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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9254839 No.9254839 [Reply] [Original]

You think the king of /biz/ is fucking around?

Release date for sharding, plasma and Cardano: 2021

Kneel before Dan “New King” Larimer and remember that if you sell before mainnet you’re actually retarded.

>> No.9254865

priced in boomer

>> No.9254899
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Link: https://medium.com/@bytemaster/introducing-eosio-dawn-4-0-f738c552879

John “I tricked you into not buying this” Oliver related.

>> No.9254919
File: 11 KB, 220x165, 7B86F5D9-8365-4C3E-8056-D3610D7C214B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eos will inironically flip Bitcoin

>> No.9254937

Unironically* brainlet but yes EOS will flip BTC before ETH does

>> No.9254956

Stay so extremely poor. EOS is the only real blockchain 3.0 and it launches next month. Do you think normies know about the Ethereum killer yet? Because they will in less than a month.

>> No.9254974

facts. all in and barely breaking a sweat. holding eos long term is a genius maneuver. actual BTC oldfag here

>> No.9254979

EOS can run the entire ethereum network on a single contract with no hiccups and it can allow bitcoin to move around on it, making the lightning network absolutely useless. EOS #1 market cap by 2019

>> No.9255049
File: 17 KB, 300x168, 56DA9E5C-7AC3-4516-90E9-F55F62560270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is the only thing /biz/ has been right about since Ethereum.

My beautiful bags in the red and I don’t care. My beautiful internet 3.0 bags. I will not sell them.

I own part of the new Internet.

>> No.9255083
File: 395 KB, 1536x1024, 10FBDC75-1FDD-42F5-AF49-922DC7675799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum? Try Bitcoin.

Why do you think Bitmain, Bitfinex, Tether and other Bitcoin giants love EOS so much?

EOS will power Bitcoin because it will be proven more decentralized than Bitcoin.

All Dan ever wanted was to beat Bitcoin. Now he finally will.

>> No.9255091

every time I see this cunt I cringe

>> No.9255101

i’ve also had this theory for a long time but it’s still just a theory. be realistic. we don’t know yet

>> No.9255166

Eos is boring me already. Eos is a boring coin for boring people *yawn* just looking at dan larrimer boring face *yawn* is making me want to...go...to....sleep

>> No.9255490
File: 7 KB, 480x360, vitalik boogerin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i hate eos now where can i get me some of that good ol ethereum? anybody know?

>> No.9255507

cardano release date 2021
how fucking stupid are you? staking this year, ICOs this year or next year max. how long until the next major flaw is discovered in EOS' slapdash code?
>when EOS shill delusion is aproaching cashie-level stupid

>> No.9255902

Stay mad and poor. EOS is light years ahead of that shitcoin

>> No.9256058

Cardano cant compare to eos

>> No.9256092

Sure it can. It’s comparatively a piece of shit. So is Ethereum.

EOS flips Bitcoin and probably runs it in a smart contract EOY 2019z