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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9224064 No.9224064 [Reply] [Original]

The "king" is killing crypto. We'll never get anywhere so long as we're tied to this shitcoin. Can you imagine how much we'd have mooned these past few weeks if this geezer wasn't around holding everyone back and randomly shitting the bed?

>> No.9224602
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>why can't the world just give me free shit for nothing

>> No.9224658

The market decides what drives it. Adapt or perish, but do not whine.

>> No.9224682

You fucking morons still don't realize that without BTC all your altcoins would crash to 0, their true USD value.

>> No.9224685
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>never complain about anything ever be happy happy happy

>> No.9224694
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>The "king" is killing crypto. We'll never get anywhere so long as we're tied to this shitcoin. Can you imagine how much we'd have mooned these past few weeks if this geezer wasn't around holding everyone back and randomly shitting the bed?

>> No.9224722

Everyone is a basedboy. Everyone except me.

>> No.9224727
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You can always spot a nucoiner by how much they hate bitcoin and call it "grandpacoin"

Only reddit shouts and throws a tantrum about bitcoin having to "DECOUPLE. NOW"

>> No.9224743
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Pic related is proof OP is from reddit.

>> No.9224945
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>> No.9224993
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>> No.9225014

>, and

>> No.9225018

t. buttmad corecucks

>> No.9225035

It's mooning right now though. $10k EOD, screencap this.

>> No.9225051

ive been saying this for ages. bitcoin needs to die for crypto to live

>> No.9225057

LMAO, pure delusion. Pretty weak pump, already finished, and being bought back down. No way this cripple-coin pumps another $700.

>> No.9225082
File: 223 KB, 1242x1431, 1525291645233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is dragging all alts down when it crashes.
But don't worry.
When BCH filps it, it will finish alts, because they'll have no reason to exist anymore.

>> No.9225104
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>> No.9225158

the be happy happy part is you're own addition.

Rather, figure out what is not making you happy, fix it, and therefore create your own happiness, if you haven't fixed it, its on you.

>> No.9225173

trade shitcoins directly to fiat then faggot.
oh wait.

you can't

>> No.9225186
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gox is killing crypto, not btc

we'd be at at least 40k if they didn't dump

>> No.9225226

>Can you imagine how much we'd have mooned these past few weeks if this geezer wasn't around holding everyone back and randomly shitting the bed?

Coins have literally quintupled over the past couple months you mong

>> No.9225231

>implying the same people haven't been pumping it

>> No.9225575



The second altcoin boom begins, all of which are tokens issued through BCH's token market which opens May 15 2018.

>> No.9225628


Sure, not like Ethereum is the one with all the job ads or anything. Bitcorn is fucking dead - only use now is a trading base (and as Ethereum continues to grow, that'll change ). Bitcoin devs betrayed Satoshi - the real action is in better projects now that are moving the tech forward.

>> No.9225660
File: 64 KB, 638x558, 1525290274229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he holds altcoins

>> No.9225681

Kinda agree. Although many of today's tokens will continue to live, blockchains themselves will be deemed unnecessary.
/biz/ has an unhealthy hatred for erc20-s (that have actual value) and an unhealthy attraction to useless shitcoins (lisk, ark, nano) which serve no purpose.

>> No.9225729
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was too dumb to get at the bottom of the crypto revolution
>please, let me get at the bottom of "shitcoin X" so I can feel like the smart guys

Just keep holding your alts and kill yourself when we hit $100k next year.

>> No.9225883

I don't hate Bitcoin as much as I have the absolute cult mentality that surrounds it.

Back when Bitcoin was actually being used outside of degenerate speculation, I was in full approval. But now, Buttcoiners routinely trash alts with excellent projects, while shouting "lambo lambo" like a bunch of fucking monkeys.

>> No.9225925
