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9253874 No.9253874 [Reply] [Original]

Microscopic Market Cap, Tiny Supply.

Supply and demand, but not only that...Working products and users. This is free money, Don't expect to see that growth from HOT, in a few days it will take a big hot DUMP.

>> No.9253889


>> No.9253903

Thanks Jagmeet just bought 5k.

>> No.9253931

See anons? That's what a PnD looks like, nothing to back it up, just empty promises and trying to generate FOMO out of nothing.

Try to tell them apart next time you want to FUD Holo.

>> No.9253936

>Load up on ORI
Already did. Twice.
I'm living off noodles for a while but it is worth it.

>> No.9253954

Already in boss

>> No.9254031

>load up
>faggot dex doesn't work

>> No.9254074
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should i drop my eos and jump in for quick gains?

>> No.9254087

love these threads, its like the old paradigm versus the new.

>> No.9254120

You forgot the best part,

they're partnered with Chainlink.

>> No.9254146


>> No.9254161

Good tech shilling without the research posted?

>> No.9254281

>has a working product and 4 sites already using it
>nothing to back it up

>> No.9254612

that twu kid posted ORI will do x5 in May and I believed that shit from his past coins he shilled, yet here I am making a loss while the other altcoins are pumping.

>> No.9254632
File: 8 KB, 215x235, getaload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you got ORI and HOT mixed up.

>> No.9254671

Thanks to Holo. It's taking the spotlight and running with it. Til it burns everyone and that money comes back to real coins. Not that Holo isn't one, but it's far less ready for adoption than other projects with working products.

First they need developers to build dApps on Holo before it is useful.

>> No.9254677

I'm up x3 from the same call so your fault for not getting in early

>> No.9254693

May has barely started and if you think this won't be $20m+ market cap end of month you're retarded

>> No.9254799
File: 407 KB, 393x395, Rohan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been stacking up since ICO. Already has a working product and low MCap. Can't wait for Idex to reboot its servers and for ORI to be available on other exchanges. You can join the ride or not, it's your call.

>> No.9254809

I'm THIS close to 10k ORI. Only if this shit exchange would let me buy the rest of it...

>> No.9255206

10k is a good amount, I have 20k. Anything above 7k (top 100 holders) and you'll be a whale soon

>> No.9255281

my man

>> No.9255828

I sold my masternode TAU for this, I have to make this shit work. As soon as I sell TAU it fucking moons...God fucking damn. Just.

>> No.9255849

Are you the guy from the other thread? I did the same thing.

>> No.9256137

Im about to drop 1 eth into this shitcoin. Is it or is it not a good idea.

>> No.9256148





>> No.9256185

he thinks this is a dip and not a crash straight to 0.

>> No.9256254

ORI is going to be my coin out of wagecuckery

>> No.9256268

Let's just be happy it isn't HOT

>> No.9256292

lets see.. ORI is 4 mil MCAP. working product, should be at least 100 m market cap by EOY. thats x25+

>> No.9256304

nano had a working product.. went from 0.30 cents to $2.50 then $2.50 to $34... ORI is gonna have the same explosion. get ready for the pump from $2 to $34

>> No.9256347
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>> No.9256373

wow those bots

>> No.9256855

I'd sell you mine, but for more than 88 cents. IDEX wouldn't let me sell when it hit $1.60. Then it crashed. Only got 110.

Have a good feeling about it though.

>> No.9257134

Probably lol, even if TAU did moon a little it's market cap will prevent it from multiplying like this will in the shorter term. I guarantee that by the time this moons the TAU hype will have died down since their mainnet isn't until Q4.

>> No.9257152

TAU wasn't doing shit for months, so I figured it was the closest thing I had in the green to throw at a new coin. So here I am.

>> No.9257153
File: 34 KB, 332x504, ori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill sell you some of mine.. for $10 each. thats a 50% discount in a few months. its a mighty deal

>> No.9257170

^ forgot to tag

>> No.9257285

I expect to see GVT type action on ORI. Once we get rid of the weak hands and get another exchange, we're going intergalactic.

>> No.9257372

idk anon, look at how low the market cap is. If it's a legit coin with a single digit million cap, what can go wrong really? I'm about to throw some eth at it. Missed holo train

>> No.9257568

im so ready. this is definitely the accumulation phase. the team will have good news lined up to make this thing launch to 2 digits

>> No.9257674

Damn, GVT is on a ton of exchanges too, but the supply is also very low! Supply and demand isn't hard to understand here. ;)

>> No.9257690

I missed holo too, but it seems very manipulated so no thank you. Aside from idex crashing ORI has been steady as fuck around $1 just waiting for the next run.

>> No.9257703

Obvious shill

>> No.9257741

>>Fork Delta?

>> No.9257761

God Tier Idea Anon.

>> No.9257786

Where do I buy?

>> No.9257787

Definitely quicker potential.

>> No.9257800

Market cap don't lie anon. Hot dump coming your way.

>> No.9258031

Fork Delta is the only place that works right now. Idex fucking shit the bed. Waiting for them to fix it. Get in line tho, there's lots of people waiting to buy ORI.

>> No.9258120

I'm thinking when IDEX comes back it's gonna FOMO bigtime. Get ready to get your buy orders in, it's gonna get nuts right off the block.

>> No.9258137

Unironic pajeet.

>> No.9258139

so can you buy right now or is idex fucked?

>> No.9258150

I have a feeling IDEX will be ready soon, just a feeling ;)

>> No.9258158

Haha. I'll send you some KIN for $.01. You can sell in 4 years when it hits that. ORI is a gem we all must hold.

>> No.9258162


>> No.9258174

You think the people who are gonna cash out a bit from HOT and throw right into ORI, I fucking would.

>> No.9258210

What was the lowest price ORI was available on IDEX?

>> No.9258260

I'll send you 13M kin for 3.50

>> No.9258349

Once IDEX comes back, everyone who has some profit in HOT should cash out immediately and throw it into ORI before you get a hot dump all over you.

>> No.9258372

HOT is extremely overhyped and overbought with not much to back it up, and a much larger MCAP. ORI is rock solid when things are working on IDEX.

>> No.9258523

Got 7.5k, feeling comfy but also nervous at the same time.

>> No.9258559

why are you nervous about a 3m cap?

>> No.9258574

Get ready to start your engines boys. When IDEX drops that flag we hit the pedal fucking hard in this bitch. The HOT fags will see and fomo when they get dumped on.

>> No.9258597
File: 126 KB, 1802x848, start your engines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get loaded up boys. This race is gonna start any minute.

>> No.9258605

what are you talking about? IDEX works right now

>> No.9258625

Didn't take my profits when it pumped last time before it dumped. Paranoid that it'll never go up again. Probably irrational but that is how I feel.

>> No.9258635

With this market cap? You are safe anon.

>> No.9259600

Operation HOT dump commencing as soon as IDEX is working again. Move as many profits from HOT as you can before getting dumped on and create some massive FOMO by throwing it at ORI. Small market cap we will be able to make this move QUICK.

>> No.9259648

We have moved in volume on IDEX from #23 to #19 in like 45 mins. We got this.

>> No.9259697
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Is there a link to buy it on Forkdelta?

>> No.9259715

IDEX is the only place to buy FML!

>> No.9259765

Smart man.

>> No.9259790

Please stop trying to sell your bags, dude.

>> No.9259868

what the hell are you talking about nigger? Volume and price have not changed in hours. Site is broken