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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9231672 No.9231672 [Reply] [Original]

Soros, Goldman, Morgan Stanley. Doesn't matter because they're all jumping in now.

It's starting.

>> No.9231760

Dozens of funds wkth trillions under managrment. Even if they only throw in 5 billion into ceypto... magnifying market cap by x20 (conservative) -> 100 billion more marketcap. Times that by 20 for the number of funds.... aaaaand. Buy now.

>> No.9231882


>> No.9232042

lol, OP - they bought in March during the obvious accumulation phase before that massive green candle that made everyone go mad.

>> No.9232150

>jumping in now
no, they are not retarded like you to fomo and buy when it's time to start selling
and no, they wouldn't be throwing billions into chucke cheese tokens on unreliable exchanges (at least until nasdaq goes online) when they can trade futures and etfs

>> No.9232903
File: 388 KB, 717x784, (((sergey))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Soros will probably fuck you in the ass. Remember that in crypto most things are still technically not illegal.
>spread fud to convince most people to get their btc off exchanges
>start pumping btc and pushing it up using fake buy walls
>people try to send their btc back to exchanges to sell
>you spam the network with high fee transactions
>limited supply makes btc reach ath just in few hours
>people start dumping altcoins to buy btc
>you placed shorts earlier
>you close your shorts on altcoins and go long
>you dump your btc
>everyone starts selling btc and buying altcoins
this is just one thing Soros can do and I don't think it's illegal at the moment, but remember he's much more clever than a random Anon like me. My guess is the big players have been slowly accumulating for some time. Also remember that they can just trade futures and profit without even having to own the base asset.
Be careful Anons, these are the ultimate bosses you need to outsmart in this battle.