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9222672 No.9222672 [Reply] [Original]

42 million coins? Compromising on the best ideas?
Stick your reunification, up your ass!

>> No.9222683

lol please link me where this idea was mooted.

corecucks begging for a truce would be too funny.

>> No.9222695

there is not a single argument to limit the blocksize

non mining nodes cannot do anything
there is not a single situation where non mining nodes or how many there are change the incentives for the miners

>> No.9222771
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>> No.9222783

the guy whos business depends on the existence and demand for alt coins conveniently changes his mind

>> No.9222813
File: 33 KB, 576x327, roger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently changes his mind

you mean he could see the writing on the wall.

>> No.9222821
File: 176 KB, 2136x672, 7968964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep buying the only coin that is loosing market share

>> No.9222850

He's right until he's not.
Once BCH will have more mining power, it will get the longest chain and become BTC by definition.

>> No.9222872
File: 34 KB, 601x508, right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he call 2000 copies of the same bitcoin loosing.


>> No.9222891

>how do into english

>> No.9222919
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good one
>implying I'm not a burger from Florida

>> No.9222960

a retarded one.

>> No.9222966

yeah you write exactly like a burger from florida
stay out of the sun

>> No.9222976
File: 58 KB, 437x421, timdfpland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 Megabytes of empty blocks.

>> No.9223005

better than 1mb full blocks brainlet

>> No.9223023

seen it floating around twitter

>> No.9223039


>> No.9223070


and profitable for BCH holders atm although long term BTC is pretty much fucked. It's dug it's own grave.

>> No.9223085


Max blocksize does not mean empty 32mb blocks you brainlet, it means if there is 32x as many transactions as on bcore then Bitcoin (BCH) can accomodate.

What most of you morons fail to realise is that if blocks were getting full at 32mb you wouldn't give a fuck because BCH would be worth 1000x more than it currently is. 32mb blocks are fucking tiny anyway.

>> No.9223095

He is right for now.

>> No.9223137

Why bother stopping at 32mb, why not bump, Bump, BUMP IT UP TO 512MB PER BLOOCCCCCKKK!!!!

Actually no it isn't. It's all about efficiency. You wouldn't start a new bus route to get 1 person to work, that doesn't make sense. There would be 1 person on the bus and it would be incredibly inefficient. The same person could just get a taxi, uber or ride a bike or something. What about if you had a bus route already, but there was 20 seats but 21 people wanted to ride every day? Would it make sense to get another bus for this 1 person? No it doesn't. It's more efficient for people to argue over the seat and someone will ride with a friend to work or something. Now what about if the bus is full and if you had 15-20 extra people wanting to ride? Well yes then yes it does make sense.

Now with this analogy Bitcoin Cash has 1 person wanting to get to work and they are about to hire a whole bus for that 1 person. This is retarded.

Now Bitcoin Core in this case has 20 people on the bus and 100 people waiting for spots at peak times, yet they refuse to get even 1 new bus. This is also retarded.

Bitcoin is retarded.

>> No.9223156

a block is not 32mb if there is not 32mb of transactions https://fork.lol/blocks/size
the analogy is actually the bus is always the right size as long as there is no arbitrary limit

>> No.9223165

>Why bother stopping at 32mb
Original plan was to remove the limit completely.
32mb was the max blocksize mentioned by Satoshi.

>> No.9223188

Alrighty well that actually makes a lot of sense. Looks like I'm a Bcash believer.

>> No.9223195

>Why bother stopping at 32mb, why not bump, Bump, BUMP IT UP TO 512MB PER BLOOCCCCCKKK!!!!


>> No.9223210

god bless you anon first person I've ever seen concede in a bch btc argument

we're all gonna make it

>> No.9223287

As long as the rides on the bus are cheap and fast the demand for buses will be infinite. I want to do thousands of transactions per second myself, eventually more buses won't be viable. Only second layer solutions allow me thousands of direct p2p trustless transactions per second.

>> No.9223387
File: 8 KB, 1569x160, MDisRV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at all those transactions... I can see why bcash needs 32 MB blocks.

>> No.9223413

makes you wonder why btc didn't just increase the blocksize

>> No.9223505
File: 31 KB, 251x469, krishna-sweta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read... so, I know exactly why they didn't "just increase block size."

>> No.9223520


refute this you street shiter

>> No.9223668
File: 53 KB, 500x680, 481024f76bd48bikini004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay out of the sun
said no one anywhere... what drab shithole part of the world are you from?

>> No.9223721

bitcoin is MONEY. you don't go fucking around with MONEY. period. there are billions invested in bitcoin. unlike bcash, which is only owned by a handful of con artists.

>> No.9224303

The reason this is wrong is that empty big blocks cost nothing. All this bump to higher than demand signals, is that BCH is willing to accommodate actual market demand. It will not leave a hundred people at the bus stop to privilege the business interests of blockstream.

>> No.9224341

losing adoption means people are switching coins
almost every BTC holder got BCH for free
we can't lose even tho BTC IS DEAD

>> No.9224374
File: 352 KB, 1684x902, 1524925753334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's against blockstream's business interests.
Because it would be admission that Greg Maxwell is wrong.
Because it would make bitfury's job harder, their mining sucks so they have to do grunt work for the gov trying to track transactions, that's their actual primary line of business.
Because if said gov was stymied in their efforts above that would compromise their interests.
Because it would displease the financial backing of the ecosystem if this thing couldn't be kept contained to a relatively minor role like gold and instead destroyed their entire shell game in the hundred trillion plus cash and payments market.
And because a lot of people are afraid of what an actual anarchocapitalist world is going to look like. And that's what we'll get if the original cryptocurrency vision wins.

>> No.9224396

Corecucks are at bargaining. Depression will soon follow

>> No.9224663

>every BTC holder got BCH for free
doesn't that speak volumes to the absolute state bch is in? I mean at least bitcoin was an organic movement. bch is a greedy kid's hijack coin.