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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9247438 No.9247438 [Reply] [Original]

Kucoin or IDEX lads im tired of being poor

>> No.9247506

IDEX for x100 potential shitcoins, kucoin for shitcoins that have or are close to a working project

>> No.9247528

what if i have like $300 and im trying to make it if i lose it all I have to legit rope myself this is my last chance at life lads

>> No.9247545
File: 68 KB, 1200x729, 0-mGF9DKkjujyH9isj..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kucoin is the way to go anon.

TNC, DRGN and ACT are some examples of great investements there.

If you decide to sign up remember the anon who replied to your thread and use his ref code.

Code: 1aNd3

>> No.9247594

1) Stop being such a massive fucking faggot and get your act together. $300 is not life changing, you will make rent, you will eat, you will be fine. If you genuinely need this money for the above mentioned, aka food, rent, then get it out of crypto and stop being a cunt.
2) IDEX any day of the week, it has been down for the best part of 3 days due to the massive surge in volume, all the shitcoins on there are hot property right now

>> No.9247617

ive been using kucoin but im fucking retarded idk i got in january 2018 and lost almost all of my money but im pretty much back to where i started by trading PRL what do ?? all in one shitcoin or diversify a little

>> No.9247647

im a neet but im getting old (19) and my mom is starting to stress me to get a job and shit

>> No.9247813
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Dude you are fucking 19 how is this your last chance at life?

Put it all in a good low tt mid-low cap and forget about it, come back monthly and track your progress.

I have all the coins I told you about in my previous reply, DRGN has the lowest risk involved IMO.

>> No.9247855

thanks friend also what do u mean by tt?

>> No.9247872

low to mid-low

>> No.9248431

bumperoo for advice

>> No.9248496

i have no advice but im in ur same situation. My dad hates me and my mom is poor af and wageslaves all day and i've realized I can NOT get a shitty mcds job, I value my life and time too much. I've just started selling drugs honestly, I make about 300 a week.

>> No.9248797

shiiiddddd homie i feel u, i dont wanna get a wagecuck job because then its easy to get used to that shit everyday and one day you wake up and ur 30 years old and the years have gone by i value my time like you said. maybe that makes me selfish but idk

>> No.9248815

You can literally make more at McDonald’s wtf. Your time isn’t worth shit, what value do you bring to the rest of the world?

>> No.9248893

Why is my time valued on what I have to offer? Your exact way of thinking is exactly why we have the problems in society we do now... we're all blessed to have been born in the first place, my life has value to me because it's my only one and I enjoy it. How can you 'value' something like life? There's no end goal to life whatsoever, or to humans, really our only goal should be to just enjoy the extremely tiny amount of time we're lucky to have.

But either way, I could make more at McDonalds by working 8 hour shifts a day, but I make $300 a week using about an hour of my time. So it works out in my opinion.

It doesn't make you selfish in my opinion. I think to myself, that I only have maybe 70-80 good years of life before old age makes living shitty, and that for a fucking massive amount of the population, most don't even make it to like 40. So why should I waste my precious 20 year old life where my body is healthy and I can do things by wagecucking for government points?

>> No.9248936

>money is the only valuable thing
cmon mang

>> No.9248972

people have been indoctrinated into wagecucking their whole life away
one of the tragedies of life i suppose

>> No.9248986

Either get a job, get skilled, or get educated. 19 is still a kid but you have to choose what kind of adult to be. Crypto on the side but don't be a bumb

>> No.9248997
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Thank me later. Buy EFX.

>> No.9249005

yea i feel u being a burden to others isnt cool either

>> No.9249046

And learn to coherently express what you're thinking

>> No.9249066

I like crypto-bridge.

>> No.9249085

>professional office talk on a Nigerian fax machine repairing website
cmon nigga

>> No.9249130

Talk however you want here, that's the good thing nigga. But if you act like a dumb ass you're gonna get ripped apart. I'll spell it out for you: I'm not burdening you in the slightest. Living with your parents and being a NEET on the other hand...

>> No.9249143

I was at the same starting capital you had when I started out OP, and I ended up doubling my money at Kucoin. It's a pretty decent exchange but you'll miss out on a lot of what /biz/ shills since Binance is the main exchange here. However, I get a good deal on trading fees on Kucoin since I signed up way back in September, and unlike Binance Kucoin doesn't require any form of KYC yet (Binance does if you want to withdraw funds over 2BTC) so I like it because of that. I moved funds off of Kucoin to buy into Holochain but would gladly use them again.

>> No.9249214

neeting is a cultural revolution to own the boomers *dab*

>> No.9249412

NEETing feels good as fuck but I feel somewhat shitty for burdening my mom by living with her. The goal would be to get my own place but with NEET life shit's impossible. My plan at the moment for myself (you don't need to follow this since we're different people, but i'm in a similar situation to you) is to just sell drugs/crypto till I get enough money to pay for community college classes to learn a trade. Then I could get a wagecuck job but it wouldn't be so terrible because the pay would be really good and I could be on my own.

>> No.9249927

better than me friend if i dont make it hard in crypto i gonna ropecoin fuck it i could get a job but i dont wanna live like that
ur braver than I