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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9257648 No.9257648 [Reply] [Original]

>third round interview

>> No.9257666

>third and final interview
>they give you the worst interviewer

>> No.9257672

What kind of job has so many interviews? I've held a few relatively high level jobs requiring various kinds of clearances, but I never in my life had to submit to more than one interview.

>> No.9257696

Tell them to cut the bull shit OP. Either hire you or don't. Tell them you're tired of jumping through hoops and "I don't need this shit I'm crypto rich."

>> No.9257830

Trying to get a job these days is pure torture.

>> No.9257920

Video Game Designer
Friend of me got job @ Big 3 but only after literal months soul crushing interviews

When you fail interview @ Big 3 they not even tell you, everyone just walk out

>> No.9258034

>tfw every interview I get I'm hired on the spot because I am a handsome devil

>> No.9258125

I wouldnt consider McDonalds manager a 'high level' job

>> No.9258127

This is /larp/ country now

>> No.9258145

>group interview

>> No.9258175

Not even kidding then I get fired within 6 months because boomers are no fun allowed faggots who cry if you aren't being productive every minute of the day

>> No.9258181

That's because every job you're applying for is some minimum wage garbage that is desperate to fill the hole due to the previous employee hanging themselve.

>> No.9258198
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pft thats nothing
>phone screening
>phone interview
>in person interview
>in person interview with director

>> No.9258205

>never even get an interview

>> No.9258225
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just walk in and give them a firm handshake

>> No.9258238

Fuck begging for a job.

>> No.9258239

Nice projection gramps. 23 and every job I have had was between $18-25/hr current job is 20/hr with fuck loads of OT

>> No.9258251

>Working for the man
>Not becoming a tradesman who can do his own jobs when it comes down to it.

I work away alot as an electrician on minesites on construction gigs, there are no interviews bar some questions on the phone. When you have a skillset you can afford to tell people that if you dont get flown within a week i got another job waiting for me. Also its pretty sick to do jobs for cash when you come back to town on your week off.

>> No.9258261


>> No.9258292
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>just walk in and give them a firm dick

>> No.9258306
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you have to clearly state in your Cover letter that you're a homosexual tranny refugee from Syria, and that you also believe in Muslim Allah = god.

that way they will hire you to fulfill their quota. also get a tan. go to your local tanning salon, and get as dark as you can so you can pass as some sort of mexican/latam taconigger.

consider this FREE advice...my attempt to help you. from one /biz/bro to another.

>> No.9258319
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>It's an unmarried woman in her late 30's
Guess I'm not getting this job

>> No.9258355

decent advice, although its much better to be a woman, so start transitioning. The only way to get an engineering job in Australia is to be female.

>> No.9258470

did you fall for the engineering meme? I see tonnes of newly graduated engineers that just get used up (interns) then thrown out they tend to keep the minority ones (muslim women, also they earn way less that a tradesmen then on construction they might be on 90k a year with benefits while im on 200-300k a year on construction wages ( have to jump around though, good construction gig usually last a year +)

>> No.9258508

I have a Trading Internship interview for Akuna Capital and I just finished my 4th round out of 5, this shit is hell.

>> No.9258748

sort of, I never really planned to use it. I just chose the most general degree I could think of (mech eng) in case I want to wagecuck one day.

>> No.9258795

Better off targeting an industrial technologist role like instrumentation. Engineering background and you rise the ranks fast, 200k+.

>> No.9258864

Impressive. I guess I'm lucky to be in a field where they can just test you and have a good idea if they want you or not even before the lone interview. I don't think I'd manage to pass five.

>> No.9258872

Nor does it require "security clearance"

>> No.9258874

Also, good luck for your fifth interview, hope you get it.

>> No.9258880

The ultimate state of 4chan autists

>> No.9258907

I let this slide because he will have the codes to the vault in the managers office.

>> No.9258985
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I'm almost 22 and I live in NW UK, can't even get an interview

>> No.9258996


>working at all
>not letting your bot AKA GUTENBERG PRINTING PRESS make fat stacks for you everyday while you jerk off

>> No.9259244

Thanks dawg

>> No.9259449

I kinda know that feel

if I get a woman interviewer it's fucking game over. which is funny because I can't talk to women at all except in certain contexts where iit's appropriate

>> No.9259576

>being socially inept around women in a 1v1 circumstance
>wondering why you fail evry tim

>> No.9259594

Have you ever considered that video game designers are actual fucking niggers? You pathetic fucker.

>> No.9259636
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Go in a give them the CIA Power Stance™
>Mr. Interviewer, I'm John Smith.

>> No.9260181
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lol, enjoy