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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9219352 No.9219352 [Reply] [Original]

Still no AMA? It's going to dump the longer it takes for it to come out.

>> No.9219398

Its out already


Cliffs for the lazy:

Have garnered and are speaking to 18 central banks at the moment, two of which they are confirmed running pilot programs with Jibrel
250 million SEED money is being distributed 75% into Jbonds and 25% into Jcash (Very strong relationship with the Sheikh)
We will be able to access all the Jibrel services without being in Switzerland, including accessing Jcash into USD and vice versa by abiding by the KYL process. (Jcash=real liquid fiat)
Partnership with Loopring is solid and will implement their Tech.
The License attained in Switzerland will give Jibrel all the necessary powers to provide financial services desired.

>> No.9219401

Are you retarded? Check again

>> No.9219416

the absolute state of jibrel fudders

>> No.9219419

>Partnership with Loopring is solid and will implement their Tech.

Do you have the time for that part? Seems like i have missed it with my 1,5x speed

>> No.9219428

Dam out 11 hours ago and the buy support is thin as hell.

>> No.9219442


>> No.9219455

Enough to sell your 5k JNT right now

Thank you.

>> No.9219467
File: 175 KB, 1358x646, 1525117045526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole central bank pilot thing is really the most bullish news. The commodity exchange news is also fantastic though.

>> No.9219478

For a loss in gwei though. If I market sold my entire 80k it would bring the price down to lower than 0.0004.

>> No.9219503

Larp because of all that round numbers, but anyway just sell stack by stack you fucking utterly retarded brainlet

>> No.9219530

Please only be positive sir. Negativity is very bad sir please buy more tokens bless you.

>> No.9219535

It really wouldn't. Bots would buy it up because arbitrage. There would be a long red wick before it returned to this price.

>> No.9219549

That's not how bots work. If I market sold my stack it would sell to the orders up when I market sold.

>> No.9219586

I’m bullish as all hell on this one

>> No.9219612

>Market sell on one exchange
>Bots notice a price disparity occurring and buy up until it is around the price on other exchanges
>They place sell orders around the aggregate price

Unless everyone is dumping it won't have that large of an effect.

>> No.9219625

>If I market sold my stack it would sell to the orders up when I market sold.

Your mom must be proud.