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9244975 No.9244975 [Reply] [Original]

anon this is it

the only "hard" sci-fi on the last couple of years
if u like spaceships, explosions, tension, robots, drones, aliens and earth vs. mars vs. outcasts this is you show
it starts a bit slow and complex cuz its for high IQ ppl only who have patience and enjoy hardcore sci-fi
no romance, no bromance, no faginess, just straigh up laser shoting robots and ships destroying other ships stuff

im done with all episodes now, waiting for s03e05

what else whould I watch while I wait for BTC to reach 1 million?

>> No.9244991


into the trash it goes

>> No.9245009

The cast is multiracial trash and acting is terrible

>> No.9245019

Boring to the max. Altered Carbon was better in every way.

>> No.9245024

It is pretty good, but also unrealistic, because we will have funded covert extraction of warp drive research from military-industrial complex black projects with our crypto gainz long before that and will cruise between the moons at 1000x FTL speed.

>> No.9245081

westworld, mindhunter, manhunt unabomber, dark

>> No.9245180

my little pony: friendship is magic

>> No.9245207

Altered Carbon was good until his sister showed up then it went pretty bad

>> No.9245208

It was good until ayyliens.

>> No.9245304

read a god damn book or watch some MIT lectures instead of numbing your brain with bullshit
get /fit/
better relationships with friends and family
even with money you're still going to have to do those things to better yourself.

>> No.9245305

Can't argue with that.

>> No.9245333

Didn't like Mindhunter (personal preference, sue me), but the other three are top tier and much better than the Expanse IMO.

>> No.9245356

this is kind of true. but i kept on watching cause i like syfy and at the start of season 2 it gets mega awesome... i am addicted now. best syfy series ever

>> No.9245375

If I wanted to be bored I'd watch chart data instead.

>> No.9245380

These kinds of posts are autistic to the max. Sometimes people want to watch TV, anon. You don't need to spend every waking moment actively striving.

>> No.9245384


>> No.9245386

It was bad until ay lmao.

>> No.9245446

yes you do

>> No.9245489

>implying reading is an effort

>> No.9245515

The show isnt bad at all, but the books become complete dogshit after book 2 on the level of tween novels. Its baffling how far they drop in quality.

>> No.9245535

>needs to work to be good
Never gonna make it.

>> No.9245541

Battlestar Galactica (s01, s02 at least)
The Expanse
Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones of course
Walking Dead (and Fear the Walking Dead)
Black Mirror
How to get Away with Murder
The Night Of
American Crime Story
13 Reasons Why
Vikings (didnt like s0 1)
True Detective (s02 is bs)
Torchwood (s03 only, trust me)

>> No.9245565

see >>9245489

>> No.9245580

Lol first season was fucking boring

I’m convincing myself to watch the second one

>> No.9245591

I'm at S2E7 right now, acting is really a bit bad but the story gets more and more awesome imo

Also I love how everytime when the dialogue looks like it would divert into pure buzzword technobabble some character points that exact thing out and makes them stop talking like that.
Space maneuvers are pictured as accurate as possible for the story as well, that's quite rare.

>> No.9245627
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Watch in foreign language you're learning subtitled for max gains in the future.

>> No.9245631


>> No.9245776

Convoluted trash.
If I wanted to watch gay porn I'd ask your dad.
>Battlestar Galactica (s01, s02 at least)
Shit show, shit remake.
>The Expanse
More like cringe, drama much?
>Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones of course
Drugs and sex, typical retard fuel.
Cheap X-men ripoff.
>Walking Dead (and Fear the Walking Dead)
I wish that franchise was dead already.
>Black Mirror
More like blacked mirror.
>How to get Away with Murder
Watching this will make you homicidal OF BOREDOM.
>The Night Of
More like the night off myself because it's so bad.
>American Crime Story
If I wanted to watch a black criminal get away with it I'd just go to Obama rallies.
>13 Reasons Why
14 reasons why NOT.
>Vikings (didnt like s0 1)
>True Detective (s02 is bs)
Overrated garbage.
>Torchwood (s03 only, trust me)

>> No.9245917
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Be like Dougie for max gains.

>> No.9246026

It's not /biz/ related at all, saged and reported.

>> No.9246085

>start watching this
>characters pull up dossier on somebody
>tumblr gender listed
>close player
>never watch again

>> No.9246175

>t. that edgy guy that watches french surrealist scat mime cinema

>> No.9246224

Altered Carbon started pretty good but the negress was annoying as hell and her character was shallow as fuck. Same for the sister. Show dragged on and became stale. Torture scenes were awesome though.

Anyway, can't compare it to the Expanse even one bit. The Expanse is definitely on another level.

>> No.9246508

>If I wanted to watch gay porn I'd ask your dad
you clearly never watched entourage, wtf
>>The Expanse
>If I wanted to be bored I'd watch chart data instead.
as i said, keep on to s02!

>> No.9246780

Westworld is the only sci fi that can be taken seriously.

>> No.9246933

spot on

>> No.9247064

>Convoluted trash.
you have no clue about near death experiences, i LOVED the ending of this show.
this seams like a good expination, i am to lazy to write my own

>> No.9247082

this, expanse is great.
Also westworld.
The man in the high castle is good also.
I'm at a loss what else to watch.
>The cast is multiracial trash
Earth in expanse is a socialistic one-world government with basic income. Innovation of any kind is severely hampered by excessive regulations and taxes. If anything, there are way too many white people. The entire world would be brazil at that point, with whites <1% of the total population.

>> No.9247290

I tried to watch Altered Carbon a few times but keep falling asleep, i even re signed up to netflix for it...
I will be watching the expanse over the bank holiday weekend, it better be good!

>> No.9247315

It’s a nigger show

>> No.9247456

watched the first ep long ago and couldn't get past it. diversified emo characters, fedora detective.

I remember there was some hindu (wtf the pajeets actually completed their space program ?) interrogating a dude hanged on bike hooks. but his feet were touching the ground, he just had to lift his arms and walk away. wtf ?

>> No.9247505


You can now watch Tarkovsky's films online – for free. The films listed below are hosted on a verified Youtube channel by Mosfilm, the largest and oldest film studio in Russia.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-4KydP92ss etc.

>> No.9247514
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ika musume is a comfy show
im feeling like rewatching it soon

>> No.9247552
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>he just had to lift his arms and walk away. wtf ?
That's because he was a belter, a human who grew up in near-zero gravity in the kuiper belt, as a result having a severe muscle deficiency and weak bones, literally unable to survive for long in Earth's gravity.
It was clearly explained in the episode

>> No.9247580

It started off really slow it took me a few episodes to get into it. Worth it though.

>> No.9247603

altered carbon was corny as fuck. I wanted to like it but couldnt get past the shit acting and poorly done fight scenes

>> No.9247609
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Any other good scifi series on Netflix / elsewhere? I fucking love these things
Already seen:
Expanse, Altered Carbon, Black Mirror, Lost in Space and ofc the GOAT Steins Gate

>> No.9247633

>ofc the GOAT Steins Gate

Steins;Gate 0 is airing now, 3 eps in.

>> No.9247676

Star Trek Discovery? give it a try, even if you hate the star trek series.. this one is awesome

>> No.9247698

some top-tier sci-fi
cowboy bebop, lain, raildex, shinsekai yori, ghost in the shell, made in abyss, suzumiya haruhi, and also flip flappers and sukasuka

>> No.9247716

if you like firefly you can checkout "Dark Matter" as well. its trashy space action.
And Battlestar Galactica (2004) is awesome. don't miss out on this

>> No.9247744

these are anime..

>> No.9247752

The only shows you need to watch:
"The Century of the Self"
"The Greatest Story Never Told"
And maybe "The Twilight Zone"(1959) just for fun.
Don't watch this modern jew trash shows, it will literally make your IQ smaller and you will never gonna make it.

>> No.9247753
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>>Black Mirror
>More like blacked mirror.
well played

>> No.9247778
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anime website

>> No.9247934

brilliant, raw truth. rare on biz.

>> No.9248076

just trolling hard by disliking EVERY existing tv show. a bit funny but useless for discussion/recomendation

>> No.9248118

Black Mirror kind of Twilight Zone but in new style. Don't just hate everything for no reasons and give it a try. It makes you think a lot

>> No.9248159

Top tier show. Maybe best Sci fi ever. The new star trek is really good also.

>> No.9248162


>an alien that is able to completely disassemble a spaceship remotely
>hard sci-fi

>> No.9248392

Syfy is going the way of Netflix, where they make better stuff but they make every new show have brown men fucking all the white women. I haven't even watched it but since >>9245009 says they made it multiracial, that means they're going to do brown male with white female. That's what it always means.

>> No.9248468

This right here

>> No.9248510

>becoming rich
>watching tv

>> No.9248573


>> No.9248696

It's actually white male on halfblood negress and white male on asian female

>> No.9248737

Earthling on Martian
Belter on Earthling

>> No.9248741
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Oooooh good thread. Expanse is good. Krypton is surprisingly good too.

Altered Carbon

>> No.9248760

You forgot belter on ayylmao

>> No.9248810

this thread reads like a /tv/ thread

>> No.9248814

This. And they finish off the season with the cliche "Surprise! The person we told you was dead all along is actually still alive! Fooled you!!!1"

>> No.9248859

(Un) ironically this.
I imagine the horses as shitty ico's

>> No.9248891

not my proudest fap desu

>> No.9248925
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The Orville is more Star Trek than the new Star Trek, and I don't even like Seth MacFuckface. Fuck off.

It's brown female with white male, but yeah.

Altered Cabrón was "multiracial" as well, but again, black female with asian/white protagonist. There was the black side-character that had a white wife and somehow produced a grotesque niggress daughter, but I don't care as much in that case because the show's universe is based on being able to more or less hot-swap bodies whenever you like to, so at that point race is kind of silly anyway. His old girlfriend/back-story negress said she found/"invented" (nigger version of found) the alien technology anyway, and that she had traveled using it, didn't she? So I'm not sure the form we see her in is even the real one, or that if she comes back, she'll still actually be black.

>But she was black in the holo-stuff
First of all, she's black because that's how Kovacs remember her, she's not actually there, and secondly Kovacs himself is white in the holo stuff as well, so clearly they look like whatever they currently want to look like (MINOR SPOILER: he changes his face in a later holo-encounter).

Besides, Martha Higareda is nice enough to watch the show on its own for. It's an interesting universe as well, and it's fairly well detailed. It has a nice atmosphere, and good visuals. The story is interesting enough as well, but I watch it more for the universe anyway.

>>9245019 >>9245207 >>9248814
They never did say she was dead, it's just what Kovacs believed. They were all using the same technology, so it's plausible even in-universe, if a bit unlikely. She could've actually also been backed up, even. Since she supposedly discovered the technology, it'd be odd if that wasn't the case. Who knows.

Nitpicking aside, the main problem with these shows is that they don't know how to properly close major storylines.

>> No.9248959

>black female with asian/white protagonist
IF you consider the flashbacks, that is.

The actually depicted romance was nordic male with mexican latina.

>> No.9249317

I always imagine they use cryptos in these scifis. Like when the dude in altered carbon gets offered 50M that's 50M LINK haha

>> No.9249401
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Twin Peaks
not really sci-fi but it's mysterious and dream-like season 1 still goat