it off is if trump starts devaluing the dollar.

That means tactically buy gold and silver miners. I am positioning in a small amount, about 5%. Gold has been going up steadily since 1100 but miners haven’t really adjusted. Once the recession hits and everything is doomsday, sell the miners for 10-20x profit.

>> No.9262354

This is a good strategy.

The first thing I see popping is the auto finance bubble, the majority of automobile debt is sub prime and car payments are the first thing people are going to default on when the next crisis hits. However I can't think of a suitable instrument to short it other than banks with large exposure to it, which is difficult to obtain information on and they would likely offload the shitty debts onto some other sucker quickly anyway. Any anons have any ideas?

>> No.9262382
File: 12 KB, 640x409, productivity-short-long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't read up on debt cycles I would encourage you to do so, as it puts everything in perspective really well. Long term debt cycles (blue in pic) build up for 50+ years before crashing during the following deleveraging cycle. We've had a correction/recession every 7-8yrs for a long time, but no huge deleveraging. We could well be on the brink of the great deleverage right now. Think about it - think about all the economic growth and prosperity we've enjoyed in the post-war period. We've been fooled into believing its because of development and that the development has been sustainable. It's not. The deleverage is coming, and the financial system will likely collapse.

>> No.9262386

American Student Loan providers.

>> No.9262411

VIX? Shitcoin? Aaaaaaaahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaha. Ha.

>> No.9262448


So how does this all end? War? I don't get what is supposed to happen when everyone is up to their eyeballs in debt and no one can afford anything.

>> No.9262465

Do the US govt not provide any assurance to default on student loans? I know they do in the UK but they're not treated quite like personal loans here

>> No.9262475


students aren't allowed to default on their loans

>> No.9262517
File: 269 KB, 567x960, hedoesntknow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is a recession every 10 years since the 1930's. Last recession ended in 2009. Do the math.

>> No.9262529


yes i'm sure corporate profits will be at record levels when 90% of the western work force and consumer base are literal niggers due to the demographic shift.

>> No.9262545


In all seriousness, I'm pretty worried. I believe what's more likely than crypto becoming adopted though, is that the big banks prop up prices to incredible levels, then dump it all one day and return to the status quo, murdering crypto and saving the USD.

Or we'll adopt the new system. But I'm not certain (((they))) will let that happen.

>> No.9262558


Wide scale upheaval and some sort of power struggle to fill in the vacuum seems likely. There isn't nearly enough social cohesion to endure hard times without recognizable institutions burning down in my estimation. Polarization may well be increasing because everyone can smell the blood in the water whether they consciously realize it or not.

>> No.9262596

You guys need to start spending the world that you are not getting a 'loan'. the money is created by an accounting procedure. Check out the bank of England 14 page document ' The creation of money'. Read it carefully as you will not be familiar with the terms used, they are not 'loaning' you anything..... 'money' gets created by credit, that is how money is created, you made the 'loan' funds, obviously you needed to act through a banking institution , it would not have been created without a real man....why do you have to pay it back?....it gets more involved after that
Don't get in to debt guys....

>> No.9262611


Fucking Americans and Europeans. Gonna fuck our financial systems again.

>> No.9262631

Relevant article regarding returning to the gold standard to fix hyperinflation:

"Farmers accepted the rentenmark in trade for their crop, and the crisis was resolved. A new reichsmark replaced the rentenmark a year later, at 1:1, putting Germanys return to a gold standard on a more long-term basis.

So we see that it takes almost nothing to adopt a gold standard system. The Rentenbank held little if any gold. The rentenmark was not convertible into gold. No preparation was necessary. No staff was necessary. No time was necessary. The only thing that was necessary was a clear policy, namely to maintain the value of the rentenmark equivalent to a prewar gold mark, and a clear means to accomplish this policy, by restricting the supply of rentenmarks to maintain its value.

Germany was not the only country to suffer from hyperinflation after the First World War. Austria returned to gold in 1923, Poland in 1924, and Hungary in 1925.

It amuses me today when people invent this, that or another reason why a gold standard system is "impossible." What they usually mean by that is: they dont know how to do it. You cant be in a worse position than Germany on Nov. 15, 1923. If it was possible then, it is possible at any time."


>> No.9262653

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Fuck your shitcoin, and fuck your discord group. Screenshot this to show them when you crawl back to lick their boots, worm.
Die, you worthless shill.

>> No.9262654

the bank of england actually publishes how much QE money is made and to which sectors it goes
right now its '£434,978 million' = £434,978,000,000


>> No.9262668

transition to dictatorship governments. europe will see wars, america might avoid it.

>> No.9262686

they just scrapped one currency for another. obviously a total reset will "fix" things in the short term

>> No.9262698

you gags need to use google! ffs its not a coin!

>> No.9262798

Go shit in the street you piece of human trash.

Die of AIDS

>> No.9262805


>> No.9262852

You pre boomers are so edgy

>> No.9263014
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>> No.9263409


I was going to troll - but unironically VIX is the right answer. We need it in cryptos too - can't wait for some proper derivatives.

It'll be interesting to see how cryptos fare though - if they get used as intended they might be fine. We'll see I guess.

>> No.9263449

>Amazing levels of faggotry

VIX is a derivative you unmitigated retard. It measure the volatility of stocks (that's big boy markets - you wouldn't know about them). It's got nothing to do with cryptos.

>> No.9263478
File: 87 KB, 750x600, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literal retards must be eyeballs deep in shitcoins, judging by the amount of research you do before running your mouths.
A simple google search would have told you that VIX is not cryptocurrency.
But even without google:
He mentioned it existed during a crash ten years ago which should have told you it is not a cryptocurrency.
He mentioned getting an ETF which also means it could not be a cryptocurrency.