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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 199x233, Astro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9225335 No.9225335 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago I joined The Order of Delphi.
They are a Link Discord group.
They kicked me due to differing opinions on how to run FUD and Shill projects to pull off regular pump and dumps.
I hate to admit that their projects have most certainly had an impact on Link prices over the past several weeks and I have witnessed some members 4x their stacks because of this work.

So what can we do?
When you see a Shill or Link FUD post. Pay attention to how many other threads are also up at the same time and how fast there is a consensus within these threads (Mass organization) Please be careful when you time your buys/sells.

Do NOT trust the Delphi.

I will make an even bigger announcement on the groups internal operations this evening at 5pm EST.

- Astro

>> No.9225545

This whole situation is gay as aids. You and your former group are both massive faggots

>> No.9225571

That whole thread yesterday was so bad my dog killed himself

>> No.9225583

kys faggot. what the fuck is this shit. get the fuck off my board

>> No.9225600

I think the Delphi finally exposed themselves on Biz for who they really are.

>> No.9225608


I would just like to say to anyone that has ever believed any of the absolute shit tier Link fud (btw all Link fud is shit tier if you have a brain) and sold some/all of their stack in the past, you do NOT deserve to own any Link. Please sell.

>> No.9225610

Just die

>> No.9225632


This is what a member of Delphi looks like.

>> No.9225635

Anon that group has like 20 people, you realise there are telegrams with 20k?

>> No.9225682
File: 346 KB, 512x512, 1523066973852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is

>> No.9225719

20 Very organized people who help create a lot of the memes here on shill days. Multiple threads that are up at one time are from them.
They are also responsible for every single "Tonights the night" Thread.
Slack posts that are photoshopped from the Link Team are also posted in their hidden rooms.

There is no Link Telegram with 20k people unless you can prove me wrong?

>> No.9225736

no one cares about your faggy circle jerk group and the faggots that kicked you out because you didnt give them all handjobs you dumbfuck

>> No.9225752

I just realized, Sergey probably was born in the Soviet Union

>> No.9225753

This is another member of Delphi.
This is how they speak. They will insult someone at their own expense to do so.

>> No.9225765

link to discord? ive been trying to get in

>> No.9225791

I would highly recommend you don't join. If they post a link I will have the group flooded with more of my infiltrators.

>> No.9225794

I like the tonights the night threads.

>> No.9225827


>> No.9225834


Not a member of your faggoty made up group, but I hope you die so I don't have to see anymore of your faggoty ass posts about this dumb shit anymore.

>> No.9225852

Didn't your mom tell you to not be such a potty mouth?

>> No.9225866

You want to be responsible for PnDs that will one day be classified as illeagal for crypto? These types of people that leave a bad rep on the community.

I don't plan on dying anytime soon, sorry bud.

>> No.9225870

send screenshots to prove your larp group

>> No.9225894

no. I want to be part of the club. I remember they were talking about have an origination just for link holders.

>> No.9225906

I will be exposing more at 5pm EST when I am home on my PC. I am just posting from my cell right now.

>> No.9225907

>a Turskish spouse abuse technique forum has any influence on the price of LINK

Sounds legit.

>> No.9225936

worst fud I've ever seen, there are a lot more efficient ways to make people miss the may 4 telnet launch

>> No.9225944

Please continue, I'm in it as well and i've been having mixed feelings about it, even though the main target of self improvement sounded good at first.

>> No.9225987




>> No.9226012

post the group pls. its a pain in the ass looking for it in the archive

>> No.9226037

Just fuck off and die faggot. Your thread yesterday was pathetic, and reads like an 8th grader wrote it. 4chan is for 18 and over, kiddo. Just die, you will never have any friends and when your parents die you'll be all alone in this world.

>> No.9226079

>i've been having mixed feelings about it
Why's that?

I'll agree that there are pretty odd topics discussed, but exposing yourself to things you don't agree with it a good way to learn about your own beliefs.

>> No.9226262

My thread was genuine faggot. Just be careful of the Delphi cult

>> No.9226281

The 7777777 club. It will be awesome. The discord group doesn't coordinate pump n dumps. Just a bunch of folks hoping to get rich

>> No.9226303

LMAO at this larp get a life faggot
I get it, we're all members of the secret order of Delphi, Kek wills it, yadadada

>> No.9226388

yeah i know. I was in the original thread. Never joined because i didnt feel like registering for a discord. never had an account. I remember when people did this shit on ircs

>> No.9226422

I am in this Delphi discord and have kept my mouth shut until now but this Astro guy is just talking out of his ass. Literally nothing he has said has any semblance of truth behind it. The combination of Autism, OCD, anger & low IQ actually makes me feel kind of bad for him.

>> No.9226444

This whole thing makes everyone related to your little faggy group look retarded as fuck.
Will keep that in mind for future encounters to call you all out on it. We aren't even in the singularity and there's drama lol. This is some true 14yo gay shit

>> No.9226468

im going to have to fucking dig for the invite to the group arn't i?

>> No.9226471

also, check em

>> No.9226546

Please show evidence of my OCD, Anger and Low IQ. I will admit to the autism as there is a degree of truth behind that lol.

Stop lying. We all know what the Delphi is now, you can't hide it.

>> No.9226686

you clearly have OCD as you are obsessing over the Delphi discord group

you're angry about the discord group which is causing you to obsess over it and constantly post about it non-stop on a fucking anonymous Malaysian basket weaving imageboard

you're low IQ bc you already outed yourself as a liar about the whole situation in a previous thread

>> No.9226789

An obsession is not an OCD you moron. Maybe I should make a post like this every time they do a "Tonight's the night" post so i can reach their level of obsession.

I'm not angry, I'm exposing their activities for the betterment of the ChainLink community.

Prove I lied about anything???

>> No.9226818

so how the fuck do i join this shit?

>> No.9226832

Well in the thread yesterday, you said you were not astro, you said astro was a 'young guy" in your group. You are not very good at this larp thing r u?

>> No.9226869

Im sorry Im not as good as the Delphi. Perhaps that was why I was kicked? Chaos is a faggot who lives at home with his mom whilst he masturbates to Albert on cam.

>> No.9226920
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>> No.9226928

huh? kid you need some fresh air. cant even tell what u r talking about now.

>> No.9226997

Why r ppl bumping this thread. Sage this shit. Not even relevant TO LINK

>> No.9227037

So that people are aware of the cult Delphi tactics and how you have all been played by them with your Link.

>> No.9227231


yeah he's actually right...it's all a big scam to steal all your link

fucking delusional

>> No.9227253

Wow OP has brought some real scum out of the woodwork huh

Excellent work

>> No.9227277
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x1389, xe778m2p6a7rcxfkzfn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move along citizen of /biz/
nothing to see here

>> No.9227304

Not quite. Its just typical PnD tactics with shilling and fudding on a mass scale. They know how the psychology works of group consensus on posting in threads. I've seen it have a real impact on prices.

This is a typical Delphi post. They are scumbags. Hi Chaos.

>> No.9227317

Nothing to see here

>> No.9227324

Are these are the VR glasses you use to watch Albert masturbate?

>> No.9227331

seeing as /biz/ is the only one holding link i belive this

>> No.9227371
File: 63 KB, 1136x640, 1424769331182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an angry little cosmonaut aren't ya

>> No.9227414

Another member of Delphi who probably sucks kvcps cock when he isnt fucking his sister.

>> No.9227417

Sage and fuck off

>> No.9227425

everyone who is on biz and holding link has both fudded and shilled link just for keks. This is not exclusive to delphi.

Do you actually think a group of 20ish 19 year old neckbeards has any impact on price?

>> No.9227454

Finally an admission from a Delphi member that there is co-ordinated fud and shills for their PND scams.

>> No.9227455

boy this thread is a whole load of nothing
move along frens

>> No.9227458

We've been over this we prefer 2d waifus, You were the one in charge of that.You told us that with your background and all our wealth we could make ai 2d waifus a reality and we believed you.

>> No.9227505
File: 202 KB, 600x600, 4f3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit on me too senpai

>> No.9227511

Still no proofs.

>> No.9227525

So does that mean link is a scam?
If not I would like to join the group please

>> No.9227539

srsly. /biz/ has literally 0 price impact as an entity on anything in crypto. The memes are still fun, though.

>> No.9227541

You seem like a decent bloke OP how did you end up associating with such human filth?

>> No.9227561

Link has been a shill scam this entire time. Delphi is just one group that is part of this. I know that Chaos has a second group which has this all co-ordinated and they run their own little groups. I have been in a few of them.

>> No.9227572


I'm saying everyone who holds link fuds and shills for laughs and to fuck with brainlets like you

>> No.9227589
File: 28 KB, 680x871, fe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why won't you shit on me father
what have I done to deserve this neglect

>> No.9227597

>This is not exclusive to Delphi
Whoops. Gave the game away.

They shill their discord link here every now and then.

>> No.9227598

sub-human filth for you sir

Yes sir buy mobius sir

>> No.9227639

Dude. I'm on Delphi and it's only a piss poor group of linklets that circlejerk about link and make plans for post singularity, literally half of biz right now. Not a pnd, I would smell the curry from miles away

>> No.9227687
File: 99 KB, 750x774, 14-13-10-1523808608992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Astro doesn't consider me worthy enough to shit on me.

W-why, senpai?

>> No.9227713

You probably just didnt get invited to the PND chat room. Post pics of your cock to Chaos and Albert and they will let you join. He tried to get me in that way but i sent him a pic of some pajeets instead. lol

>> No.9227734

Can I join? I would like to be part of at least one Link group

>> No.9227752

lol. you honestly have issues.

I said fudding and shilling for keks is not exclusive to delphi and everyone holding link does it. FOR LAUGHS NOT PND's

This. It's all about the memes

>> No.9227807

Is that what this is about? you want in the pnd?

>t.me / chan nelholo

>> No.9227836

>testnet comes out tomorrow.
>/biz/ suddenly infected with high school tier discord infighting/conspiracy theories.
This is either an elaborate ruse to turn people off to Link right before testnet, or the faggotry on this board runs deeper than even I imagined. Still, $1000 EOY.

>> No.9227837

Fuck off Albert I dont wanna join your cam and watch you masturbate. Save that for Chaos.

>> No.9227936

I browse /biz/ 10 hours a day every day and I've never seen people be so openly hostile and vindicative
I think OP might be telling the truth and you're all cucks from that group

>> No.9227937
File: 32 KB, 670x460, dlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't we be friends?

Link is a scam, we want to help you

>> No.9227980


>> No.9228009

you must not browse biz enough then if you think this is new. go back to plebbit dumbass

>> No.9228086

Real Astronaut here. This isn't my post. I dont make threads, and I won't be making one at 5pm. I can post proof later. These Delphi guys are dumb, there's no conspiracy or anything. They are just a bunch of assholes. I created a bot on their server, and it logged all conversations. I don't have access to my computer at the moment, but I'll post the logs later. You can see how fucking nuts these guys are.

>> No.9228118

This is another Delphi shit poster. Stop pretending to be me faggot. I will be posting proof of Albert and Chaos dick posting to get into the PnD chat room.

>> No.9228132

>Order of Delphi

Another day, another literal who

>> No.9228135

With that being said, the OP is partially correct. I was banned from their server, but I wasn't trying to coordinate manipulation. I liked their ideas at first but they ended up being a bunch of freaks. I called them all out on it, and took my hefty stack of LINK elsewhere.

>> No.9228138
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>I dont make threads
>I won't be making one at 5pm.
>I'll post the logs later

>> No.9228157
File: 217 KB, 1024x1024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228160

You got touched by Delphi didnt you?

>> No.9228163

I'll put them in another LINK thread. Not going to make another post dedicated to it, this isn't fucking /soc/.

Then post the source code of the Centurion bot. Should be pretty hard to do considering its on my PC.

>> No.9228212

False, you left. Paint your cognitive dissonance anyway you want, you left on your own. You heard opinions you didn't agree with, got mad, insulted a few people, and left.

>> No.9228224

How can we get the sec to go after pump and dump groups.? You people need to go to prison. This thread is filled with these cockroaches.

>> No.9228230

Guys stop slandering my name, I'm the real astronaut. I wouldn't have made a post about this because delphis are just a bunch of crazy lunatics. I will post prove tonight at 8 pm.
All of you who posted in this thread suck it.

>> No.9228233

I will never confess to the Delphi.

>> No.9228279

That is correct. And I was banned afterwards, was I not? You guys are creepy and insane. But my question is, why are you guys freaking out on Chan over some stupid shit in a discord channel? So our ideas weren't the same, who the fuck cares? I'm not in the group anymore so I really don't see what the issue is. I'm not giving anyone any information about the whale manipulation group or the guy who posted last night either. This is /biz/ not Facebook my dude.

>> No.9228337

Just to clarify OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder. the o standing for Obsession which is an intrusive thought and the c standing for compulsion which is the action performed that removes or improves the intrusive thought. your obsession is Delphi, your compulsion is posting about them to make yourself feel better. it is a form of OCD

>> No.9228373

Guys i am the REAL Astro. I joined an even more super secret LINK group and will be revealing all about Delphy's nefarious activities.
Will post proof at 9pm EST when i have all my secret files decrypted

>> No.9228391

Astro here guys, I'm a fag.

>> No.9228395
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20180428_210204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally made "its happening tonight threads" and I don't fuck with this group. But I did win $107 dollars on this machine at the bar the other day.

>> No.9228405

let me ask.Is there legit link discussion and research? every group ive been on turns into fucking trash. They start talking about memes which is annoying when its not done organiclly

>> No.9228435

Wtf is this shit I'm the real astro. I left because those fag think masturbating is murder.

>> No.9228450

No. And they're not even a meme group. They started talking about starting a fucking colony in South America and got into a bunch of "spiritual" shit. I was interested in a community of fellow link holders, but they were weird as fuck. None of them are whales to my knowledge either.

>> No.9228461


>> No.9228466

1k whale reportin

>> No.9228476

nothing to see here

>> No.9228506

Your ideas are satanic. You don't realize that you are under mind control, we tried to help you.

>> No.9228510

No no, I'm the real Astro
I wouldn't say I'm a fag, my mom won't let me and no I didn't

I will show I'm the real astro tomorrow at 7am

>> No.9228521

T. Tonald Drump


T. Pajeet Vayhukapajeet

>> No.9228531
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>> No.9228534

Fucking checked. OP is a faggot

>> No.9228539

oh just another bunch of idiots letting the delusion of being rich go to there head.

Im going to start a group i guess for actual discussion.

>> No.9228592

It’s a bunch of mentally ill sociopathic leftists whose brains have been fried to a crisp by mdma, isn’t it

>> No.9228628
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>> No.9228655

I'm a business man. Most business professionals I've worked with are a bunch of greedy conservative assholes, so I don't get to act like myself. When I found your group, I thought I'd found a cool group of people to discuss ideas. I didn't tell you I was a whale with a hefty stack of link, didn't want to be seen by anyone as "the whale". But once you guys started saying "don't vaccinate your kids" and things like that, I realized you're retarded.

>> No.9228657

i see these idiots are in here trying to max out the thread

>> No.9228698

I've made a trip so you all know I am the OP when I come back. In the meantime I have a riddle.

What you seek does not wish to be sought, he is not bad.

>> No.9228749

Just found this place and I'm amazed at how much support for Sergey Nazarov you guys are showing. Let me tell you guys a story. I think you'll appreciate it.
You may not know this, but Sergey is actually a pretty decent golfer. I remember last year attending an event at the American Cup. I was part of his crew at the range and let me tell you, we were in Awe when he whacked a ball 572 yards. It was incredible.
What's even crazier is what happened next. Tiger actually walked up with a bucket of balls, apparently getting ready for his comeback at the Masters. Sergey looked at Tiger and said "Man that's all you ever do is practice. Practice, practice, practice." Tiger looked at him and said "Well if I had your talent Nazarov I wouldn't have to practice so much."

>> No.9228793

That seems to make sense. Link fud and shilling lines up just like you say, and no one sees the pattern.

Hell, people don't even notice the waves of bcash shilling when it comes around on 4chan and Reddit.

Any anon not acknowledging this manipulation going on is braindead

>> No.9228822

Hi Astro,

I'm 30 and have a basketball game tomorrow.

>> No.9228827
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>> No.9228838

Nyouke you can suck shit out from a cows ass.

>> No.9228860
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>> No.9228875
File: 60 KB, 806x926, elf_man___gnome_child__runescape__by_hashslash-d7u7hzh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last
I am free

>> No.9228892

I think of course it does. Very organized and devotd shill NEETs can have an impact for sure. Maybe if it's even just a few percent, that could equal way more than a full-time job depending on your stacks size

>> No.9228895


>> No.9228908

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.9228945
File: 51 KB, 474x355, linkmagee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise be, nyouke is saved

>> No.9229012

hey OP if your still around are these the same people trying to push all the degeneracy onto biz? Saw quite a few bizarro threads about clubbing, berlin, drugs, extreme perversion etc that were strongly reminiscent of the weirdos your thread has attracted

>> No.9229013

VenaticDog is part of the group and he organizes dogging sessions for the mods. All will be revealed this evening.

>> No.9229039

Dude the OP isn't legit. Literally a meme. I'll post proof later on another link thread.

>> No.9229067

Can confirm.
Those linklets are fucked in the head.
My only hope is when LINK hits singularity, whales will contain the power of this sperg group with their superior stacks

>> No.9229082

Isn't it ironic that the group leader of Delphi is called Chaos? top kek

>> No.9229112

what the fuck is this nothing makes sense

>> No.9229129

nothing to see here

>> No.9229140

nothing to see, keep it moving

>> No.9229161

move along

>> No.9229166

Yea they definitely don't have any pull on the price. My stack alone is bigger than their entire group's combined

>> No.9229186

Show is over keep walking

>> No.9229190

This guy sounds like the real astro.....but is he?

>> No.9229191
File: 70 KB, 960x960, 60588605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks for pointing this out. I definitely noticed these 15 year old kids, just didn't know if it was a new wave from reddit, or just another discord group. thanks for clearing it up
Suuuuure you're not members

>> No.9229221
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1524854281958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 15 yr old boomer who still doesnt get the memes

>> No.9229242
File: 485 KB, 499x376, thisisOP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread as well as the one last night are just sad as hell. OP - get some pro help. Sage this shit /thread

>> No.9229269

kvcp go fuck your sister

>> No.9229284

Not what i meant, although this is probably /biz' worst meme up to date and only newfaggots love it

>> No.9229286
File: 28 KB, 767x431, snitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga post that shit that you need to post already, can't wait for some good discord drama.
>pic related

>> No.9229322

No this group has been around for quite some time. We are far from newfaggs.

>> No.9229388

This is blatant pay ops from Delphi to recruit more members. Look how many have asked to join. OP is a diabolical genius. I'm kind of interested in joining.

>> No.9229716

You do realize that people just copy tonight’s the night thread for giggles? It’s basically pasta for a subject line and image.

>> No.9229806

No. we came up with it and we have multiple members that post it. WE DID THIS

>> No.9229880

Can i join your group?

>> No.9229953
File: 367 KB, 2786x1197, Master Larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct sir.

>> No.9229956

This fpbp and op and secret clubbers eternally btfo

>> No.9229994

if you guys are real, dump the price to 1k sats.

>> No.9230408

Nothing to see here, move along.