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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9233979 No.9233979 [Reply] [Original]

explain this immediately. why the fuck are alts lower now with 9600 btc than they were a few hours ago with 9400 btc. no they are not just lower in sats, they are also lower in dollars. this makes absolutely no fucking sense. explain this immediately

>> No.9234017

Like every time, people dump their alts to fomo into the BTC bullrun.

>> No.9234030

It's so fucking simple that you have to be a retard to not understand. People are dumping alts to get BTC, this causes alts prices to go down and BTC prices to go up. Soon, the BTC will be sold for USD, causing another market wide crash.

>> No.9234065

waaat? WAU Coin was .32$ yesterday .26$ last week, .36$ now. Is there any other altcoins???

>> No.9234068

ok but why the fuck should alts dollar amounts go down just because people want btc. that is fucking stupid. why cant people just buy btc with dollars and leave their alts as they are

>> No.9234089

i have not looked at that particular coin but most alts i saw are lower now than they were a few hours ago. whereas btc is higher. which makes it look like btc has sucked them dry which is such fucking bullshit and means i lost money

>> No.9234098



What are you, some kind of boomer?

>> No.9234101

Literal brainlet. People had all their money in alts, why don't YOU give me money so I can buy BTC without dumping your alts??

>> No.9234117

alts will move back up over the next day into the weekend don't worry about it this is normal

>> No.9234136

Pretty much this to be quite sincere and distinctly honest with you family member

>> No.9234148

I think OP is actually, unironically upset. Do you expect your alts to steadily go up forever and never go down? Really though? I’d like an answer once you’re done throwing a fit

>> No.9234165

USD matters when youre buying in RETARD where the fuck are you ganna get your BTC/ETH from to buy alts you niggajew. god I hate retards such as yourself

>> No.9234176

normal people probably do
sorosites rake cash on cycles of
BTC bullrun/ alt season/ flippening

>> No.9234213


haha just kidding, man. I was only pretending to be retarded.

You alright?

>> No.9234306

Good responses here

To the new anons-> forget about fiat that you bought in with, seriously. This is not some stupid, made up shit.
After you buy in with your fiat, switch to sats and concentrate on converting crypto to crypto.
You can dismiss it but when you do your understanding of the market will be lesser for it and you are going to get burn.
Think fiat when you need / want to cash out.
I do both but I've been in it for quite some time.
For the beginners-> forget the fiat. Don't check your fiat value, don't count coins based on their fiat value, at least not till you catch your first big BTC correction.
Afterwards do whatever you want.

>> No.9234500

Tfw my Alts are pumping too (even valued in Sats)

I have Masari, QRL, Enigma, Raiden in my shit folio

>> No.9234858

This is so fucking dumb tho.

Last year alts bled while btc run up because of the fucking btc fork frenzy. Bcash, segwitx2, gold, diamond, shit etc etc.

Now it's going down because people think alts supposed to do down... Market is really dumb but also predictable.