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File: 73 KB, 995x774, 22222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9233860 No.9233860 [Reply] [Original]

Check it yourself:

The tech landed. Deployed LINK, deploying oracle, deploying ETH. Basically ETH is ready.
That's a product ready. Imagine what's going on behind the curtain. That's why they are not marketing and shilling it. Tech will do the speaking.

Only triple digit IQs allowed in this thread.

>> No.9233874
File: 338 KB, 1846x919, 02AEFC69-DDF1-4552-BA04-4E3C33899232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9233888

Iota have a decentralized oracle that is working and every other oracle crypto is useless because Iota has interest from every single company in the world

>> No.9233899
File: 92 KB, 612x359, IMG_9388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have thousands of link, have had them for a while. I've heard this type of rhetoric over and over again. I'll believe it when I see it. Link is amazing and has so much potential and dots to be connected yet it doesn't move. Makes me confused

>> No.9233902


Ah, good to see they went with the shadowfork version instead of the original. Just as planned.

>> No.9233905

there's coordinated fud right now. along with price suppression. the lid is going to blow off real soon.

t. priced in

>> No.9233908
File: 2.99 MB, 2209x2921, E797FD31-F9BC-4D29-8217-7F19971425E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Steve. Truly /ourguy/

>> No.9233912
File: 113 KB, 602x800, BB5FB741-4ADC-495F-B2C5-5B801E69BADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its happening tonight

>> No.9233913


listen to this man
he's trying to help you

>> No.9233921
File: 309 KB, 1077x1120, 1522791794503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E..ee..exited with 0
I am shaking brothers.
I can't even say what I am thinking

>> No.9233930
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fuck you and your faggot ass trips

>> No.9233940
File: 57 KB, 1432x458, SmartSelect_20180503-225735_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they'll respond

>> No.9233941

stfu lil bitch

>> No.9233946

Wee spotted the guy who doesn’t code trying to read code

>> No.9233948

Just in time for the daily link p&d thread

>> No.9233964


>> No.9233970
File: 111 KB, 1200x1000, DMcM9NwXkAUvucR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great. One small step for Link, one giant leap for stinky linkies.

>> No.9233978


>> No.9233980
File: 283 KB, 640x1136, 1524701513655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rheeeeee why won't it dump I need to fomo in

>> No.9233984

lol this proves nothing
linkholders are so fucking deluded they'll believe anything
this is like the first thing in 8(?) motnhs the 2 men team did hahahaha

>> No.9233988

and the price stays the same LMAOOOO

>> No.9233989

It was 11:00pm on Sunday. Throughout the week, Linkies hyped the release of LINK on testnet, from May 13 until today, May 27. Monday brought torrential waves of shills and hype, pushing the price up. All that was needed was the release to break $3 on LINK. However, during the week more jobs were pushed onto the stack, and it seemed the goal of Ropsten moved down the pivotal tracker more and more. Now the price sagged. The list of jobs to do on that week grew until LINKers and NoLinkers alike knew it took just one more job for Ropsten to topple over to next week, if not next month.
By Sunday, there were less than 5 LINK threads. Hours went by where there were none. The price lulled. The wagies had gone to bed. Others were drinking to salve the pain of disappointment. NEETs were playing video games to distract themselves. This was the calm before the storm.
At exactly 12:00AM, a smart contract was triggered —- and LINK went live on Ropsten.

>> No.9233996
File: 1.38 MB, 1916x1076, get stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9234011


At first, no one seemed to take notice. The first thread that went up, was an update on how “oh look another job has been added to the tracker.” Yet, this was no ordinary job. This was the first job to be executed on the testnet!
Anons poured into the thread, excited to see the results of the first job.
A new comment appeared.
The drunk anons threw their bottles away, the sleeping anons seemed to all be roused suddenly by a sudden emotion. They all came to that thread.
And another test.
And another.
The thread grew to 100 replies now.
By 3 AM, 15 jobs have been successfully completed. It seemed to stop for the night. The team had gone to bed.
“This can’t possibly continue.” An Anon said.
“There must be some mistake. They can’t all be success.”
Most anons were unable to sleep, and continued refreshing the page. Others began to eagerly develop their own tests with sleep deprived brains.There were no announcements on Reddit, Twitter or anything. It had come quietly in the night.

>> No.9234012

Same will happen when mainnet goes live

or maybe it will pump from 0.30 to 0.35

>> No.9234038
File: 26 KB, 485x443, 1507295761446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet who can't count devs in repo on github spotted, talking about tech
it doesn't matter. price can stay the same for months as far as i'm concerned. you don't understand this shit

>> No.9234040

At 7AM, the PivotalTracker began to move again. It completed one more successful job.
Throughout the country, a smattering of bosses received calls that their employee was too sick to work today. A few classes received a “class is canceled” email. Some teammates were missing their usual 16hours+ a day online friend.
The next job was completed at 10AM. By now, a new post appeared on Reddit. It was succinct, simply stating that LINK had been deployed on Ropsten and preliminary testing had gone well so far.
On CoinMarketCap, all of the coins began to tank - but ETH and BTC were starting soar sky high. It was suddenly clear where all these buy orders are going.
It started with EtherDelta. The prices became so sky high for LINK that people flocked to Huobi. Then it happened on Huobi, and they flocked to Binance. People ran from exchange to exchange desperate to buy Link or to take advantage of arbitrage. Demand grew higher and higher. Buy walls became enormous and engulfed any sell order that date appeared. Each 1 hour candle marched higher and higher. Even the 5 minute candle seldom saw a red. Sales became a trickle and buys soared sky high, and the only thing higher was the green candle.

>> No.9234051

yes i hurts but its the truth

desu im gonna market sell everything right now

>> No.9234053
File: 92 KB, 400x416, 1514668922212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the linkies. dump your bags now.

>> No.9234058

By 4pm in the afternoon, Anons were glued to the screen, tracking the results of each test like watching a football game. They were done looking at the charts because the buys have become so unreasonable - but not yet EOY type prices - no one was willing to sell and the exchanges stalled.
Suddenly Github contributors became active. They began to test on their own. Enthusiast Anons began to test too. Developers from out of nowhere that Sergey had hidden under his wings came out of the shadow and began to execute tests too.
More and more people came out of the woodworks. Each refresh of the page brought 5 more jobs. Each refresh completed 5 more jobs. Jobs began pouring through rapid fire- 50 new tests would appear at once. For every one test that failed, nearly 10 developers commented on it, and the bug vanished within 15 minutes. Anons were at the edge of the seat. Monster eats the image! Tests were consumed immediately, sometimes so quickly more than one developer finished. They seemed to be making a game of it.
By 11:00pm that evening, the tracker slowed. Tests were completed faster than new ones could appear. Then... no new ones appeared.
One by one, the remaining tasks vanished, until there were only a few left.
Then there were only three. After a long period, one of them was consumed. Another disappeared. Finally, the last one popped off the stack too.
And a new job appeared.
“Deploy Mainnet.”

>> No.9234062
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>> No.9234083

Glad the iota fud came out today, this needs to stay under the radar for just a little longer

>> No.9234092


DAGs are intrinsically insecure flawed tech.

IOTA is a dead project.

Absolute trash.

>> No.9234097

this, stinky linky lost his chance.
t. ex 42k linkmarine

also check those trips

>> No.9234140

>also check those trips
the absolute shitskin state of fud
that pull request literally vanished, code approved by Steve. stay autistic, API's are next.

>> No.9234162
File: 68 KB, 750x750, 830C42F0-5537-4307-B24E-241133AB963A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, waste-of-trips faggot. Sergey is already in the inner circles of fintech industry giants. muhIOTA is a broken piece of shit that still needs LINK for offchain Oracle magic. Kys

>> No.9234177
File: 29 KB, 819x496, FULLYERECT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9234184


>> No.9234202

Sergey will ride in on a white horse to advance humanity

>> No.9234203


Lol anybody that knows code knows this is bullshit. I could wrote this on a blocpad file and you fags will believe it

>> No.9234228
File: 16 KB, 283x288, 1523609943088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you are blockchain expert, crypto millionaire and white skin on top of it.

>> No.9234229
File: 88 KB, 1200x617, 1525227539623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it. So comfy. Let the fud flow, anyone shaken out doesnt deserve it at this point

>> No.9234243

Jason Parser was right

>> No.9234276
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 1521748965608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did steve delete the code? did he know we caught out? what did steve meaned by this?

>> No.9234313

>A magical place
Open wide and swallow. Pills are good for you.

>> No.9234320
File: 65 KB, 1024x577, 1521742035741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

code is here, just accepted the Pull like 30 minutes ago. It's on github,and it was about reducing truffle errors
comfy af aswell

>> No.9234323


>> No.9234324

exit scam

sell all our linkies now, someone moved all tokens from dev wallet to binance few minutes ago

>> No.9234333
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x659, IMG_7234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably made this fucking bread

>> No.9234386
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praise kek and sieg heil!

>> No.9234405
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>> No.9234542
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>> No.9234574

I'm happy, but this is a lot less hype than I had anticipated. Hopefully we hear from 'gey soon.

>> No.9234589
File: 283 KB, 1071x841, 1491796777212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys nu/pol/

>> No.9234599

I don't hold any link because it is stinky but the part of me that doesn't want your portfolios to crash and burn is genuinely rooting for the success of all the anons out there that have held this heavy bag through thick and thin.

>> No.9234600
File: 75 KB, 1024x962, a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did stev DELET DIS?

>> No.9234628

Hope You make it elsewhere too anon. Best of luck
He just approved the pull, code is here.

>> No.9234651
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>> No.9234699

kek im just fooling around...yeah so the pull request had been merged huh? giod newz bebe

>> No.9234706

all you faggots want instant gratification. INSTANT. Its why so many newfags try day trading as soon as they get into investing. They do not want to see their assets appreciate slowly over time, they want it NOW RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND.

In this game, those with patience will reap the rewards. This whole game is a transfer of wealth from the impatient to the patient.

>> No.9234759

>Doesn't move
I have twice the money I had a month ago. I think what you mean to say is that it isn't an unstable piece of shit that flies up then drops way down to a new low like every other coin.

>> No.9234769


>> No.9234774

Sorry didn't noticed you did that 2 times in a row. Yeah code is approved already, and they are fkin with API's now. Everything is going smooth. Let's see what tomorrow will bring

>> No.9234789

can someone explain to a coding brainlet. IS this the first test run? Exited with zero means the code had no errors?

>> No.9234793
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>> No.9234895

You need to settle down grand pa pah before you blow your o-ring.

>> No.9234901

its def for tommorrow. feels soo good...i have been waiting since novem

>> No.9234934
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>> No.9234940
File: 42 KB, 1049x517, testing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are running tests all the time. I just digged through logs to see what's going on with the contracts. It's basically working with ETH.
Here's the link to check builds yourself and tests
>pic related ETHERUM test feelsgoodman

>> No.9234953

Ok guys I"m balls deep in LINK but my life is falling apart for other reasons. I've had thoughts of suicide about 300 times today. I don't really want to kill myself but I can't stop thinking about it. The only thing keeping me going is not wanting to miss out on the singularity.

What should I do? Will I be able to access my linkies in the afterlife?

>> No.9234959

chainlink? more like gaylink

>> No.9234960

when do you think the big boys will address this? sergey announced the alpha so I'm sure they'll prepare something for ropsten.. Right?

>> No.9234961

I came at deploy mainnet

>> No.9234973

What are your problems?

>> No.9234975
File: 36 KB, 400x500, linkforbesb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong fren, you don't want to miss out on the singularity party

>> No.9234979

Suicide is for pussies

>> No.9234993
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>> No.9235000
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>> No.9235013
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>> No.9235051

The question is, where does 3rd party devs come from >>9234177 or where will they come from. They are preparing the Ropsten for someone else, that's my guess. Maybe they have conctracted deadline for May 4th for someone? I don't care if they make it public. Tech works, my hands are iron on this one.
Don't do it.
my redirection pic from another thread, well played

>> No.9235056

I love how shitty broken centralized iota has one big day in 5 months and now every retarded newfag on this board thinks they found the holy grail

>> No.9235079

Got fired from my job back in Jan (no big deal because it sucked), wife got a dui with an accident the same week, started new job but I suck on it and takes forever to get paid, my wife doesn't love me anymore and thinks I can't changed, and generally I'm generally recognized as the smartest guy in the room but I threw my potential away spending the best years of my life on 4chan instead of being what I want to be.

thank you sir

yes but being miserable is also retarded

i have a gun in my car. not gonna an hero just yet but the stress is just adding up. I don't really care about money or getting rich I just only seem to encounter fucking retards who piss me off all the time

>> No.9235094

kek be praised.... the memes are evolving

>> No.9235106

Time you enjoyed wasting is not a wasted time

>> No.9235113

anyone have a HQ original?

>> No.9235120
File: 1.62 MB, 736x1074, iwanttobelieve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9235123

but we love you dude, no homo. let that old pussy rot in jail, while you drive away in lambo with some tight 18 y.o into your new slave-free life and this basically >>9235106

>> No.9235141
File: 121 KB, 521x800, new_era_by_pr3t3nd3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are about to get fun it seems, see you all on the moon. Don't forget to tighten those seat belts, rocket launches are a bit rough. Wouldn't want you to fall out before our first stop on titan to refuel, before we go interstellar to Andromeda. Enjoy the ride you neckbeards and NEET's, a new era is about to begin.

>> No.9235143

That thing is off-center and it's driving me nuts

>> No.9235179

buddy find there nearest person with some good weed or jerk off. If your srs dont be alone. find a distraction

>> No.9235188

I know... someone else can remake it better than me.. did it fast on my phone... Sergey forgive me...

>> No.9235208
File: 35 KB, 448x403, menardsguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up anon. DO NOT GIVE UP.

We are going to make it.

>> No.9235215

It's simple. You can't an hero because we're all in this together.

>> No.9235269
File: 76 KB, 706x1024, DbmUFMxVMAABp4G.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, i love you. Just thought you should know that

>> No.9235313

Yeah I agree, but I'm starting to doubt if I made the right choices. Just kinda feeling really down right now. I'm hoping LINK is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but the suspense is literally killing me.

My wife is actually a really good woman for the most part. The truth is I neglected her because of my wagecuckery-- I'd have to wake up at 2:30 every morning and go work 14 hour days just to maintain a middle class lifestyle. And I'm fucking lazy and entitled.

Yeah my mom gave me some weed last week but honestly I might have to go back to wagecucking so I'm probably gonna have to quit again. The big thing that set off my wife is that we went to my mom's house and my wife ended up failing her drug test somehow. Honestly if I just had her emotional support I think I'd be OK, but now she's wagecucking from 10am to midnight everyday so I never see her and she never wants to talk. All I have is you guys and Sergey.

Honestly thank you frens. I feel a little better but I really wish I could stop these suicidial thoughts. I'm wondering if this isn't just linklet dysmorphia and if I shouldn't take out a loan for more LINK instead of wage cucking.

>> No.9235319

Its okay steve
We know that you have done alot of work and all we praise is daddy sergey

>> No.9235321
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well done Marine

>> No.9235343

Anon I know things are tough, but you'll get through them, things will get better.
With that said, seriously dude, just sell the link.
It's never going to amount to anything.
Don't fall for the meme. I'm not sure your fragile ego will handle it.

>> No.9235351

>i have a gun in my car. not gonna an hero just yet but the stress is just adding up. I don't really care about money or getting rich I just only seem to encounter fucking retards who piss me off all the time

Take your fucking ammo out. Give to friend. Don't need to get rid of your gun, but DO put the ammo somewhere where you can't get it. Right fucking now. If you have to, go to shooting range and DONATE your fucking ammo. Get the fuck rid of it, while you are in right state of mind.

>> No.9235375

god damn this delusion

>> No.9235388

reddit the post
>check em

>> No.9235390


How could you think of suicide 300 times so far today. That's like every two minutes. You'd have to think about suicide, then stop thinking about it, then think about it again. Like even if you were thinking about suicide a lot, it's probably fewer thoughts, but longer lasting, and a total number of independent suicide-thoughts that's way lower than 300.

>> No.9235395


These are logs you fucker

>> No.9235403


But he may need the gun for protection


>> No.9235414

money won't make you happy faggot. go talk to your close friends or family.

>> No.9235415

Just make sure to give away your linkies before an hero

>> No.9235433

you honestly need to be more engaged throughout the day.

>> No.9235455
File: 1.06 MB, 1918x1080, NewLink2_0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the new one

>> No.9235456

>being this autistic about his suicide thought count

>> No.9235495
File: 2 KB, 125x100, 1518297685817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take loans and don't invest money you can't lose. Hope you make it in crypto so you can spend more time with your wife. Find less cucking job and spend more time with her then if thats the priority.

>> No.9235527

What's the point of having a gun with no ammo? Christ dude quit being a pussy. I'm not going to KMS I'm just having suicidal thoughts all the time. I'm pretty sure it's normal.

Yeah just went back and recounted it was actually 158 times.

Yeah I literally said I don't care about money above. I wouldn't mind being rich but what's killing me now is how much I hate the recurring thought of some shit sales rep job where I get screamed at by retards for 80% of my waking life.

Yeah how can we make a smartcontract for that

>> No.9235550

How many years dating/married before wife stopped loving?

>> No.9235587

IDK man if I'm really going to off myself anyway I think taking out a loan would really make things more interesting. It's basically just margin longing LINK. It's like suicide insurance- I feel like LINK is in for some big growth really soon and I'll be pretty upset if it moons and I don't take out a loan. I'm thinking $50k USD is pretty reasonable. I can always go back to wagecucking to pay it off.

>> No.9235594


>> No.9235599

If he had money he wouldn't have to wagecuck 20h a day or whatever.
Seriously this
>money won't make you happy
meme needs to die, especially when it comes from 1 wagecuck to another.

money = time, and if time ain't precious to you then I don't know what to say

>> No.9235610

fucking goosebumps

>> No.9235616

We've lived together for 5 years, married for 2. It was OK until all the shit happened in january. I really hurt her with some of things I said about her getting wasted in crashing into somebody.

>> No.9235638

sounds like classic your wife needs you, so she can't be there for you

gotta break the cycle and be there for her first so she then has your back

but yeah feel you on the everyone is retarded lonliness anon, hang in there

>> No.9235684

just set things straight bro
say sorry
tell her you love her
take her out for dinner for once

>> No.9235717


>> No.9235735
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>> No.9235762

Hi Anon. Do me a solid and ask the universe for what you need. Speak it into existence from the core of your being. Related note... I can't promise you anything but I think you are about to see some shit that your future self will thank you for sticking around for. Enjoy the ride....

>> No.9235763

Link is our ticket off the wagecucking slavery. Things might be rough now nut they will get better. You dont need to care about money, but its a tool to get what you really care for. Stay safe and find a therapist

>> No.9235772

A guy higher in the posts came, I came too. No homo


>> No.9235776


>I'm not going to KMS I'm just having suicidal thoughts all the time. I'm pretty sure it's normal.
Not sure if LARP but no it definitely fucking is NOT normal to have suicidal thoughts all the time. It is a danger sign and I urge you to take it seriously.

>What's the point of having a gun with no ammo?
Not sure if srs. The point is that you do not need to throw away a $600 piece, but, temporarily, you should -- when you are in a logical state of mind -- take steps to make sure that you won't have access to ammo if your mood shifts. Suicide is often an impulsive act, and one way to prevent it is to remove access to the means, e.g., ammo. Call me a pussy all you want, but I want you to live.

>> No.9235787

thanks fren.

I tired but she's pretty serious this time. I'm still holding out hope I can sweep her off her feet, but the problem is she's gone all the fucking time. She's opening a restaurant with another lady (no equity tho) and literally works 100 hours a week.

Just quit my subcontracting job btw. Offically back to wagecuckery unless I can start a business in the next 3 weeks. I gotta a solid Idea but really can't see how the loan money wouldn't do better in LINK. I have great credit so I thnk I'm bout to do it.

>> No.9235827

People first anon. Money comes second.

>> No.9235845

My fucking sides

Sorry sadanon but this guy is right!!

>> No.9235856

>>i have a gun in my car. not gonna an hero just yet but the stress is just adding up. I don't really care about money or getting rich I just only seem to encounter fucking retards who piss me off all the time
send me your links pls sir

>> No.9235906

it might sound strange but

>> No.9235908

Fuck that! I'll drink to those who endured, not tiny heart faggots who check early.

>> No.9235923

Two things. One I will pray for you brother and you might think about that as well. Second thing, if you really want to keep your wife, show her you love her by going to help her at the restaurant. Paint, sweep, clean, scrub go get shit for them at the store or whatever they need and do it because you love her and you want her to succeed. Nothing makes a person feel better about themselves than helping somebody else.

>> No.9235930



>Sorry sadanon but this guy is right!!

Fuck man. Today's reminder that, for all the lulz, and sometimes good info, there is also some ugly shit on biz sometimes. WTF is wrong with you. If this guy were in the same room as you talking about suicide, would you be saying this kind of shit?

>> No.9235941

I constantly remind myself that God loves me and will take care of me, as he's done so many times before. I was actually homeless when I met my wife and about to off myself then too, but he sent me a literal 10/10 who let me move in with her. We started with nothing and got a solid middle class life but the shit was not easy at all and stressed both of us out. I really felt like coming to /biz/ after I got fired was the same kind of vibe I got when I met my wife. I don't know why I'm having these thoughts but I try to snap out of it.

we are all in this together

nah some times it is unironically bettter to kill yourself. I don't really want to but the thoughts are just fucking constant. I've got nothing but stress right now and need a way out.

I want to live to. Just on my terms. I'm so tired of having to suck dick to get ahead in corporate America and paying taxes so my company can sell more poison to niggers on food stamps. The whole system is rotten, everyone is fat and gross, and few jobs I can get will let me go surfing when I want. I don't need a Lambo and a masnion. I'll be happy with a reliable Jap shitbox and a block house. I just don't want to have to eat shit all the time to get it and choosing between being miserable from being poor or being miserable from having a soul crushing job is really fucking up my headsapce right now.

>> No.9235951


Woah anon. Linkies are a brotherhood. Here together in the moons and dips of both LINK and life.

>> No.9235954

>Two things. One I will pray for you brother and you might think about that as well. Second thing, if you really want to keep your wife, show her you love her by going to help her at the restaurant. Paint, sweep, clean, scrub go get shit for them at the store or whatever they need and do it because you love her and you want her to succeed. Nothing makes a person feel better about themselves than helping somebody else.

Yet another reminder that anonymity brings out the best and the worst in people.

>> No.9235999 [DELETED] 

Get it together marine. Eat healthy and exercise in the mean time. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.9236001

the price is down dickhead

>> No.9236031

>nah some times it is unironically bettter to kill yourself. I don't really want to but the thoughts are just fucking constant. I've got nothing but stress right now and need a way out.

You need to go see a psychiatrist anon. Very sorry to hear with your thoughts, but the obsessive, intrusive pattern is not normal. Considering the events that happened to you and your current outlook, you need to seek therapy.

Suicide is never the answer. You won’t even get relief anon. Don’t let something else have control over you. You’re in control of you’re mind, not the other way round. There are neurochemical malfunctions going on that you can’t unfortunately control, and you’re going to have to reword yourself through heavy self analysis. Wishing the best for you anon

>> No.9236034
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Get it together marine. Eat healthy and exercise in the mean time. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.9236043
File: 188 KB, 1200x913, 27901288_1800761366601370_964938105_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9236103


>> No.9236179

Nah fuck that. I'm not gonna pay some Heeb 'doctor' $150 an hour not to kill myself. I hold LINK, motherfucker. Would you spend 300 LINK to hear some shit you can get on /biz/ for free? I fucking won't.

Yeah the thought of you guys drinking champagne while I watch from nolinker hell is actually a much stronger deterent than some faggot therapist trying to convince me to live while he's daydreaming about getting his own wagecuck hell.

So how do I fix the problems with my wife (without spending money I need more LINK while there's still time) and how to I get more LINK without wagecucking? I still have 1 month rent saved up and 50k in credit on my cards.

>> No.9236304


300 thoughts of suicide a day. Not normal. But fine, I was just offering advice.

>> No.9236313
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1508460061374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will make it frens

>> No.9236434

See my post above. Go help her with her new business bro. Just drop in to help her and her partner. Work and laugh with them, at the end of the day, sit down in the restaurant and share a well deserved glass of wine and rest. If you are not working do this every day for a week or so and see how she responds. And do it because you love her, watch her when she is working and moving around. You will figure out the rest if you really love her. Just my opinion.

>> No.9236565

Exhibit A, a Link bagholder

>> No.9236583

nigger, do you think posting carton frogs with your 'frens' about your super secret oracle coin is 'normal'? I aprreciate your concern, but I know how those operations work. It's basically like jail and they cram a bunch of pills down your throat to convince you the misery that you're wallowing in is acceptable. You're a good guy anon. Post your address and I'll send you some LINK when we make it.

I offer all the time but she tells me she doesn't want it. She's never stayed mad at me this long before. I was planning on buying her a nice bottle of wine for when they open.

>> No.9236687


We’ll agree to disagree on that one. I’m a cardiologist so I’m biased. Keep your LINK though anon, I have more than enough. Take your wife out with it. Hope you work things out with everything.

>> No.9236734

>Sergey is already in the inner circles of fintech industry giants
no he's not.

>> No.9236769

Thanks buddy sorry for shitting up this thread just been a tough day

>> No.9236827
File: 116 KB, 814x965, aHHv2SQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its spring time boys
everyday is getting brighter

>> No.9236856
File: 240 KB, 1713x758, 1525368741639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is 100% correct because iota is intrgrated with chainlink already. There is already evidence of an external adapter for iota.

>> No.9236882
File: 1.27 MB, 960x819, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as link bags. They are link balloons. They lift us up.

>> No.9236897

Linkies don’t die, we multiply

>> No.9236913
File: 20 KB, 1108x304, anon_asking_jonny_iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked Jonny many hours ago about the IOTA adapter he created. He literally said
>pic related

>> No.9236915

You’ve had your time

100% this

>> No.9236922

I say this as a CL bagholder– you're an idiot.

>> No.9236937

Dude, why does your image look so shitty?

>> No.9236939

Stop linking 4chan retard, they hate us

>> No.9236943

If you have ETH too, open a CDP through MakerDao and loan yourself money.

>> No.9236951

Why would there already be an IOTA adapter on LinkPool if IOTA had an Oracle network of their own?

>> No.9236958
File: 60 KB, 764x512, 1522774293127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did coin go down
mommy make coin go up
please mommy
Im sad

>> No.9236967

Jonny browses /biz/
3rd worlder computer, no street shitter though

>> No.9237010

How do you know?

>> No.9237060

Many references in medium and reddit posts.

>> No.9237137

Found some ETH unaccounted for.

Just bought 3521 more

>> No.9237394

is it worth buying 3k more if that would only mean a 5 dollar difference in becoming a millionaire?

>> No.9237448


>> No.9237450

How do this, what happens?

>> No.9237495

don't think of 3k as only a fraction of your stack and therefore only a minor push towards being a millionare, think of the 3k as the potential to be worth anywhere from 30,000-3,000,000 usd

>> No.9237537


They're essentially saying 3k will only be worth $5 in total... yet understands someone with $1m to spare is buying up LINK and they're not.

They'll live with the regret over breakfast before leaving for with at 8 to be in in time for their boss at 9.

>> No.9237666

learn to write English pls

>> No.9237679

hypothetically say im a millionaire if link hits $10 well 5k more would mean im a millionaire when link hits $9.5. so what im asking is it really worth the 3k usd to buy more when there is only a 50cent difference in whether you "make it". These are hypothetical numbers i def dont own 100k link just easier to use as an example of the way im thinking.
this >>9237495 makes some sense though.

>> No.9237710

this is a fundamentally wrong way to think when your investing. You guys know that right?

>> No.9237731

yeah it doesnt feel right if im being honest. what is a better way to look at it? and do you know why it is wrong off the top of your head?

>> No.9237783

because they are getting sucked up and fomoing in. Thats the point of these link threads.To get people to think with emotion. wait till the price drops more. the price will dump more even after it goes live regardless of what people here think. Buy the rumor sell the news

>> No.9237896

praise kek and black power you fag.

>> No.9238243

only have a lil bit of link plan on holdin til early 2020 to see what happens.. most of u will sell by $5-10 2020 is when the fun starts.

>> No.9238385

at $10 i will be rich af so idc

>> No.9238418

>what is profit sharing