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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9231367 No.9231367 [Reply] [Original]

It's available on Etherdelta/Forkdelta, also on RadarRelay, and soon to be available on NEXT and Nebula, for now it's sitting around ICO price.

-100m Total Supply.
-sub-10m Market Cap.
-An actual working product, with v2.0 and anticipated IOS release coming up soon.

Go in before Nebula or stay poor until forever

>> No.9231396

Not touching this absolute nigger AIDS-ridden shitcoin.

>> No.9231455

Too early, delete man..

>> No.9231508

Wow it must be really good to if it's fudded that hard.
Count me in, don't even know what it is

>> No.9231536

garbage coin. it's just a fucken app you dumb nigger. doesn't need a coin, doesn't need blockchain. you get excited because the rapid fire color flashes satisfy your autism.

>> No.9231544

Innovative shopping app with blockchain based data protection. You can also sell your data to retailers to get discount on products

>> No.9231568

Blessed by kek. Wysker will make me rich

>> No.9231604

Read the white paper noob. Blockchain is the backbone of this app

>> No.9231648

it's a piece of shit. it would function much better as a standard app that retailers can post merch on. this shit coin is a shit coin because no retailer or advertiser is going to buy some btc or eth, log into ether smelta, buy your shit coin, then distribute to some faggot autist with adhd who likes to click flashy rapid fire images. get fuct you clown. you obviously work for them because only a complete retard would touch this obvious piece of steaming shit. by the way, you're a nigger and you've never met your father.

>> No.9231652


>> No.9231670

so you're another one of that retarded group?

>> No.9231676

I stocked up, my body is ready

>> No.9231771

Team is strange with marketing that's why I will be rich and you stay poor.

>> No.9232078

Invested quite a few ether in this.
Team allready won awards.
Can't really fail

>> No.9232237

Still a hidden gem. But not for much longer I fear. Price is at ICO-price atm but already on the rise as smart anons read the whitepaper and start buying.

>> No.9232268


>> No.9232400

I have invested also some ETH, I am looking forward to seeing it rising up when 2.0 will start and the marketing storm will begin.

>> No.9232450

Easy x10-x100 when they start marketing.
Hidden gem of 2018, well not hidden anymore, though. I'm done accumulating anyway. Good luck wysbros

>> No.9232614

Only got 50k fuckin delete this

>> No.9232732

>Confused when you see your own archived thread up top.

Happy someone else is putting in the work, gj dude.

We're going to 100 dollars in the next big altcoin bullrun bruh, it's only 10b marketcap.

50k is enough to make it.

>> No.9232741

Noob, you need atleast 100k to make it.

>> No.9232838

Same, got them from ICO. Still cheap in forkdelta might get some more

>> No.9232862

Was too lazy to write my own text, bro

>> No.9232922

Only good that others help out, I've got no complaints :D

>> No.9232961
File: 21 KB, 512x288, IMG_20180412_082632_873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wysker uses the blockchain as a security layer to stop Zuckerman from fishing your data profile and as escrow layer to allow you to sell your data profile to other party's in a new advertising model called "Advertising by consent"

>> No.9232967
File: 1.62 MB, 444x250, 1519995293331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more content and memes

>> No.9233313

really bad at making memes but i will give away 1000 Wys for the best meme in this thread within the next hour.

>> No.9233491

Fun fact:
Showed the app to normies friends.
They love it and want to invest.
Normies will make this shit go interstellar.

>> No.9234409
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>> No.9234781
File: 168 KB, 650x400, zuckcilla2-z-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see you zucker, I see you and your ugly wife.

>> No.9235514
File: 1.04 MB, 878x1167, 15242054112311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more memes

>> No.9235628

Fun fact: The same reaction that the entirety of the last 2 generations are going to have when they see it. Crypto goldmine.

>> No.9235682

your "memes" are so bad you should be giving me 1000 wys each for looking at them. also it's you're, dumbass.

>> No.9236055

your mom gay

>> No.9236070

that's 4,000 wys you owe now faggot

>> No.9236280

With the way things are going you're gonna be a millionaire when we hit 10 cents :D